NBN's New Rollout Plan up Untill Sep 2018 Click Link and Check Yourself


If you are not on the list i guess your after sep 2018.

Still sucks there rolling out this half arsed NBN instead of the one before.

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  • +2

    H1-2018 for shithouse HFC.

    Great work, government. Please take more of my hard-earned dollars so you can spend it wisely on stopping boats and running rape dungeons detention centres.

    • Can you get Telstra cable now?
      I think they should go with fibre everywhere, but I can see the logic in prioritising DSL exchanges in the build out over locations where HFC is already available.

      • +1

        Unfortunately not, I only have access to 3Megabit/s ADSL2+.

    • -1

      Chill Bro

    • Total (profanity) joke. FTTP over road my side of the road FTTN total joke.

    • +3

      Course not

      • +3

        It was a bit tongue in cheek.

        I am pretty smug about my internet speed.

    • +4

      I hate you


    • -3

      Pretty cool humblebrag you got there; of course you're aware that you already have FTTH - they install a massive box on your premises somewhere.

      The thing is though, no one cares about your internet speed. Take your shit elsewhere mate.

    • +1

      Your not that special I have FTTP/FTTH this post is about everyone else who doesn't and to find out when they will get it despite it not being what we have.

  • +6

    Relevant to this tread: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/10/15/nbnsuptmsup_reveals_…

    TL;DR is you the language leaves a lot to be desired - as in actually saying anything regarding when you'll get yer nbn.

    So it seems this is just another complete waste of money yet again while they f*** a** about doing sweet f*** all except running a pr exercise with the aim of pretending to be providing internet. Like spending $700,000 on a new logo because apparently Australians weren't associating "NBN Co" with broadband (really: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/04/26/nbn_co_loses_the_co_… ). Whether this was because NBN Co is not actually connecting people to fast broadband is unclear but it would only make sense :p

    I read the other day that according to the Shadow Communications Minister the somewhat ludicrous situation is occurring where NBN Co is building FTTN cabinets only to discover that in some places the existing copper is too decrepit to even offer something approaching ADSL speeds to and from the cabinet. So they are REPLACING COPPER LINES in these areas. Dats right: the Aussie tax payer is paying to replace Telstra's copper cable.

    Given the extraordinary advantages given to Telstra by Turnbull**** it's hard not to see this as a deliberate act.

    • And here I was thinking that they went from NBN to nbn to represent that they were delivering much less!

      Sadly they could not go to scale without changing the name to .

  • Well all i can say about the rollout is this, given i am scheduled for H2 2018, lets hope that by then the knuckleheads will have realised the stupidity of their foray into cheap low grade technology and make the decision to finish the rollout as planned with FTTP…….

  • Jan 2016 for me, FTTN… Now I just need to find out what it costs to upgrade to FTTH :-)

    • +2

      In the vicinity of $20k to $150k. No joke. You can ask them for a quote, but it will cost you $700.

  • +1

    OKies so. I have HFC for H2 2016.

    I Dont know much about speeds - i know FTTP is the best but how will FTTN compare with HFC? Atm i have adsl2+ with TPG about 16mb/s down and 0.8 up. Download is okay but i would like better upspeeds for online gaming (playing 24 player races on forza 6 it drops in and out of "weak conneciton" message appearing)

    Is HFC going to be any better than what i have now, and how compare to FTTN? Thanks !

    • hfc now is 100 down 2 up. no idea what speeds the nbn will offer.

      • -1

        Most likely the same as all of their other products. 12/1 25/5 50/20 and 100/40

    • +2

      HFC current 100/2 Some get more that this, others get less. It is a shared medium, so is dependant on the number of users on your segment at the time, and the quality of the devices they use to connect (noise transmission)
      HFC nbn version is supposed to offer 100/5 at release. nbn have mentioned parity with their other plans, but 25Mbps by Eo2016 was also mentioned..

      FTTN will deliver a starling 12/1 for most in the first year while ADSL is co-existing. Full speeds should be enabled after ADSL is turned off. OS we have seen about a maximum of 80Mbps. Very dependant on number of connections on your node (crosstalk) distance between node and modem (includes setback and internal wireing), and line quality (joins the most problematic, but physical/environmental damage also impacts)

      nbn have mentioned upgrading the nodes and modems to support vectoring at some stage. Once all devices on a node have vectoring, the crosstalk impact is reduced.

