Woolworths Everyday Rewards replaced with 'Woolworths Rewards' (Starts Wed 28/10)

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Got this email today.

Not sure if more of a forum post, but surely WOW will get the balance between points/worthiness of scanning your card right this time and take us into bargain territory!

If good, this deal will save you $$$. My guess is they'll have great offers leading up until Christmas - to ensure there's a big uptake.

I liked the sounds of this which made me post the deal:

When your Woolworths
Dollars balance reaches $10
scan your card to automatically
get $10 off your next eligible shop°
in participating stores*.

From the email I received today:

On Wednesday (28th), Everyday Rewards will become Woolworths Rewards. Your new card will arrive shortly, so look out for it in your mailbox. In the meantime, just keep scanning your current card.

Earn Woolworths Dollars and get money off your shopping

1. Shop

You'll earn Woolworths Dollars on a wide range of orange ticket products in participating Woolworths supermarkets and BWS stores.

2. Scan

The amount you earn will be added to your Woolworths Dollars balance when you scan your card at the checkout.

3. Save

When your balance reaches $10, scan your card to automatically get $10 off your next eligible shop in participating stores.* No points. No vouchers. No hassle.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards


  • +4

    I think the real bonus is that until the end of the year you get cash rewards and qff points when the Qantas/Woolworths deal expires

  • Not sure if more of a forum post

    Correct. resolved.

  • So what happened to qantas frequent flyer points then?

    • +16

      I went into woolworths today and already had the new orange tag deals…

      The orange tag deals used to be good most of the time, Ill give you an example of how they now "screw you rather than save you money"

      a loaf of Helgas Bread normally $5.50
      old orange tag would be $3.50 say
      new orange tag is pay $5.50 and earn $2.

      so you are essentially your not saving any more money. You spending more, And redeeming it back later, and not getting QFF either… I would rather just save the money upfront. If theres going to be no real saving.. .

      its disappointing.. And ill vote with my feet if they dont try deceive me with "Great new Program" shenanigans
      I hope people can see through there BS

      Coles and Aldi, here I come…

      • +3

        I rarely eat bread now. But I had a close look at the two (WW & Aldi) recently, and I couldn't tell the difference, in appearance at least. Forget the price, but pretty sure Aldi was cheaper than the WW Helga when it's on sale - about $3.30 I think!?

        The whole mess will 'take off' to begin with, because plenty of people don't think deep enough, and it's new - new sparks interest. But once other people who do think, start speaking to their friends who don't…

        WW weren't even smart enough to make the first month 'extra-bargains'. So glad these people go to Uni, learn marketing, LOL.

      • +4

        Yup going to Coles/Aldi instead. I won't even use my e-giftcard

        They want you to spend more money and redeem later. F off

      • +2

        I didn't know that! I'd rather save the money up front than get the money back later. Coles here I come!

      • +1

        and if you look at the bread aisle in the afternoon the only bread available is the orange ticketed bread. Clearly people are rejecting this scheme.

  • +9

    I think it's too early to say whether it's a deal or not. It seems like you're just posting it just because you "like the sounds of it" but you haven't really backed it up with any numbers or figures (which you can't anyway because no information has been released yet).

    So at this stage, forum post for sure.

    • -3

      True, but I'd go out on a limb and state that It's going to be at least okay. A few OzB posters in the coming months will include 'plus get 20WOW points' to their Woolworths Special deals postings, that's my bet.

  • +3

    Very interesting change. If they are genuinely going to let people accrue "woolworths dollars" people are going to very quickly see how little they get for their loyalty. Assuming it's similar in value to Flybuys, $2000 of spending for one $10 rebate. Those 'dollars' are going to accrue as cents very slowly…

    • +3

      Not exactly true. There are many ways to get points, plus there are always offers with bonus points.
      Bases on my spending history, I would say that I spend about $200 to $300 to get $10 off (flybuys).

