This was posted 9 years 1 month 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Foxtel from Telstra - 3 Months Plat HD Free - $0 Install & No Lock in Contract - New Customers


Best Foxtel deal I have ever seen. Free Platinum HD for 3 months with $0 install and no lock in contract. Cancel or downgrade after 3 months.

Experience all the entertainment Foxtel from Telstra has to offer. The platinum package includes all the channel packs, so you won't miss a moment.

No set-up costs
No contract
No cancellation fees

Reports coming in of cancellations if you don't have a Telstra service. Telstra themselves are recommending a simple $2 pre-paid sim

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closed Comments

  • Can anyone who has it connected already confirm what communication they received? I just want to make sure I'm right in the system and in progress - I ordered last night over the phone.

    Ive got:
    * Email Bill Activiation (which includes my account number)
    * Notification of my plan details on a page (critical info summary - states a whole lot of irrelevant info about 12month contract, etc)
    * 2 Notification of contact with Telstra, both with the same reference number but 1 of them is referencing a Foxtel Platinum HD order, with a Order Number included.

    Booking date was confirmed over the phone, but no record of it in email?

    • +1

      They just rang me up on the phone because no one was home so we quickly made it home, installed and done. Now will enjoy watching EPL for 3 months :).

    • Not sure about prior to the night before, but the night before your install someone will call you to confirm your booking the next day. I believe you will also get a text message with booking details with a Y/N response required (someone confirm this part?). The technician may also try to contact you the night before install to confirm job as well.

      • Got a call the day before confirming requirements, ie. someone home, single/double story, satellite, TV with HDMI, etc.

        Technician called the day of the install, (today), ~30 minutes before he was due to arrive.

        No SMS received.

    • This is all correct.


  • +1

    I just got mine connected today morning , Great service Next 3 months Platinum HD for Free

  • They used to include 2 free box office movies with platinum subscription but not anymore.

  • +1

    Installed, works beautifully. Question though when we cancel can we keep the powerline adapter? Also my parents have foxtel I'm thinking of giving them the box or does foxtel return it?

    • Foxtel will send you a reply paid for the box to be returned and a list of the equipment to be returned with it. Once you cancel your account the box wont be usable until linked to another account anyway. You will just receive a smartcard is not authorised error message.

  • If I already have Foxtel from Foxtel, can I get a second IQ2 box using this deal??

    • Dont believe so, i believe you can only have one account you your residence

  • +2

    While on platinum you can receive presto for free as well.

  • +4

    If your installer hasn't given you a complimentary Power line Kit

    Call Foxtel on 131 999 and say "Accessories"
    Ask them to despatch you a complimentary kit absolutely free

    • When i go to accessories and powerline it says it's $50??

  • Thanks again OP - installed yesterday morning!

    Now hopefully I get the $200 welcome credit I was promised over the phone numerous times at sign up over the phone (yes, confirmed it with her like 4 times, and she said th credit can be used to pay for foxtel once the 3months expires.

    E.g. 3months free hd platinum, then 3.3333months free hd sports.

    Aka. Free footy all season long!

    • How did you get an extra $200?

      • +1

        It was offered to me while signing up. Never asked for it at all as didn't think of it or know of it.

        That said, I'm not a telstra customer in any way, shape or form before this and still only have foxtel with them.

        So the lady said after my first months 'billing' I will get it applied to my account, where it will sit there until I use it on bills after the three months or receive it's a a visa prepaid card.

        Didn't want to say about it til it was installed - due to risk of not being a telstra customer and reports of orders being cancelled.

        • Not sure how you swindled the $200 credit but good effort.

          I tried asking about it but they insisted it was for if you were signing up a post paid service only.

        • @sam0433450:

          The lady I spoke to offered it without prompting - I had to run through a credit check for her to set up a post-paid account to enable the foxtel?

          Either way, it is due to show up after a month of billing - I'll report back in a month.

          fingers crossed

        • +1

          @tizey: I asked if Foxtel is a post paid service and he said no mobile only. Haha double check she hasn't signed you up for a mobile plan or something.

        • Yer I would seriously get somethign in writting - after 3 months i think you go on a 12 month contract even if the lady gives u $200 credit - dont u have to still pay for the remainder of the 12 months? just be caustious if u havent already :) also if u have credit and want to cancel, can u use that credit to cancel with or not?

        • @Calmerancer:

          Took nearly 3 months, but now Ive got $200 credit applied to my account. Also tonight just received letter saying 3months free promo finishes in 2 weeks.