      Both will be a substantial improvement on what you have now. They would make an excelent interum nbn.

    • +1
      • FTTP is great.
      • HFC is OK, even though I wouldn't personally think it was worthwhile spending money on expanding the HFC network at this stage. It's a political compromise I can somewhat understand though.
      • FTTN is a disgrace, and had there been any justice in the world, Turnbull would be facing a royal commission and a resignation in disgrace instead of being promoted to PM.

      Edit: so yes, you should be fine with your hfc connection and it should give you a decent boost up to 100/40 to begin with (although contention might bring this down significantly during peak hours, but impossible to know at this stage).

      Edit: realised poster above mentioned a temporary cap of 100/5 upon release. Not sure about that or how long it would take until you get the normal 40 upload.

  • +3

    As expected, I'm not on the list.
    I'm in a busy area in South West Sydney that has no cable, very limited mobile signal, and only some people are able to get ADSL/2+ due to the distance from the exchange (and when they do, it's very slow).

    In better news, the Labor government has just said they're bringing back FTTP when they're re-elected.

    • +3

      "In better news, the Labor government has just said they're bringing back FTTP when they're re-elected."

      Is this true? That's great news. But the sucky thing is Abbott isn't PM any more so we'll never get the chance for FTTP now because aussies will vote for Turncoat for sure. Sadface.

    • when they're re-elected.


      • +3

        I wasn't mistaken :p

    • I think this flip flopping between governments will just delay the rollout. Pick a plan, stick with it.

      • +7

        better to delay than spend tens of billions of absolutely worthless tech like FTTN

  • I got H2-2017
    Such a looong wait

  • Yes! Forest Lake is finally on the list. 2018. My family will be thrilled - they've been complaining like crazy lately about terrible internet performance. Now I can tell them to be patient - just 3 or so years and the problem should be resolved.


    • well, 3 years to the start of them building in the area.
      that date is the "Expected time to commence construction"

      • Oh come on, don't try to rob other people's joy :)

        I might actually get it by then - it looks like I've been bumped to 2016!

        • :) sorry about that

  • +4

    What a (profanity) disgrace the whole thing has turned out to be.

    • Exactly. Thank the people who instigated it as a bait for a vote based on next to no research or planning.
      When elected their first comment on the policy was… we don't know how we are going to do it and don't know how we are going to pay for it.
      Blame Australian politicians or gullible voters for the sham?

  • Nice, my speeds are max 5mbps and i'm not even on the list. Well Played government, well played!

  • fttn build commenced in nov 2015. Wonder how long this will take :/ also does anyone know what kind of speeds fttn offer? hopefully nothing too trash.

  • Well it cannot get worse then it already is.

    Adsl2 with max speed of 450kbps yet my 4g network note 2 on the optus network max speak on 1 bar reception got 1.2mbps…

    I'm lucky I have 8 gb of 4g data but I have to figure out how to get more for cheap.

  • +2

    My area is in 2017. Hopefully by this point those in leadership, whoever it may be, will realise that we may as well proceed with the original FTTH instead of the complete white elephant that is FTTN!

    • +1

      Doubt it. If libs stay on, they will stay with their fraudband, because theres no way they could ever support something Labor thought of

  • HFC… so disappointed. Currently on Optus cable and have good down speed, hardly any congestion. This will change I assume if everyone jumped on NBN that's using HFC. Crappy upload will stay.

    Not happy.

  • +10

    The house I was renting got FTTP. I bought that house. I'm not moving.

    • +1

      I read that FTTP increases the value of a home by $10K. But the Libtards just don't get it, and insist on installing their inferior Fraudband into brownfield areas.

  • +1

    2016 H2… what does H1 and H2 stand for?

    • +3

      H1 is first 6 months H2 second 6 months.

      Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 are same thing but 3 month periods.

    • FYI in addition to holden93,

  • FTTN HI 2017
    We live in a small town pop about 11k. We have adsl2 not bad speeds.
    Around us all remote towns have NBN we're talking 10-15km away, some areas even closer. Why the hell they just didn't run it through our town I'll never know.

    On anther note, my mother in law isn't even on the list and she has the worst adsl2 speeds ever. 200kbs max through Telstra and they were better than tpg.
    A good mate who lives in another area and currently getting great speeds with cable is getting Nbn in h1 2016. Talk about a total F**k up.

  • +3

    HFC in 2016 but i already have Optus cable so whats the point.. what a waste. Should be FTTH or nothing.

