This was posted 9 years 2 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$1 PS3/Xbox 360 Games @ JB Hi-Fi (in Store Only)


A follow on from the thread posted Last Night ,this time in store. Checkyour local store for any stock!! Staff were surprised to find that the games were only $1 so she got the guy next to her to scan, still $1. Bought a couple of titles. Happy ozbargaining!!

Games (PS3 / Xbox 360) may include:

  • Borderlands 2
  • NBA 2k14
  • Gears of war 3
  • Devil May Cry
  • Disney Fantasia Music evolved
  • Darksiders 2
  • Xcom
  • Metal Gear Rising

Update: List of games thanks to brainstorm. Page 1, Page 2, Page 3

Related Stores

JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +1

    Pity there's no PC games on sale, right?.

    Why no love for PC gamers. :(

    • +1

      Check previous jb hifi posts.
      Edit: there were like $5 pc games at jb hifi on another post which expired.

    • +8

      Just had a steam sale bro

    • +2

      Yes, it's cheaper to buy from Steam and other online streaming game resellers when they are having a sale.

      • -1

        I hate the pricing on Steam. They're scum for charging us Aussies a hell of a lot more for games than the majority of the world. Even a physical copy of some games from EB are cheaper than what Steam are asking.

        Example: Wolfenstein - The new Order


        And if you're in the U.S., just USD$60

        • +2

          Yeah but buy on a key website where it's really cheap or wait for a sale. Steam is still a great platform to use.

        • +1

          That's why I said when they are having a SALE.
          Steam's regular prices are pretty mediocre.

        • +2

          Steam doesn't regulate the prices, the publishers do. Bethesda in particular love to charge Aussies more for their games than other regions. Easy work around, buy a key from another region. Pretty sure I paid about $20 USD for W:TNO fairly soon after it was initially released.

        • It was $7 USD afaik from GMG (authorized Steam re-seller).

        • Get it on G2A

      • +1

        That's too high for a standalone expansion. It's usually on sale for $3.75 USD.

        • That is true however $1.25 per hour of fun is still a pretty good bargain in my book.

    • +7

      PC games are constantly on sale.

      Pay $1 for several games on humble bundle and other game bundles websites.

    • Because they're not trying to make the previous generation of titles redundant on PC because there's no such thing.

      Oh man, consoles have backwards compatibility now? Sorry I didn't hear you over the sound of Transport Tycoon Deluxe.

    • +10

      bloody pc mustard race peasant

    • +7

      PC gamers are worse than atheists and vegans, when it comes to always telling you they're PC gamers.

      • I wouldn't say worse than Vegans but you're pretty close

      • -1

        Nah, edgy know it all teen Atheists and euphoric Atheist neckbeards are the worst.

        • 2edgy4me

    • They are everywhere mate pathetic how the peasants think there game looks good on console lololol.

      It's the new plague I tell ya.

  • +4

    Someone has cleaned out most, if not all, of North Sydney store this morning.
    Bought $100 + when the store opened.

    Well done!

    • JB worker perhaps… :-)

      • +19

        dick smith worker maybe ;)

        • Or Big W staff. Might even just be an OBD (Ozbargain dick).

        • +3

          @Nukkels: Broden.

    • +1

      I wonder why he/she did that… Must have a large family or lots of friends, I doubt resale values are very high and he/she has enough time to play them all.

        • @daveted: Either way, they'll all be on eBay by now. Same happened at my local Big W months ago. The sales guy happily told me that they sold 70 copies of MW3 to the same guy (and he bothered to tell me the guy was Asian, FWIW). Shame, I might have picked up a couple of copies for my own friends but when retailers don't put limits on stuff what can you do?

        • +1

          @Scipio: Brodens come in all shape and sizes. Damn that asshat who bought 30 logitech speakers and headphones for dirt cheap on DS ebay sale a year ago!

