Woolworths Everyday Rewards replaced with 'Woolworths Rewards' (Starts Wed 28/10)

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Got this email today.

Not sure if more of a forum post, but surely WOW will get the balance between points/worthiness of scanning your card right this time and take us into bargain territory!

If good, this deal will save you $$$. My guess is they'll have great offers leading up until Christmas - to ensure there's a big uptake.

I liked the sounds of this which made me post the deal:

When your Woolworths
Dollars balance reaches $10
scan your card to automatically
get $10 off your next eligible shop°
in participating stores*.

From the email I received today:

On Wednesday (28th), Everyday Rewards will become Woolworths Rewards. Your new card will arrive shortly, so look out for it in your mailbox. In the meantime, just keep scanning your current card.

Earn Woolworths Dollars and get money off your shopping

1. Shop

You'll earn Woolworths Dollars on a wide range of orange ticket products in participating Woolworths supermarkets and BWS stores.

2. Scan

The amount you earn will be added to your Woolworths Dollars balance when you scan your card at the checkout.

3. Save

When your balance reaches $10, scan your card to automatically get $10 off your next eligible shop in participating stores.* No points. No vouchers. No hassle.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards


  • +2

    Went shopping last Thurs. in Big WobbleWoo & received $5.00 @ the checkout off the ticketed bill - didn't question why this was so - just said Thank You & moved on - now I know why. Every little helps - a cash reward will always be over & above Qantas F.F. points.

  • +8

    I've checked the latest 'cash back offers' against the Trolley Saver database and:
    1) Some products are more expensive than Coles, but work out to be the same with the 'cash back'
    2) A few products are actually cheaper with an additional cash back on top of it
    3) Specials trump these cash backs every time. We're still better off shopping where the specials are.

    Nice try though!

  • Seems like a terrible deal. You only earn "Woolworths Dollars" on purchases made of orange ticket items, but for months now there's lucky to even be like 10 orange ticketed items a week.

    Woolworths should just trash the entire promotion and card all together & just offer a couple of extra specials on meat/veg each week instead.

    • +2

      They wont remove the promotion and resort to better 'specials'.

      In essence, It's all about getting information on shopping habits. Think of things from their perspective; they want information on what you buy. They get this through the data when you scan your card.

      The reason this promotion (what I've seen so far) likely to be a major fail is simple; They want to a) collect information on your shopping habits and ALSO want to shape your spending patterns. This is a huge underestimation or generalisation of it's shoppers. We don't want to be told what to buy. We want an incentive to give up our information. We want to be sure that by giving up some of our shopping habit data, we will be rewarded and at the same time not have to jump hoops to get what's rightfully ours!

      But it seems WOW want to have their cake and eat it too. Amazing that nobody on their payroll can work this out and implement it in a way that suits the customer AND helps the business to claw back some of its reputation.

  • +2

    I've been using the ER card for a few years. I just logged into ER and I have zero points. So I went and checked FF and have a whopping 2,723 points. They have nothing to buy with that low number of points.

    Is there any point in me keeping either of these cards?

    • +1

      Collecting QFF points is useless from a single point. If you are only collecting them from WW then I'd say no there isn't. Personally, it's a nice addition to also getting it from buying petrol (when I go to a WW branded station), CC usage and through things like Ebay.

      I generally collect around 50,000 points this way.

    • +1

      Starting using Qantas Online Mall and you'll soon see points increase rapidly.

      • over a cashback? I think cash is beter

        • Flights.. are better.

        • Depends on the value of the points. Flights from Canberra are hideously expensive, so I get more value from a point than someone living in Sydney or Melbourne.

    • +1

      Sign up to Auto Rewards and you'll get egift cards every 3 months provided you have enough points. 750 points will get you $5 and the largest giftcard in this program is 3000 points for $20.

  • Any indication what the future is for Qantas Everyday Rewards credit card? Will this be discontinued? Maybe Macquarie will introduce their own?

    • Nothing at the point. Qantas sent an email saying they were still negotiating and the points will continue until the end of the year.

      • Macquarie have made the card kind of garbage, but they're still waiving fees each year, so it's a good card for those times when Amex isn't accepted.