    • Same here by I only got 100mb/s download and just under 2mb/s upload. Would it get worse?

  • +1

    My suburb is for Q4 2016. How useful, since I already have FTTN via iiNet VDSL2 (ACT only).. And I get 55Mbps. What a waste, they should either buy the iiNet/TransACT VDSL2 network in Canberra (covers over half of the suburbs) or lay FTTN to the suburbs which don't have it (and have a 3mbps ADSL or worse).

  • +1

    I live in a town that is slated to get FTTN. I know it isn't FTTP, but I'm glad to be getting something better than what I currently have. At the moment, stuck behind a Telstra RIM at 8/0.3 speeds. Artificially locked speeds by the big T. I can live with the 8 down, but the 0.3 up, that is a killer. Not much fun with cloud backup services.
    Even as important, glad to be getting off the useless Telstra line rental. At the moment if I want ADSL, then I'm forced to have a voice service which I do not use. And I'm also forced to list my name, address, and phone number in the white pages (unless I pay the monthly extortion fee to have a silent number. It's funny how we have to pay to have our privacy!).

    • +1

      I'm not in the White pages by choice and I don't pay a fee.

      • +1

        Same with me, but my home phone is with TPG, not Telstra.

      • Lucky you. Not everyone is so lucky.

      • how do you have an unlisted number without paying a fee?

    • +1

      no one is forcing you to plug in your phone! I don't get any unsolicited calls now ;)

      • -1

        Oh so, if I don't plug in my phone, then the details suddenly disappear from White Pages? Amazing!
        Regardless of whether or not the phone is plugged in, I still have to pay to have my details unlisted.
        (PS .. as I said .. I do not use my voice service. So hence that would suggest I don't have a phone plugged in.)

        • Unless you're in a witness protection program I don't see an issue since you haven't got a phone plugged in. And no, not using your 'voice service' does not suggest if it is plugged in or not.

        • -1

          Can't see why someone would leave their phone plugged in if they aren't using their voice service. I guess they must like the sound of the phone ringing.
          As for privacy, we obviously see things differently, so I have nothing more to add.

    • If it's ASDL it might be genuinely that bad for upload speed, but being next to a RIM is worrisome with speeds that bad, lol..

      • Yep, I believe that's normal maximum RIM speeds … unless you're on a Tophat RIM.

  • HFC H12017. Will NBNCO supply a cable modem? (Since they are already supplying NTDS for fibre (

    • *NTD

  • (Sigh) Won't happen soon.

  • +4

    I love how villawood immigration detention centre gets nbn but not the high school across the street.

  • FTTP… FTTP everywhere. This is good news.

    • God I hope fttp is returned if Labor gets back in.

      • I'm not joking either. My area and the areas around it either have it or are getting it.

  • My suburb is listed under 3 different Regions, any idea how I can find out which one my house would belong to?

    • Are the different regions split into different services etc ADSL/HFC? If so you should know what you're on.
      Otherwise probably not

      • My suburb is under the "Areas where construction scheduled to commence before end Sep 2018" 3 times.
        Yes, 2 of them are HFC, 1 of them is FTTN.
        My house currently has ADSL2+, but how does that determine that I should know which service my house would be receiving in 3 years time?

        • AFAIK you'll be getting the FTTN.
          AFAIK they won't be replacing Copper with HFC

  • So wasn't FTTN max 25mbps and that make HFC faster?

    • +1

      FTTN is min 25mbps

      • Not necessarily. The further you are from the node, and the worse your copper line quality is, the lower the speed by the time it reaches your house.

        • http://www.itnews.com.au/news/nbn-co-drops-speed-guarantees-…
          However, users of the FTTN network will not receive speed guarantees beyond 25 Mbps down and 1 Mbps up, the report states - similar to the maximum performance under ideal line conditions of today's ADSL2+ service.

          Read more: http://www.itnews.com.au/news/nbn-co-drops-speed-guarantees-…

          I took that as a minimum guarantee of 25 down anything higher is lucky.

          idk though they change there shit so much i dont see the point in it all if it only gained a few mbps FTTP was so much better.

        • @holden93: My area is already being prep'd for FTTN, I am roughly <300m from the cabinet (walking distance) and my speed is <6mbps down on ADSL2+. Unless the fibre to the cabinet/node (I'd think a newly placed one near the current one) does miracles… I don't think 25mbps would be feasible for me.