      • +1

        I would say that $200 to get $10 off is a massive lie on flybuys tbh.

        • +3

          Why would it be a lie?
          Assuming you use your "500 bonus points for $$$ spent" coupons, it takes just 4 coupons to get $10 off.
          This excludes points you get for money spent and any bonus points.

          For example:
          Week 1: Spent $30 (500 points from coupon + 30 points)
          Week 2: Spent $50 (triple points coupon = 150 points)
          Week 3: Spent $30 (500 points from coupon + 30 points)
          Week 4: Spent $50 (triple points coupon = 150 points)
          Assuming you get bonus points from purchases over 4 weeks = 400 points
          Doing survey = 250 points

          Total: 2010 points (i.e. $10) by spending $160

          See… totally possible.

    • Well I bought eclipse mints for ~$2.50 and that contributed $1.00 to the balance

      • or you could just pay $2.0-$2.5 at any Coles/Foodland when they're on special. Doesn't make sense to pay $3.50 to get $1 hypothetical money back

        • -1

          Where did I say it was $3.50? I paid $2.59 and there's not a Coles near me anyway.

  • More delving saw me find this: Every week there are 10,000 chances to win $10 Woolworths Dollars, simply by scanning your card#.
    Scan to Win Terms and Conditions. Competition opens 28/10/15 and closes 25/10/16 23:59 (AEDT). Total prize pool value is $10,340,000 - thats a huge prize pool!

    • -1

      FY15 Net Profit After Tax of $2,453.3 million, up 0.1%

      10,340,00/2453300000 = Prize pool value is .004214731% of profit

      Wait wuht?!

      • How many poker machines do you need to have to get $10m profit in a year?

        • +7

          One next to Centrelink/Retirement village. :D

  • +15

    Not that I buy at Woolies just to collect the QF points, but seems like the one getting a better deal is Woolies, they save $80 million/year by not giving you the QF points and now makes you think you will save instantly by giving you money off your shopping, but because its only on "selected" items, they will max profits on the items they want you to buy. When you had the QF system at least you get points for all items you buy. But I guess only if you spend over $30. Also I think you won't get QF points with fuel purchase with the new system. Plus you can get giftcards with your QF points if you don't want flights.

    • +15

      IMO your average Joe wants cold hard cash(back) rather than a complicated points system. This is a good idea for them.

      • +5

        I think that was my point. They are counting on the average Joe to think they are getting a simpler, better deal, but in truth they are worse off than before. So its a win win for them, reduce cost by cutting the program and max profits by getting you to buy their own home brands or other high margin stuff making you think you are saving a lot of money. I guess we will have to see if it works but from what I've read there's a lot of backlash with customers who liked the QF system better. Doesn't really matter to me since I only buy on price and so I go between Woolies, Coles, Aldi etc, whatever is cheapest.

        • +1

          I think it is possible this may also be better for the consumer too. We'll find out soon. It'll be a complex method of calculating though because the value of QFF points really came down to how it was used. There was no real simple "1 point = $0.05" formula you could follow. In fact, you can never really do that with FF programs, but FF programs tend to have a larger range compared to something like FlyBuys.


          QFF: 1pt = 0.5c-7c (depending on use)
          FlyBuys: 1pt = 0.5-1.5c (pretty much)

        • I'm happy with the change. I don't like to travel so honestly I can't think of any use of the QF points for me (other than sharing with family which is ok)

        • +2

          Disregard this, just read further information that the points only are awarded on select items. What a crock. Why are Woolworths so behind Coles as far as awards go?

  • +10

    sh!t deal who wants 20c cashback for buying some no name brand woolworths product
    they lost me as a customer

  • +2

    Now remember https://www.qantas.com.au/fflyer/dyn/program/points-expiry and if not a Qantas jet star flyer use https://www.qantas.com.au/fflyer/dyn/qantas-points-partners/….

    Consider points expire like coke tokens if not added to in a certain period.