  • I had more time to think about the program and it seems like it's just the old "scan your card to receive immediate discount" minus the "immediate part and the points"

    • +2

      I had more time to think about the program and it seems like it's just the old "scan your card to receive immediate discount" minus the "immediate part and the points"

      Which means "You save $10 next time you shop with our inflated prices!"
      Which means you save less than $10.

  • Not a fan of it but its Marketing Genius, rather than giving customers the discount up front so they can spend that money at Coles, the discount is recorded on the card and can only be spent at its own stores, bringing you back into the store again.

    This can lead to more specials and more discounting as your re-spending that discounted money at woollies.

    I think this is just the beginning, and Coles and Aldi will probably follow suit with their own similar programs.

    • +5

      Doubt Aldi will ever follow suit - a) it complicates a very simple business, and b) you don't need loyalty schemes when your prices (and quality) are always better than your competitors.

      • True Aldi is a longshot. But Coles?

        • No idea. They seem to be adding to their FlyBuys offering, if anything.

        • @JohnHowardsEyebrows:

          I just received Coles stuff in the mail actually. A bunch of discount vouchers. Anyone know if you can use more than one voucher at a time?

          e.g. One voucher says 150 bonus points if you buy a Coles brand 1kg yoghurt; another says 100 points for Coles dip; a third says 100 points for Coles chocolate.

          Can I buy all three items and scan all three vouchers in the same transaction?

          BTW… I have 20,000 Coles points (although I used to shop at WW more than Coles!) which = ~$100. Big fail WW!

        • +1

          @realfamilyman: Yeah you can generally stack them.

        • +1


          Yeh you can always stack them, for example if you have a earn 500 points for a $50 spend coupon and a earn 1000 points for a $60 spend just scan them both when you spend $60

    • +1

      The fact that is a Woolworth's currency is a great idea for them in principle but there wont be a huge uptake because in it's current format it appears overly complex and will not maximise this 'repeat custom' concept anywhere near enough. Coles could one day use elements of this, including a 'Coles currency' but I doubt it.

      • It exists, in one form… Flybuys Dollars.

      • It's a horrible concept.

        As a customer (I just walked in today), it seems like an ordinary discount, but rather than get the savings immediately, you will only collect woolworths dollars which can only be cashed out when you have enough.

        So what it really seems like is a deferred discount scheme. I can't see any shopper looking at this and thinking this is a good idea

        example, there are some lollies that I buy which are typically 3 for $6, or sometimes 50% off ~ about $1.40 each. Now, the lollies are full retail price ~$2.80, with $1 woolworths points

  • +7

    I shop wherever the specials are. Use WW online occasionally, but only for specials and things I don't want to carry. Same with Coles. I have zero loyalty to any of these places. I never scan that WW rewards card when i'm under $30 and therefore only get 'spend $130 for the next 250 weeks' for $10 … because that's the only record they have for me in the last 2 months. Really don't care what they do, it's not going to change a thing. I get my QFF points from the credit card wherever I shop. I will still only buy stuff on special, don't care who has is.

    • +3

      Sounds like pretty much everyone on here - thus Woolworth's problem: to make people care. Designing an overcomplicated and convoluted rewards program (which this is looking more and more like) sure isn't going to change peoples' minds.

  • We are all getting a new card in the post which we will need to "validate" next time we go to Woolworths.

    Just worked out why we are still getting QFF points until December 31st.

    It's the bait to MAKE US validate our new cards.

    They aren't really stupid are they!!

    • +2

      Think it's more to do with contractual arrangements with QFF. Woolies pays certain dollars to QFF per calender year by the looks of it. Think the old cards won't work after 31 Dec. So validating will be in our interest, I guess, even if we shop primarily elsewhere.

      • I got my card in the mail today and the barcode is exactly the same as the old one!

        So much for "validating".

  • +2

    The Qantas points was the only reason I ever shopped at woolworths to start with, this is a final nail in their coffin for me. The range and fresh food "quality" is just too poor to justify the generally higher prices.

  • +1
  • +1

    So I just came from Safeway (Woolies) after picking up some Online click and collect from my local target, and I noticed something fishy.