  • Down the road, further away from the exchange is serviced by HFC.
    Me, closer to the exchange, is serviced by a slow RIM.

    Geez, isn't it unusual for the Libs to stuff something huge up?
    Catch ya in 10 years when the Gov will be in a big hole when the exciting copper goes down a certain creek.
    I support the alternate method; http://fttb.org

  • Would FTTN be up gradable in the future to FTTP, or is the bandwidth to the node insufficient to continue to houses at a latter date?? Or does that not make any sense at all???

    • +2

      Yes it would be theoretically, but it will be a future project which will cost billions more, probably in 10 years' time, just after crappy-NBN is finished.

  • +1

    I thought the Liberals were supposed to be good financial managers. But this is a terrible waste of money. Tens of billions of dollars for a minor speed increase, and people are lumped with either: a) cable internet (shared bandwidth), or b) FTTN which uses the highly degraded copper lines that are prone to dropping out when it rains.

    Either do a proper job and install FTTP, or save billions and do nothing at all. If they wanted to save money on the FTTP rollout, they could string the cables overhead into established suburbs rather than installing all the cabling underground. If the government had not privatized Telstra, it would have been a lot cheaper to upgrade. Privatization of infrastructure is pure neo-liberalist evil.

  • It a total joke my copper to my house sucked drop out all the time FTTN is a total joke. house across the street has fiber to FTTP.

    • I don't think that this plan is a joke (in fact I think they are quite serious) but I really do hope they can stick with the plan. It's a monumental task, and NBN Co have been somewhat disappointing so far.

      • why it a joke is one side of my street had FTTH my side of the street get FTTN total joke my cable are just as old as their cables.

  • +1

    Not on the list.. Still stuck on ADSL1 :( 5 minutes from Perth Airport too.

    • +3

      sucks mate, my old place was around the corner from Parramatta and was getting 1.5 down for a few years so i know what shitty internet feels like.

      • What's worse, is that there will be new development 40m away from me. I know they'll get NBN, and I'll be further down the list. I blame Telstra for putting in a RIM for their overflow rather than upgrading the exchange. I'm >1km from RIM, 4km from Exchange. My RIM was on the ADSL2+ Tophat list prior to the last election too, but Telstra canned it due to all the NBN talk from both parties :(

        Perhaps I should make friends with these future people, and run a LAN cable from their place to mine :P

  • This Sucks, Not even on the list and my internet is pathetic :(

  • I went through the list for NSW only… and I'd say at least 99% of the ones slated to get nbn is FTTN… I think I only saw three areas with FTTP and that's partially shared with FTTN I wanna cry…

    • I want to get real mad. time start makes election campaign hell.

  • I was told by somebody who works with NBN Co that they are short on installers. These are people who actually roll out the cable to your area.
    The number of premises that they roll out every month is currently less than a third of what is required to fulfil the government promise.
    The numbers will get better but unless they can hire more installers, many of you won't probably get NBN by 2020.

  • +2

    300kbps download speed here, anything better than that is most welcomed :D

  • Getting HFC H2-2016.. a lot of comments are saying HFC is terrible.

    "A key concern expressed by many is that the existing HFC exhibits poor performance during busy times, along with the presumed retention of existing tiny upload speeds (1-2 megabits per second).

    However, this will be a deployment where nodes will be split extensively (made smaller in terms of homes per node), in order to minimise the contention ratio on the network. The spectrum being used for the deployment will also be expanded, and modern IP capable data transmission equipment will be pushed deep into the resulting network."

    So we may or may not get terrible down/up speed during peak times. Only time will tell.

    • The thing is many of us already have ok download. That's why it's so annoying when Turnbull goes on about how many streaming videos you can watch at a time on his fraudband model.

      Everybody knows the issue is upload. That is the number 1 thing that needs improving - upload speeds in aus are terrible. If the HFC is going to be 1-2 megabit up, really what's the point ? I already have .8 up so it's barely any better. Seems like a massive waste of money. Either do it properly or don't do it at all

  • +1

    Everywhere within 1km of my place is getting it and we're not. Great.

    • one side of my street got FTTP my side of street get FTTN it Total joke.

  • I got a feeling this is for apartments or new establishments. What happens to existing houses they gonna provide NBN listed on those papers or not?

    • Why do you feel it's not for everyone? I'd be very surprised if that's the case.

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