This was posted 9 years 1 month 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$10 Per Month TPG SIM Only Mobile Plan (Limit 6 Months) No Lock-in Contract (Was $19.99 P/Month)


was looking for a cheap phone plan for my kid

$10 per month For 6 months. $19.99 per month thereafter
Minimum charge $20 - Available to new mobile registrations only

Summary of Selected Plan

What's Included

  • 1.5GB Included Data
    Included Data charged per KB or part thereof
    Excess Data Rate: 10¢ per MB (charged per KB or part thereof)

  • $550 Included Value
    Talk & Text (SMS & MMS) to Standard Australian Numbers (includes 13/1300)
    Talk & Text (SMS & MMS) to International Numbers

  • Unlimited:
    Unlimited Calls to TPG Mobile
    Unlimited Calls to TPG Home Phone
    Unlimited Calls to TPG Support 13 14 23
    Unlimited Voicemail Deposit & Retrieval

What's Excluded

  • Excess Data
  • International Roaming
  • Standard National & International Video Calls

Note: TPG uses the Vodafone network

Referral Links

Referral: random (7)

Referrer gets $100, up to $1000 a month.

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +5

    Minimum charge $20

    Was $19.99…Am I missing something

    • +1

      1st month minimum charges on TPG no lock-in contract Mobile plans calculated as: $( Mobile monthly charge in first month ) + $10 SIM charge.

    • Probably first month only. So you get 5 months at the $10 price

    • -4

      tpg always charge $20 in advance for payment security purpose in case we exceed the allowance. when we cancel the plan they will give that $20 back to us

      • +42

        they will give that $20 back

        Haha lol.

        • that was the case with me when i used tpg few years ago. now it changes.

          "1st month minimum charges on TPG no lock-in contract Mobile plans calculated as: $( Mobile monthly charge in first month ) + $10 SIM charge"

          "All TPG services are prepaid. You must pay the monthly recurring charges in advance."

        • +7

          @brongz: Their understanding of prepaid is like normal mobile phone prepaid credit, you don't get your money back but you are entitled to use up your credit, which is kinda hard if you are disconnecting with them and no longer using any of their services. So just be prepared to never see your $20 ever again. On top of that, they will charge you a $11 port out fee.

        • +15

          @geek001: Challenged TPG when I ported out, and demanded my $20 back. They said no. Told them about how others had gone to TIO and gotten their money back. Still ignored me.
          Went to TIO, then got a follow on message from TPG who said they had refunded my $20 plus port out fee as a gesture of 'good will'.

          So all it took was a simple form fill out at the TIO site and within a few days the money was on my account. Just for those who are getting burnt by TPG.

        • @sasquire:

          same here.

        • TPG and exetel have been a bit shady in the past regarding the $20 security deposit, most of the time they dont refund it without hassles.

        • +1

          They rely on lazy people to not spend the 5mins it takes. Unfortunately there are too many lazy people so it encourages other companies to try the rip off. Thank goodness for the TIO and the people who take the effort rather than only complaining.

        • +1

          @sasquire: Can confirm when i threatened with a TIO case, they gave me my my $20 and porting fee. Such nice people…

        • @Doggiie:

          Did they refund you for the unused portion of your monthly payment. I trying to work out when best to port out if this is the case. They tell me I have to do it at least 7 days before the next cycle which is when the payment comes out.

          Seems a bit unfair they can charge you for the next month, you can port out and the next cycle hasn't even started yet!

        • @cubiq4: Unfortunately I do not recall whether I have paid the next month or not.

          I am 100% sure I only received $20 deposit and $11 porting refunded. They could have stole my notice without me noticing!

        • @Doggiie:

          By that I gathered that following our notice to cancel (after successfully ported out) TPG would take a $11 charge on our credit card while there is a balance of $20 they still hold? That sounds really unfair and probably why TIO sided you when you reported them. I wonder if TPG still does that to anyone leaving now….

        • @Mcz:

          Well I ported out yesterday, my tpg account is showing the $11 port out fee charge and also looks like they have charged my credit card even though they still hold the deposit. I'll wait to confirm if this is the case by checking by credit card before I call them to mention the old TIO.

        • @cubiq4:

          I assume when porting out, you basically provide your existing number to your new telco and they will contact TPG on your behalf. And TPG would be taken to have been notified that their service has ended. Well I thought that's what the norm is - you never have to deal/speak with the provider you're leaving apart from paying your final bill. Well in TPG's case, we pay them ahead of using their service anyway.

