[WARNING] Free Mens Business and Casual Shirts (Pricing Error) @ Envyu Clothing

Moved to Forum: [Original Link]

Looks to be a pricing error, but there are a wide selection of mens shirts currently on sale for $0.00
I placed an order for 5 and only payed $10 shipping. We'll see if they honour it!

Mod: Likely price error + reports of security issues within the website. The website has no security certificate at checkout and is accepting credit card information without any verification/processing as such. Most likely just a poorly designed website with a price error, regardless it is insecure and there is no possibility of the deal being honoured. We have moved the deal to the forums so discussion can continue.

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Envyu Clothing
Envyu Clothing


  • +15

    Dont see the point of sharing deals like this OP. You are nice for sharing this - but now that it has been posted here theres no way this will be honoured.
    Keep these things to yourself - even then there's only the slightest chance.


    • +2

      Hi I am the owner /operator of Envy u clothing I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by the glitch on our website. The problem has been rectified and all customers details have been deleted.

      Kind Regards
      Effie Kates

      • I hope the Male model is ok since you fixed the glitch.

  • +1

    Pricing errors aren't bargains.

    • +1

      I don't agree with much you post jv, but I strongly agree with this. Get a bit sick and tired of seeing people trying to exploit things like this that are obvious mistakes, with a lot of people commenting that they know they're never going to get the item (and a lot of people saying they're even supplying false credit card numbers!)

  • +5

    Lol @ that model!

  • 5 Shirts ordered

    LOL … they can cancel them, i dont care

    Would be a nice surprise if they actually shipped them

    • +1

      You'll b their next model..lol..

    • Hi I am the owner/operator of Envy U clothing I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by the glitch on our website. The problem has now been rectified and all customers details have been deleted

      Kind regards
      Effie Kates

  • +2

    The model looks like he is fresh from Bankstown

    • +2

      brah… clearly from Lakemba.

    • Fresh from Bankestown

  • +2

    What a head!!!!!

    • +1

      He would be a good promoter for DSE.

  • Shipping was $0.00 for me :)

    • sydney shipping ?

      • Yeh, I take it it's not nation wide free shipping? Shame, free stuff should go with free shipping lol

    • How??

  • -1

    Any Free shipping code??

  • +1

    You'll lose the shirts and get a $40 t-shirt. Bargain?

  • +1

    LOL, i just find this website does not use SSL encryption on their payment page. Could it be a scam site for obtain your credit card information?

    • lol you beat me to it being 4mins earlier..

      • LOL, I also just realised after I entered my payment information. Too Late now…

        • LOL… too bad you couldn't do paypal.

        • @googleyahoo69: that's what made it even more suspicious, the non Paypal was the one firstly grabbed my attention.

      • I really hope so, it does not feel safe without SSL encryption.

        • Guessing theres nothing we can do now?…

        • "I always make sure my husband has been baygoned before I let him out of the tool shed"

    • Hi I am the owner/operator of Envy U clothing I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by the glitch on our website. The problem has now been rectified and all customers details have been deleted

      Kind regards
      Effie Kates

  • i just dont want to look anything like the dude wearing them, including the shirt. he looks like a (profanity) dunny brush.

  • +6

    I've just ordered some, with free shipping as well, then before i proceed with payment, i found out that the website doesn't have a secure connection for being an e-commerce website /online shopping..hence, i simply put in random numbers as mastercard details, click place order, and it came back with "Your Payment transaction Successfully completed!
    Thanks for shopping with us. "
    hmm..kinda fishy and suspicious..just be careful guys.

    • I entered random payment details too, because of all the spelling mistakes + vague information + sitemap in general. Very reminiscent of this "deal" https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/195488

    • Hi I am the owner/operator of Envy U clothing I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by the glitch on our website. The problem has now been rectified and all customers details have been deleted

      Kind regards
      Effie Kates

  • -1

    Ordered 5 shirts, hopefully they come
    didnt even use my c/c either, used a generator of fakes

    • Good idea, i will keep this in mind for next time. LOL

  • Found on their "Contact Us" page…
    "Should you have any enquiries we would love to hear from you. Call us on Phone number : (02) 9698 9864 mobile:0419982 632 Email : sales.envyuclothing@gmail.com . Or feel free to come in and visit us at 135 - 139 McEvoy Street Alexandria 2015. Trading hours Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm Sundays 10am- 5pm"
    Don't think it's a scam, most likely pricing error as stated by OP.

    • +2

      Try calling the mobile now and see if its legit.

      • legit mobile and legit business is totally not related to the exposure of cc details out in the air without a secure connection. the business owner do not held responsible if your cc is not going thru a secure connection. as long as they are not giving out your cc details to third party in purpose, they will not be at fault, we as a buyer should be aware of the security/ies on any internet payment page before proceeding.

      • since you're calling the mobile why don't do a good deed, let em know what's going on here.. save the rest of the time.

    • yea most of the time it maybe only pricing error, however your payment details going thru a non-secure connection is always a NO NO, and yes i did google their address and found out the place is a shoe warehouse clearance or something, maybe the google street view is not updated yet, back to the point, non-secure payment page is a huge NO NO.. your payment details might be everywhere already.. cross your fingers.

    • +2
      • lol, good one! nice zoom

    • Still smells fishy all over.

      • Maybe its the onion head.

    • Hi I am the owner/operator of Envy U clothing I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by the glitch on our website. The problem has now been rectified and all customers details have been deleted

      Kind regards
      Effie Kates

    • A business that has its own website - yet uses gmail.