    Look at the points partners. Now I will have to find my Qantas card and ckeck the list twice.

    • This is a valid point.
      May be try using Qantas Cash like once a year to keep your points safe.

    • +4

      Making an eBay purchase through Qantas online shopping mall should keep your account active.Sometimes you even earn 4 point per $1 spent.

    • +2

      Yep. Just had a heap of Qff points expire for my wife because we weren't adding to them. Mine are fine because both our Everyday Rewards cards are linked to my Qff account. Should have had them separated.

      Will now have to manage the points using methods such as those above.

      • +4

        Just a note and perhaps forum material? Running two everyday rewards cards is smart. As longer term relationships develop wife/marriage/ defacto/partner, it is important to ensure both parties have own owned credit card [s]. Why? if principal earner dies the survivor may not be able to replace card in own name - mainly income related. A pensioner could not or at least not have approved a $20,000 credit card to replaced the one stopped.

    • +5

      Just use the Qantas Toolbar to earn some points to keep your account active.
      Takes a few minutes.


      • +2

        Great!Even easy to do!

        • Doesn't work with my Linux/chrome machine.

          Will set it up at home though.

        • @raytriplej:

          I think it is IE only :/

  • +6

    Whether this new program is better will depend on if you can earn at least 0.5% back on your total purchase like flybuys.

    I think it will be much easier to earn because they don't have to pay royalties to Qantas.

    Flybuys is owned by Wesfarmers which means they don't have to pay to generate their own points.

    A lot of people who only earned QFF points by using the woolworths card will now have their points expire automatically after 18 months due to inactivity.

    I saw the calculation and Woolworths really provides poor value. Only if you spend more than $120 in one go at Woolworths, will you profit, and only in one large shop.

    Coles $50 spend a week = 2600 points = $13 equivalent

    Woolworths $50 spend a week (must be in one shop only)
    20 points a week * 52 weeks = 1040 points => $6.93 equivalent

    Coles $120 spend a week = 6240 points = $31.2 equivalent.

    Woolworths $120 spend a week (must be in one shop only)
    90 points a week * 52 weeks = 4680 points => $31.2 equivalent

    How large is your weekly shop and don't most of us split our purchases across the supermarkets, private butchers (most people don't buy from supermarket deli and meat is a large portion of my expenses) as they all have different specials?

    • -1

      Anyone who relies only on one source of points is a moron.

      This year I've received enough points to fly CBR to Sydney (for me), CBR to Sydney (for me and my wife) and CBR to Bris business class.

      This has been done just from putting all my eggs into the QFF basket but I haven't spent money just to get points, but if points are available I take them. All my CC points goes to QFF etc.

      • +4

        Huh? I wouldn't be surprised if many joined the QFF program for free via the everyday rewards program. Thus they only have one source of points. In fact one source in the media stated 8 million new members joined due to the everyday rewards program… That's like 1 in 4 people in Australia.

        I doubt many of those people would be earning points outside the woolworths program, but to compare apples with apples, you have to compare the woolworths program with the coles program. Not any external QFF points from CC or AGL and others.

        You will still continue to earn points with QFF with other means that may be more profitable, but within the woolworths program, it's been poor value. So, it's hard to argue that because woolworths uses QFF instead of their own program, that you got to redeem more rewards somehow.

        If this new program had been implemented earlier, then the royalties paid to Qantas would be much less, i.e. more money in the pocket of shoppers…

        If you have a Credit card that earns points, that will continue regardless of the woolworths program.

        • I'm sure there are many people who do rely on WW for their points. They're unlikely to be flying anywhere anytime soon.

        • You mean 1 in 3 people if that 8mil number is correct.

        • Yeah, it's one in three.

          I think they still killed the Woolworths part of the program though. It is pretty easy to see through the marketing gimmick now.

          I think I was too optimistic about it being a better program, but it is still early days… To give them the benefit of the doubt.

