I have been part of many sites, but I have found that OzBargain member base to be the most tolerant of each other.
Sure I seen personal attacks and trolling, but its not as nasty as Whirlpool when things go sour.
Thoughts? Reasons as to why?
I have been part of many sites, but I have found that OzBargain member base to be the most tolerant of each other.
Sure I seen personal attacks and trolling, but its not as nasty as Whirlpool when things go sour.
Thoughts? Reasons as to why?
Good point, but when I do see arguments it never really gets into the ugly territory.
I believe the moderators here are active to prevent such ugly scenes :)
Good work MODs ++
Xboxers will toast PS4 owners and vice versa no matter what forum they are on.
I'm glad you are not counting them.
Add a dash of PC Gamers and you've got anarchy. lol
Nah us PC Gamers are above that sort of "rabble" ;)
@Themojorising: Too busy sorting out driver issues and fighting with spyware and malware to be playing video games d:
Touché Good Sir!
As a matter of fact it took a full re-install of Shadow of Mordor this week to finally get it working!
There's also better moderator control and policing.
Whilst I agree mostly, I definitely wouldn't be admitting that I like Apple around here, especially iPhones.
I dunno, sometimes people get just a little bit too mean on here. People genuinely try to help by posting what they believe is a bargain to then be roasted by the community.
I presume this is in relation to newbies posting duplicate or deals that are mistaken for bargains?
Sometimes but not always, people could be kinder in advising why something doesn't meet guidelines or is not comsidered a bargain. The person who posted the deal did it to try and help the community and gets rewarded with nastiness.
it also happens a bit in forums when people ask genuine questions and are treated with ridicule. Will post links next time I am on a desktop.
it also happens a bit in forums when people ask genuine questions and are treated with ridicule. Will post links next time I am on a desktop.
Sounds like a certain person on Whirlpool that is admittedly very knowledgeable about eBay and eBay policies but is somehow unable to offer eBay advice in a non-condescending/douchebag/holier-than-thou manner.
I wonder if any OzBargainers know who I am talking about?
It also happens to cockie teens who show the slightest rudeness or ignorance.
That said, some teens hold their own, like the kid who was trying to socially engineer Jar Jar into doxing himself because Jar Jar called out the kid on something offensive.
Are you talking about the3coopers
I think he's great. He gives correct and comprehensive answers. That's what you want in a forum poster.
From memory it was a vice thread and the kid asked Jar Jar for more info about drugs or alcohol.
Jar Jar asked if the kid was legal as even most teenagers wouldn't need to ask such a question
Kid got defensive and started asking personal questions, like where dose Jar Jar work, where dose Jar Jar live (with a tone that sounded like the kid wanted to call Jar Jar's boss and talk rubbish).
Jar Jar rightfully ignored the kid.
Kid then went through Jar Jar's post history (who has time, it's sooo long) and found one of Jar Jar's vague mentions of his industry.
Kid quoted Jar Jar works in R&D then implied Jar Jar makes sex dolls. I have no idea how an adult having a job is an insult but anyway… I was off the forums for a few weeks after so I lost track of the fight.
As for cockie kids the ones that stood out for me were drift king, daddy’s money for a laptop and electrical engineering genius asking simple PC help.
That's the one. But as knowledgeable as he is, inevitably, he'll get it wrong once in a while. See Exhibit A: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=2446872
I'm almost certain he/she is on the eBay boards too but not sure which one.
And frequently people take comments votes against the deal that they posted as personal attacks. They assume people are being mean to them when they're simply pointing out why a deal is bad, using examples of better deals and cheaper available prices.
Lol which is why we hardly see neg votes that remain on deals.
It's all due to Scotty and the Mods keeping the site running smooth and each member taking responsibility for there behaviour.
Yep the moderation policy and enforcement is a lot better than other sites. I think there is a fine line between fair and ridiculous and at the moment is seems fair.
Yep the moderation policy and enforcement is a lot better than other sites.
Are you comparing OzBargain to Whirlpool?
I found the latter to be stiflingly overzealous. Whenever I used any form of irony or presented a controversial/non-PC opinion my post would be removed for "trolling". Needless to say, I haven't bothered with Whirlpool for years.
Yep, Totally agree WP moderation is a joke, you have to be boring otherwise you will be moderated.
You make it sound like we are adults.
I know many members are quite young!
