This was posted 9 years 2 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nintendo eShop Christmas Sale: Up to 80% off Wii U Games: From $1.99


Nintendo eShop Christmas Sale, There should be deals for 3DS Too So Have A Look on eShop Using You're Console Or 3DS for Full Sale
Minecraft Wii U Has just launched for $39.95

  • Stealth Inc 2: A Game Of Clones Wii U $2.99 (Was $14.99)
  • Thomas Was Alone Wii U $1.99 (Was $10)
  • OlliOlli Wii U $4.20 (Was $13)
  • Nova-111 Wii U $5.99 (Was $21.99)
  • The Swapper Wii U $3.99 (Was $19.99)
  • Lone Survivor: The Directors Cut Wii U $2.99 (Was $16.99)
  • Pumped BMX+ Wii U $7.99 (Was $15.99)
  • Shantae and The Pirates Curse Wii U $11.49 (Was $22.99)
  • Mighty Switch Force 2! Wii U $3 (Was $6)
  • Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition Wii U $5.50 (Was $11)
  • Trine Enchanted Edition Wii U $8.49 (Was $16.99)
  • Trine 2: Directors Cut Wii U $9.99 (Was $19.99)
  • Duck Tales Remastered Wii U $7.80 (Was19.50)
  • Dungens & Dragons: Chronicles Of Mystara Wii U $6.82 (Was $19.50)
  • Slender The Arrival Wii U $7.99 (Was $13.50)
  • Never Alone Wii U $7.99 (Was $19.99)
  • Skylanders Superchargers Wii U $44.95 (Was $69.96)
  • Shiftlings Wii U $9.80 (Was $19.75)
  • The Amazing Spiderman Ultimate Edition Wii U $9.95 (Was $39.95)
  • The Amazing Spiderman 2 Wii U $20.95 (Was $60.95)
  • The Peanuts Movie Snoopy's Grand Adventure Wii U $29.95 (Was $59.95)
  • Transformers Rise Of The Dark Spark Wii U $20.95 (Was $69.95)
  • Transformers Prime The Game Wii U $11.95 (Was $39.95)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    For Nintendo 3DS? any deal?

  • Any must have games?

    • +1

      don't know about must have, but the swapper and duck tales remastered are good games at fair prices …

    • +1

      Thomas Was Alone is great fun and a bargain

      • -1

        serious? we laughed so much at the trailer it looked so weak.

        • +1

          Did it not have enough shooting or sandbox environments for you?

  • The Mrs wants me to get her a WiiU for Christmas. Not sure if it's a good idea or not - are Nintendo soon to cease making them? Are the games up to the usual, Nintendo high standards?

    • +3

      There're rumours a new Nintendo console will be out next year, but there's a good enough catalogue of games on the Wii U to keep you going for a while.

      If you're looking for games to play with your mrs, the Wii U is great. My wife won't play much on the Xbox/PS4 but she loves Mario Kart, New Super Mario bros and Yoshi's Wooly World. They're just as polished as all Nintendo games.

      • +2


      • They're not exactly 'rumours' of a new Nintendo console out next year. Nintendo have CONFIRMED they are working on a new 'thing', the Nintendo NX, and will talk about it at E3 next year. What it actually is, now that's the rumours.

        People say it's a console built to be more graphical than the Xbone and PS4, but let's hope that's untrue, because I'm sick of good looking games that play like trash for those. My personal bet is that the NX is either a tablet to co-incide with their android/iphone games next year, or a giant walking talking amiibo that you insert money into to watch Satoru Iwata highlight reels.

        But I digress. The Wii-U has more exclusives now than the Xbone and PS4 will have at the end of 2017, so it's worth a purchase as is, even if Nintendo really have given up. My personal favourite game of the generation is Wonderful 101. And, my favourite part about it, is that it has children-oriented games that are even hard for adults, whereas the PS4 and Xbone are almost all adult-oriented games that are easy for children. What a world we live in.

        • +1

          Personally, I'm disappointed with the Wii-U by a long shot. I own every system, no fanboyism. Heck, I own two wii-u's. I've come to the opinion that if Nintendo focused on software and peripherals (and ignoring the impact of less competition on hardware) that things would be better. Even the 3ds is my less favoured system out of the handhelds (discomfort due to the awkward weight distribution and blurry, b-grade looking screen/graphics).

