This was posted 9 years 1 month 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sigma 70-300mm DG Macro Canon & Nikon Mount Lens $99 + Free Delivery At Dirt Cheap Cameras


Get the Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG Macro Lens For Canon or Nikon Mount for $99 with Free Shipping until midnight Monday
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG Macro Lens For Canon Mount
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG Macro Lens For Nikon Mount - Sold Out - Back On - More Stock Arriving Tuesday

More Lens Deals can be found at including:
Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM Art Lens For Canon Mount $749
Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM Art Lens For Nikon Mount $749
Sigma 24-105mm F4 DG OS HSM Art Lens For Canon Mount $749
Sigma 24-105mm F4 DG OS HSM Art Lens For Nikon Mount $749
Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM ART Lens For Nikon Mount $799

Thank you to everyone who supported us with the Sigma 70-300mm deal.
It was such a huge response that we had to buy every Canon & Nikon mount 70-300mm the distributor had in Australia!
We have already shipped the first batch of orders & will be shipping the remainder when stock arrives today. It may take us a few days to ship every order, but all orders will be shipped this week.

Lenses just arrived (12:33 pm)…

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closed Comments

    • I'm also interested in this

  • Pretty good buy for the price

  • +4

    I bought the canon version last year for around $120 from The Good Guys.

    Made in Japan, feels middle of the road, somewhat clunky, noisy focus, and with no stabilisation, blurry unless its resting on something or on a tripod with remote shutter or 2sec delay (unless tripod is really steady). That said for the price its hard to beat unless you want super sharp images.

    The macro is also a nice feature allowing you to shoot from a greater distance rather than spooking insects when you try to get close up.

  • +6

    If you have the money get something better and skip the frustration, especially if you are a pixel peeper. Nikon 70-300VR. Canon 55-250STM or Tamron 70-300VC.

    • I have the Canon 55-250STM, it's bloody sharp! Got it for $250 on a digidirect deal a year or 2 back.

      • It's actually cheaper at teds now. I have a canon 10-18 and tamron 17-50. Might get the 55-250 stm is, the reviews are surprisingly good for such a cheap lens. I always a dismissed it because i assumed for that price a telephoto wouldnt be very good.

        • +1

          Sure it's not a fast lens and it's not bulletproof, but it's small & light, focuses well and silently and has sharper optics that all my other lenses, I love it! (I have Canon 50mm f1.8mk2, Sigma 17-50 f.2.8 and a sigma wide angle)

        • @hen dawg: decided against it as it wouldn't be much good for indoor portraits. Thanks for the info

        • @mlburnian: yea, the 55-250 stm wouldn't be best for indoors stuff. It drops to about f5.6 when at max zoom

      • +2

        Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG is full frame lens, canon 55-250STM is aps-c

        • -2

          And most people who buy full frame cameras aren't so interested in bargain basement long tele zoom lenses.

        • And in case like me you weren't sure what it was going to mean to you if you had an APS-C sensor camera like the Nikons that have been on sale lately I found this extremely helpful:


          Actually since I have an 18-55mm and a 55-200mm, this will work out to be a 105-450mm by my calculations (although someone correct me if I am wrong this is officially the first time I have calculated a lens equivancy). Can someone with some experience please also let me know if this adds some versatility to my kit and how it may? I understand it will let me zoom in further but how would that help apart from bringing things closer?

        • @Jackson: your 55-200mm = 83-300mm on your Nikon apps-c camera, this 70-300mm = 105-450mm

        • @bctransit: thanks mate, is that the case even if I have a Nikon DX lens? I thought that was factored in reading the explanation I linked to

          Edit: Ok I just reread my comment, when I said "this" I meant the Sigma lens in this post not my 55-200, sorry for any confusion. So with both my lenses they are DX models and I imagine that means that there is no crop with my d3300

        • @Jackson: Nikon dx lens are for crop camera only, it can't be used on full frame, the Sigma 70-300 is for both full frame and crop, however if you are using the sigma lens on your d3300 (I.e. aps-c), you have to add a factor of 1.5 (1.5 on Nikon, 1.6 on canon)to the focus length, that's why this 70-300mm = 105-450mm

        • @bctransit: all correct, except that according to the link it says that the DX can be used on full frame cameras and they will automatically crop out the black area, but then there miggt have to be another crop factor calculation or at least a loss of resolution. Again I have no idea about these things I am just referencing that link.

          So what are some things I can do with this lens artistically? Is there anything it would be especially suited for?

        • @Jackson: you're better of just thinking of this as a 70-300mm. Otherwise you'll have to convert all your lenses so your 18-55 has a FF equivalent of a 27-77mm and the 55-200 has a FF equivalent of 77-300mm.

