Woolworths Rewards card required
Great deal as i always buy the cheese popcorn when its $1
Buy 14 Poppin Microwave Popcorn100g for $1 Each, Get $10.08 off Next Shop @ Woolworths
$0.72 Rewards Credit per pack.
Woolworths Rewards card required
Great deal as i always buy the cheese popcorn when its $1
Buy 14 Poppin Microwave Popcorn100g for $1 Each, Get $10.08 off Next Shop @ Woolworths
$0.72 Rewards Credit per pack.
Thanks for sharing.
just helping other people not spend $14 and then spend their night on the throne
Game of Thrones style?
just helping other people not spend $14 and then spend their night on the throne
Are you Joffrey Baratheon
I would have more diarrhoea too if I ate 14 bags in one night.
I can only imagine the agony your cornhole went through as you uncontrollably popped out a wave of brown liquid-like fecal matter.
You have my sincere [snort] corndolences.
lol. you made my night !
No pooblem.
amazing! ILY
I love you too… guy.
In the middle of eating a bag now thanks alot the rest is going in the bin lol.
It might be a waste of pop corn and money, but look on the bright side: at least it won't be bodily waste in the form of diarrhoea.
Ones I missed but too late to edit:
I can only
I corn only
That's some bad Netflix and chill!
cancer risk of living.. enjoy responsibly and in moderation.
1 kg of microwave popcorn
@jatdipasand: well you don't eat it all in one go do you (Unless you're fat and depressed, with no sense of self control)? Hell, 14 bags would probably last me a year or more, would need to look at the 'best before' date on the product.
@gizmomelb: thats true. but all im really trying to say is one will spend $10 on potentially hazardous popcorn to save $10 on shopping. I m sure there will be plenty more deals to earn woolworths dollars.
what happens if you 4 wifi networks in your house?
you'll save money by not having children.
Whatever you do don't eat several packs a day for several years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronchiolitis_obliterans#Diace… http://uk.reuters.com/article/2007/09/05/health-conagra-popc…
Wow. Why don't they put real butter in the popcorn instead of that fake stuff that damages peoples lungs.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Hmm. I used to eat a whole pack on my own when it's movie night, but the amount of bad stuff in it is going to clog your arteries.
How long do you guys wait when you stop the microwave? They said stop when it pops once per second, but that's a really long time.
My microwave has a popcorn setting, I set it to 100g popcorn and it gives me a 2 minute 20 second timer. It's perfect every time.
no offense to the deal, but if you're a fan of good popcorn forget the microwavable bags and get yourself the following:
+ popping corn (nice big kernels preferred but even supermarket stuff works fine)
the only one of these not found here easily is the Whirley Popper which is essential. Flavacol can be purchased here, mostly from party shops that rent out popcorn making equipment. any coconut oil can be used, the one linked above just has added beta carotene for the colour so your popcorn will also look the part, not just taste it!
the above combined will have you making cinema-quality popcorn by the boatload!
YUM! by the boatload you say?
Tony Abbott wouldn't like that
He'd have a new slogan though: "Pop the boats!"
Looks great, I'm just too lazy to do all that.
Making it literally takes about 2 minutes for a big batch of popcorny deliciousness!
Ordering everything is a bit of a hassle, but it's basically a once off thing as it all goes a long way (except for the kernels but they're easy enough).
Trust me, it's worth it!
Do you have any particular coconut oil you use? Would something like this suffice; https://www.woolworths.com.au/Shop/Search/Products?searchTer…
I use the one I linked to in the post. It cost a bit to get here but it's such a big tub that it will last forever.
That one from Woolies will do just fine. The popcorn just won't have that nice yellow colour but the taste should be the same.
I just tried this method : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ggW9GgdCQ0
Worked perfectly, no need to go so complicated to something as simple as popcorn !
Aside from the once off "complication" of acquiring the popper and ingredients, I guarantee that making popcorn via the method I posted is actually less complicated, quicker (popping and clean up) and most importantly results in far superior tasting popcorn. :)
how much does a batch work out to be?
Even for the reason, these are cancer in a bag. (google it, thank me later).
Taste good, but they'll kill ya. Meanwhile, real popcorn tastes awesome & is as healthy as possible.
Even for the reason, these are cancer in a bag
The sun causes cancer but people still go to the beach
Yup. Exactly the same.
What happened to all the awesome comments?
JV's hidden them :-I
I see $1.35ea, where did you see $1?
Price starts tomorrow
Tomorrow, as in Tuesday (Nov 3) or Wednesday (Nov 4) ?