          I did the same thing, ported out of TPG at the start of this week and within few hours my number is up and running with the new telco. I haven't called TPG yet and note I can still log into my TPG account after 5 days now. It shows that my 'plan' is active and no fee charged (maybe not yet?). I figured that a phone call to TPG is inevitable.

          On another relevant thread, I was advised by fellow OzB to call TPG to avoid being charged for another month. I am just deciding on when to call them:

          1. Wait and see if they will bill me for next month's plan fee ($13) which usually comes out of my credit card on the 21st. Well technically they shouldn't because my number has already been ported out and TPG knew it right?
          2. Call them asap to request for cancellation of my 'service'. At this point, they will serve me the $11 fee because I ask for it?

          Would option 1 (delayed call) not make a better case for a refund since I will have had my evidence that they have charged me?

        • Just takes a little arm twisting apparently. I am porting out this month after 5 years and am ready for their shenanigans. VF coverage dont work for me.

      • +13

        My reason why I swapped from TPG. I saw them ripping off too many people - not giving back the 20$. You have no chance to use up the credit as they automatically recharge when the amount hits 10$. No TPG for me …

        • +3

          Spot on. On top of that, they charged me $20 for a SIM card. I have no regret leaving TPG.

      • +2

        I've had a REALLY good look through the Critical Info etc and I CANNOT NOW SEE any reference to the infamous TPG $20 RipOff When Is A Deposit Not A Deposit Charge.

        Have they finally succumbed to commonsense and removed it? Now replaced with a $10 SIM charge?

        • They changed the term from "Security Deposit" to "Prepayment".

          And then they claim that it is a prepaid credit like a prepaid sim and is non refundable.

          What I suggest to do is to change your payment card to a visa/master debit card (with no money in the account) which do not have a dishonor fee, a month before you want to stop/transfer your service.

          And then they will use your "prepayment" to pay for your service since they do not able to charge your card.

          This way better than TIO complaint I think.

        • @kaihoc:

          But I don't see any reference to the minimum anymore. For example the minimum for first month is $20 ($10 plus the once off 10 sim charge). THence $10 per month for 6 months.

          THere is no initial prepayment/security deposit as there was before.

          Yes, agreed on the debit card exit strategy. I already have a TPG service and have that readied.

      • They would not.
        I tried.
        I finally need to make complaint to TIO to get it back.

        They claim that the $20 is prepaid money like using a prepaid sim.

      • They never refund any charge.and they will charge you deposit for voice mail.

      • How can you exceed the allowance on prepaid?

        • Using the plan referred on this thread as an example, if/when you go over the $550 calls value and/or the 1.5GB data "allowance" mid cycle, TPG will keep your service going and start charging you the excess which are taken out of the $20 held.

          With TPG, I understand it is a "month-to-month" plan but we pay the plan fee before the start of the usage cycle. That's how it is "prepaid" for TPG, unlike others where you are in control of when or how much you want to recharge for to continue the service.

          TPG plans require us to have direct debit in place so they are in control to debit payments as required ahead of usage.

        • @Mcz: Hmmmm. I didn't know that. Thanks. Not really prepaid, but a hybrid model.

  • +1

    +$10 sim charge. Still, looks like a decent deal, just don't forget to put a note in your calendar to jump ship in 6 months.

    • +3

      Why jump in 6 months? Even the $20 price is very good if the network holds up?

  • +4

    Upfront fee – once off SIM $10

  • I've never switched phone networks before but I'm currently with Vodafone.

    If I was to switch to this TPG deal, would I retain my current mobile number? What if I switched to Aldi mobile?

    • +3

      they will charge you port out fee $11

      • Will they bill you for the $11 exit fee or they take it off the deposit assuming you have unused $20 balance?

    • +4

      No matter which telco your are porting out or in to you can always retain your mobile number.

      • Thanks, this was the exact answer I was looking for

    • +2

      care to provide details of your investigation?

      • -4

        look at what others are offering in sim only plans and plus when u leave them take every dime out of you so this does not make it any better for the customer, you ll know when you get on with them, till that time keep me negging and you ll know what I was talking about

  • +1

    Seems like some issue with online ordering, so got call from TPG instantly with info they received and signed me up. Good service in doing that, its $20 for first month.

  • Not a bad deal, even at $20/m. Just not sure about vodafone

    • check out the coverage plans. I'm in sydney and it does a good job covering most areas.
      Not sure if OP mentioned it but this is 4G.