    E.g. The "Cafe-Style" Raisin Toast which is usually $3 or something every couple of weeks or so if you use your Everyday Rewards card at the checkout. However, I noticed that they had the same colouring but are now showing the bread is now "full price" and the $2.80 or whatever it used to take off would now be a "credit" in your Woolworths Rewards account so

    • You pay full price now
    • They credit you later
    • It's the same bloody thing, but instead of instant savings they make it so you have to go back and shop with them to get your money back.


    • Outraged, ain't paying full price

    • +1


      Card stays in wallet for now - because they used to have prices you only got with the card. If they stop that I'll just toss the card.

      Also, I used to buy Bulla Sweet Chilli Cream Cheese from WW. It was about $2.70 I think. There's also a spring onion & chives flavour, which I should actually prefer - yet it tastes terrible. Every time I went to WW, chilli was obviously the more popular seller. Always running out, longer expiry dates, etc. Yet a few weeks ago every WW stopped selling it - but kept the less-popular chives one!? Asked about it - answer was - WW stopped sending it because it's not as big a seller. Wot rot!

      And the moment WW stopped selling it, Coles started! Well done WW. Coles is cheaper on most everything else, unless WW has some kind of meat sale. So I'll rarelygo into WW now. Mainly only to see if they have any marked down BBQ chickens.

      Even if they change it back, with all the shopping I've done there over the years since that card came out, I should have lots more points than Coles - yet Coles keep telling me I have about $100 waiting. But with WW, virtually nothing. Pfft… Why bother.

    • I noticed this too however they still have their weekly range of specials in addition to the everyday rewards prices. If that remains the case then it is a plus for the buyer. If they use the discount card and reduce the number of weekly specials then its a negative for the consumer.

  • +1

    The Australian Centre for Retail Studies estimates it takes over 7 weeks to get $10 back, if you spend $108 a week. Seems like you are better off shopping around for cheap prices than being loyal.

    • I've noticed that whatever Monash University investigates these days (whether that be rewards schemes, car accidents or assessments of speed limits), the findings of the research study always surprisingly go in favour of the party which commissioned that study.

      Hence why I tend not to pay attention to those "studies" anymore…

      • +2

        A common saying in politics is you only have an inquiry if you already know the outcome (and it's in your favour). The same can be said for surveys and most consumer investigations.

        1. Corporation wants to push an agenda
        2. Corporation funds research
        3. Research organisation delivers favourable results
        4. Corporation prepares media article and forwards it to newspapers
        5. Journalists publish article pretty much verbatim
  • +6

    OK, here's what it boils down to.

    You know those orange tickets which would say something like:

    Everyday Saver
    $5.25 $2.10/100g Save $2

    Without Everyday Rewards Card $7.25

    Well, instead of the old system where you instantly get the discount at the checkout, you pay full price at the register and your "discount" is now being banked as these "Woolworths Dollars" until you reach $10 Woolworths Dollars, when it is applied at the register as a discount.

    So now an equivalent ticket in the new system would be:

    Woolworths Rewards
    $7.25 $2.90/100g
    Earn $2 Woolworths Dollars with every purchase!

    I see it as far less attractive than the previous scheme. They hang on to what would previously be credited instantly, so you have to go back in order to claim the discount.

    • +2

      And they hang onto my money gathering interest!

      I wonder if they would still send promotional spend x over 3 weeks, get y back emails

      • I haven't seen any targeted offers on the new program yet. I'm also hoping they still run the instant money off your shop or the 3 week or 4 week promos for a reward at the end.

      • I got a promotional spend from coles (targeted)

        Spend $90 and get (instant) $20 discount…. for four consecutive weeks. So potential savings is $80 over 4 weeks

  • +3

    Waste of time. I only use my card when I receive my disloyalty (we haven't seen you fir a while) specials.

  • +3

    Not really a fan of it.

    Just making it seem all nice but as people have mentioned you get the money off later.

    Yesterday I purchased a 2 litre bottle of cordial. On the old system it was automatically $2.50 now I pay $4 and get $1.50 back later when my dollars accrue to $10.

    I reluctantly made that purchase but not too happy about it.

    I never used QFF system anyway.