          Now, to slam them tomorrow for a better deal on ent + sports + I'd and drama if I can swindle it. Aim is for $50/month, to end up with 7 months free foxtel in total.

    • Let's say that you have used up the first 3 months, then you are using the $200 credit, will you breaching any contract if you cancel it before the end of 6 month ? Any penalty or you are free to cancel at any time and can use the credit for your Telstra phone bill ?

      • The operator confirmed numerous times in the same phone call that the $200 credit would be applied, and also confirmed that I am under no contract to continue the foxtel.

        Similarly, I am 100% sure that I am not signed up to any telstra phone plan. It was all done in one phone call - the only thing spoken about was the 3months free foxtel offer, no contract at all, no install costs and $200 welcome credit that can be used for future foxtel costs. End of the day - there is a recorded phone call encompassing all of that - so I'm confident I'm covered.

        Last foray into Foxtel - I had my contract rescinded and all charges reversed and refunded… but thats another story (dont promise me IQ & HD if you cant deliver it - a standard SD box is of no value to me!)

        • Alright, to get the $200 credit, we have to ring Foxtel and apply for this package rather than apply online and then ring Foxtel ? I chat with Telstra and advised to ring Foxtel to ask for the credit.

        • @yht:

          I only spoke to Telstra - not Foxtel.

        • @tizey: I meant Foxtel team under Telstra 132200. Is it the number that you rang ?

        • @yht:

          Nope - I rang the sales number in the deal webpage. 1800 676 088

        • +1

          @tizey: I just rang the number and advised that the $200 credit has expire in 31/1 as the new offer of this 3 months comes.

        • @yht:

          A $200 visa debit card was promised to me when signing up to this deal. Just phoned Tesltra/Foxtel to see where the card was and was told that I wouldn't be getting the card as the was part of a different promotion that ended 25 Jan 2016. I ordered my Foxtel on 28 Jan 2016.

    • A $200 visa debit card was promised to me when signing up to this deal. The Telstra/Foxtel rep told me the card would be send out 21 days after the install. My install was 12 Feb 2016.

      Just phoned Tesltra/Foxtel to see where the card was….

      Was told that I wouldn't be getting the card as the was part of a different promotion that ended 25 Jan 2016. I ordered my Foxtel on 28 Jan 2016. I argued with them but didn't get anywhere, as there was no note on the file re the card.

      Not sure if I should take this any further.

      It says at the start of the call that calls are recorded…

      • After many calls and going around and around in circles, I ended up with a complaints case manager, she initially offered a $100 credit. I then requested that the web chat history and the recorded phone call when I ordered Foxtel (started as a web chat, then telstra/foxtel sales phoned me to complete the order). The case manager was able to obtain the web chat history which confirmed that indeed I was told I would get a $200 visa debit card 21 days after install, but was unable to obtain the phone call and without it, the case manager said she could not confirm that the offer was not withdrawn in the phone call (for any reason).
        She offered me $200 credit to my account, which I was happy with, even though it wasn't what I was promised.

        • Good to know. I've just received my first bill today ($0) but with no credit applied… guess I'll be calling Telstra on my way home from work tonight!

  • registered now..
    waiting for $200

  • +1

    Thanks OP, just signed up. YAY free sport

  • When does the contract start? At the date of installation?

  • Rang up telstra and he wouldn't sign me up without a POST PAID service with the cheapest one being 35/month without contract.

    Should I just sign up to prepaid then sign up online?

    • +1

      Just buy $2 sim and sign up online.

    • +1

      i went in store and signed up the other day….thought i was going to have to buy a $2 sim but the guy at the telstra shop used an old mobile broadband account i used to have to connect me….they were very helpful!

  • If I already have foxtel and have recently downgraded to only keep the box and pay $10, am I still eligible for this deal?

    • What do you get for $10/month?

      • Just the FTA channels

        • You're paying for something that is already free?? And you actually get more channels via FTA.

  • +1

    i have applied online, with the intention to setup a $2 sim tomorrow. Does anyone think there will be any problem? I know I doing it arse about but just wanted to get the ball rolling

    • Usually take 2 or so days for Telstra to do anything with the application so you should be alright. I presume Telstra receive the application then match it with your Telstra account after it sits in a queue for 1-2 days so as long as you set up the $2 SIM account the next day you should be right

  • Thanks - ordered for an April installation

  • Hmm just received an email saying the order has been cancelled saying it isn't available on my existing Telstra account ($2 SIM). sigh

    • When did you apply ?

      • Last Monday. Installation was for this Friday.

