This was posted 9 years 3 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

6 Months of Free Presto


6 Months free Presto - Instructions here:

Code reported to be working for current and new accounts.

Code courtesty of @phenomenomenom and @melmac77 (details here)

Update for Virgin users pointed out below thanks to @spackbace + @trump3

Also Virgin subscribers can get free 2GB Data when you subscribe to Presto (remember to check eligibility first)
See here

Update for existing users

Login and go to Settings. Under account Settings it will have your active subscription. Down the bottom is an option to add a promo code.

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closed Comments

    • +5

      6 months ago I would have agreed. In it's defence, Presto has made some great changes and has expanded their library to include very recent releases.

      • -1

        Have they made their content SD yet?

        Until I own a phone which is supported by Presto it's pointless signing up to them as I can't chrome cast.

        • +3

          SD yet???????
          All of their content was SD, it is slowly becoming HD.

        • +1

          @snuke: It was sub-SD when it launched. Might have looked on on a computer or tablet but horrible on a TV screen.

      • +1

        I agree. I'm getting HD and Dolby 5.1 now through my Chromecast on Presto. None of those existed before. They have improved with their app and the content is actually pretty good. Nowhere near as bad as some make it out to be.

        • +2

          To get HD on your Chromecast, do you need to stream it from the mobile app? It's been months since I tried, but I could never get Presto streaming from my desktop PC to Chromecast.

          Lack of HD was one reason I never watched anything on Presto, but lack of subtitles was the killer. If you can't watch video in HD on a home theatre PC, what's the point? I tried running the Presto app it in an Android emulator but the app won't continue past the start screen. Hopeless. Stan was the same. I don't think they want us using their stuff.

        • @greenie4242: I'm streaming from my android tablet & IOS phone app to my tv. There was an app update about a month ago that included the HD and 5.1 content. It was a pleasant surprise. Don't quote me on everything being in HD and 5.1 though. As for subtitles, I have never tried it or running presto through a HTPC.

          I know Stan and Presto won't allow playback if you have a jail broken or rooted phone/Tab. I used an app called "Hide Rooting Lite" to get past that issue on android. Works Great!

          Try it out again, it's free so you can't go wrong. Just remember to cancel before the cut off date.

      • -3

        Netflix Australia is actually very average.

        I will be unsubscribing soon I think.

        • +4

          That's why you get yourself a smart DNS and change your region to suit your viewing needs.

    • +4

      I agree. Presto is trash, even for free. Make sure to set a reminder to cancel before you get charged.

  • +92

    Thought this was "6 months of free pesto". Would prefer that.

    • +8

      That would take the biscuit.

    • +1

      Basil and pine nuts?

    • +1

      hello i am also enquiring about the 6 months of free pesto.

  • +3

    My previous 6 months free was due to expire in 4 days, so great timing!

    • +39

      (not that I ever get around to using Preso)

      • +6

        4 months into my free 6 months, still not a single item watched. Got excited when they released an Android TV app, finally I can watch it on a device I have connected to the TV, nope, not compatible.

        • +1

          What device are you using? works on my nexus player ..

        • +1

          @bbbrrraaaddd: Didn't work my Sony Z1

        • +1


          Nvidia Shield TV, works on my nexus player but that got retired to another room when I got the Shield. It will have to be retired again, as I just got another Shield.

        • Works on my Galaxy Tab S and computer.

          There's Walking Dead and 30 Rock the Sopranos.

          Watched Band of Brothers.

          Content is

  • +22

    6 months free useless product that no one in their right mind will pay for lol

    give it a few more months before this and Stan merge together to try and take on Netflix

    • +6

      still wont be worth watching.

    • still won't be worth paying for! well not on it's own, as a cheap add-on to existing bundle, maybe

  • +7

    Where to enter code on existing accounts??

    • +9

      If it's like other Presto promo codes:

      "Already have a Presto account?

      • Log in and navigate to settings
      • Ensure Presto Entertainment is selected and apply your promo code in the available field

      Note: If you are already on a complimentary period, you will need to wait until the final month of your current offer to apply your code."

  • +11

    I got the 6 months free presto subscription from the last ozbargain post - Haven't watched anything off Presto yet lol

    • I watched the X-Files. Don't think that's on Stan or Netflix.

