This was posted 9 years 1 month ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE: Batman: Arkham Knight, Rise of The Tomb Raider + More for Selected ASUS Graphics Cards*


*In order to get these free offers you must have either an ASUS GTX 980, 970, or 960 series graphics card. The deal requires a serial number + PPID label number from your card.

For those having issues identifying or locating the numbers, see here. You can also find the numbers on the exterior of your graphics card box. The steps are the same for all offers.


**When clicking on redeem in the Tomb Raider link it will pop up with a message saying the site is 'under construction'. In order to bypass this, follow these steps:

go to the redeem page, don't click redeem open chrome console (right click, inspect element) copy paste: javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$lbtn_go_to_step_1','')

Kudos goes to cooloman at Reddit for the solution

Credits to user g47onik at Reddit for the deal

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closed Comments

  • Can you redeem all of these or just one?

    • +1

      All. :)

      • is batman still working?

        • Not sure. Might have to expire it.

        • @TheOneWhoKnocks: can you test that the trick for the Tomb Raider page still works?
          i tried for an hour and it just keeps looping back to the same page

  • When did you need to buy the graphics card? I can't find a date range on the web site…

    • Not too sure. Give it a try if you have the numbers ready.

      • Unless there is a way to get the numbers from the graphics card remotely, it will need to wait till I get home tonight. :(

        But I'm fairly sure I bought my graphics card too early and missed the promo.

    • Whenever.

      I bought mine early 2015 and snagged Tomb Raider and the AC season pass.

  • +2

    This is awesome! Managed to get Rise of the Tomb Raider for a 970 Turbo I bought about April last year. Cheers OP!

    • +1

      v good game! I bought it for $50 ish last week.

      • Yeah I was going to buy it when it was offered through the Windows 10 store, but after reading a few of the problems with it I decided I'd wait till I could get a decent price on he Steam version.

        Now to get it free nearly a year after I bought my card, stoked. So with this card I managed to get both The Witcher 3 and this. Very much looking forward to playing this after the first one. Luckily I had pics of my serial and PPID on my phone :)

        • Thats awesome!
          Did u get a steam key from this? If I can get it working for me, then I can give it to a friend :)

        • +1

          @irishjoe: Yeah I got a Steam key for it, but they don't just give you the key, you need to sign in with your Steam account on the Nvidia website (after getting a code from the ASUS site). Kinda like what they do for the Humble bundle keys.

        • @Porthos: Damn. Was hoping to gift Tomb Raider. I'll still give batman a go :)

        • @irishjoe: Could always just do your part on the ASUS website, then give him the redemption code to do his part on the Nvidia website? I don't think they were linked at all, so you should be all good with that.

          I'm trying to get Batman to work, but the page keeps stalling and not letting me click submit.

        • @Porthos: From what I have read about the batman port, the game itself doesn't work! haha

        • +1

          @irishjoe: Haha yeah, that's why I never bothered to pick it up. But still, free is free :P Just a pain their website isn't working too well. Oh well, I got TR for free so it has been a good day already :P

        • I got it for $9. lol

    • the tomb raider trick doesnt work and the Batman page is expired? anyone help?

  • Wow, no receipt needed? That is pretty bold given how many pictures of those 15 qualifying cards are out there…

    • +1

      Not that any people that have the photos large enough to see are recent enough that the codes are valid for this. :P

  • +1

    So anyone not need a code for tomb raider haha

    • How did you manage that?

    • +1

      I would also be interested in a Tomb Raider code if someone doesn't need it crosses fingers

  • Tom Clancy or AC Syndicate?

  • If anyone redeems the Rainbow 6 Season Pass, and won't have a use for it, I'd be interested in taking it off your hands!

    • +1

      I'd give you a code, but it's saying it has ended.

      • At what stage does it say that? The promo is meant to end in March and I can get to the S/N and PPID input screen without any issues :S

        • +3

          Oh wait, sorry I was looking at the wrong page!

          I've got the code for you, I'll PM it to you.

        • @Porthos: Good on ya mate!

  • well the default serial number/ppid on asus website has already been claimed lol

  • +1

    Would also be interested in Tomb Raider or Arkham Knight codes if somebody doesn't need them.

  • isn't Arkham Knight PC verson unplayable and been pulled off steam for that reason?

    • That was like a year ago

    • It's not the best port or game for that matter. Then again, free is free.

  • +1

    Can't get Tomb Raider with a GTX-960. Just want to confirm this is true for all.

    • +1

      960 no tomb raider

      • Thanks.

  • If anyone's got a Rise of the Tomb Raider key/code going begging, I'd really love to take it off your hands!

  • +4

    For those with MSI cards, it looks like they have a similar offer for free Rise of the Tomb Raider and other stuff:

    I couldn't redeem though since I already got Arkham Knight from them last year..

    • +1

      Cheers, just registered my msi gtx 970 card that i purchased 8 months ago.

