*In order to get these free offers you must have either an ASUS GTX 980, 970, or 960 series graphics card. The deal requires a serial number + PPID label number from your card.
For those having issues identifying or locating the numbers, see here. You can also find the numbers on the exterior of your graphics card box. The steps are the same for all offers.
- FREE Batman: Arkham Knight (Page is in Indonesian)
- FREE Rise of The Tomb Raider **
- FREE Assassin’s Creed Syndicate OR Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege’s Season Pass
**When clicking on redeem in the Tomb Raider link it will pop up with a message saying the site is 'under construction'. In order to bypass this, follow these steps:
go to the redeem page, don't click redeem open chrome console (right click, inspect element) copy paste: javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$lbtn_go_to_step_1','')
Yep same for me, Tomb Raider doesn't work
Batman shows the following: The promotion time and redemption of Batman: The Arkham Knight already ended.