This was posted 15 years 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FIFA 10, NBA 10, Madden 10, Tiger Woods 10, NFS Shift, Brutal Legend and Saboteur $49 Each at JB


$49 each at JBHIFI

Fifa 10
NBA Live 10
Madden 10
Tiger Woods 10
NFS shift
Brutal Legend
Fight Night Round 4
Harry Potter game

PS3, XBOX 360 versions of each game
Fifa 10 comes in wii as well

Offer Expires Monday 22nd Mar 2010 unless otherwise specified

A quick look around:
Fifa 10, cheapest by alot, even beating most of the ebay deals. Eg. GAME has fifa 10 for 109.95 for ps3 and xbox360
NBA live 99 at game too
Cd wow have Fifa for $69.95, shift 73.95

Update: EB games has the wii version of Fifa for cheaper than JB at $39.97 in store only, pointed out by Kirt

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • Heard of this deal a couple days ago from JB guy while browsing in the shop, wasn't sure he was legit, till now haha. Hope there's plenty of stock of FIFA 10 to go around.

  • man, i saw this an hour ago and never thought about posting it…

  • +5

    noone go to knox jb. i shotgun fifa10.

  • I walked by today for a browse, and saw NBA Live come down from $96 to $49.

    Will EB Games price match?

    • Why didnt you just get it then and there, if you dont mind me asking? =P
      Best bet would be to print out that website and show it to EB and they might pricematch

      • I have store credit with EB.

        Its a moot point now.

        NBA Live 2010 is sold out in all the City or inner city stores.

        Either everyone was thinking the same as me or EB games have taken them off the shelves.

  • Great deals.

    Gonna pick up NBA Live 10 and maybe NFS Shift. Hopefully Knox or Ringwood have some in stock.

  • soooo cheap……

  • I can confirm in Brisbane CBD (McArthur central) that there a plenty of copies of FIFA 10 (15+) but no so many copies(2-5)of Madden 10. I bought madden this arvo.

  • I heard that 'Tiger Woods 10' comes with bonus footage of the 19 girls he slept with!

    • in all its 1080p glory?

    • Wouldn't that make the game X rated? :)

      I don't suppose it comes with free Gatorade any more. ;)

  • +2

    damn, wheres the love for ice hockey?

    • agreed!!!

    • In Canada

      • NHL 2K10 has been on sale for like 4-7 pounds from Zavvi since forever. You can get it for under 20 dollars from Zavvi for Xbox (~$16) and PS3 (~$19).

        On some days, NHL 2K10 is only 4.95 pounds for Xbox 360, so including shipping, it's only around ~$12.

        It's currently at 7.95 pounds for Xbox 360.…

  • What's with JB trading hours? I thought they normally open till 9pm weekdays? Have they all changed?

    • that was the week before christmas..

      • +2

        No, they used to open till 9pm weeknights, every week. I used to drive by my local one (Camberwell) all the time.

        But I just checked the website - they now only open till 9pm on Thursdays and Fridays only.

        • True - they definitely were open til 9 on weeknights..

          Having said that, with the downturn it's probably not viable for them to be open as long (and, to be fair, probably never was anyway).

          • @pais: I dunno, Kmart are increasing their opening hours (again). Every Kmart in Sydney is now open until midnight on weeknights, with a couple open 24hrs. It's odd to see one retailer cutting hours while another extends them.

            • @lbft: Yeah, and knowing a few people who work at KMart, they're losing money on them at the moment. It's only a trial basis for a few months.

    • what? JB open till 9pm? that's only on Thursdays here in WA (i think). every other night it closes at 5 or 6pm. not open on sundays.

      • Ya.. Perth everything closes early ,no trading on Sundays except for the City and Fremantle or if you adventure far enough to Rockingham and furhter.

        I remembered hearing the State Government 're-zoning' more surburbs in 2010 to tourist areas so that shops can trade on Sunday too. Has this happen?