  • +2

    Might be better for me as I don't normally spend more than $30 at woolies, so I don't get any Qantas points. Now I can get points with my shops below 30 dollars

    • +3

      not necessarily no product you buy may have the orange ticket

      • +4

        Ah thanks. No matter, as I do my main shopping at Coles anyway.

  • +6

    Woolies have cleverly restricted the benefits to orange ticket items only. You may buy $100 worth of stuff and not get a single cent of benefit. In case of QFF points, you get points even when you recharge your opal account. Now there will be no benefit to recharge from woolies :(

    • +2

      You still get 3 Amex points per $ spent recharging Opal at Woolies

      • Where do you go to recharge your opal card? The front counter?

        • Yep! Generally the smokeshop, selected stores only (but the vast majority have it).

  • +5

    Crap rewards system - you only get their "Woolworth Dollars" for "orange ticketed" items.
    I would rather they give me cold hard cash discount on those items.

    I can see these "orange ticketed" discounts taking over their regular specials and eventually all of their 50% off specials.

    Just gives me another reason to stick with Coles (until they switch over too).

    • +6

      I am a WOW shareholder and was hoping they did bring in a program to reward customers who shop. Not the QFF joke system.

      But restricting it to orange ticket items which aren't discounted is a shambles.
      It's like the mints which are $2.65, you get back $1 in wow money (I am going from my memory when I took a look at the catalogue).
      so, you are putting $1 into the WOW ecosystem when in actual fact as a consumer you know this item is usually half price at $1.30 odd.
      So, if you aren't smart you actually lose 20c in value and you are giving WOW $1 to sit on till you want to spend it again next.
      It's kind of a half assed approach for my liking.
      Get rid of the orange tickets, get rid of the consumer snaking and just put an overarching 1-2% back on all of your purchases which are redeemable when you have spent over x$

      The last thing I want to do is buy an item which is not discounted, but be lead to believe that it is because I am getting "$1 wow money back".

      • +1

        It's called the KISS system. But hey, it's cheap and easy to implement and the 000s of marketing staff at WOW Headquarters aren't seriously going to suggest something simple and effective that might jeopardise their jobs, they'd rather add red tape and bureaucracy to a process to ensure their paycheck. Shambles is a good term!

      • +2

        That's why Aldi is so successful … you usually know that you don't get ripped off and get a reasonable deal. No need for stupid reward cards … shop what you need.

  • +2

    I liked the sounds of this which made me post the deal

    I don't. I often buy less than $10 of stuff. The way it's written, it sounds like the $10 off happens automatically - which means if I'm buy $4 of stuff on that occasion, they're not going to give me $6 in change. So $6 of points just disappears.

  • +7

    So if I'm reading this right, you don't get $WW from your total shop but from only buying selected goods. Basically Woolies is trying to tell you what to buy.

    No deal for me. I might use it when I do my groceries (mostly because WW is my closest supermarket) but I'm not going to buy product A because WW wants me to (because most likely it'll have the higest margins).

    • +4

      This is a good point! One main reason why I and many others imo never used my everyday rewards card.

      • Rule 101 with shopping; never tell me what to buy or ill resent you and not use your card!!

      I hope (and believe they'll do this) apply these orange tickets abundantly throughout the store of this could be a major fail again. But lets be optimistic here!

      • +12

        I just got the Wooworths catalogue for this week in the junk mail today.

        There are two pages of products that will attract Woolworths Dollars. Other than Golden Crumpets, there is NOT one item there that I would ever buy. I will accept that it may not be all the products available under the scheme, but already it would be a disaster for me.

        The crumpets are available for $3.10, with $1.10 in Woolworths dollars back. That means they will sell at $2, which is around the price they sell at when ON SPECIAL. So specials are being eliminated to run this scheme. No dice as far as I'm concerned. I'll buy my crumpets at Coles when they have them on special. By the way, don't anybody suggest Aldi crumpets at $1.19. The put the price up from 99c, and reformulated the product. They are disgusting now, and you wouldn't even feed them to your dog.