        I just rang and spent half talking to someone and they said the order is still active so I don't know what's going on. This is the only Telstra service I have so can't be a cancellation for anything else…

        Wait to see what happens on Friday I guess.

  • When you signed up online did you receive any confirmation email?

    I didn't receive anything..

  • +1

    I signed up last week, and never received a confirmation email, or any other correspondence. I booked it for installation today but since I never heard a thing just assumed it hadn't been processed yet, but sure enough the bloke turned up to install it just as I was about to head out for the day.

    Still have no details of my account or any emails or phone calls, but do have working Foxtel!

  • +1

    I received a confirmation email but no confirmation of appointment. Rang after a few days and they booked one over the phone (still didn't receive a confirmation email). Then got that cancellation email today but after ringing apparently everything is still booked in so buggered if I know if it's going ahead

  • Kool thanks ill give them a call to confirm :)

  • Not recieving a confirmation of appointement seems to be VERY common issue with this deal. If you havent had confirmation on when you are booked for it would be worthwhile calling telstra to check.

  • Did anyone still get the $200 credit?

  • My order was cancelled a couple of weeks ago as I didn't have any Telstra services. I was planning on buying a $2 sim and ordering again before the AFL season begins, but I hadn't got around to it yet.

    Yesterday, I received an email from Telstra apologising for cancelling the order. They said they will send me a $2 sim at no cost to me so the foxtel order can go ahead.

  • So what does the free installation include?

    What needs to be already there for the installation to be 'free'?

    Building a granny flat at the moment and it will have the phone lines etc all ready to go, do we need a dish or anything? or is that included in the install?

    • Most installs are inclured.if there is more than 3 lengths of conduit required, or any internal ducting then it becomes customised. Much more often than not installs are covered though. Pm me if you want to ask anything about it further though.

  • Under my terms and conditions it states $100 install fee and minimum term 12 months.
    I have had foxtel before (2 years ago), and everything is still in place except for the set top box.
    Was looking forward to this offer and keeping it for the AFL season, but going to pass now.

    • thought it was free installation

      • Supposedly not where I live. Something about installing another line.
        However had it a couple of years ago, and still have the dish etc.

        • Maybe thats why this is for new customers only

        • Dont think so, I called them to confirm and they stated a line had to be installed and that is why the extra cost due to my location.

        • @flex350:

          Hmm weird it states no set up costs although in the terms has all these fees for setup ect.

          Can anyone comfirm if this charge to out in a new line seems abit weird when this is targeted at people that havnt had telstra foxtel yet

        • @TheStahh:

          If you go back to early comments, I think everyone had that in their terms, but it was confirmed there was no install fee, no cancellation etc :)

        • I called telstra and I get the fees. Maybe it was the person I spoke too.

  • So i called Telstra they said you needed to have a Telstra account which is stated above.

    so i purchased a 2$ sim and re registered and got a confirmation email.

  • +1

    Had it installed yesterday, watched a movie last night on Stan ;) lol

    Kinda get used to Video on Demand. Nice to know that Foxtel has it, but it didn't have the movie I wanted!

  • +7

    Received an email from an OzBargainer.

    I've had it confirmed by Telstra and Foxtel independently that there is a huge gotcha waiting for people at the end of their 3 months.

    That gotcha, if you don't cancel within the three months you are on a 12 month platinum plan contract starting from at 3 month+1 day.

    That's not stated anywhere clearly, but is hinted at in the information sheet on the second last page of the sign up (12 month minimum term).

    • How many ozbargainers would not cancel before the 3 months though?

    • But… With no locks ins… :(

    • +1

      Strange how not many have responded to this, Scotty. I rang Telstra and they confirmed it continues month to month after the three months for everyone on this deal. Cancel anytime. I suggest people check their welcome email. Mine states: "You've selected the Platinum HD package for $134 per month on a month-to-month subscription."

      • I got told today that there is a 9 month contract following the 3 month trial "because Foxtel does 12 month contracts". Strange.

  • I live in an apartment and someone else has Foxtel, but couldnt get IQ apparently. Does anybody know a way around this?

    • OFTEN (not always) with these big apartment buildings they need to have been prewired for foxtel. If there is only a point for FTA aerial then the foxtel being split off that cable then you probably wont be able to. For iQ you would need a second direct cable ran down.
      Ability to do this varies between buildings and where the apartment is/accessability to run new cable. Best bet is to try, get a tech out. If you can awesome, if you cannot then you are in the same position as you are now.