Lol. Age has nothing to do with it.
Some people are just a-holes through and through no matter how old they get. Some people just have bad personality traits.
I feel that this quote fits in there too "Some men just want to watch the world burn around them"
I would like to counter-argue by saying by shopping on OzB you are required to have easy access to a credit card for online banking. Therefore you would find that most people are >16 (cf. Whirlpool)!
Actually, my argument is stupid. Gina Rinehart has access to cash and that hasn't worked out well.
Yes, just like corporate culture, in this case the community culture - it has to be promoted from the top and filter down to the members.
I think it works better as:
…each member taking responsibility for… "THERE. BEHAVIOUR."
- their
If you're associated with a company selling products and your deal isn't as big of a deal as you think it is or worse, not a deal at all, then the OzBargainers will swim around like sharks, ready to take a bite of out you.
Also, most of the negativeness of OzBargainers manifest themselves as passive-aggressive negative downvotes. I guess OzBargainers are too lazy/busy to argue like Whirlpoolers do.
Thoughts? Reasons as to why?
That's because OzBargain exists for mainly one purpose (finding/sharing deals), the comments/forums are secondary. Whirlpool is a Internet news site but the Whirlpool forums is just as big a part, arguably bigger, so you'll get the usual forum behaviour (cliques, 10,000+ posters, trolls, people who think they know it all when in reality they know nothing etc).
Yep and I think the up/down votes on Ozbargain are of great benefit to the community. Poor posts gets pushed down the bottom where they belong whereas Whirlpool has them all treated equally.
Perhaps that helps people refrain from commenting?
We're one big family trying to stack coupon codes and help each other make our dollars go further.
And eneloops.
Eneloops all the way!!
Less to argue about here as 90% of things are a financial decision
I know the sample size is small, but the poll seems to be 50/50.
Purely from statistics perspective, I think you wouldn't get an unbiased answer like this (the chances are, those who find Ozbargainers to be unfriendly would've left Ozbargain or would not get interact with Ozbargainers, meaning that we would see a bias towards the positive answer). Also, this being in the forum may have had influence on the sample as well. Votes probably are less biased since it's anonymous (still, the sample is biased).
Though, you did ask the question fairly late at night, probably would be better to wait until more people see this post before saying anything conclusive (though, what you've done is pretty much equivalent of asking the chef whether what they cook tastes nice, in my opinion).
Eh, I like being here (I frequently appear on user who've commented the most, etc etc). Few people I've seen are bitter (I hope I don't come across bitter, that said it's hard to sound nice online when you are proposing something opposite to what others are saying), but most people I found are nice.
Maybe if you spend too much time arguing and attacking other people, you might miss out on an epic deal? Remember, an epic deal can strike at anytime and may only last minutes. If you are typing furiously instead of refreshing your browser, you might miss out. :)
not if you are JV
if you think the ozb community is tolerant, downvote a deal for anything other than "product causes aids" and see what happens.
I have down voted some deals, haven't really run into much issues.
Amen terminal2k.Tolerance here is moderate at best.
But how does it compare to similar sites?
honestly, if this was another community that I didn't get as much use out of, I would leave
I really don't have a site to compare to.
I joined Whirlpool a long time ago,but reading comments here many times about those lot,i don't go to it,nor have i ever contributed to it (enough negativity here at times without coping it there)
There are clear justifications for downvoting, if you downvote for a reason other than one of those, people will call you out on it.
no, sometimes they'll still attack you even if it is one of those reasons. some people really don't like any negative ideas that don't mesh with their negative ideas
Do you have an example? I haven't seen this but I don't doubt that it could be happening.
Fortunately, some of the OzBargain community backed me up.
remember that time when tightarse quit for 24 hours?
Oh wow! What happened ?
He/she quit, then came back some time later, then quit again. I can't remember if the account was disabled or not, but his/hers account is active again now- has been logging in, to see if you've been missing him her?
Interesting, will have a read!
What I found interesting, is that the OP was complaining about a neg vote, certainly doesn't mean the whole community is 'arrogant'.
Wrong thread?
I like turtles.
Wrong thread as well?
I like turtles with potatoes.
golden or brushed
Need more votes on the poll! Lets get it to sample size of 100 at least!
i revoked my vote.
I think the forums can get nasty.
Deals are pretty civilised.
I don't think so.
I once gave my opinion on giving money to the homeless… and got HAMMERED for my opposing idea.