      • probably get more back from a tradein or a console tradein deal

      • +1

        There always someone that will ruin it for all of us. grrr

        Sure is a cheapass gamer living around the North Sydney area. HAHA

    • I remember when North Sydney JB Hi-Fi first opened, when most games were sold out everywhere North Sydney had heaps of stock.

    • Really? I was planning to go there tomorrow. What time did you go to the store?

    • I saw a guy with a box of PS3 games this morning in North Sydney JB, which is around 11:30am
      I bought a XBOX 360 Battle Field 3.
      There should be Xbox games left.

  • how is Melb CBD?

    • +23

      smaller than Sydney CBD

      • +4

        Prob in better shape than Sydney.

    • +17

      warm with a chance of storm later

    • +9

      Humidity at 36%

    • +5

      trams buzzing around

    • not too bad. Coffee is way OP though


    • Too many hipsters. Great nightlife though.

  • lol

  • +3

    Better to put 'XBox 360 and PS3' in the title

  • Picked up my click and collect order of Borderlands II today.

    • Did you received the confirmation from JB then collected from local? My order is still in progress…

  • Can confirm North Sydney store cleaned out apart from a few odd titles left.

  • no $1 games at sydney strand store. Some titles marked down to $10.

  • Are these new or pre owned?

    • +1

      All new.. just really old titles

      • Ah thanks

  • thanks, will edit

  • Nothing at Macarthur Square

  • the sale from last night are not pricing error eh ..

  • +8

    I can confirm the following are $1 on PS3 which I acquired for personal use:

    Dragons Dogma
    Castlevania Lord of Shadows Collection
    Akiba's Trip 2
    Air Conflicts Vietnam
    Arcania The Complete Tale
    Arcan Heart 3 Love Max
    Ar Nosurge
    Port Royale 3
    Persona 4 Arena
    Ninja Gaiden 3
    Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge
    Natural doctrine
    Time and Eternity
    The Witch and the Hundred Knight
    Tears to Tiara 2
    Ultra Street Fighter IV
    Risen 3: Titan Lords
    Xcom Enemy Unknown
    Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z

    • I'm really interested in the Japanese game titles there.

    • Arcania my store said was $5+

    • +3

      You are a champion!
      Got the following from JB Brisbane CBD Adelaide St:

      Akiba's Trip 2
      Ar Nosurge
      Atelier Rorona Plus
      Natural Doctrine
      Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters ($5)
      The Witch and the Hundred Knight

    • +3

      I feel ripped off. I paid $20 for some of those titles just on their own. Buyer remorse. Damn you JB, you've done it again!

  • Not surprised - pre-xmas is a great time to exit an old category / clear out the bulk of the old games for an existing console. Pretty certain I remember JB doing similar with PS2 games a number of years ago.

  • +6

    Confirmed purchase from JB Hi-Fi Chatswood Westfield:

    Call of Juarez
    Darksiders 2
    Crysis 3
    Arcania Complete Tale
    Risen 3
    MOH: Warfighter

    Still another Darksiders at the time of writing. Plenty of other random games.

    No pre-owned's reduced. New games only.

    • what was the price ?

  • Is ps vita dead?

    • +1

      Its still kicking, just dont expect sales on physical games, retailers dont get enough stock to warrant it. Also if you grab Sly Cooper Theives of Time on PS3, you get a free copy of it on PS Vita (Cross Play), its $1 if you can find it.

      • is sly cooper theives on ps3 1 $?

    • It is dead at aussie retail stores. Unlikely to be any AAA titles developed in the future. There is a constant stream of indie games on the playstation network and JRPG (japanese role playing games) still coming out.

      Also good for remote playing some PS4 games when the connected TV is being used by others.

    • I have 40 physical titles for mine and growing by the days/weeks. It's a little hard to find some of them, but the thrill of the hunt is fun.

      Whatever happens at retail, it's going to keep me occupied for years to come.

  • BTW guys, the shelves are also cleaned out because the staff have picked out titles to fulfill orders

    • -1

      No… Clearly what has happened is 1. Orders were dispatched to stores overnight. 2. Lazy staff didn't process the orders in the morning before open as they should. 3. Stock was left on shelves and sold.