      Redeemed game and downloading now :P

      • Awesome!

    • +1

      STEP 1
      Go to MSI Registration center :

      STEP 2
      Login with your account or create a new account to become an MSI member

      STEP 3
      Click on promotions and register your product(s).

      STEP 4
      After the registration process is complete, you will receive the activation code on screen. Please go to the NVIDIA website active your game code.

  • im desperate for AC syndicate season pass if somebody can spare it. thank you

  • Wtf mine says the video card isn't sold during the campaign period. RIP!

  • errrr what>? i got trolled

    • Wtf. Have you tried refreshing? Try with a different browser if that fails as well.

  • +1

    I am so glad I stinged out and got the Asus GTX970 instead of the MSI for a couple of cents more. Ozbargain forever.

    • Got all 3 :)

      35gb for batman! And I thought Tomb Raider was big!!!

      (Edit: Sorry that was meant to be a normal post, not a reply.)

  • -1

    If anyone has a Siege code I would be forever happy. I'm guessing I'm low in line for other games, but Siege code anyone!?

  • Free Batman what? Game? DVD? Superhero?

    • +1

      The deal is under the 'Gaming' category.

  • +1

    Thanks heaps op you are a legend!!!!!!!!!!! Got all of them. Mainly wanted Tomb Raider but Batman was on my list to get eventually too :)

  • Weird I can't get Batman. I can get tomb raider just fine :/

    Seems there are problem for 980 ti users to not get Batman. Oh well batman will go $5 soon.

    • I'm having trouble getting Tomb Raider but got Batman without any problems.

      Did you send a copy of your receipt to the site administrator? Every time I hit "send" on the message, it fails with a "bad page redirect".

    • I got all 3 ok with my 980ti…

  • +1

    dammit i got a non-Asus 970…!

  • can i claim all 3x games with my asus gtx960? says only 970 for tomb raider

    • no tomb raider

  • +4

    Assassins Creed Syndicate Season Pass - CC8K-3ATJ-7LGB-XVL7 :)

    • +1

      Hey mate where am I supposed to redeem this? Tried on and was told it was invalid :)

      Tried to redeem on uplay and it was taken, thanks anyway mate!

  • If it helps I have a 980 TI………Had to use Chrome to get Tomb Raider to work…………Internet Explorer worked for the others.

  • Does that mean you must get the game code within that promotion period but the eligible products could have been bought any time, including if I buy one now? I don't own one. Any good deals currently going?

  • My 980Ti OC Card came with Rainbow Six already…
    Now I have the new Batman, new Tomb Raider, and then Rainbox Six Seige Season Pass…… woooooot!! best deal ever! ASUS FTW!

  • so with this key that we get .. we click on the link which takes us to nvidia website, what happens next? does it give us a link to download the game? im gonna give my key to a mate.

  • Thanks for this. It was worth unplugging everything and crawling under my desk to get the serial numbers :)

    • sort of like tomb raiding. Dusty.. Get to crawl around a bit.. But a bit less glorious.

  • I'm happy to pay for tomb raider if it's a good price. pm me.

    • Is the cheap code from windows 10 store not still available?

      • I keep getting the error code.

      • +1

        Some of us can't purchase it.

        • Yep, wasted $3 trying to buy it since it charges you 50 cents every time.

        • @ChillBro: Same here, lost 1.50$

  • Does EVGA have a similar page?

  • If anyone has a tombraider code they don't need. Please let me know.

  • I have a prebuilt ASUS PC (ROG G20). Any way to get these numbers without having to open it?…

  • -4

    Hehe, you gotta love the hi-res video reviewers on Youtube, holding up the back of their card to the camera :)

    It took 3 attempts till I found one which hadn't been registered.

    • +1

    • +1

      What you did was disgusting…

      • -1

        I didn't actually use it to get a code, as I already own all the games including Tomb raider, which I bought with the earlier MS deal this week.

        Was more pointing out the fact the idiots should consider such things, when they create their reviews….

        • +2

          sure you didn't ;)

  • hey, any lads here with no use for the r6 siege season pass? May i ask if i could have one?

  • I'm also willing to pay a bit for a tomb raider code if anyone is not using it.

  • +1

    thanks for posting this, got batman for free (gtx 960). wouldn't have known about it if not for you :)

  • +3

    Congratulations! Here is your code:

    Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Siege


    First come, first served.

    • I'd be happy to take that from you but the deal mentions you need

      a serial number + PPID label number from your card.

      Can you PM me the details please?

  • Is there anyway to see the code without opening my PC? :'(.

  • This is brilliant. Thanks.

  • Will pay for Tomb Raider code!

  • i can sell someone assassin creed if they want it .. pm me.

  • Does the Tomb Raider redemption still work? I tried pasting the javascript code and the page refreshes but the redeem now button links to the information page.

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