I spent the past year creating Price Hipster, a product search engine and price watching website for the OzBargain community!

Update 13/11/15: Thanks everyone for the support and feedback! I realise there are heaps of comments here and no one wants to read through them all. If you have a suggestion, it has probably already been raised. I'm currently working on a big update and I'll be sure to let you all know when I release it. I'll be keen to get further feedback and suggestions then. :-)

Hi fellow OzBargainers!

I've spent the past year creating a powerful tool for you all.


These are the reasons I created Price Hipster:

  1. Searching for products across multiple stores is painful. Sometimes you don't even know which stores to check for a product. Wouldn't it be great to conveniently search all stores from one place?

  2. Even if you want to find a product in one particular store, most store websites are very bad at searching their own products, and they're slow at it.

  3. There is no convenient way to find out the previous prices of products, making it difficult to hold vendors accountable for false claims of discounts. Some products vary wildly in price. Some change price nearly every day. For example:


I really appreciate those OzBargainers who have taken the time to use internet archives to dig up previous prices, but it's less than ideal, and hopefully will now be a thing of the past!

Price Hipster currently includes 5 websites in its index. That will expand in the near future.

Questions for you all:

  1. Which stores should be added next?

  2. OzBargainers in Western Australia, how is the search latency for you? The search servers are in Sydney. I live in Brisbane and the search is pretty much instantaneous here.

If you find any issues with the website or have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Related Stores

Price Hipster
Price Hipster


  • +9

    I'm in WA,

    It's awesome, the speed, the structure.

    I'm impressed.

    • Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad to hear it.

  • You say there's 5 sites it looks up, what are they? On mobile site I just see HN and WW deals, how about listing what you search, somewhere convenient to see? :)

    • Mobile, desktop, you'll get the same results.

      Woolworths, Coles, Harvey Norman, Dick Smith, JB Hi-Fi.

      Products with recent price drops are shown higher in the list, so if you are only getting 2 stores it means the others don't have any good deals and you need to be more specific in your search terms to narrow down the product.

      There will eventually be the option to restrict search to certain stores, but I'm not going to list everything you're searching "convenient to see" because the plan is to have very many stores being searched. There would be no room left for anything else on the page.

      • But if the user doesn't know what stores they're searching, how would they know your going to list more than 1 store, if it's even 1? It's like going to a library to find a horror book then finding there's no horror section, was kinda pointless trying to find it in the first place

        • I see what you mean. Well hopefully that'll be a non-issue once you can select which stores to search from. :-)

        • Hey Spackbace, just updating you on the site. Now there are 15 stores and there is a search filter where you can see all stores and select only the ones you want to get result from. More info here.

        • @jazoom:

          So obviously things have changed quite a bit in over a year, congrats, I'm sure you've seen I've quoted a few deals that your site has found :)

        • @Spackbace: Yeah, I have. I really appreciate it. Thanks!

    • +14

      If you're getting that message then your browser is missing a feature that should have been in browsers years ago. I don't insist on using the most modern browser available. It works with Chrome and Firefox from 2013!

      Which browser are you using?

      What does this mean? "They are much easier to display and probably more secure."

      Edit: oh, I see what you mean. You were talking about the JavaScript again, not the browser.

      Well, modern websites are usually written as a single-page application that runs entirely on the client (Angular, React, etc). Older technologies like Ruby on Rails and PHP render on the server and send HTML to the clients. That's slower. That kind of thing works okay for blogs, where you request one page and that's that, but if you want a website that is as smooth as an app then you need JavaScript.

      In answer to your question: yes, it needs that much JavaScript. And this website uses far less JavaScript than 95% of websites out there.

        • +13

          FYI, because my website runs on the client in JavaScript you chew through LESS data, NOT more. It doesn't contact my servers every time you want to load a new page etc. The pages are generated in your browser dynamically.

          "Websites that don't use javascript are much easier and clearer to display on the screen." <- this doesn't make any sense. Everything is rendered from HTML and CSS.

          I have no control over your network blocking JavaScript. I'm guessing 90% of websites don't work properly for you. I'm sorry to hear that.

        • +4

          Wow.. chewing up CPU cycles? What are you running? A 2005 celeron?

          My interest is piqued by the 'security issues' you mention. A lot of organisations block calls to analytics website, and this should have virtually no impact to your actual browsing experience.

          Just so you know, stuff like Angular JS is inherently more secure and robust against client side attacks due to sanitisation mechanisms inherent to the framework.

        • @gearhead:

          He might also be thinking about turn of the century javascript.

  • +4

    Aldi would be another good store to add.

    Then you might go further and add special categories like 'common groceries', 'technology and gadgets', etc.

    • Thanks. It's on the list. Aldi is an interesting one because many of its products change twice a week.