      • +3

        It is on Netflix. But need to change to the US library though.

        I would be pleasantly surprised if you powered through the series in 6 months haha.

      • +2

        I watched Curb Your Enthusiasm, Mr Robot and Veep. Really great shows. Horrible service though.

    • Watched entourage. Good show.

  • Is this only for Telstra customers? Thanks

  • +1

    Great!! Another 6 months of Presto I will never watch! Let's just hope I will remember to cancel my account before it starts to charge me, otherwise I will be so over charged even by just for a month of subscription fee…..

    • Don't hope, just cancel it, save you money and time.

  • +1

    Thanks for posting, I saw the comment on the other thread that this code still works… signed up 20 mins ago :)! was gonna post it up but you bet me to it haha!

  • +6

    Virgin mobile ppl:

    Get 2gb free data every month you stream Presto (for 6 months)

    Perfect combo!

    • Added to the OP thanks!

    • +3

      Doesn't seem to work in combination with this offer.

  • +1

    Also Virgin subscribers can get free 2GB Data when you subscribe to Presto (remember to check eligibility first)

    • Added to the OP thanks!

  • +2

    if you love watching SD content thats really crap, sign up for Presto

    • I checked it out as they now have HD.

      • +1

        try watching anything on your PC

        • I scanned the rest of the comments, so seems so. At least they have HD available - at all! Watched it on my Samsung Smart TV.

    • +2

      My internet is so slow even SD will be a problem

    • I wasnt sure… But i think you've won me over

  • +5

    Reminded me to close my account from the last 6 months free promo. I would be filthy as if I got charged $15 for a month of presto.

    • +15

      I just used a prepaid mastercard that has $0.50 balance for subscriptions like these. They will try and charge but it won't go through.

      • The transaction might go thru then reverse, the bank might charge you "Dishonest" fees, so you might end up -$9.50.

        • +2

          Good point but my name is not tied to the card. Would it go to the person that bought it?

        • @fryandlaurie: I think it will stay in the account, the account holder get a SMS or email. I got that with my Load-n-Go.

    • Do they remind you that your trial is coming to an end?

      • +1

        nope… unless you check your bank statement…

  • Is it possible to add it to existing account? How?

    • I added it to an existing account after it was posted in the other deal.

      Login and goto Settings. Under account Settings it will have your active subscription. Down the bottom is an option to add a promo code. I was being charged at the time.

      Since adding this code, there is no longer an option to add one, so you might need to wait for your current subscription to run out.

  • CHEERS heaps mate!
    I have a slow ADSL 2 connection being nearly 4km from exchange so don't mind standard def content.
    Also don't have a credit card so signed up using a prepaid visa giftcard, which is empty.

  • +7

    They use Flash Player…This deal is not for Mac OS users :(

    • +19

      get a real computer

    • +7

      Flash is pretty terrible on PC too, I honestly think Presto is only for mobile device users.

      • +1

        Their app is horrible too. Honestly the worst entertainment service I've used.

        • -1

          There are definitely things wrong with their app, but I find it considerably better than Netflix's app.
          Although I haven't used Netflix's app in a couple of months, so it might have improved.

        • -1

          @legiong: No way is it better than Netflix in any way. I have experienced more bugs and error messages using Presto than I have any other service. Playback history doesn't even sync between the website and app.

        • @itsfree:
          Are you Android or iOS?
          I'm on Android, and while I can find instructions on the web for connecting via Chromecast, the option isn't there in my app.

          This was what was giving me the shits last time I went to use it.
          I could use MHL, but I'd rather have my phone/tablet next to me and use Chromecast so that I can easily pause/rewind/select a different show.

          I don't know if I'm just lucky and unable to use Chromecast.
          Mind you I'm at work and not on the same network as my Chromecast, but from my understanding the Chromecast option should appear regardless whether you have a Chromecast on the same network.

        • -1

          @legiong: I'm using iOS.

        • @itsfree:
          I checked and Chromecast option does appear on my home network.

          I must've last used it prior to that being added.

    • +1

      use mozilla firefox on mac

  • Does Presto offer HD and DD?

    • It does offer HD, but last time I checked it's only via the Android and iOS clients.
      You can't connect them directly to your TV via an MHL adapter, so you need a ChromeCast or Apple TV to watch on your TV.