    • TL:DR - if Foxtel have it on their system that your address cant get IQ, accept it and move on. Its not worth the fight that you'll lose. If you really want IQ, it will be easier to move to an address that has it in Foxtels system.

      Long version
      I tried 2 years ago to get HD IQ connected to the apartment I was renting. Foxtel said no, we can only give you SD and No-IQ as your building is not wired for it. I said thats not acceptable and that I wouldnt proceed with Foxtel at all on that basis. End of conversation.

      They called back 2 days later and said that they would be able to work around it - but I would only have the ability to watch or record 1 show (not multiple like most IQ). I said yes - sign me up provided that HD IQ is connected!

      So they sent me the box & install kit - was only a SD, Non-IQ box, which when I hooked it up - it didnt work. They werent able to issue me a IQ box as the system had it that my address wasnt capable. To resolve the connection issue of the SD box - they sent a technician out.

      He assessed the lines, resolved the issue and I got him to inspect and test if I could get HD IQ. He ran the tests on existing cabling - and said yes, without any shadow of a doubt it would work and that I should inform Foxtel of this to get them to resolve it.

      Over the next few months (literally), hours of phone calls (on drive home every day) and banging my head against the wall - they could not, and would not accept the technicians word over their system. They refused to even send me a IQ box to try it. Every single person I spoke to gave a different opinion from the last - no-one was consistent and made promises that they could fix the problem and get me HD IQ. In the end - I knew they couldnt as the 10 people I'd spoken to beforehand had all failed - what made this guy any different?

      In the end (about 3-4months in total) - I gave up. I sent the SD box back and I got every single dollar of charges refunded as they could not deliver what I had been promised.

      • Wow tizey, that's frustrating! Looks like you are in Melbourne. I'm in Brisbane and w years on, wonder how different it would be….
        It is silly for Foxtel not to find a solution. No doubt the apartment is not compatible now. But most Body Corporate has Sinking Fund and who knows, rewiring might be one of the things to do, including fibre optic.
        I will ponder over this.
        Enjoy your day.

        • Even with the wiring tested by the Foxtel technician as compatible for HD IQ, they were telling me the entire building had to be re-wired, which is lunacy as the cabling already was sufficient.

          I attempted to speak to the guys who manage the process of updating buildings compatibility within their system, or have someone at Foxtel do it for me based on the technicians words. I tried to get the building re-assessed formally to upgrade it - no luck even getting through to the people to speak to about this.

          I wouldnt bank on Body Corp approving a re-wiring.. it will cost thousands most likely to do and most landlords couldnt care less.

          I wish you luck in your endeavours to have it connected, but trust me - whatever you want to watch on Foxtel, you're better off paying for some other streaming service to obtain it (I wanted it for AFL - I paid for the international AFL streaming service in place of Foxtel for the last 2 years), or move. Its simply not worth the effort to try and get Foxtel to change their mind!

        • @tizey:

          Looks like you've done what I planned to do. That's disappointing to say the least.
          Weekend is near, hope you have a good one :-)

        • @tizey: Sounds like pirating or online streams are much better

        • @Turd:

          I wish I could say they are. But the HD Fox Footy is much better than any online stream - legit or not - I could find that was consistently available.

          Keep in mind, accessibility is the biggest thing. Nothing worse than sitting down for a game, and spending the first quarter trying to get a working stream of the game. So frustrating!

  • Hey Mods/OP,

    When I search for "Foxtel" in the search box, this deal doesn't appear in the long running deals or active deals section. This was why I thought the deal was new and created a duplicate. I'm not sure if this deal needs to be flagged as Foxtel or not?

  • Where are you guys buying the $2 sims???

  • I have had Foxtel go for a month on this deal because my install date is 21/03. Does the 3 months start from Installation date?

    • It is supposed to but I would ring them and double check.

  • I've had Foxtel installed through this deal. Got the initial emails from Telstra confirming the 3 month free deal. It's working fine. But upon ringing Telstra recently, they say there is no record of a Foxtel service on my account. Am I supposed to ring Foxtel directly?

  • Thanks OP. Rang them on on Wednesday via the 1800 number, which went to an overseas call centre. Signed up and was told of installation date on coming Monday. Then someone in Australia rang yesterday to confirm the installation and other technical details. Hooray, first timer Foxtel!

    • Happy to report that I have not just have Foxtel, but also IQ2! Had it for 5 days now and getting to know all the channels. Yay!

  • Is it possible to do installation on Saturdays or Sunday?

    • Yeah, saturdays (metro) 7-10, 10-2, 2-5 and sundays 7-10, 10-2

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