This was posted 9 years 3 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The X-Files Complete Series Set Blu-Ray $239.20 from JB Hi-Fi


JBHiFi have reduced the set by 20% to $239. Those who rushed out and got it on release day will have learnt a valuable lesson in…patience!

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  • +2

    Buy Gift Card, get 20% voucher, use to take $20 off

    • +1

      The bluray will be high def and widescreen.

      • -6

        Meh, not too important with tv dramas

        • I disagree - Hi Def and Widescreen do make a dif…. I loved the wire on DVD… but after the Blu Ray, it adds a whole new dimension ….

        • -3

          @shiraj: i too bought the wire on blu ray, will be watching it over the holidays….but thats the exception in my opinion. It is the best tv series ever made, after all. Xfiles, which i liked when i was a little kid, is not.

        • +1

          @pointless comment: X Files is a great drama - I have revisited seasons 1-5 on DVD last year…. Widescreen and Hi Def are what it needs to appeal to the new generation…. There wouldn't be Fringe or Lost without X Files.

        • @shiraj: i have it on my presto list….just cant seem to start it….back log of tele this year is ridiculous after exams. I pnly just finished walking dead, and started fargo, will watch the wire then maybe look at xfiles again!

        • @pointless comment: Try True Detective (1st season), Fargo (Both seasons) and if you like prohibition era, Boardwalk Empire is great

        • @clarky: seen true detective 1, up there with the best. Seen boardwalk. Ranout of steam i reckon but good ending. Fargo good, two eps into second season

        • @pointless comment: Im about 4 episodes away from end of Boardwalk but yea, the last season doesn't seem like it was written as well as the first four. Stopped watching Fargo 2 after 5 episodes cause i don't like waiting! almost all finished

        • +1

          @pointless comment: Are you finished yet?

          Great, so you prefer The Wire and have poor eyesight. Good for you. Now move along and realise there are people who like the X-Files more and prefer to watch it at BD bitrates.

          Thanks for telling everyone what to enjoy.

        • @Amar89: it was merely an opinion, to which i am entitled too.

          Obviously your opinion is that sarcasm is great, which i respect even if i dont agree

      • Presto has it in high def and widescreen, if you have the right combination of devices. The bitrate will obviously be lower though.

        • -1

          The copies on Presto are not HD or widescreen, so what they transmit in is moot. Also, last time I looked, only some titles were available in HD and X-Files wasn't one of them.

    • Or get the six months free Presto and stream the entire series for free.

      • +3

        Guess you missed the thread above :)

      • -1

        I suggested that above and got negged to oblivion by those that place a premium on HD and widescreen when watching old tv series that can be had for free.

        I just hope they all have 50"+ screens to take full advantage - i bet some of them will probably watch on a 30" screen or less

  • -1

    give it 6 months - will be on Netflix in widescreen and HD. Give it one year - should be ~ $100 AUD off Amazon….

    • Like to see you get blu-ray quality video and sound on Netflix. For that matter like to see how you will get to keep the videos on Netflix, oh wait you can't it's a streaming only service, never yours to own.

      • Don't get me wrong, I will get the Blu Ray - when it is around ~$100….. However Netflix on HD is way better than DVD…
        Getting this series now on Blu Ray at launch is overpaying, IMO.

        • +1

          Though no comparison to Blu-ray.

    • Blu-ray movies use 50gb of data due to the heavy encoding which gives us that amazing picture quality. If you watch it on Netflix, you're looking at 3gb for a HD movie. Not even 10% of what blu-ray can achieve if you look at it that way. Then again, bonus features, different langiages, etc fit onto that 50gb disc.

  • +4

    Don't get ripped off by the local price even on their 20% off.

    $187.79 delivered from Amazon UK. $51.41 less than JB Hi-Fi.…

  • By the way it's $239.20 from JB Hi-Fi. Some one forgot the extra 20 cents. If you try hand over $239 at JB Hi-Fi they won't give it to you.

  • Yeah also OP. Those who rushed out and paid the $239.20 price from JB will learn a valuable lesson that they could have bought it from Amazon UK for $187.79 delivered and saved a ton of more money.

    • It's pretty much around the $187 mark from AmazonUK, Amazon Fr, Amazon De and Zavvi but some locals either don't want to wait for O/S delivery or the thought of foreign lettering has them reaching for the smelling salts. Personally, I'll get it where it's cheap.

      • +1

        Last blu-ray box set order late last month from Amazon UK arrived at the front door in about a week after it was dispatched. Not much waiting when it comes to Amazon UK.

        • My recent Sons Of Anarchy BR set set arrived in 4 days on standard shipping but people are stubborn even in the face of the current facts.

        • +1


          Yeah. Takes a few days extra to reach here in Central Queensland. Was amazed how fast the standard delivery from Amazon UK is lately. Way way faster than Zavvi that's for sure.

        • Yeah UK Amazon orders ship and arrive fast, even faster than US Amazon.

  • +1

    Spoiler ….

    9 seasons and you still do not know anything.

    • -1

      Not true, 'The truth is out there' …

  • It's hard to justify why this could cost so much, compared to Seinfeld on DVD for $49, and Battlestar Galactica on Blu-Ray for about as much.

    • Both those sets have been out for years, though. X Files has been out less than a week.

      • Yeah in about 2 years from now this box set will probably be under the $100 mark. Those who rush out and buy the title at release date always get ripped off.

      • Oh yeah I totally understand that. I just feel that it's a show as old or older than those, but the cost is significantly more. They're really milking customers.

        • +1

          But we all forget we paid $200 a season for X files and Star Trek TNG on DVD way back. These seem like a steal in comparison

        • @david1371:

          But the fact is no one in their right mind pays $200 for a TV show season. People back then mustn't have been in their right minds either to pay $200 for one single season.

        • @david1371:

          And $700 for a dvd player!

        • @nafe:

          My first DVD player cost $500. But there's no way i would have paid $200 for a single TV show season.

        • +1

          Well, guilty as charged. Although I remember paying around $129-149 per season of Star Trek Voyager And Enterprise. Given inflation, it's even worse than it sounds.

  • It would have been fantastic if the X-Files had done the movie, "The One I Love" in the 90s.

  • Soon to be Incomplete Series Set

    • Space in the set is provided for the miniseries case.

  • X-Files are best suited for the generation X

  • so… is alien really exist?

    • Yes in the universe. But not here.

      • so the show is lies?

        • It's make believe, and it's labelled for entertainment purposes only.

        • @DoctorOwl: cool. i havent watch the last episode so not sure what to expect

    • +2

      Is grammar really exist?

  • -5

    not a deal.. is free at piratebay

    • hehe.. i knew u guys would like that :)

  • I notice on Netflix (US) that all seasons are now in high def, really 'modernises' the show a lot.

    • Until you see the HD, widesreen 90s cars , CRT computer screens and brick mobile phones

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