Halloween discount for PrivateInternetAccess.
1 year for US$31.95, which works out to be $2.66 per month.
Ultra fast - I got a speedtests of 19.5Mbps on my 20Mbps connection.
Halloween discount for PrivateInternetAccess.
1 year for US$31.95, which works out to be $2.66 per month.
Ultra fast - I got a speedtests of 19.5Mbps on my 20Mbps connection.
Referrers and referees receive 30 days free.
@PowerB I'm currently in India, my test was using the Singapore server. Try a different server?
You are getting 20mbps in India? Broadband has come a long way since I was there in 2010.
Umm… I think that's a pretty important point to be highlighting in your original post details mate.
Mentioning internet speeds, but not specifying that it's Indian internet speeds you are quoting is poor form.
@UFO: I'm currently travelling in India… The only reason I was getting 20Mbps was because I was at the bar of a 5 star hotel.
Noted for future - thanks for the tip - I'll add it to my learner's logbook :)
I'll second this.
Easy to use and just works.
The only negative I have is that I'm losing my netflix free quota whenever it's on.
Just bought a 12 month subscription for $49.9 USD (~$67 AUD) the other day :( The Australian servers are fast, but the US servers are about 4-5Mbps. You can test their speeds on the PIA website.
EDIT Price
Chuck them a message, they'll refund you and let you re purchase at the new price :)
Are you speaking from experience? What exactly did you say to receive the discount? I purchased a couple of weeks ago now at full price myself :(
Haven't had to do so myself, however I've read comments online of other people doing so after purchasing right after a sale.
They have a 7 day money back guarantee, wouldn't hurt to explain your situation and see what they can do for you.
Also, nice username, which gen Lib/Outback? :)
@downhillmtbr: Thanks for the reply.
I currently own a Gen 1 RS Liberty Turbo wagon and a 2000 Gen 3 Liberty wagon :)
Besides bitcoin what way is best to pay anonymously?
they accept giftcards, though there's a warning that they may not work outside of the US
If you Use Giftcards you also won't be able to receive a 7 day money back if things don't work out for you.
Also i don't believe they keep any logs on your payment information either!
Couldn't you use one of those pre-paid Visa cards from supermarkets?
They may require some kind of ID to purchase them; just like SIM cards or phones, in order to track any illegal activity back to you.
Or not, I have no idea
Not the Visa Load & Go from the PO. That's how I paid for mine. From memory I just needed to provide an email address and a phone number (fake if you like - it's not checked - but ensure you remember whatever you give them).
I'm off the grid :)
Exactly how i did it.
I ring a few numbers and wait till i get one that's disconnected.
I'm totally off the grid man.
Alias for everything: eBay; PayPal (link Load&Go card); email; mobile.
Maintain a few identities actually.
Nothing unlawful about it, unless you're claiming to be someone else who is real.
I'm unreal.
China doesn't need to know who i am for that $1 piece of crap i order.
Of course the address is real…
Mind you can't get anonymous mobile now: cactus, more cactus.
That's fully cactus.
Of course when you connect to PIA they get your IP address, but claim not to log.
I do get some disconnections, esp on the mobile, and it seems to drain the battery.
VPN will drain the battery, as the encryption is very processor dependant. Your phone does have a crypto specific processor, but that is used for telephony only.
If you use WiFi, you can have a seperate device establish a VPN and use that as a gateway. Does not even need to be your router (but you will need to specify the VPN device as the DG).
Good use for a R.Pi.
R.Pi.. Got it.
I use VPN in two contexts:
Been with PIA for several years. Never had much of an issue but can't comment on the servers speeds as they always max my connection out (which is not particularly hard).
However, the 62% off is a bit misleading. Never have I ever seen it that high. When the deal ends it will return back to $39.95USD
The 62% off is definitely misleading i was looking at getting PIA for several years and always saw them at 40 USD
Isn't vpn unlimited or getflix lifetime better? For about the same money is lifetime.
