Hey folks,
Zapals have done it again, says its for new members only….
5,000 Car Air Vent Mounts to Giveaway
To claim your Car Vent Mount
- Register a free account
- Choose your Car Vent Mount from the items listed below and add to cart
- Enter coupon code ZAPALS151228 in your shopping cart or during checkout
- Complete checkout
- Receive your awesome free Car Vent Mount courtesy of Zapals!
- 1 item per customer
- First 5,000 customers only
- Valid email address is required for order confirmation
- Correct shipping address is required
- No refund, return or exchange
- Order cannot be cancelled once confirmed
- Shipping time 15 – 30 days (Non tracking)
- Our general terms & conditions apply
Getting: Coupon code "ZAPALS151228" is not valid.
edit will try this after creating a new account.