  • Interesting confirmation email.

    All Items came to 0.00 each

    however at the bottom of the email it states:

    Shiping: $10.00
    Total: $20

    (and that was copy and paste .. apparently there is no need for that extra "p" but an extra $10 to the total is fine I guess haha)

    Did not use my card, random numbers, so no loss this end when they reject it

    • +1

      Check and see if there is a pre-auth on ur acct. I am suspecting the portal is not linked to any payment gateway. Instead, the CC detail is forwarded to the shop and they will key it into the eftpos machine tmr.

      This is based on the assumption that if a fake card number is entered, the payment provider will decline the card.

      • However, if the total is $0 doubt they will even bother putting it into the eftpos machine

    • Hi I am the owner/operator of Envy U clothing I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by the glitch on our website. The problem has now been rectified and all customers details have been deleted

      Kind regards
      Effie Kates

  • Should be moved to forums, they won't honor it.

  • +2

    This is stupid guys. Don't risk your time and money.

  • Lol I want to see the owners face tomorrow when they look at their computer and realise how many orders they have with customers just paying shipping

  • +2

    These sort of 'bargains' annoys me, if some of the biggest retailers don't honor price errors, why the hell would a small business? Should implement a rule, to prevent these 'deals' remaining on the front page for so long.

  • +1

    more risk than bargain

    • fake name
      work address
      if confirmed order tell the mailroom your getting a package for "Jack Arse"

  • +1

    Guys DO NOT enter your credit card details into a site without a certificate. In non IT guy speak… IF THERE IS NO LOCK NEXT TO THE URL THE SITE ISNT SECURE

    Why you would have a non secure checkout page is beoyond me

    • -1

      True dat lack of https. Anyway can always claim chargeback if something happens.

    • http://heartbleed.com/

      "Secured" connect is not as secure as many would think.

  • +1

    There is also the chance this is a business that is still in the process of setting up their online store, hence why no SSL or CC checks yet, pricing errors etc. Don't expect to receive anything though.

  • got to be in it to win it. thanks.

  • No SSL encryption. Dont give out your credit card details. Not worth the risk over what seems like an obvious pricing error.

  • +2

    It's actually fun to make that model dance when you over over the pictures over and over again.

    • Haha i did that too!

  • Enjoy the $40 shirt haha

  • I received a confirmation email from a gmail account.
    This whole thing looks fake..

    • +1

      Hi I am the owner/operator of Envy U clothing I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by the glitch on our website. The problem has now been rectified and all customers details have been deleted

      Kind regards
      Effie Kates

  • -2


    No Matter what random credit card info you type, it says order is complete.. Doesn't authenticate with bank

    People who ordered on this website, better phone your bank quickly and cancel your card to avoid surprises ;)

    • +1

      Hi i am the owner of Envy U clothing unfortunately there was a glitch in our system that has been rectified
      all personal details will be deleted
      Sincere aplogies Effie Kates
      Envy U clothing

  • +3

    Not sure what will happen to the order, but I can vouch the store isn't fake, as I bought other items in store a few days ago.

    Looks like they've fixed the pricing error now. Sale price is now $69

    • Haha still can't believe they want $69 for these when CT/TML shirts can be had delivered for $40 each.

  • Just jeans all over again, hehe.

  • -4

    if my shirts arent shipped tomorrow i will send them an angry email.

  • +11

    Hi I am the owner of Envy U clothing in Alexandria, Sydney and I would like to apologise for the error on my website.Unfortunately there was a glitch in the system that has now been rectified and I am sincerely sorry for any inconvenience caused to all who visited our website .All personal information will be deleted asap
    Kind regards
    Effie Kates
    Owner / operator
    9698 9864

    • -4

      and what of our orders?

      • +9

        You didn't seriously think you were going to get them did you? Honestly, some of the people around here….

        It was bloody obvious that it was a pricing stuff up, and that you were not going to get them - it's a small business you're talking about here, not Dell who can afford to lose lots of money.

        • -2

          I wasn't counting on it no. I just want to know if it was cancelled or if the items that we're pricing error were going to be charged and sent out. There's no need to be rude.

        • +2

          @prubie: geez doesn't take Einstein to figure out, everything is cancelled.

      • +3

        Unfortunately there was a problem with the website not retaining the correct information , I am sincerely sorry for the inconvenience and unable to provide you with your request we have not withdrawn any funds from any customers and all personal information has been deleted .It was not intentional, technology sometimes is out of our control
        Your sincerely
        Effie Kates

        • -1

          Did you delete the information then scrub it clean e.g. write random numbers in its place on the hard drive?
          Its funny how many companies I have shown that they think deleting information is as simple as pressing the delete button.
          Takes less than 5 minutes to demonstrate how naive their data deleting skills are. haha

          It only takes a 5 year old + file recovery software to recover deleted files which haven't been "permanently" deleted from a hard drive.

          Imagine a hard drive as being a dictionary of files, by deleting the file it only deletes the dictionary reference, it doesn't actually delete the file until it is overwritten a few times by some other files.

          Therefore unless you do a scrub, you most likely have unencrypted personal information still floating about waiting for a hacker to get in and grab it.

  • +2

    How embarrassment(pbs.twimg.com)

    • +1

      lol, were you referring to your grammar ? :P

      • Not an Acropolis Now fan I take it ;)

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