This was posted 9 years 4 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Actiiv Heart Rate Monitor $5 @ Kmart [Footscray, VIC]


Actiiv heart rate monitor, 8 left on the shelf at the Footscray store. Near the counter in the electronics dept. Maybe at other stores too.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Confirmed at Sunshine Coast.

    They've got a blood pressure monitor for $10 as well that connects to your phone. High quality, would recommend. Not for bigger people though.

    Also there is a Actiiv Fake fitbit type thing, that is just as good as the real thing for $25?

  • +5

    Bought a few months back at $15 :-(

    Works well with Strava on Android.

    Little stock likely left by now after several deals featuring Actiiv products at Kmart.

    It's old stock with the CR2032 battery already installed. Mine didn't work so checked the button cell - flat. Next time I was in Kmart, took it back, saw front desk staff, & got free Eveready one.

    Tested the blood pressure meters at GP's office - compared well with doctors readings. Doctor was impressed & wanted one because of low price. But cuff is a bit small to fit arm. Size is important for accurate readings.

    Tried & returned band ($35) - pedometer was not very accurate. Screen was small & difficult to read in sunlight. Notifications, alarms etc were displayed along with vibration.
    Bought a Xiaomi Mi Band Bluetooth V4.0 Bracelet Wrist Band this morning for au$13.76. Seems a better unit but lacks display.

    • I bought the last 2 at Bondi Junction last week for 10. Didn't post because there was only 2

  • kmart broadmeadows had 10 left last night about 11pm

  • +2

    Plenty at Burwood at the photo counter in the glass cabinet. Bought one

  • 1 left at Waratah yesterday after I bought 2!

    A bit bulky if you're carrying a shoulder bag across your chest, but for $5, you can't really complain.

  • 1 in Fountaingate, VIC

  • Hrmm how do you get it to work? Does it work with run keeper?

    • +1

      Got it working - battery was dead. Also works with Runkeeper and Runtastic. Not paired using normal Bluetooth process as it is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE) device. Pair via running apps - for Runtastic just select the runtastic device.

  • Couldn't find any at Belconnen, ACT.

    • There are actually 7 in this store. They are near the photo machines

      • Where exactly? I checked all shelves around the photo machines yesterday.

        • Maybe Broden got them

        • @Jackson: no I did, but left two for the next person ( got myself and my brothers 3 :))

          Thanks OP.

      • Never mind, found them! Thanks!
        Now there are 6 left.

        • They must have replenished, which begs the question- why get rid of them at this price; apart from making room for new ones.

        • @nulled:
          Batteries are at the end of their life.

          These have been sitting around unsold, taking up valuable retail real estate costing Kmart money. Just shows Kmart is the wrong place to sell these.

          It's better to cut their losses. As these are still available at $5, that price may still be too high for the market to bear.

  • Do they need a live BT connection to feed the app, or can they sync recorded data at the end of the session?

    • +1

      Don't think I've seen a heart rate monitor chest strap that records its own data. Most have to connect with something to store data. In the past it's usually been a watch, but now they are moving to smart devices instead.

      • I think Zephyr makes one, but it is basically a research device so a whole different price range.

  • Grabbed last one at Shellharbour, NSW. None at Figtree, NSW.

  • 14 left in the cabinet at Knox City! Can see 3 blood pressure monitors too.

  • Anyone know the range these will work? Hoping to keep the phone on the sideline and play over a half field, might be a bit ambitious

  • In burwood, its in the print copy counter.
    plenty of heart rate monitor left. only 1 blood pressure monitor left now.

    • All gone (both devices) at Burwood (VIC). Stock available at Knox.

  • There is only one HRM left in Footscray now. Cheers Snoovey mine worked first time with strava!

  • None at Northland (Preston) Vic or Reservoir, Vic. Bought one at Northcote, there were 5 or so left. Worked fine with Endomondo.

  • Anyone know if there are any left at Richmond VIC?

