Hi Everyone,
I've been using a Citibank credit card for years now as I'd signed it on the no annual fees ever deal and it has been very good so far. But as the rule changes hit in March (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/225896), what card has everyone planned to move on? The other credit cards I have are the combo of AMEX and Visa issued by NAB, so still not sure if I should use those or sign up for some other card that still offers some good value.
i dont get affected at all. im light user of CC, always pay full on due date, and use 28degree to buy stuffs with foreign currency. also use citi everyday card to withdraw when overseas.
and the most important, in the last 2 years never use my citi CC because i always have balance transfer on it… i dont even bother to put it on my wallet. its kept in the drawer at home..