        • +1


          Seriously? 3 downvotes for pointing out that you're not going to spend $1200+ on a camera and then saddle it with bargain basement zoom? Not to mention that only 1 of the 3 lenses I recommended was for a crop sensor. Pointless contributing to a board with such numbskulls voting.

        • +1

          @syousef: I see it all the time, people over-invest in a camera body and cheap out on lenses.

        • @Grhyso: but I have an APS-C sensor so I only need to think about how it in reference to APS-C, at least until I get a better camera which may be never

        • +2


          It's pretty clear to me I've annoyed some troll or other following me around negging. Life is to short to invest much time on these fools. However I've seen this before and it will almost certainly lead to the demise of the board if left unchecked. (Not this one instance, but the general attitude). I'm yet to see a voting system that hasn't been gamed by trolls. This one allows anonymity so is ideal for them.

        • +1

          @Jackson: exactly so this 70-300mm even though it's a full frame lense still only equates to that zoom range not a 105-450mm on an as sensor. Its just that if you take a picture at 70mm for example it's the same as taking a picture at 105mm with a full frame, but the exact same is true of your other lenses even if they are an apsc lense. If you take a picture at 50mm on your 18-55mm it's the equivalent of the same as a 75mm on a full frame.

          if that makes sense hopefully?

        • You're absolutely right.
          Even I do it sometimes.
          But I've got an excuse.
          I got my 70-300 for $250 (used one but from a guy I know and it was in perfect condition).
          I use it on $800 body (got it on sale).
          Although a normal price for the lens is $500 and the next one up is $1300.
          I just cannot justify spending another $1000 to upgrade.
          But again, a $500 lens on a $800 body is not nearly as unbalanced as a $100 lens on a $800 body.

        • duplicate

        • @Grhyso: I read it 5 times but I think I get what you mean, appreciate you taking the time. My next question then is would there be an issue or difference between this lens running on an APS-C camera or a dedicated DX 105-450mm? Do you lose anything using this? Ie is there more aberration or anything?

          I guess my previous concern was from the point of view of having the largest range on a budget that this was giving me an (equivalent) extra 250mm with only a 95mm overlap with existing lenses

        • @Jackson: my PERSONAL suggestion is: since you have the 55—200 kit lens already, forget about this lens, save your money for something else. The image quality from this Sigma lens won't be better than your kit lens

        • @Jackson: regardless if if you buy a full frame or apsc lense it will still only be what the zoom range. An apsc 70-300mm will function the exact same as a full frame 70-300mm lens. You're getting your conversion back to front.

          This might make more sense, if you stood in front of your house and took a picture of the front door with this lense at 70mm on an apsc camera. Then used a full frame camera to get the exact same composition, framing etc so the picture looked the same you would need to be at 105mm.

          this is also why a standard kit lense for an apsc camera is an 18-55mm and on a full frame camera the standard lense is close to 27-70mm. Both lenses on their respective cameras at the minimum zoom will take exactly the same composition as the 18mm on an apsc is a full frame equivalent of 27mm.

        • @Jackson: I also wouldn't recommend getting this lense for you as you will only gain zoom from 200-300mm, the rest overlaps with your 55-200mm. Considering it hasn't got optical stabilization this is where you will more than likely get camera shake and traditionally these cheaper lenses are at their poorest quality when zoomed in that far.

    • Would the Canon 55-250STM fit a Cannon-550D entry level ?

      You've peeked my interest in one of these !

      • +3

        Not being an arse: the word is, "piqued"…just thought you'd like to know…


      • You shouldn't have any problems with using any of their lenses with an entry level body. It's the other way which has problems, the crop sensor lenses (entry level) protrude into the body further and can hit the larger mirror in a non-crop/pro body.

      • Yes the STM lenses work on older bodies. You won't be able to do things like touch screen focus obviously since the 550D doesn't have a touch screen. But AF should work just fine.

  • this is full frame lens. how is the macro? dont care about the other features, just want to try the macro. never have a macro lens.

    • +6

      not bad for the price. these are what i took a few years back with this lens

      • did you crop the photos or have them sharpened in the photoshop? they look amazing. now i am seriously considering to order one of these cheap lenses.

        • those are uncropped but sharpened a bit in Lightroom

    • Have you looked into getting some dirt cheap 2nd hand lenses with reverse ring and doing a reverseroo? True macro for very little dollars.

    • +1

      Honestly, the macro is a 1:2 (not 1:1). With the overall optic quality of the lens and lack of IS (or VC if you prefer Nikon's term), I found the image of the main subject (insect, flower, animal etc..) not completely sharp. With telephoto lens, it is easy to blur out the background (bokeh), but without tripod, I do find the macro very average (because the main subject is often not sharp - passable in the middle, but blurry further out). As much as I like/love bokeh, for macro, I prefer to have the main subject of the photo completely sharp.

      I had the lens and sold it. Unless you really need the zoom range and on a very tight budget, I don't recommend this lens.