  • plenty left in Casula. Also bought a $2 Optus sim card for 5c.
    Took a little while to work out how to sync with Strava. Wahoo Fitness seems easier to use. Took a 5 mins job around the block and so far so good except I wouldn't want to wear this device for too long on a hot day.

    • Ill be over there soon. Where abouts do i need to look?

      Brought 2 only 6 left now

  • Bought 1 at Innaloo WA. Heaps left!

    • Was there any other actiiv products?looking for a watch

  • +1

    2 left at Hornsby NSW after I bought one at 6pm

  • Manual is pretty poor(esp for Android users) eg. On box it says compatible for Android, manual only mentions iOS, then says app is also available in Play store! Seems like Aldi is the only local retailer that has a decent Quality Control department for products/manuals for items made for them.

    Got it working on Android with Strava (it shows heart rate as soon as you pair it). Runkeeper still says "Searching devices" even though it seems to show the heart icon flashing on main screen. More an app issue than device. As julz said above, pair it within the app rather than through Android bluetooth setings.

    Is this thing always on? There is no off button (other than removing battery).

    • +1

      I set up this unit on Android with Strava app very easily. So must have understood the minimal manual. I've never set anything like these Actiiv devices up before. Pretty painless.

      Lol Aldi manuals are often atrocious. (The major manufacturer of electronics to Aldi approached me to improve quality control & manuals… I declined as it was a lost cause.)

      Yes, it's always on, that's why I warned above battery may be flat. If not using for a few days, I remove battery.

      • Not saying it's hard to work it out even without a manual (I haven't done a bluetooth device connection either) just that if they are going to have a manual with the product it wouldn't have taken much to make it consistent, maybe a work experience kid with 10 mins free ;-)

        We must have bought different Aldi products. It's all relative but I haven't seen conflicting specs on a box compared to the manual, for example, and Aldi make sure there is warranty and phone/contact support info very clearly written so credit is due there.

        With this product if you missed the tiny line referring to a website here it is and the manual

        Re: the blood pressure monitor, they don't have a page/info for it online but here's the manual You can use it without the app but here it is and it's reviews

        Previous feedback re: Actiiv products on OzB:

  • There were about 6 left at North Rocks yesterday.

    Personally, I think it was pretty easy to set this up with Strava. The only minor difficulty was that Strava had changed their layout a little bit.

  • 15+ available at Marion shopping centre SA

  • +1

    At least half a dozen in Launceston this morning.

    The module from my Garmin premium HRM clips onto the Actiiv strap just fine - if anyone is looking to replace their Garmin strap.

  • 15+ available at Greensborough this morning.

  • Anyone know how to pair this with nike+?

  • Bought 2 from KMart Innaloo. Surprisingly it also work on Windows mobile with my Nokia 625. It work with Endomondo and Caledos Runner too.

  • Mine has stopped working. Wanted to go for a run today but couldn't get it working - tried changing battery. Perhaps my batteries are also dead?

  • +1

    Kippa-Ring,QLD Kmart has 10+ available.

  • Is there any free iOS app where you can set up your HR zones so it will warn you in real time when your HR is too high or too low?
    Both Strava and Endomondo require premium account for this.

    Edit: found one - Wahoo Fitness.

  • Probably 8-10 left at southland Vic. But yeah, battery will be dead. Changed it at home and got strava and run keeper working within 20 seconds.

  • Around 20 left at Altona. On an open shelf to the left of the Electronics/photos counter.

    • Thanks Snoovey. Grabbed two last night. Still 15+ available here.

  • Will drop by my local Kmart tonight. Hope there's some left!

    • No more at burwood. There were 8 left at Knox and 20 in Chirnside Park.

      Used it on the weekend, works well with Strava.

  • Can confirm at Keysborough, 5 left.

  • New battery only lasts for about 30 minutes in mine.. Used it twice and already changed 3 batteries.
    What a piece of garbage.

  • The amount of carbon in these smart devices is astounding!

    • How much carbon?

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