      • +1

        From what I can gather though the catalogue items tend to run in the same week each year..

        Meaning long term it would be interesting to compare when they say "$20 cheaper than last year" if it is in fact cheaper!

        ps. awesome site :)

        • Thanks.

          Yes, you've hit the nail on the head.

          I'll have to find a way to make my database know when a product is being re-added after a 6-12 month hiatus or if it's indeed a new product.

        • +1

          Hey Cole, just letting you know that I just updated Price Hipster. Unfortunately Aldi didn't make the cut since they only list a handful of products on their website. More info here.

    • Hi rogr, just updating you that there are now 15 stores indexed. I looked into doing Aldi but unfortunately they only list a handful of their products online. More info here.

  • looks good.

    but i cringe when i see harvey norman medium rug $399….. bargain.

    man, HVN are so overpriced on 99% of everything that they sell except bargain bin games and printers that we go for.

  • DOesn't work properly only compares prices from the 1 store rather than say xbox one console 500 gig across all stores. People are too lazy to look up each separate stores price history.

    • Actually it will bring it up for every store that sells it.

      I just searched for an X-box One console and it brought up JB Hi-Fi and Harvey Norman, exactly as you would expect, since Coles, Woolworths and Dick Smith don't sell it.

      • Yeah but they are sperate listings there should be 1 listing for the 1 product.

        • That would be a really cool feature. It's definitely something to consider for the future, but I don't have an army of AI experts to build that functionality just yet. ;-)

        • @jazoom: Possible to scrape the SKU and then compare?

        • @chipstss:

          Nope. No SKU on nearly all products.

        • +2


          We did it using Levenshtein distances on mildsurprise.

        • @Gecko: Hey, I don't recall hearing about that site before. It appears to be gone. What happened?

        • +1

          @jazoom: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/217794#comment-3166203

          There's actually been a bunch of them… E.g. See MildSurprise and PriceSlice?

          I hope you can get past those issues as I think Australia is terribly lacking in this space. More than happy to help too - I'm an automation QA engineer so feel free to ping me if you need help with the site.

        • +1

          @ory_zm: Cool. Thanks for the offer.

          I'll do my best to keep the dream alive. I've seemed to do okay so far…

          And thanks for the support!

  • +2

    the price needs to have dates, like camelx3. i like your idea, i was only thinking if there was something similar for the australian market the other day. well done son, it's a good start

    • Hey frondono, thanks. Do you mean show the exact date when hovering over the point on the chart? It would be unreadable to cram every date on the X axis.

      • more like camelx3

        • They show every 3rd week. I show every 4th week (roughly a month). It's not much difference?

        • @jazoom: ok I was only looking at the main page didn't delve into it too much, so it's going to show it a couple of weeks?

        • +2

          @frondono: I'm thinking I don't understand what you're saying. Sorry, I meant that when I look at camelx3 I see that their x-axis shows a date every 3 weeks. Price Hipster shows a date every month. It's not much different in accuracy, but it looks much less busy.

          I'm planning to add more info on click/mouse hover later.

        • +1

          @jazoom: yeah date information on the x axis, this is what it looks like for me. price history


        • +1

          @frondono: Yup, that's a bug. Thanks for picking it up! That'll be fixed in the overhaul.

        • @frondono: Chart should be fixed now.

    • and where the price bottoms out, have a little more of the graph left, so it just doesn't turn into white.

      • You're right, the graphs are sub-optimal. Good graphing takes a lot of work. It's on my todo list to overhaul them.

        • I think this could really catch on, as it's always handy to have something to price check against, i mainly use the search on ozbargain to compare if the price is good. how did you make the graphs? i would like to make some for my website but mainly for weather data from a few government sources, I have a rough idea of how i want it too look but have no idea on how to make the graphs and integrate the data.

        • @frondono: There are heaps of charting libraries. ChartJS, Chartist, D3, Highcharts are all worth looking into.

          I'm using Chartist, but they're a little difficult to fine-tune.

  • Great idea, sort of similar to camelcamelcamel i imagine which is the ULTIMATE amazon tool.

    I would suggest to add a couple of large computer parts stores like msy since the price changes often. Also appliancesonline and even kogan if that is possible?

    • It's definitely possible. I'll add them to the list!

      • Give me an MSY search engine and I will be your best friend :)

        • +2

          Static ice?

    • hi cjb, just letting you know that Price Hipster has just had a big update. Unfortunately computer part stores didn't make the cut this time, but hopefully will in future. More info here.

  • Also, how about being able to create an account, add your favourite items, then get notifcations when prices drop? Might be a great way to know when to do the weekly shopping and which products to target each week.

    Also, where are the filters?