      DD = dolby digital? If so, I don't think so.

      • +2

        No HD on PC?

        Still no subtitle?

        • +1

          I just checked Aquarius in my web browser, it doesn't look HD.
          I can't see options for subtitles either.

        • +2

          no HD on a pc, i tried band of brothers and its lower than SD I reckon. quality is just awful

        • -2

          @Makoto: I guess you can't complain when it is free.

        • +7

          @zealmax: but its not free, they charge a subscription each month

          the reason they keep giving it away "free" is because they hope at least some idiots will forget to stop the subscription and start getting charged automatically at the end of it.

          not really a great way to build your business on being dishonest like that is it ?

        • +1

          Just checked a couple of movies and indeed, still no subtitles. This is worse than no HD content. However still a good bargain though. Thanks OP.

        • +1


          Also checked some movie on mobile and play on chromecast. The movie said HD but not really.

  • +3

    Previous subscription averaged $2.14/m * 7m as I was one day late to suspend plan. I must have watched~1 flick. Let this serve as a reminder to future self to review/Pause by 5/6/2016.
    Next subscription payment

    $0.00 on 07/01/2016

    100% off for 6 months

    You will be charged $0.00 per month for the first 6 months, then $14.99 per month there after

    I accept your promo Telstra.

    Code worked a charm on a dormant a/c paused 10/2015. Under settings, > allow TEL515TBV3
    Subscription: Presto Entertainment - Active

    • Can't you just modify your payment method by giving invalid cvv number or expiry date to ensure you don't forget?

    • +1

      I did exactly the same thing..noticed it hit my credit card..said to myself i'd cancel tomorrow.. forgot and got charged a second month.. I guess that's where they get you.

    • Yes, reluctance to miss out a day of uncharged time (general inertia); and then easily forgot; behavioural economics.
      Wised up this time tho, thus I've GCalendar reminder/email setup to stop a/c 9 May on early 6th cycle. That'll end billing, but allow finishing month.

      Apart from calendar reminder, Presto itself sent notification 7 days in advance last time trial 6mo was expiring.

      Influencing my choice to cancel was for a carriage service provider's role in removal flexidata* (available $0.125 per Me2U/1GB).

      • are you a robot?

      • factual reporter

  • +1

    The six month code for me didn't work but the two month Shop-a-Docket one linked in the description did. Not sure why that was the case but I'm not really bothered - only need it for the upcoming Home & Away special for people in my household.

    • +1

      Can you tell me more about that?
      My Mother is panicking this will be a permanent show that she'llneed to watch if she wants to kkeep up with Home and Away on 7.

  • Thanks mate.

  • +5

    Got the last 6 month deal and Presto is horrible, doesn't even offer hd on my computer or mac
    Stan is at least comparable to netflix with just a tiny bit worse library but prestos library is horrible.
    Free is free though so definitely sign up and hope that in the next few months they can get to Stans level which is only slightly worse then Netflix.

  • +2

    Was going to sign up to catch up on TWD but no xbox one/ps4 app? Haha wow.

    • They do actually have a ps4 app, just found it. There may be some hope yet.

  • +4

    I use Presto to watch The Wire, Sopranos and Mr Robot as I can't get those on Netflix. If it did, there'd be no reason to use Presto.

    • +1

      A frustrating feature of Presto is that content expires without warning. I was a couple of episodes from the end of a series and when I went to finish watching, the series had completely disappeared from the site. No warning, no "This show is no longer available", just gone - no search results and the URL resulted in a 404 error.

      For the past year people have been requesting that expiry dates to be listed, but nothing has been done about it apart from remarking "great idea, we'll pass it on".

      Obviously not the end of the world, but it can leave you hanging.

      • I noticed with the Samsung SmartTV app it says when it's available till under the title when you select the title. From other comments here, it seems they don't have consistent info and HD support across different platforms?

        • The Samsung app shows the expiry on movies, not TV series:

          The web interface doesn't show it for either:

          Not much of an issue for binge watchers, but it's mighty annoying when you only have a small amount of time for TV watching and find the thing you want to watch has completely disappeared.

          Again, nothing critical, but something to be aware of.

          (Also, Frontline "1970"! It's not that old :)

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