    • For $18/'pmVaya is better value for money and includes unlimited sms and more call value. Also on the OPTUS network.

      • +3

        TPG does include international calls though.

        • Cool!

      • dont go with vaya, absolutely terrible.

        • Hrrmm smells like sour grapes. They were poor around 2-3 years back. Been with them last couple of years. Their 50$ referral bonus credit is best. Pretty much 3 months free access by referring someone. Don't think anyone does that.

        • +2

          @Gavman: go check whirlpool. they suck random extra billing charges $$$

        • -6

          i don't have to check some forum d!psh!t. Ive been with Vaya for 2 years. Haven't had any random charges ever. But yeh, why not lay back on ur lorels listening to out dated forums.

        • I have been with Vaya since Aug last year. ($20/mth plan)
          So far so good.

          I have researched it before joining and I know that they seems like very bad in early days.
          It was free SIM, free first month and $50 referral bonus so I have gone for a try.

          I did not have problem with them so far and customer service is ok.

          I found someone told that they were billing the data by KB (or MB I forgot) before, which the data will be used up very quickly. And they changed to bill as normal like other carriers. This is the reason I go for a try.

          May be I am lucky.

        • vaya ain't perfect, no telco is but at least u get value for money. I know ppl were burnt with odds charges a few years back due to techinical/billing issues but it was all resolved without TIOs getting involved unlike the issues ppl are still going thru with this mob (tpg).

        • @Gavman: Do you know Vaya is charging a $30 cancellation fees? And here people are screaming here about TPG $11 port out fees.

        • @Gavman: is the $50 referral offer still available?

        • @highdealer:
          Cancellation fees and port out fees are two different thing.
          TPG charges PORT out fees of 11$. for Vaya its free.

        • Also been with Vaya for over 2 years with no problems. Was paying $50 a month for same service with Optus before I moved. The $18 plan is superb value, 3 of us in our family all covered for $54 a month.

          Doesn't sound like TPG are any better from comments above. Is the TPG plan 4G?

        • @highdealer:

          Yes. But if porting out number, there is no charge at all.

          TPG charge $11 port out fee.

          I think more people porting out number than cancelling.

          Even it does needed, a cheap $2 (and many are free as well) sim starter pack can do the job.

        • @Gavman: how do you submit a referral and claim the bonus?

        • @highdealer: Free to port out. Get you facts straight, Bozzo

        • when they sign up make sure they enter your cust. Id. Then email them with details. Pretty sure it's still on but check with them first

    • +2

      What about compared to the Jeenee $18 a month plan?

  • +25

    Personally I would never join up to another TPG service unless they get rid of their "dodgy" fees. I call them dodgy because no other provider of mobile or ADSL/internet service provider charges them.
    They charge a 'security fee' that I never got back as they advised it is non-refundable when I cancelled two of my services. They also charge port out fee and sim fee for mobiles and a connection fee for the internet.

    Their rates were good in the past, but now they are comparable and once you factor in the 'dodgy' fees, it makes it questionable if they are cheap. These fees become better if you plan to stay with them for a long time and you divide it by the months you stay, but who stays with the same provider for more than 2 years these days? Especially because most providers do not offer any loyalty benefits and only offer discounts to new customers.

    So with this particular deal, you are essentially paying almost $17 a month if you are only staying for 6 months. 6x$10/m + $20 security deposit + $10 sim + $11 port out.

    • +2

      Thanks for the heads up. Sounds uber lame. I guess it's how they think they can compete with other telcos, by fooling customers.

    • +2

      There seems no mention of the $20 'security deposit' any more… I know they used to have it, but are you sure they still do it with these new plans?

      • they still does it.

    • +1

      I agree, the port out fee is ridiculous

      • I guess they consider it an administrative cost but I wonder if it can be argued that this is anti-competitive? Fortunately not something I've ever worried about.

    • +2

      but who stays with the same provider for more than 2 years these days?

      Just want to add that I've been with them for around 8 or something years on the $12.99 mobile plan.

      • I've been with them for a while too on that plan.

        I tried to register for this online and someone called me up as I was going through the online registration, and told me I could do it on the phone instead.
        They said that it was ok to get this sim card as long as I was registering for a new number or porting from another phone company. But it wasn't available for my existing number with TPG. So it's only for new numbers, it's ok to be an existing customer.