  • +2

    With this change, people without rewards card will never purchase these orange ticketed products any more as they are almost definitely cheaper elsewhere.

  • +1

    massive fail imo

  • +1

    They must be counting on the psychological effect of people feeling like they 'won' something, rather than simply getting it at a lower price.

    Doubt it'll work, but should be an interesting experiment.

  • +3

    Stupid woolworths, they should've just given you 1 woolworths point per $1 spent on any item that was credited after each shop that could be redeemed for $10 with 1000 points but they've made it crap.

    • But that'll make it drastically similar to flybuys, good for the consumer but something which Woolworths wouldn't want even if the world came to an end.

      • +1

        Most loyalty programs are very similar and they don't suffer, look at all the coffee club memberships where you buy 10 coffees and get 1 free.

        • If Woolworths Rewards was every $10 spent you get a $1 off I think people would love it.
          But that's not how it is working.

        • +4


          But WW forget most people don't think more than one step ahead. Even people whose second thought is, "But I'll get $10 later when I…" - their first thought still was, "!? This is $2 more expensive than Coles!" And it's the first thought that will go through their mind every time, training themselves to think, "Coles is cheaper." (Which they already are on nearly everything too - where I live anyway - which only confirms the shift to Coles.)

          The domino/dinosaur/sticker collecting folks will still go - until other folks point out this stuff. Then some of those will abandon WW too.

          What's funny (sad!?) about all this… WW would have paid thou$and$ to some half-baked marketing research place - paid consumers to come in, give their opinion - and nearly all of them would've thought, "This is a ridiculous change", but given a thumbs-up anyway, knowing it was what WW wanted to hear - in order to extend their participation and increase the compensation paid for taking part.

          Also, WW used to have better meat specials than Coles. You're more likely to shop where you got meat cheap, because you're feeling like you got a bargain. They rarely do that now. That, and stupid decisions like removing products like that cream cheese I mentioned… And their homebrand lollies that taste like they're made with paint thinner… Their choc-chip biscuits that have so much sugar they're sickly…

          So many reasons to just not bother going into WW anymore.

        • @treeman:

          It'd be too generous if the rewards came to be 10% of total spend.

        • @treeman:

          Well more like spend $100 get $1 back

        • @strikerzebra:

          Starting to realise that Woolworths FSC in Tas is now a much much better scheme than the new mainlands rewards scheme…. We have always received 1% rewards on all our $ spent.

  • I bet the new program will survive less than a year.

  • +3

    I have to promote about this 'refreshed' program and had so many angry customers coming up to me today :( It's hard to convince people that it's good knowing it's shit.

    • Whoever created this rewards program obviously doesn't shop at their own store.

      • +4

        Think about it. 100 staff in Sydney are paid $80k+ plus in marketing to work at WOW and come up with awesome ideas. 1 person says "Hey! I've got a great idea. Let's make a reward scheme that's more simple! Let's remove 3rd party deals like QFF and just…." And then the other 99 tell him to shut up and disagree with his idea because it means they'd all be out of a job as it's clear, cost effective and would reduce bureaucracy.

        So they then all get together and create this convoluted and over complex Woolworths Rewards program that secures their jobs for another 12mths, but because of it's complexity it bamboozles customers and has little or no uptake. This will then fast track WOWs demise.

        As a fairly significant shareholder since 2007, my cursor is lingering over the sell button for the very first time.

        • +1

          Good point, it's definitely pissing off just about all customers I've spoken to about it.

        • +3

          Superbly summarized, got to laugh at the clowns at top who approved the new system. Its almost like they still believe that any publicity is good publicity.

          Woolworths is pretty much giving Coles and Aldi market share by shooting themselves in the foot.

  • Tsk tsk tsk!

    Looks like Woolie will never learn!


  • don't have the card for it yet disappointing. Selected items you bet they will list the stuff you DON'T WANT to buy and force you to pay full price for essentials. eg. Bread

    So stuff Woolies we going Aldi/Coles/Costco

  • +3

    Very proud OZBargainer here, representing St Lucia!!! (QLD). Shopped at my local Woolies on Wed, where I spent $300. As the person at the checkout was explaining the new system, she tallied the total and said ' ohh sorry, no cash back for you today' Really?!? After $300?!? Thanks to my.groceries.com.au's compare-a-tron most are bargains BUT still!!