Depends what your using the Vpn for. I don't think getflix supports torrents.
Has anyone tried getflix with 'legal torrent' use?
Would be grateful for some feedback as I am thinking of signing up to the US version of netflix?
Hrmmmm you wouldn't need a VPN if the torrents were legal like Linux would you?
I've used it. Seems fine. Don't think it is the fastest but torrents are what torrents are, I just kick them off and let them run.
Thanks for the feedback, will try this out for my 'legal torrent use'.
Realistically, there is no standard speed for torrents I guess.
Maybe. I first bought a VPN in 2011/12. I do not believe those other services existed back then or they simply did come up when I was doing my research on providers. PIA suited my needs and had lots of positive reviews
Intended to explore new options but did not realise I had automatic subscription turned on. There's a lot more options out there now and probably time to have a relook
Do they Keep Logs?
Where is the Company Based?
What do you need A VPN For.
Just realized i replied to the wrong person and there's no delete button??
I do this about 3 times a week :/ I hope now isn't one of those times
But while I'm here PIA have a good video explaining a VPN.
Many uses. To me mostly importantly is private browsing and removal of regional blocking. Torrents, new metadata laws, increased security etc.
PIA do not keep logs. Some other providers do
Just realized i replied to the wrong person and there's no delete button??
Edit your post, delete all text and insert only a full-stop and then preview your changes; you'll get a warning saying empty comments are not allowed and the option to delete (or "unpublish") your comment will become available.
Company states no logs kept, but they will comply with a court order if required.
Have to look up on the site where they are located, but with the US stating that anything with a .com address is in their space, it is becoming irrelevant.
Encryption is your choice. Remember that any form of encryption requires someone to activly crack it. Even PPTP prevents your RSP from seeing any specifics, and requires a warrent and significant resources to even take a peek.
VPN uses
Prevent logging of endpoints/ports/protocols
connections on shared networks (free wifi, sharehouse etc)
security - Your IP is not exposed to sites you visit.
I thought getflix is just a DNS spoof type thing not a vpn so won't help with new censorship laws.
Unlimited vpn is $499.00 for life or $24 year so yeah is cheaper but who knows what's faster.
They've recently added a VPN service
Damn, just paid full price last week!
LMAO was just about to comment paid full price two weeks ago. If your in your 7 days ask for a refund and then sign up with the cheaper deal.
Can't get this price in-app. Wanting to use Google play credits. Any ideas?
Can i buy a subscription with a friend and use on multiple computers through different internet connections?
I believe they allow 5 devices simultaneously, so yes if you can agree with your friend to share between 5 devices.
(Not 5 devices each to clarify).
What is the interface like? Is it an application (for mac/windows) that you download or is it operated through your browser?
There are two interfaces One which is application (preferred, Stronger Encryption , easier to Use)
And another which is the computer settings , you can configure.
The Pictures below shows the application interface on apple OSX.
Sold. Been trying IPVanish for a month or so and have not had the best experience. Thanx OP.
PIA is definitely top tier when it comes to VPN's. But I would never use a company located in the good ole USA. Nothing stopping the authorities there saying log everything that comes from this ip address.
What do you recommend? This is the only thing stopping me from subscribing.
Actually, there is no Law in America which states logs must be kept, the only way i can see is a court order. In that case any country is liable.
Been using PIA for a couple of years now as one of my 4 VPN hosts. Be aware Hulu and Netflix both have the PIA gateway spotted so using either of these services is essentially not possible through this VPN. I get essentially no throughput loss on my connection same as OP although that is pretty standard with all the good VPNs in my experience. One thing, I pay $40/yr for it with autorenew but as I say I've been a customer for a couple years now so I could be grandfathered in.
Assuming your in Australia what was the best server you found throughput wise?
Do they auto-renew on the old rate?
First thing i did was kill that following entering the 2-year deal from a couple of months ago, and now i'm less sure that was a good idea.
