Hey folks,
Zapals have done it again, says its for new members only….
5,000 Car Air Vent Mounts to Giveaway
To claim your Car Vent Mount
- Register a free account
- Choose your Car Vent Mount from the items listed below and add to cart
- Enter coupon code ZAPALS151228 in your shopping cart or during checkout
- Complete checkout
- Receive your awesome free Car Vent Mount courtesy of Zapals!
- 1 item per customer
- First 5,000 customers only
- Valid email address is required for order confirmation
- Correct shipping address is required
- No refund, return or exchange
- Order cannot be cancelled once confirmed
- Shipping time 15 – 30 days (Non tracking)
- Our general terms & conditions apply
Word of warning for those who got this. I would avoid putting it in and out of the vents too often. Find a spot and leave it there. The rubber that surrounds the steel clips is very thing at certain points, after less then 10 insertions the steel clips started coming through the rubber and scratching my vents. Great that it is was free but it is a very low quality product! I'm throwing mine out unless someone can suggest a good alternate use for it!