    • +1

      Account + price drop notifications are in progress. Actually, the account is sorted. If you sign up for daily deals email then BOOM, you've got an account. You'll be able to use that later. Price Hipster uses a passwordless login system for simplicity and security.

      Filters are half-complete. They'll be implemented soon.

    • oh, and price-drop notifications and filters are in the update ;-)

  • Good job, and good suggestions by all. How about having a more streamlined search? Such as allowing the user to sort items ie by price, deal ending soonest etc and being able to have categories like clothing, electronics, groceries etc.

    • Search filters are a work in progress, but categories might be much further down the line since that's a massive undertaking.

      Also, there's no way to know about "deal ending soonest". Price Hipster takes into account all price changes, not just catalogue prices. Sometimes stores just change their prices, you know?


    • hi ChronoSphinx, just updating you that filtered search is now implemented. More info here.

  • With 5 stores it is instantaneous, but would it be the same when you have 100 stores?

    Good effort, looking good though. I know where to buy my Fallout 4 now.

    • +1

      I'll make sure it is. ;-)

    • Still snappy with 15 stores ;-)

  • +7

    Jazoom- go for this concept my darling- think you're on a winner. You obviously have some fine tuning to do & make sure it's done before somebody else over rides your idea.
    I'm probably old enough to be your Mum - but love your " get out there & do it approach "
    Don't ever get put off by other peoples negatives- if you believe in what you are doing - go for it , find a way past any setbacks, think, plan & overcome.
    Always stay positive in your attitude & keep the end goal in sight.
    Good Luck.

    • Thanks for the support :-)

    • big update goosegog. I've done plenty of that "fine tuning" you were talking about :)

  • Perhaps the price displayed should have the last time/date it was scraped.

    • It happens many times per day. I don't think it'd add much value since they'll all be in the last few hours.

  • i really do appreciate your work, well done!

    • Thanks

  • the site doesn't work with AdBlock enable on Mozilla..

    • Well set adblock not to run on his domain??

    • Thanks for the heads up. I noticed when my wife had adblock on the buttons for sharing products don't come up. Everything else worked.

      I don't use any ads so there's no reason for the site to break.

      Can you please give me more details of what it looks like and what version of FF and what OS?

      • +2

        Noticed you dont run ad, but most ppl will have the add-on enabled.However i did not observe any issue with the AB disabled, the site was fast….good work…
        blank page, not even a single dot visible :)
        FF: 41.0.2
        OS: Win 8.1
        hope this will help…

        • Thanks for the info. I'll fire up FF with AdBlock.

        • Hi, could you please check again with your Firefox? I just fixed another issue and it's possible this issue will be fixed by it.

  • +4

    Could add Priceline and Chemist Warehouse.

    • Thanks. Added to the list.

    • 15 stores now, but unfortunately pharmacies didn't make the cut this time. Hopefully soon.

  • +2

    It's very fast!

  • +4

    Great website…not sure about the name though!

    • +1

      I bet you'll remember it tomorrow. ;-)

      • +1

        I'll take that bet. :-)

      • But will it be dated the day after that?

  • +1

    wow great site… nice and fast… needs a sort by price button (low - high)

    • Advanced search is coming

    • Hi aussieaubs, just updating you that there is now filtered search, among other new features. No sorting, as yet.

    • Updating you that sorting is now implemented. :-) Thanks for the suggestion.

      • great thanks looks good

  • Top Work.
    a bug on speakers (plural) search some prices "was" is lower than now price.
    nice and fast good design.
    On second look is that the way it works graphing the price cycle.

    • Yes, that means the price has gone up.

  • Some products which are the same, are named differently by different retailers. As such, its not too easy to figure out which one is which, and perhaps searching one keyword does not produce the results one would desire.
    BUUUUT i have no clue how you would fix this. But just a word of reminder.

    • There really isn't a way to fix it, unfortunately.

      • +1

        Potentially do product linking like Ozbargain does on the side of deals. It would only be possible for popular products unless users can contribute. Ask Scotty if he has used any algorithms to do it.

  • +1

    You could maybe add ozgameshop?

    • Added to the list. Thanks.

    • just letting you know that ozgameshop didn't make the cut this time, but there are plenty of other new features to make up for it

  • tried to sign up with email, but it throw error "Please accept privacy policy", although the tick box "I accept the Lasoo Terms & Conditions" is already checked.

    • +10

      You're on the wrong website dude. :-)

      • +1

        Oh, sorry, I am now in price hipster, how do I setup price alert on certain product?

        • +1

          That functionality will be available at a later date.

        • Thanks. It is a great & fast website by the way.

          Look forward to seeing product/ price alert, hopefully soon!


        • @icecream:

          Thanks, icecream.

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