        I only want QFF points, nothing else. But in the long run it doesn't matter, as I rarely ever made the $30 limit anyway, didn't show my card, and waited till they offered me the 500 point bonuses etc.

        My real concern now is what they have planned for the Woolworths Visa Card and it's QFF earning capacity. I am on the pension now, and most CC companies won't look at me for a replacement card if the worst happens.

        • +4

          It never occured to me that the WW$ would be in replacement of specials, but it's the logical way to go it. Rather than have those Everyday rewards discounts, they'll be normal price with a WW$ figure.

          Stuff that for a joke.

        • +2

          If they roll this out over specials they can gagf.

    • It will probably on a variety of different items.

      It will cost $500 million, up from $80 million spent on QFF. So, it may also include 10c off something simple like salt and things everyone uses (which are rarely discounted otherwise). Overall, most consumers will benefit to a factor on an average of 6x more benefit.

      We will start to see the tickets in two days. If the media articles are hinting correctly, one of the first products to be orange ticketed will be Arnotts Shapes.

    • +4

      I had a look on the online catalogue that starts 28/10… the "eventual" cash back on only the orange tagged items is a terrible idea. Definitely does not encourage loyalty.

  • +4

    it will be on their highest margin products

    while coles will sell you arnnotts shapes for $2.00 woolworths will offer you the incentive of paying $2.50 and getting a 50c reward woo hoo

    • +4

      If this strategy is what happens, this strategy will fail. The $2.50 visual for people will ensure that Coles' offer appears better value. I don't want 50c in WOW credit, I want 50c in currency! Surely they aren't this naive to to think that something like this would work.

      • +5

        see above this is exactly what they are doing they are run by turkeys
        thats why masters failed and why woolworths is heading the same way
        the two big supermarkets will be aldi and coles with woolworths relegated to a distant third

        • +1

          I better sell my shares then!
          Nah…I think your view is a bit too worst case scenario.

          Look, surely they will retain their sites in quality locations (their retail footprint in Australia is obscenely large, don't underestimate this) and this will buffer them from the onslaught of Aldi. That said, if WOW dont turn things around soon (2-3 years) by selling off Masters and even maybe Big W and becoming more focussed on grocery retailing (online and bricks and mortar) they will soon see Aldi with market share that will then reach critical mass and then who knows…

        • +1


          Worst case ?
          Well for starters our house hold wont shop at woolworths anymore period. I dont like the deceitful tactic they use…
          How many other people may choose the same who knows.
          Masters and woolies failing due to poor management… Screw WOW

        • Yes I agree. I'm going to buy Wesfarmers shares soon

    • +2

      You can go to their online website and see all the orange sticker products, they are all non-discounted expensive products that don't even seem like good value when you earn WW$, it is pretty terrible.

  • Crumpets are only ever a dollar something in Aldis anyway.

    The only real reason I put so much thru Woolies was the QFF and our Amex…
    Will start going elsewhere now!

    • yeah, crumpets that are so disgusting, you wouldn't feed them to your dog.

  • +5

    Stuff this………i am off to coles, get nicked woolies

  • +1

    Wow what a joke, that their point system is limited to certain items. Though the average Joe won't figure this out, until they see no discount.

  • +3

    If this is the final decision of Woolies, I personally think Woolies will lose loyal customers and competitive power. Probably Woolies will compete with Supa IGA in the future.

  • New Catalogue is officially out. Might get the Tomato Paste $2.80-$0.40=$2.40, but I suspect the first week won't be that great since the Catalogue was already leaked on the 21/10/2015 on topbargain. $2.59-$1.00=$1.59 Eclipse mints, is alright as well…

    No idea if there will be store specific orange labels…

    n.b. It states to look out for orange tickets across a wide range of products…

    • link please

      • +1

        Normal woolworths catalogue on the website…

        Just type your postcode.