PIA will not renew at the new rate. They will recharge you their current pricing at the time of renewal
OK - you mean they will not renew at the old rate, but their current rate.
That's good - means i haven't missed out on anything by killing their auto-recharge.
I could be dead in 2 years ffs…
Hang on, i've misread you. It's the other way around.
I'll confirm with them anyway.
I've been using PIA with netflix for a while and it works well for me.
Netflix working daily on multiple operating systems using PIA for over a year… (AUSTRALIA)
Be aware Hulu and Netflix both have the PIA gateway spotted so using either of these services is essentially not possible through this VPN
I use Netflix through PIA all the time to access the US content. Works perfectly.
Pia works perfectly well watching USA netflix in my phone ipad and pc.. I use it daily
Been using PIA for a few months from a previous OzB deal. Amazing so far.
I prefer IPVanish, but might give PIA a try.
overhead 1-2mbps +/- abit when connected to sydney server. I am south of Sydney CBD, bout 10km. Very good service. Highly recommended.
Hmm it's very slow so far, using 100mbit telstra cable.
Tested about half the servers so far, speeds vary from 0.12mbps to 3mbps on speedtest…my usual is 113mbps
(for comparison, Freedome vpn gets around 4mbps on almost every server)
Might have to take them up on the money back thingy :|
Ends up pretty close to this deal but as a cheaper option I went with StackSocial 2yr deal for $59.95 USD.
I think you also get a 5% coupon for signing up or sth from memory.
How does this compared to Torguard VPN?
That's going for $59.99 USD annually, and torn between which to go for.
should i buy this for P2P and US Netflix????
I went for these guys but opted out as I wasn't happy with speeds (about 10% of my rated speed, was hoping for 50%). But what I want to note is how great their service is. The support team tried their best to help me out and when I couldn't resolve anything, PIA have the 7-day money back guarantee and no issues using that at all. So customer service wise, I recommend them.
Customer service is great.
I auto-renewed the same day that i intended to take up a discount rate 2year offer on Android Authority … saving a few dollars.
Emailed them to ask them to stop the auto-renew … they obligingly refunded the amount immediately.
Signed back on with them (via A.Authority offer) a day or so later.
Best throughput speed i get always seems to be when using the Singapore Server.
Brazilian server is quite fast (and good for accessing unblocked torrent website pages)
I've been told its advisable to always use a server outside Australia; it may well be technically vpn data and encrypted, but the available metadata is still logged according to new oz regulations (please correct me if i'm wrong on this last point).
using USENET, i swear to the heavens i get 75 to 85 Mbit on my folks 100Mbit NBN through optus. That's the Netherlands server. Torrentz don't go anywhere near that but I have seen them creep up to 40Mbit.
That's on my little j1900 Gigabyte Brix using the strongest encryption.
I just wish they had more or better port forwarding options.
Just a heads up, you can pay in the app to use Google Play credit (handy for Telstra pre-paid customers).
It's showing up as $41.40/year for me, cheaper than this deal as well.
Terrible speeds with these guys.
Just a heads up, PIA is USA based.
Absolutely nothing stopping AU authorities seeking (and being provided) information.
My biggest tip for anyone using a VPN is to seek a provider based in a country that doesn't happily do so.
I'm not condoning illegal activity by any means (I don't torrent, but I DO value my privacy), but if you are so interested in getting a VPN in the first place, then you can understand why I would make the above suggestion.
A VPN based in the USA may as well be based here in Australia. It's only 1 more step, and a very easy one at that.
Ok… got a few PM's asking which VPN to go for.
The one I use is PureVPN. Choice recommended them as number 1 in June 2015 (they tested everything… speed, DNS leaking, logging, servers etc…. quick count of 26 different points), and I like them because they are based in Hong Kong. No data retention laws there.
Best bit?
Choice tested 14 VPN's… the two that scored highest in ratings (and in speed funnily enough) was PureVPN and VyprVPN.