      Pretty pissed off about it.

  • +3

    none at Macquarie centre NSW

    • +1

      of course not. That place is full of students

  • Plenty on the shelf at Kawana on Sunshine Coast.

    Picked up LA Noire complete Ed, Assasins Creed 2, NBA 2k14, Air Conflicts Vietnam. Many more which I already had.

    • all $1??

      • Yup, all $1.00 I had to look twice and I told a few of the kids who were checking out games at the time. The lady at the checkout said "That's amazing, your kids will love you for that!"

        • +1

          Dammit just went to one jb and the guy kept saying 10 dollars for everything have a huge suspicion he was just talking shit to keep them for himself

    • I just spent $15+ on LA Noire download :(

  • Thanks Plenty of stock at Glen(Vic) too. Good bargain

  • +19

    My brother just went to jbhi Parramatta and got this list. He asked me to upload it to the lovely ozbargain community.

    • Thanks

    • +1

      You sir, and your brother are the real heroes. Salutations!

      • Go tip your fedora elsewhere

    • +1

      By the way, that list is not a complete list. I saw other games that were also $1 so it's worth asking for a price check

  • Hornsby has been cleaned out. I managed to get some good stuff before closing time as below -

    All for $1

    Xbox 360

    Risen 3
    Steel battalion heavy armour
    Crimes and punishments - Sherlock Holmes


    Splatter house
    Ninja gaiden 3 - razors edge
    Lollipop chainsaw
    Air conflict Vietnam
    Zone of the Enders had collection
    Moh warfighter
    Army of two Devils cartel
    Midway arcade originals
    Testament of Sherlock Holmes
    History - legends of war
    Dead or alive 5

    As others have said, a lot of the rare Japanese games are gone and many stuff picked by staff for online orders

    • FYI the ZotE HD Collection has severe bugs in it that remain unpatched for the PAL version to this day and make the game basically unplayable.

      So what went wrong with the original HD release? Performance is by far and away the most significant issue with the frame-rate averaging around 30fps while dips below 20fps appear regularly. V-sync is fully engaged, but the lack of frame skipping results in the game operating at 50 per cent speed (or less) the vast majority of the time. In addition, image quality is limited by a resolution of just 1280x720 with no anti-aliasing, while alpha effects were rendered at a low resolution, textures suffered from in-surface colour banding, depth of field was mostly removed, shading was often inaccurate, and HUD elements were stretched. Remarkably, High Voltage not only failed to enhance the game, it also failed to match the original PlayStation 2 version.

      • we are talking about the 360 version right not the PS3 version ?

        • Nope PS3

        • @Telios:

          ah googled - yea some how the AU code is different from the UK code….

    • Which ones are the rare ones? and why are they rare?

      • Anything that has an anime-like cover. Small production runs/limited stock.

  • I managed to get some decent $1 games at Holmesglen (VIC)
    Shadow of Mordor: Legion Edition
    Thief: JB Exclusive Metal Case & Bank Heist Mission
    Borderlands 2
    Dragon Age 2
    Injustice: Gods Among Us
    Crysis 3: Hunter Edition
    NBA 2K14

    Lightning Returns: FF13
    Tekken Tag Tournament 2

    There we heaps of other variety of games that I saw.
    Some included were:
    Ninja Turtles
    Battlefield 3 Premium Edition
    Tekken 6
    Naruto Ninja Storm 2
    Naruto Ninja Storm 3
    Ninja Gaiden 3

    • Do they have the games marked as $1?

  • +2

    Step 1: Buy $1 games
    Step 2: Go to EB Games
    Step 3: Get about $4-$5 cash per game
    Step 4: ???…wait, you already have profit.
    Step 5: !!!

    I once came across $3.75 games at Dicksmith. Being broke, I bought what I could, went down to EB and made $20 profit. I spent that money on a movie ticket, large popcorn and drink. Absolutely priceless when you're a dead broke teenager.

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