  • So what is happening to the 4c off petrol? Doesn't seem to get a mention.

  • Qantas Frequent Flyer e-mail:

    This festive season, we're giving you the gift of double Qantas Points when you shop through the Online Mall. That's up to 10 points per $1 spent*.

    With 50 famous brands like David Jones, eBay, Apple Online Store and ASOS to choose from, you'll be able to do all your Christmas shopping in one place.

  • The supermarkets are a joke. All new entry level positions are part time and it will be the apocalypse before you are granted full time. The minimum hours are 10 hours a week for part time. Logically cheap arse managers hire 4 or 5 visas (or white Aussies, MAYBE) and give them 10-20 hours apiece, thus maintaining the wage bill. No full time entitlements (pro-rata pffft, what annual leave at those hours?) and maximum flexibility (for the manager).

    What does this have to do with rewards? Staff don't care. At all. Remember when retail had service? When staff cared? NOT ANYMORE. And when you screw the employees everything is henceforth broken. Retail needs motivated staff and properly stocked shelves with decent prices. The basics are intertwined. And then it all falls apart without these.

    Woolworths makes billions and it all goes toward (profanity) old farts in upper management who last worked in retail in the 60s/70s. No clue. And HR should be turned out and shot, useless old cows.

    • Angry much? Speaking from experience? People shot? Did you just get fired?

      These marketing gurus who work for WOW have struck a lot of hammers into the coffin in recent years and need to pay for their bad decisions with letters of termination. It's almost like the organisation is eating itself from the inside; head office and middle management are creating strategies aimed at lessening the numbers of face to face staff (less stock, less retail staff etc) while trying to cling onto their own jobs behind the scenes.

    • The Coles radio is a riot. "I went to Uni… (for a very short time - but I forget how long) - and now, I'm running the store! In charge of 300 employees!!!" Yeah, right. Everyone that works there would be a manager by now.

  • +2

    Ok, so we spent about $110 today on our groceries and earned a massive $1.27 in Woolies reward $.

    So, it's only going to take about 8 more (equivalent) shops and we'll be getting our first $10 reward - at a cost of around $1,000

    Great - a 1% reward scheme woo-hoo.

    • All depends what you buy. Have seen a lot of items that earn you $2+ each. But not much use if you don't want those items.

      • +2


        We bought what we needed to buy and chose the brands we wanted/liked/trusted/usually buy.

        I did notice a few orange tags around the store, but they aren't going to tell us what to buy and they were not the same item of what we needed anyway.

        This is the thing that makes the new system useless, you are not rewarded for shopping in their store, only if you buy what they deem worthy of the orange ticket. Which seemed to be a lot of their brands…

  • Logged into my account and had to update my address. Went to request a new card but once I click on damaged card and submitted it tells me I must select a card type. Nowhere can I see how to do that. Am I missing something?

    • +2

      The old cards work on the new system. Just like it did for me yesterday… Not that it's anything to get excited about!

      • Ah right. Wonder for how much longer though?

        • +1

          I can't find an end date, but here's the info from their email on the 25/10.

          Members told us what they really want is money off their shopping, so we’ve changed points for Woolworths Dollars!

          On Wednesday, Everyday Rewards will become Woolworths Rewards. Your new card will arrive shortly, so look out for it in your mailbox. In the meantime, just keep scanning your current card.

          This means your existing member rewards are changing. You can continue to earn Qantas Points through Woolworths Rewards, but only until 31 December 2015 – for more information, check out our FAQs.

      • +1

        Probably doesn't need to be an end date on the old cards. The number is still the same, the only change is the name of the program, and that means bugger all.

        If you use a Woolies (sorry Macquarie) Visa Card, then your number is on the back of that anyway.

  • It all depends on what you buy. I spent like $18 the other day and got like $2.6 in WW dollars. Mainly cause of my eclipse mints. I like the new system, much better than spending over $30 a go just to earn some useless Qff points.

    • Yes, perhaps, but if you have to buy useless things to benefit in W$ then it's crap.