        NSW has this:


        Raisin bread might be alright as well, although seen as cheap as $2.39 previously.

        • +3

          Even though I started this thread in an optimistic manner, the catalogue layout doesn't give me great confidence.

          People aren't going to be walking around in a store trying to work out 2 sets of figures concurrently; Total $ spend and then WOW dollars accumulated.

          An effective system needs to be simply a points/WOW dollars bonus based on store/basket spend, with maybe 10-15 'mega deals' per week in which you accumulate double WOW points.

          Why do they need to make it this complicated with specific items with all different kinds of WOW currency attributed to them?

          Frustrating and head scratchingly silly move from them.

        • Yeah, I would have preferred the old system of an immediate discount upon scanning the card…

          It does look like they just got rid of the points system without adding anything extra.

  • +4

    had a look rip off

    eg Palmolive wash $8.70 at WW get $1
    coles $8.49 buy two get third free and flybuys

    jalna $7.55 get back $1.07
    coles $7.14

    golden crumpets $3.10 get $1.10
    Coles $1.65

    • +4

      I want discount no BS this look and sound like BS.

  • +8

    I didn't think much of the Woolworths Dollars products in the catalogues. Hopefully there will be more products available instore.

    I prefer the idea of being rewarded for every dollar you spend rather than being rewarded for buying specific products. I buy mainly generic products or half price specials on brand name items. I doubt many of my regular products will be get Woolworths dollars.

    At this stage I don't think much of the new program.

    I'm interested in what sort of targeted offers they will have. If these provide a decent reward then things might be worth it.

    • +7

      Couldn't have said it better. Reward the total spend - don't think we are stupid enough (or have enough time) to plot our trip around the supermarket to make WOW dollars.

      • +2

        I prefer the idea of being rewarded for every dollar you spend rather than being rewarded for buying specific products. I buy mainly generic products or half price specials on brand name items. I doubt many of my regular products will be get Woolworths dollars.

        Yes, I agree.

        I just spent $38 at Woolworths this morning and then when I went through the self-serve checkout, the screen had Total Woolworths Dollars earned = 0, which felt a bit depressing (but I did earn 1 animal card park).

        I noticed the orange stickers on things like chicken sausages and Promite, but not on any products that I actually needed.

        • +1

          Yep Katie - they are trying to shape our spend and hope we buy these obscure items we never buy, all while holding our WOW dollars with them. Stay classy Woolies.

  • +1

    Aldi must be having a laugh internally, that Woolworths are so nicely giving them more market share.

    With Aldi opening up in WA soon, woolworths better hope their store locations are in prime places.

    • WHEN, WHEN, WHEN & WHERE for Aldi - do you have any further information on openings here in Perth ?

  • -1

    While comparing with Coles or Aldi,you guys all forgot Woolies has ongoing 5%off egiftcard that no others have or easy to get.

    • +1

      No but with ALDI you just pay a lower price.

    • +2

      Mate even with that 5% off doesn't make up for the full price items you are paying to get Woolies dollars

  • +7

    I think its too little too late.
    For about 25years i have been a woolies person as there was one at the end of my street.
    After they closed that store i had to go to the shopping centre where they had coles as well as woolies.
    I still shopped at woolies but after some realization that i was trying so hard every time to spend $30+ I decided enough is enough.
    Coles give flyby points no matter how much you spend, with frequent bonus deals.
    After so many years of loyalty to woolies what did they have to offer?
    "Save $10 when you spend $100 for 3 weeks in a row"
    Give me a break.

    Other good things about flybys is i can scan it at target and coles express for fuel with no minimum spend to earn points.

    I wonder what the earning rate for wow dollars is?
    They will probably have better luck calling them dollarydoos.

    • The best part is that the discount is forced to be used withing woolworths.

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