I chose PureVPN because their website has a ton of info on it, and the pricing is clear for what you get and for how long.
And Vypr complies with the US.
Use Coupon Code "metadata" to get an extra 10% off PureVPN.
So $44.95
Thanks for the great info UFO. I created a new bargain to PureVPN which is the one I'll get. :)
Welcome mate :)
While this is sort of true, my understanding is there is no law that requires them to keep any info to start with. So if they are ever asked to hand over info the most they have is payment details if you go the CC route. They cant hand over info they dont have. Correct me if im wrong
anyone know if theres an android app that support vpn use? thanks
The future looks good for you my friend.
Browsing and direct downloading is as fast with this VPN as any other, but torrenting anything with them is completely hopeless, no matter where you connect to. A typical speed for me is 2.3mb/s downloading, then down to about 1.2mb/s once the PIA's VPN is activated, but torrenting is a max 120kb/s - which is completely hopeless.
Just paid for the 2 years plan, it works out to be $2.50USD a month.
i am new to this area.
can we bypass torrenting using this VPN ? bit scared to use after reading recent news:
Tested several of the servers with these guys and generally get a maximum of 100kb/s on downloads. Tested the same with ExpressVPN and get 600kb/s. Still a lot slower than without a VPN but that's the best I've found. But ExpressVPN are pretty expensive.
Umm… that's crap, you're either doing something wrong or your internet connection is very poor.
They do have good customer service. After I couldn't get good speed and cancelled my account they contacted me asking if I would like to re-activate for a free period and test out some other things to see if I could improve speed. I told him the testing I did with their service, ExpressVPN and several other services and that ExpressVPN was the only service getting descent speeds.
He said that I should only be getting a 10% drop in speed maximum but I was getting a 80-90% drop in speed, so I gave him my ISP and he said he'd look into it on their end and run some tests. That was about a week ago. Maybe there is an issue between PIA and my ISP but it doesn't help me if I can't get faster than 20% of my normal internet speed.
The thing about it that I really don't get is that torrents and downloads run at about 10-20% of my normal speed but speedtest runs at about 60% of my normal speed.
I can understand a huge drop from torrent sites (a LOT of VPN's will throttle torrent users because of the huge drain to their through-port), but the 60% of normal speed sounds really bad.
You say that ExpressVPN gives you 'decent speeds' ? Is that the 600kb/s? Because that's not good either :(.
What other VPN's have you tried? I can't help much on torrents (I use VPN for everything else but… like privacy, geo-blocking, gaming, streaming), but Whirlpool has a lot of users who do. By recent reading, I think some of them use Nord VPN. Far less reliable than the higher rated ones (Pure, Vypr etc), but when up they run fast and could be more suited to your needs? Again, I'm useless for torrent advice sorry.
@UFO: Also tried CyberGhost and TorGuard, and UnoTelly's VPN (I use them for Geoblocking currently. Was planning to give PureVPN a try at some stage.
600kb/s isn't great but it's decent in comparison to the rest of them.
The other thing I noticed with PIA is that if I'm downloading anything, even if I'm only getting 20kb/s, I can't browse anything. My whole internet connection slows down so much that I can't even load Ozbargain.
Anyone been able to add this to an existing account? When i go into the control panel it wants to charge me $39.99 again.
I posted this in other thread… have a gander at this interesting read regarding VPN security flaws.
There's an explanation, a test, and a fix.
Had enough of horribly slow speeds, so just requested a refund. Hopefully it'll go smoothly.
On 100mbit cable with usual speeds of around 13MB/s for web and p2p.
Took a while, but I tested every one of their servers using speedtest and a debian image torrent; both appear capped at 300KB/s and 2MB/s respectively.
Tried the same tests with Freedome VPN that I got free codes for, and their servers topped out at 500KB/s for speedtest, and 5MB/s for the debian torrent.
I use PIA and they're fantastic. Though, I don't get close to the same speed as you do! It halves my ADSL2+ speeds at times :/