  • +2

    Went to Woolies today, disappointed to see bread gone up to $5.80 with $2 WW dollars, not the regular $3.50-3.80 except Helgas, $3.50 still with WW dollars. Flawed system make you spend more, hold your $2 until you spend $10 under orange labels.

    If none of your stuff purchased got this orange label then pretty much you get nothing. I prefer discount without WW dollars

    Just give straight discount rather than this bullshit, its wasting everyone's time.

    It's discrimination because certain brands will get an edge just cause the orange sticker with whatever Woolies want to sell, not because customers want to buy.

    So $#&% you Woolies!

    • +3

      I very much doubt it is "whatever Woolies want to sell", it is more a case of what suppliers they can force to pay for the discount.

      Did you seriously believe "Woolworths Dollars" were coming out of Woolworths pocket???

      When they said they were spending $500 million on this, they didn't mean $500 million of their OWN money. They're not that stupid!

  • +3

    Spent $60 today at Woolies, scanned my card $0 rewards. That felt good to be a Woolworths customer, I felt valued.

    So guess I'll be going to Coles for my usual $200+ family shops.

    • +1

      probably going to coles too after they "ran out of items" when i did an online shop only to see the items in the store fully stocked within 2 hours of receiving the email.
      f(&(cken joke.

      this has happened twice.

    • your purchase decisions are driven by the rewards points vs actual specials? You sure you're an ozbargainer? or simply venting?

      • +1

        Dude, I also only saved money on Bread which was half price and the same price at Coles. At least EDR specials were also plentiful and usually pretty deep, all those are now gone with this new system. Yeah, if I am going to spend money on items that aren't really on special at woolies/coles than I'd like to earn something for my spend and loyalty, which right now I get NOTHING from Woolies.

        • Lol, that wasn't my question. So if woolie has a massive special on something u need next week, are you goung to boycott them?

          People always shoot from the hip then turn back on their word when reality kicks in

        • +1


          Nar I stand by my statement of doing my big shop at Coles. Doesn't mean I wouldn't pick up an incredible bargain from Woolies if available. But I doubt that is what Woolies wants from regular customers.

  • Only got down to my local woolworths today and noticed that it is not only the catalogue items that have the orange tickets.

    Not really that interested in the items other than the jam which wasn't in the catalogue. I'm not sure if the orange specials are different across different stores.

    Anyone else see the Jam on sale?

    Lots of random ones in the confectionary section too (Not eclipse). Including some select products.

    Might go out today again and take some photos at night if I have time. Too hot now…

  • More news, if you continue to use your old card, since it has the old barcode; there is no way to confirm if someone agrees to the old or the new terms and conditions.

    However, of course you'll know that you won't be earning points anymore in the New Year… So it should be pretty obvious even if you are using the old card.

    Also lots of bonus $10's to be won apparently…

    • Using the old cards doesn't earn you any rewards. I've been scanning it and nothing has been showing up.

    • +1

      Doesn't matter which card you use, the number is the same, it hasn't changed. Same number is also on the back of the Woolies Visa Card if you have one.

      Also, on or after October 28, whether you scanned your old card or the new card, that meant you agreed to the new terms and conditions. I received my new card yesterday, and the blurb that comes with explicitly states that.

      Don't know if BigW is still giving QFF points. I went to BigW on Sunday, and my docket says I have earned QFF points, though they are not showing up in my QFF account. Maybe not. Would have thought the IT department would have deleted that from the system by now, so the registers don't print dockets showing it.

  • I'm just curious in the emails I got it said

    "We asked members what they really want from a rewards program, and the answer was clear — money off their shopping. So, we changed points for Woolworths Dollars."

    When did they ask members? Can a mod please make a poll because I want to know WHO exactly did they ask?

    • +2

      They asked members who would give them the answers they wanted. Obviously a select few who spend 7 hours a day strolling up and down the aisles with all the time in the world and no specific shopping list.

      • Nah but seriously I'd actually be interested to see if they actually asked anyone or if it is a bunch of BS. A LOT of people are upset by this on Facebook saying things like "who did you ask…because it wasn't me".

        I went through all my emails and found nothing (it's possible they sent it from a different email I guess).

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