This was posted 9 years 4 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Claim a Free Movie Ticket from McDonald's - Sign up to MyMaccas


Absolute credit to zhuntai

Double passes have been claimed, but single ticket is still damn handy!

As per forum post, to claim:
1) Sign up or Login to MyMaccas
2) Up top of page click 'mymaccas'
3) On the drop down, click 'Available Offers'
4) Claim the single movie ticket before they're all gone!

1 claim per account

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closed Comments

  • +4

    I keen getting the following error when I try and claim the code:

    You must select at least one reward

    • +1


    • +1

      Try a different cinema

      • +2

        tried all ones near me (around 6) all come up with same error. Useless promo.

    • +1

      I tried 2 near me and getting same error
      edit: just got it to work, thanks!!

    • same…

    • get error as well

    • I got the same thing. Called the number, told its a glitch on their system and try again tomorrow (should be fine now you've got the code and saved it to your account).

    • I had the same issue. You have to wait a few seconds for it to load once you pick the cinema.

  • Says the code is already claimed.

  • Says I must select one reward..

    • Same… kinda shit.

      • ok got my 2 tix for me and the wife… only problem now is there is nothing worth seeing screening currently.

        However Start Wars and Spectre are due out soon so they will go to good use :)

    • +2

      But where do we plug in the microwave ;-)

    • +2

      ive you need a microwave, there is one in the baby change rooms of most malls !! normally for mothers to heat up milk for their babies but can also be used for fresh pop corn !!

      • +1

        then a poor baby may end up drinking milk-pop corn flavour :c

  • +2

    Can't seem to even sign up, website is slow and laggy. Anyone else experiencing this?

    • yes.. especially if you are browser is IE.
      doesn't load the secure content by default.

    • Yep.

      Stuck in a endless load after signing up.

    • +2

      Yes, slower than a lunchtime queue in a city Maccas ;-(

    • website is slow and laggy

      Jeez I wonder why…

      OZBargain Army in full force!

  • So laggy.

  • I keep getting an error "You must select at least one rewards" at the end after selecting the cinema. :/ When i go back to maccas site it said i already claimed the ticket?

    edit: website is down lol

  • +1

    Worked straight away on Android phone. Thanks.
    Only 764 left.

  • Got it to work and got a free ticket to the State Cinema in Hobart. Not a bad deal!

  • +1

    Yeah WTF says I must claim 1 reward, after all that effort..

    I went back through the maccas website and it worked.

  • -1

    chrome works fine.
    firefox stuck in the sign up process.

  • Mine worked on Safari

  • it's working now!

  • Thanks. 646 left

  • No Greater Union, I feel like I've wasted a ticket as there is no Cinema for me to pick that I would go to.

  • Worked for me! Cheers op!

  • Ringwood did not work

    Belgrave did.

    Now the question remains: Will the cinema's accept it?

    Mymaccas now doesnt seem very stable, lots of ozbargain members?

    I guess people are signing up "friends" email addresses as well? This doesnt seem like a well thought-out promotion.

    • Use your gmail account, it considers and nam.e different email addresses.

  • Just tried claiming one in Queensland… no go… (no decent cinemas)

    So because I pay $4.50 for my tickets I decided to claim it for my dying dad

    • +1

      (no decent cinemas) Then, try an indecent one ;-)
      There are some good cinemas like New Farm, or Dendy Portside. I'll make it part of an interesting day out, taking the ferry to Portside for a free movie :-)

  • Service Unavailable

    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later

  • +4

    "Web Error 503 - Site has been OzBargained."

  • ERROR 503
    Service Unavailable

    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

  • aahahaha server crashed.

  • We have exhausted this poor website. All it took was 25 mins..

  • +4

    Lol well done professionals :)

  • +1

    Service Unavailable

    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

  • It had over 400 clicks in the last 4 minutes.

    Free shit sells like hot cakes!

    • Yeah that click counter is going mental now!

      • +1

        Plus the hundreds of people refreshing…. f5

      • Haha has crashed get on their Twitter and Facebook let em know, hahaha send em a link to cloudflare…

  • Whew! Just got in before the server crashed! Thanks, OP!

  • Yep, me too

  • For those having issues on the TLC website, try waiting 5 seconds after you choose the cinema - it worked for me after several attempts.

  • +1

    Finally get to the claim page and 'something went wrong' message.

    Thanks Maccas!

  • Got one, Thanks Op and Zhuntai!

  • Voted. Got 1. Awesome deal! Thank you :)

  • its been Ozbargained bitches !!

  • +1

    Server's chuckin' up 503's for me?

    • 1 for me please..

    • Good on you Broden

    • double post

    • +9

      And not even a + vote for deal :-(
      Marked commenter as blocked.

    • Good on you Broden

    • This kind of comment will have the McDonalds PR department cancelling the contest and creating a new one that requires a drivers license or other ID. (maybe shut up so I can keep my 1 ticket)

    • +3

      Kinda a jerk thing to do..

    • +1

      Either a troll or really did claim 14. Either way scum act!

    • +2

      Wow so you couldn't even spare an up vote or perhaps saying "thank you for posting the deal" ? Geez

    • broden ! Is that you

    • what a tool!

  • does this work with the app to?

  • +1

    Mcdonalds - You have been ozbargained. Goodbye!

    • -2


    • Seems legit.

  • -7

    Yeah not funny anymore

    • Who else wants a Broden wall of shame? *lol

  • +1


  • +1

    Definitely OzBargained:
    "Something went wrong with our system. Our developers have been notified, so take a break and try again later."

  • Ozbargained…

    • Your actions will probably get the Maccas PR department cancelling the contest and reinstating a new contest to require more stringent ID - What's the bet. Well done if so.

      In fact, you've given plenty of people who missed out, ammunition for emailing maccas to show them your message!

      • -5

        oh well. snooze you lose

        • +1

          you know you are the one that ultimately lost because you're the kind of greedy person who has a lack of morality with your 18 tickets right? Are you a teenager?

        • -3

          @JohnKG: yep 18 should be enough to last me to end of summer.

          I'm Lovin it.

        • +1


          I think there are 370 left, are you sure you don't want to try and go for another 200? That's only 4 films a week for another year.

    • Ahmed!

    • +2

      Another one! And not even a + vote for deal:-(

    • +1

      People like you on this site really piss me off

  • Damn, wanted to see the latest James Bond flick using this!

    C'mon McDonalds work, I swear I'll smuggle a BigMac into the movies

    • Same >_<

  • I managed to get 2 free tickets earlier when I saw the forum post. Thanks!

  • +3

    Would you like some fries with that DDoS?

    Would you like to upsize that server capacity for an extra $1.50?

  • +1

    Some people get 5+, others get nothing. Nice one, ozbargain.

    • Wouldnt expect it any other way. Happens every time something is free.

      • Yep!

      • +5

        Not all people on here are greedy. I saw the forum post pretty early on. I chose to redeem the double pass and after I redeemed that there were still around 200 double passes left and about 700 single tickets left. I could have easily made a heap of other accounts to get even more tickets but I didn't. I left it for others :) I got my free double pass so I was happy with that!

        • Well then, you're awesome. ( ^.^)b

        • We did not say ALL people, but there are a segment of people who do this for anything free. Not just on this forum - in general. I have even seen people bring tupperware to places there is a free food giveaway. Everyone's limits are different.

  • Dam why is such a large company having a site so slow???? Should be super fast cause these guys have billions of assets.

    • +1

      Because they sell burgers from stores not free movie tickets online ;-)

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