Funny thing is that my idea was in accordance to 'not being lazy' or whatnot… Definitely did not deserve all those downvotes, especially after my justification.
BOttom line: THere is a TON of 'cirle-jerking' on OZBargain, where an unpopular comment gets HAMMERED… i.e. people downvote (or upvote) blindly if there are already many downvotes (or upvotes).
Could you please link me to the post?
I've like -45 votes.
You should note that the majority (by the loooong shot) also 'no, never' give money to homeless beggers.
I do agree blind voting occurs, especially for the well liked posters. But overall have your other posts been treated friendly?
Ahh… You know what, I think I'll have to change my mind, and say that overall, ozbargain has been friendly!
"Now, I would only do it if there was a perceivable reward for me, at that moment. Call me a bastard, but that's the world - you don't get recognised or rewarded if no one sees you"
LOL pretty sure you got negged so much cos you're a… well… see you next Tuesday, ok.
This one? https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/207277#comment-2979463
Because you were controversial with 'you don't get recognised or rewarded if no one sees you.'
It implies the begger is both below you and non-human.
It implies that you are only interested in 'being nice' when your peers are around to give you praise.
(I am not saying these are your views, only how your words read to a stranger)
If you stuck with your first three paragraphs I doubt you would have got anywhere near as many downvotes.
Yes that one.
Sorry didn't get your last paragraph.
( And yes you're mostly right about the implications, although I never thought that it would imply that I consider the begger to be sub human.
But yes, the cold harsh truth is indeed that the begger is "below me", and that from my experience, there's no benefit in helping someone " below me " if there are no witnesses.
If that makes me a bad guy, so be it… I've realised that the "love thy neighbour" Christian values I grew up with put you at a disadvantage, especially in Sydney.)
Could it not be that a lot of people just disagreed with your (seemingly harsh, purely selfish) standpoint and the downvoting was not blind?
But then again, the huuge majority doesn't give money too. What's their reason, if not a selfish reason… I just gave a harsh but honest reason.
Well if you're speaking in regard to giving money to beggars - people could have any number of reasons, some of them may be selfish reasons. Personally I prefer to give through charities or buying the big issue as opposed to giving directly to a person - its an issue of money being better distributed through other channels rather than me not having personal gain.
Anyway, it's a matter of perspective - you did give an honest opinion but I definitely would have down-voted (or replied) only because I disagree, irrespective of how others had voted.
Sorry didn't get your last paragraph
I'll expand it with quotes.
I don't anymore.
A few times I did it for 'karma'…
Didn't change anything, and one time after I was extra generous (bought the man a full subway with a drink and cookie), I got to work and a whole bunch of shit happened."
That is a very clear argument that no one should be able to disagree with as it is only your personal point of view backed up by your experience.
It displays your feelings, it explains how you came to have those feelings BUT (and it's a big but) it doesn’t make anyone feel bad about agreeing with you.
Karma is BS.
This makes anyone who believes in Karma feel stupid. This makes your whole comment hard to agree with. Not because it's wrong, but because it makes a group of people feel bad.
Now, I would only…
This whole paragraph has subhuman and elitism connotations, which again, can make people feel uncomfortable supporting (even if they agree with your key point, don't give to beggars).
I whole heartedly agree with not giving to beggars only for different reasons. But I can't upvote your comment as you also promote elitism which is a concept I disagree with.
There is nothing wrong with your post, people just disagree. Keeping a post to one core idea makes it easy to upvote and harder to disagree with. Now go run for office.
…No, as in I didn't understand what he meant.
…Now go run for office.
And I don't appreciate your personal attack.
Let's not forget the original post.
OzBargainers The Most Friendly Base around?
THIS guy… Yeah don't forget that us OZBargainers will be here… for moral support lol.
…Did we just become Canadians??
I disagree, there's plenty of particularly unsavoury types on here, especially in the forum area where like most other places the voting buttons are used as a "I disagree with what they said, let's hide it" button.
On many ocassions I have witnessed particularly caustic reactions to people innocently posting deals, acting like it's a life of death experience. As such, I am sure many people would be hesitant to actually come forward to list a deal.
On the plus side, this community boasts JV, which makes me proud to be a part of it :)
Single common interest: the best price on everything.
No conflicts. Not here to argue that an item is better than another, or the way I do it is better than you do it, etc.