It's already Nov 4 here (VIC).
Or did you mean Thursday (Nov 5)??
I want my popcorn now! :(
Tomorrow as in Wednesday (Beginning of new catalogue week). I'm in Vic too, btw. I see it for $1 here: $1 Poppin Popcorn Microwave
I saw this. Lots of people were complaining on the FB page about the new card. But if they buy 14 packs of $1 Popcorn they'll earn their $10. They were complaining they spend $200 on groceries and didn't earn a single $1. Anyway I normally buy this Microwave Popcorn, it's good. Quick way to earn $10 reward dollars. I wonder if they'll put a limit on the amount of one orange card item you can buy after it's OzBargained to death this week?
Yeah this is the first real "abuse-worthy" item so we'll see if they learn their lesson
I don't know if they will catch on in store (especially if one uses the self checkout to purchase their 14 packs of $1 Microwavable Popcorn), but probably more online with orders or another possibility at a manned checkout.
If they are anything like the awful staff staff at Woolworths Airport West, VIC they will be too busy chatting to each other and will pay no notice to what you are doing.
too busy chatting to each other and will pay no notice to what you are doing
Ummmm, nah that's not just Airport West. That describes almost every Woolworths I've visited to date.
haha someone beat me to it
I was going to try this out tomorrow before i posted it. Thought of the idea last night after a good (cheap) bottle of sav blanc
What i'd like to know, if you supersized this deal, bought 45 or so to begin with, could you then spend the 30 woolies dollars on popcorn and end up with 23 bucks again in your account…. Popcorn-ception if you will
Then, what the foxtrot am i going to do with so much popcorn
I actually am interested in knowing if you can earn more woolies dollars while spending them.
Still Tuesday the 3rd here (QLD) Woolworths never seem to update there prices at midnight which is a pain.
But at least your curtains won't fade.
Hopefully Michael Jackson stocks up on this deal for all your Facebook feeds…
Great deal OP, thanks!
$1.35 when I use the link?
Maybe head office (CEO) is an ozbargainer?
just wondering, i dont have to buy exactly 14 packs right? I can get 7 and have the $5 credit in my card?
Yes you can.
FOR SURE! It's just you won't be able to use that $5 until you buy another $5 worth of products (in rebates) another time :)
$0.72 Reward Credit per pack
I'm tempted to buy alot and donate them to the local nutter ward.
is there anything to stop us returning the popcorn after using the discount? (apart from a hypothetical conscious)
Well considering your rewards card number would be printed on the card, would not surprise me in the least if they've setup a system that will automatically remove the extra. I'm certain they thought of that already.
Although if you used a temporary card, spent the $10 THEN returned it… not sure :)
What about if you bought the 14 packs in one transaction, went back in and bought another bag of groceries to apply the $10 discount, and then returned the popcorn?
How long does it take for the $10 Woolies dollars to be added to the card?
dont give up your day job
When items are returned we are supposed to scan your rewards card, but rarely do so you could probabl get away with saying you left it at home if anyone asks
"rewards card number would be printed on the card"
Oops! I'm STILL not right after my neurosurgery! Sorry guys! I meant your rewards card number would be printed on the receipt :)
Its a waste of food. I know Aldi has dispose of any returned food and I imagine WW is the same.
Just in time to spend my $10 Off last day tmr.
Pay $50 for,
$50 David Jones Giftcard -> $10 Off
$10 Popcorn -> $7.20 Reward :)
Use the $7.20 reward to buy another 7 packs 😁
Thanks EC.
TA… What time did you wake up this morning? lol
5am lol.
good to get in early with the bargains
Saw woolworths sold these for $1 2 weeks ago. I bought 5 packs. I still have 4 packs left.
But now with $0.72 rewards
Are we supposed to have received a new card by now? Because I've received nothing. :\
I think so. I Have 6 Woolworths cards registered to my address because of the previous $1 telstra sim card deal and I received all 6 cards in the mail last week.
no wonder they are going broke lol
I used a fake address when I signed up, but they must have detected it somehow because I never received the card either.
But you had a fake address, how were they supposed to send it to you ?
This lol
Haha! Truth!
They know the postman really well
The barcode on the new card is the same as the old card. You can continue using your old one indefinitely.
Seems issuing new cards was more a PR stunt, although they legally needed to remove Qantas FF logo. Both scan the same.
Spoke too soon, it arrived today.
The lite popcorn is a rip off 50% less fat 15 grams less weight.
microwave pop corn gives me diarrhoea, stick to the fresh stuff people.