        • Same boat here currently on their 12.99 plan (been for many years too) thought it has been great value. Although the 6 months deal looks attractive(much better than what they had wrote to us back in Oct 2015 inviting us to switch to Voda to a 12.99 but with only 200MB data), I am reluctant to give up my existing plan just as yet. Just wondering about your thoughts when you were ready to switch away from that plan.

    • I just signed up with them right now and there was no indication of a security deposit during the phone call. I'll be surprised and annoyed if they charge me one.

    • So can you suggest a plan at $17 a month that is better than this?

  • +9

    Don't forget you'll forfeit your prepayment and the port out fee. Assuming you're in it for 6 months only, that means potentially ~$30 out of $60 savings.

    Not even remotely worth it for up to $30 savings. Never again, TPG.

    • +5

      Hotel California, anyone?

  • "Available for new mobile registrations only" Does this mean for new numbers. I could port and get this deal right?

    • New TPG mobile customers is what I thought it meant.

      • Alright thanks. Will have to think on it I guess.

        • +1

          They told me on the phone that you can do it with a new number or port a number from another phone company but can't port your old TPG number to this new deal.

          When you go through the web registration, and pick "existing tpg customer", it'll still show you this deal.

  • @ $10 month thats a bargain. OP might want to add for 6 months only

  • +2

    wow. Thats a good deal just for international calls.

    Might get one to call overseas

  • +1

    Worse TPG experience when they move to Vodafone.

  • +2

    I must admit - It wasn't too bad when they switched me to Voda - just watch out for the $100/gb excess data!

    • $100/GB that is unacceptable, even hel$tra only charge $10/GB

    • You would have to be crazy to buy this plan for your kid, expecting them to use less than 1.5GB in a month

  • +2

    Would have to be better than the $18 Vaya offer for me to go back to TPG.

  • Save $60 then be asked to migrate before they price hike again? lolno.

  • after reading "it uses vodafone network"….i was like Whattttt

    • +1

      Believe or not, Vodafone's reception is second to Telstra.

      You would be Whatttttttttttttttt if it uses Optus network. :P

      • +2

        I'm using amayasim(optus) and always satisfied, may be just my area has Poor reception for Vodafone, so no go for me.

        • I can see your point there, my comment was based on my experience Sydney.

          I found Optus's 3G keeps getting disconnected on the train, but Vodafone works very well.

          Not much difference when I am in the CBD, 4G signals for all 3 carriers are similar.

      • +1

        Not from my experience. I went from tpg Optus to tpg Vodafone, to Vodafone. Same black spots in reception on my way home, and since yesterday the reception has just been horrid.

  • +12


    • $10 sim fee
    • 6 x months @ $10
    • Clause 6.6 - We may charge you a fee to port the phone number to another carrier or carriage service provider. (Currently $11).

    Minimum $81 over 6 months = $13.50 / month

  • +3

    excess data 10c per MB. ouch!

    • +2

      Giving to teenager will drain your wallet in no time. I will be worrying what my son is downloading and what my daughter is uploading.

    • Then don't sign up for a plan if you think you're close? I've had 1GB data with Telechoice since May 2013 and not once gone over, closest 900mb, average about 600mb.

      If you think you're gonna be right on the line with a 1.5GB plan at $20 then buy a higher plan?
      It's expensive but it's also a very generous amount of data for only a $20 plan

      • tpg is now 4G, your telechoice is only 3G.
        faster internet people tend to use more i bet your will go over if you are using 4G connection

        • +1

          I switched to TPG 4G in the end, Jan 318MB, Feb 888MB, Mar 300MB.

        • @hamwhisperer: thanks and apologies of accusing

    • +3

      MB is nothing these days.
      It should read $100/GB. Ouch!

    • 10c/mb = $100/gb

  • Can anyone please offer some advice? Or please point me in the right direction.

    Missus & I are on Vodafone $30/month, we have been told contract is over.

    In December we ordered Vaya's SIM card for free, we are planning on activating it around the 25th.

    Is this plan better than Vaya's? What are the pros & cons?
    Reading some of the comments, is Optus' network better than Vodafone, or depends? If coverage isn't an issue. Both seem fine at places we have been to in Melb.
    I have read that Vaya charges by MB, therefore is TPG's KB better?
    If we go with TPG's plan now, will we be liable to any Vaya's charges? (We have not activated at the time of writing this post.)

    In my head I'm thinking $10 x 2 for 2 mobiles may be better than $18 x 1 for 1 mobile. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Hopefully receive some/any feedback, thanks.

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