        • i've heard about extended trading hours and whatnot. as far as i am aware, it has not happened. what's wrong with the general Perth population? a few years back there was a poll asking people if they would support extended trading hours. something like 80% said no. WHY?

          • +2

            @ltwo: cause it's perth :P

          • @ltwo: There are actually downsides to extended trading hours; it really hurts small business!

            • @WaywardOne: you can't find a games store open anywhere after 6pm

          • @ltwo: Dunno too.. seem hard for the ppl in WA to accept any changes.

            No to sunday trading, No to late night shopping, No to Daylight saving…… as usual there is always both sides to the argument.

            For me… it should not be regulated. If nobody shops late at night or Sunday.. the shop won't open either. No need to tell ppl if they can or not.

  • nice deal kaizer :P

  • must be in-store only? Just checked their site and still listed at full RRP. Why would they not have the same price online?

    • GAME have the same thing, they're sometimes cheaper online.

      • Yeah but considering their e-commerce site is fairly new and they want to encourage people to purchase from it you would expect that they would run the prices online to…..well I would expect that anyway.

        • Online stores run independantly to bricks and mortar stores, rather than complimenting them. Pricing structures are generally different at the same time, along with different levels of stock. My guess is that the stores are trying to flog off six month old stock.

  • had heaps at the tuggerah nsw store. they won't run out in a hurry. got Shift and Fifa10 on PS3.

  • Just picked up a copy of Fifa 10 from World Square Sydney. They still have plenty of copies of all the games.

  • Just price matched with EB for FIFA 10 cause I have store credit with them…the guy said "yeah I can do that, we have all of those going for half price at the moment too!".

    Reckons it it some EA thing or something?

    • well its not on the EB site. I think it said JB exclusive somewhere on that page too :)
      A deal is a good deal, no matter where you get it ^^

      • There was a box thing set up in their store with all of those games there - check their website…for example:

        • actually you're right. Eb online have those games but at 54.97, still more than the JB offer, but not bad

          Classic EB: Funny how on that link, the preowned versions of fifa 10 ps3/xbox360 are more expensive than the new games

  • Any other games available besides from the sport ones, just not into them

    • Check out the image above on this post.
      Has games other than sports

  • I've been meaning to get a basketball game. which is better nba 2k10 or nba live 2010.please help with this decision thank you

  • +1

    I bought both…. tried 2k10 for 7 days then returned it for Live10 after getting sick of all the bugs.
    Player development and online roster downloads is VERY buggy. Just read the online forum at 2KSports if you dont believe me. Live on the other hand is great. Frequent roster updates, no bugs… a much better product for sure.
    2k have been doing well last few years, giving EA a good run for their money… but have stumbled a bit this year unfortunately. I've been a live fan for many years, but the last few years (not including this year) they've made some serious improvements. Still overall…. EA's offering much better.

    And OP thanks for post. I finally picked up TigerWoods10… $50 cant go wrong and it doesnt need updates like NBA so good for a few years now :).

  • EB GAMES having 50% off for EA titles .. i guess to counter JB offer but the price is still slightly better in JB

  • that price is awesome, paid $90 for mine not too long ago.

  • Got my Fifa last night at Camberwell - they seemed to have heaps of stock.

  • +1

    Heaps of Copies in all the JB in Perth City shops for all the titles.

    Can't say the same for EB Games….. they advertised 50% off but you can hardly find them….. more like they took them off the shelves!
    I find this a real issue with EB Games. Alot of the times they advertise a deal but when you go to the store its not on special. Is it just my luck or do other ozbargain hunters notice this too?

    • Second that.

  • If you intend to pick up a copy of the EA titles and haven't yet —> I saw in GAMES in Innaloo Westfield Shopping Centre going for $1 cheaper! —> $48. Its not much but beats JB.

    Not sure if it is for all GAMES. If others have seen the same and confirm if Australiawide.

  • heaps of stock at the sydney cbd store (one near qvb, not pitt st mall)

  • bought nfs shift.. great price

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