          There's good games on everything. I'm playing bravely default on my 3ds and enjoying it. I'm talking on average here.

        • +2

          @justtoreply: Good game's' on everything? I don't really know about that plural there, friend. The Xbone and PS4 forced me to buy a computer, and I've always been a console gamer, but I can't justify spending 600 bucks to play, what… 4 exclusives between them? Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Infamous and Sunset Overdrive, and the list of worthy exclusives is now finished. I'm not a big fan of infamous, and I can just play an identical game to Bloodborne next year when Dark Souls 3 comes out on everything, so the consoles are still having trouble justifying themselves to me. Not to mention, I've already played Crackdown and Saints Row, haven't I Sunset Overdrive. And I watched Until Dawn on Youtube, considering it'd just a movie. (It's pretty good, though.) And there you have it, I'm now caught up with the 'next gen' exclusives that are worth playing in the slightest.

          I'm still of the opinion that the game itself, how it plays, feels, tells, and presents itself, is more important than how it looks. Anti-aliasing is good and all, but I'd much rather play a game with a lot of jaggies in which the boss of the whole game isn't beaten with a QTE (LOOKING AT YOU, ORDER 1886). I tried to rush Xenoblade Chronicles Final Boss, at which point I was sufficiently pummelled into the dirt for not being a high enough level. I'd almost forgot that there were games that weren't finishable from the first minute of the game.

        • +2

          @justtoreply: Im an Xbox fanboy, but i got to be real, the Wii and Wii U lifted the bar for their generations in terms of fun games, new ideas, i kind of side with them a bit more, but for 6th gen, I'd side with PS2/ Original Xbox as the go to consoles for the time, with that said, gaming is alot cheaper now then i remember back then, least it feels that way, which is a plus.

        • +2

          @BNGames: I'm an Xbox fanboy too. But 343 Industries did their best to ensure I wasn't, so I moved onto greener pastures.

          So now I guess I'm one ex-Xbox one fanboy.

          Wonderful 101 is a game I recommend for everyone who doubts the Wii-U, because it represents the console as a whole; Not perfect, with some obvious flaws, but given time, it astounds and provides an experience seen nowhere else, and rekindles my childhood.

          And, yes, obviously PS2 wins in that generation. Hell, I'd choose a PS2 over an Xbone or a PS4, because at least the PS2 knew what 'exclusive' meant, and wasn't trying to shove netflix and 'community' down my damn throat. And regardless of people's opinions of the franchise as a whole, you have to admit, Halo 1 is a god damn masterpiece…. And they've introduced a whole 4 new guns and 3 new enemies since then!! :D The Wii-U actually remembered that consoles are for multiple people to play on one TV ISN'T THAT RIGHT 343 INDUSTRIES

        • +2

          @FrankMcFuzz: Yeah, its weird because a bunch of games i thought i played on Dreamcast, I played on PS2, Tekken Tag Tournament was a great exclusive. The system felt like a worthy successor to PS1. I know they snapped up alot of games as exclusives that gen. Im impressed Microsoft has continued with new exclusives, i just wish they resurrected some more original Rare games (Perfect Dark 3), a new Ninja Gaiden, and hopefully a new Alan Wake. I hope Crackdown 3 works offline because 2 was a great offline experience….

          W101 has a little difficulty curve, i know some used the stylus and found it easier at times. Im suprised how hard Wonderful 101 gets, but it is Japanese, though on easy it feels like the normal difficulty. Cool game, i think it ended up being 12-15 hours or something, i think it took me 20 to complete it, lol. Bayonetta meets Pikmin or something.

          I kind of wish 343 included local multiplayer, it was always a great title for when people came over, always had alot of people playing Halo Reach couch multiplayer, Halo 4 was cool i just hope they include local multiplayer in the 6th game, or maybe the next Halo ODST .