      While having this lens means you own a telephoto lens and a lens that can do macro (well, 1:2), you do get what you pay for (the auto focus is slow so it is not suitable for capturing fast action).

  • +1

    For those who bought a cheap nikon d3300 with 18-55 lens kit . Something new to put on the camera

    • Can someone confirm if AF will work on D3300?

      • +1

        Yes. It works.

    • My situation exactly. But I wanted the lenses to shoot motorsport and I highly doubt these would be fast enough…

      • +1

        The AF is slow (slower than your average kit lens), lack of IS/VC. Images often come up softer than kit lens. Motorsport… forget it with this lens.

        • +1

          Yeah… thought so. sigh

        • +1

          IS/VC is of limited help with motorsports. It'll only freeze the photographer's motion, not the subject's. You really need fast shutter speeds. If you have money to burn on fast lenses that open nice and wide and let you bump up the shutter speed are usually the best way.

  • +1

    Anything for M43????

    • Several sigma art lenses for m4/3 listed on that page discounted, not sure of the value

  • For $99 the value rivals a nifty 50.
    Thanks OP. Just bought one.

  • 35mm for canon?

    • It's on backorder with the Australian distributor.

  • is it better than canon 75-300mm?

    • no

  • +1

    Can someone please comment whats the difference between Orignal Canon lens and Sigma Lens? will it fit Canon 550D?

    • By original canon - do you mean the stock lens?

  • 18-35 1.8 is $749 at jbhifi.. Cam you do yours any better and is it Australian stock?

    Any Sigma 35mm f1.4 to suit Canon mount?

    • +2

      I'm guessing JB are matching our price ont he 18-35, as it has been that price since Christmas day.
      The Sigma 35mm 1.4 is on backorder with the Australian distributor - hence no deal on Canon mount.

      • No worries.

        Is your Sigma 18-35!stock Australian and are you canon mounts in actually physical stock?

        • +2

          All Sigma lenses are sourced from the Australian distributor (C.R. Kennedy)
          There are currently 5 in stock in our Lidcombe warehouse.

        • +1

          @Dirt Cheap Cameras:

          JBHIFI has had the 18-35 1.8 for $749 since the middle of last year according to the comments from this old deal;

          Any way you can do a better price on it ?

      • -3

        Will this on Nikon d3300

  • Thanks, just bought the second last Nikon mount one. Got my first dSLR, the D5500 single lens kit, during the eBay sale and now this, my first lens purchase. Thanks OzBargain!

    Hope it's fine for a beginner.

  • REP, I am looking for SAL35F18, can't find it on your site? any chance of getting that on special if you selling?

  • Hi Op, will the Nikon mount Sigma 70-300mm fit on my Nikon D5300? Sorry a bit of a noob at camera equipment so wanted to make sure before purchase. Thanks for the great deal :-)

    • yes it will

      • Thanks, when is the expected shipping date of the Sigma 70-300mm Nikon Mount and how long will it take to get to Melbourne? Cheers.

      • Can you confirm IF this lens has an auto focus motor (HSM)on it. Looking at the specs with Sigma it has no mention of the HSM. If not, then whilst the lens will work fine on the D5300 if won't auto focus as the D5300 has no body lens drive motor. This might catch people out.

  • +4

    any deals on lenses or accessories for sony e mount bodies?

    • Looking for this too. Any deals on Sigma 19mm for e mount?

  • OP, do you have physical store? Can I pick up?

    EDIT: nvm, found it.

  • +2

    paid $250 for it back in 2011. $99 is a steal if u only need a tele occasionally and in good lights.

    • May as well give it a go, i've got a 5D Mark II but i'm an average photographer so been looking for a cheap tele to play around with. $99 bucks can't go wrong.

      • +1

        you wont regret. i use d800 (equivalent to 5d mark 3) and a nikon 70-200/2.8. tbh, that lens is often left at home. it is way too heavy (and expensive). a $99 cheap 70300 is basically a disposable tele and should meet most people's need.

  • Are the nikon ones AF or AFS, motorised lenses for nikon 5100? Sorry i am a noob in DSLR's :)

  • Any pentax mounts

  • Why the different price for sigma 35mm 1.4 for siny mount? Can you offer same price as the nikon mount?

  • +1

    Thanks OP, got one for my Nikon D3300.

  • I'm a bit of a dslr noob, I own (recently) the Pentax K-50. My understanding is the body of the camera has the Image Stabilisation, so the fact this lens doesn't offer it isn't a draw back for a Pentax user. However, I am at complete loss as to whether this lens is compatible with my camera or that it needs extra 'bits' to make it work, also that Auto Focus will work as well. I already own a few of my father's old lenses that seem to just click right on and work but offers no AF, so am looking for a AF lens in this range.


    • Unless you purchase the Pentax mount version of this lens, you will not get autofocus (so will be manual focus if you use a adaptor / converter). The autofocus on this lens is slow.

      In body IS will help, but this lens is not very sharp even with a tripod. It does have an attractive price though.

      • Thanks for the info :)

  • Rep, do you have stock for all the lenses advertised? Has anyone had good experience buying from Dirt Cheap Cameras?

    • +1

      The 18-35, 24-105 & 35mm are all in stock. the 70-300 was in stock at the time of posting but has sold out. more stock of the 70-300 has been ordered with the Australian distributor & will be delivered to us on Tuesday.

      • Will you still be able to do free shipping though because JB has the same lens for $150 standard RRP.

        • We have free shipping for all orders $50 or more placed before midnight tonight. The date we ship does not affect the free shipping offer.

        • I understand, however if you are not getting stock as you say by tomorrow, the free shipping offer will expire.

        • -1

          @Dirt Cheap Cameras:

          You've lost a sale now and will go to JB Hi-Fi instead.

        • +1


          Umm, the way I read his/her response is that any ORDER placed before midnight gets free shipping. The date the product is actually shipped does NOT affect the free shipping. They lost a sale but you lost a bargain and will be spending $50 more at JB unfortunately.

        • +1


          Probably over aggressive in my reply, but founded in the fact the response was not entirely clear.

          Thanks for your concern though.

  • Hey, I'm still a bit of a beginner with my Canon 1200D but looking to get a 300mm zoom. Anyone know if it's better to get the Sigma or is it worth paying the extra $50 to get the Canon lens here?…

    • There's a really good review that you can watch here, and he specifically compares the Sigma and the Canon at the end.

      • +2

        The Canon lens reviewed was a much better model with IS and USM (and much more expensive).

        The one from is a Canon EF 75-300mm f4-5.6 III and that has no IS nor USM. With telephoto, the IS is quite important, especially at 300mm (as a bit of shake will have bigger impact at that focal length). That's why the sigma lens and the canon lens without IS are much cheaper. USM is quite handy too.

        It is quite common for someone new into DSLR wanting to get a cheap telephoto. My personal experience is that those cheap telephoto lenses are not worth the money. For comparison, my point and shoot can do the 35mm equivalent of 750mm and it fits in my pocket (and has IS). These low end telephoto lenses don't really justify the trouble carrying them outdoor to shoot. In the 70-135mm range (covered by my kit lens), I'd rather use my kit lens and get sharper photos (and the kit lens isn't that good anyway).

        If you are a pro or a semi-pro, you would not bother with these low end telephoto lenses.

        • Ahh fair enough. I own a Pentax camera which is kind of neat as it has the IS done inside the camera body with floating optics. So no matter what lens I shove on it, it has (at least rudimentary) IS.

  • I already have a 250 lens, so I totally have no need for a 300.

    Still, at this price…

    • Hey I have a 200 lens, do you think I will see much difference with this 300? After working out the crop factor it actually comes to 450 for my camera

      • +1

        200 to 300 is a bit of a jump, so you'd notice a difference. Not a huge amount (it wouldn't "blow your mind") but you'd know you've got that extra reach. The question is if you'll use it. Are you planning on doing anything specific that a 200 wont suffice that a 300 might help with?

        I've got my 250 for a trip to Antarctica (I leave on Thursday!). So I well and truly needed a decent zoom to capture all that lovely penguin shenanigans.

        What you might want to look into is a decent lens extender. These typically come in two forms; very cheap and good. The very cheap are basically no more than a magnifying glass and are mounted in front of your lens. They will work but the photo quality and iso level is pretty poor, but for about $50 you can make your 200 suddenly a 400 lens. Typically good for a quick holiday shot to shove Facebook.

        If you want a better option, the extenders that are mid mounted are typically far better quality, but more costly. These sit between the camera body and the lens. These are typically either 1.4x or 2x. You'll still see a drop in the iso levels, but the photo quality often remains higher and the functionality of the camera is often passed through. Can be expensive though, ranging from about 200 right up to 500 depending on brand / quality / time of the year.

        The advantage these do have is that they are always there. If you later get a 300 lens and you have an extender, your 300 lens + extender is now a whopping 600 telephoto handheld. Pretty incredible.

        • I plan on using my camera for some art, street and wildlife photography, in which the macro may come in handy. I am on a bit of a budget at the moment so saving money now is a goer, while that spacer sounds like the most sensible option for the long term this may be enough for now and down the track I can probably spend a bit more. Considering the multiplication factor is 1.4 to 2x, I am getting the 2.25x out of this (comparing my 200 to what this works out to be for my APS-C sensor) so it's a good option if I stick with my camera.

          Thanks for explaining that it really helped me come to my decisions, out with the wallet! Antarctica sounds awesome btw

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