        • +2

          @BNGames: Technically Perfect Dark 3 would be Perfect Dark 2, as Perfect Dark 2 was actually Perfect Dark 0. A frustrating naming scheme that still bothers me about Dragon Age 2 to this day! DA3 isn't called 3, it's called Inquisition! And normally something 'origins' is implied as a prequel. Damn it, EA!

          But, I'll get to my point instead of being insane. Xbox have let go all/most of the original talent that made Rareware a golden company in the first place (And they've gone on to create Playtonic games, behind the potentially-the-best-game-ever-but-destined-to-disappoint, Yooka Laylee), and the only staffmembers left think that the Kinect is actually used for videogames. Laaaaaawl~

          Whilst W101 is always telling you to use the dumb gamepad gimmick, lol, I found it much easier to use the right stick to draw my shapes. W101 is 18 hours long and 180-something for insane completionists who want to unlock Wonder Bayonetta, because of course she's in there. This game is an example of how QTE's are SUPPOSED to be; after a long, challenging fight, an over-the-top sequence with a simple button prompt or using the actual game mechanics so we can watch the action unfold and still feel like we're part of it. Not as the replacement for the entire damn fight OOOOORDER 1886 GOD DAMMIT.

          Don't ask for ODST 2. Just. Please. No. We'll have to take this whole page down from the internet now. Here's a list of that game's defining features: Nathan Fillian. And, yeah, 343 already said they're putting Splitscreen in 6. Oh goodie, only gotta wait, what, 9 months? >:(

    • Here's an image that Nintendo posted recently which includes the current lineup of Wii U exclusive games. Announcements for new games have pretty much stopped and it's likely there wont be any more notable exclusive releases before Nintendo's next gen. That being said, I've had the Wii U now for 2 years and there have been quite a few times where it has been king of the living room.

      • +3

        Not to mention the times where something else has been happening in the living room on the TV, and you were still able to play it because of the gamepad. Growing up with few TVs in the house, I have wanted this feature for 20 years, and now that I have it, I don't need to share a TV anymore. >:(

        It's still cool to watch a movie and play a fully-fledged console game at the same time, especially for some of the easier, more slower paced games, like Yoshi's Wooly World and Super Smash Brothers with my group of friends (oh heck shots have been fired).

        • +1

          I used to play a lot of Mario Kart online by myself. Often I would be playing while sitting on the couch in front of my 55" TV but instead be using the gamepad's screen with it pressed right up to my face.

      • -1

        Starfox is set for autumn next year, new zelda is set for 2016, twilight princess hd upscale april i think, Fire emblem x shin megami tensei 2016. These are the big announced exclusives. Wii u is winding down but still some big games to come.

        • -1

          There is no chance Nintendo won't wait to release Zelda on the new NX platform, Wii U just doesn't have the user base for them to risk it. I have a strong feeling they will use it as a launch release to encourage a large initial uptake of their new platform. Of course it will get a Wii U release also but of course you'll want the best experience on the lastest console.

        • +1

          @Cheaplikethebird: Which is exactly what they did for Twilight Princess…… Which is… Also coming out next year.

          Perhaps this signals the fact that Nintendo is going to break the industry with something gimmicky and unecessary again. Oh well, Nintendo did right by me with the Wii-U with some really quality exclusives and original ideas, so I'll forgive them when they introduce some new awful thing that Sony and Microsoft will pine for for 5 years from now (Microsoft still holds onto the kinect, you know. Like, jesus christ. Let it go, guys!)

    • +1

      If she wants one then its a good idea. Simple.

      • I dunno, man. A lot of people wanted SimCity2013 and look what happened to them.

  • +1

    Everybody needs to buy Shantae and The Pirates Curse for the 3DS (Same price as the Wii U).

  • My son wanted minecraft for Wii U, is it on sale? (He already bought the pc and iOS version)

    • Nah not on sale it's normal price, it launched 2 days ago

    • it is less than 40 bucks and plays very well. Grab it.

  • +1

    Some deceht 3DS eShop deaks came online last night, one which may be eye catching is MH4U..

    • Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is 50% off @ $29.99
    • Ace Attorney Dual Destinies is 55% off @ $17.98
    • Ace Attorney Trilogy is 35% off @ $29.21
    • cheers, I'm doing a new post with new offers so I will add it to that :)

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