This was posted 9 years 4 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Canon 70-200mm f2.8L IS II $2093 Shipped @ The Good Guys eBay


With the 20% off using "CTGG20" discount code at The Good Guys Ebay, the legendary Canon 70-200mm f2.8L IS II is now $2,093 shipped, or $2,088 click and collect. Cheapest AUS Stock you can get anywhere. If you're into photography, this lens needs no introduction.

Original CTGG20 20% off deal

Also receive 4% cashback with CashRewards, approximately $103 cash back.

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Saw the picture and was hoping it was a good deal on the thermos mug version. Disappointed. But will upvote because seems to be cheapest out there.

    • +3

      Im sure you can still use it a mug

      • i dont see why not, remove all the glasses and there you have it!

    • Haha came here to say just that :)

  • AU $2,588.00 normally, but capped at $500 max discount which is a bugga, otherwise 24% off would of been $1966.88

    • Its only the 20% off thats limited to 500 isnt it? So you would only lose out on about 20 bucks of discount?

      • Yeah about $20, $17.60 to be exact. max $500 discount.
        Still your saving $500, then wait for cash rewards to add $103 to your account.
        The OP did the maths :)

  • how much do they go for 2nd hand?

    • +1

      About $1200-$1400

      • +6

        Don't think it's that cheap for mark ii

        • I'm probably thinking of mk1 prices.

        • @macrocephalic: yeah mkii prices is what i want to know

        • @insular: My only real experience is eBay, but from my stalking so far $2k is an average price for a used II. Some maybe go closer to 1.7-1.8, but usually they will be acknowledging dust inside the lens or a minor scratch or two on the front element. Overseas sellers a la eglobal and the like tend to be around the $2.2k mark, but none of them are really specific about GST which would likely put their total prices up to the standard $2.5k, making it not worth it at all really.

          Getting this new, under $2k with the cashback if you get it, would definitely be a very good deal.

      • +1

        you wish

    • Around $1800+ (after negotiating) but can fetch a bit more for local stock.

    • depends, most sellers wants 1800 - 2000.

  • Is there any other canon L lens on TGG ebay? Can't find any if search @ebay TGG even this lens is not listed there. Weird? Any idea?

  • Thanks for sharing! If only i had the funds for it, i would buy it in a heartbeat!

  • Do they have the canon 24-70 f2.8 II L ?? Ihad a quick look but cant seem to find it..

    • unfortunately goodguys is not really a camera dealer. I was even surprised they had the 70-200mm

  • +4

    Thanks OP. Bought. Somehow managed to convince the Minister of Finance. TRS refund will also lessen the pain.

    • I get what you feel…

    • Can't go wrong with that. Your minister of finance is a wise person :)

    • Good buy. This type of lens is an investment, even if you change your mind kne day you can re-sell at almost the purchase price (since you bought it cheap).

  • Do you guys get much use out of this focal range? Unless you are into wildlife photography, is this much use?

    • +3

      The 70-200mm is a great portrait lens if you're into that sorta thing; just google 70-200 portraits and you'll see what they can achieve due to the level of compression and the bokeh. It's absolutely great for isolating subjects.

      Also great for wildlife, zoos and your kids sporting events. For serious wildlife safari, you might want to go even longer…

      Just wanted to add that this is a heavy lens and definitely not your everyday carry lens…

    • I have the f4 version and it takes great portrait photos as described below. With a f2.8 I can image the quality would be a lot greater. Will serious look at buying this as I am also looking at upgrading my Canon 40D

    • +1

      wildlife will proly need longer focal length…

      is this much use?

      yes, in a matter of fact, I use this focal length on every wedding / portrait jobs…

    • Outdoor portraits and wedding photography would be my main uses. 24-70mm is useful but sometimes not quite enough to tighten the frame, especially across a room.

  • Thanks OP! In for one.

  • Consider the new 100-400II over this lens. I have the old 70-2002.8IS and the new 100-400II is just so good it eats it (sharper, quicker to focus etc) and you get double the reach.

    • The old 70-200 IS doesn't compare to the new one. The II is insanely sharp.

      • but then if you already have the MkI, there's no reason to spend extra grand for MkII as MkI is already a superb lens.

        • Refer to my comment below to another Mk I owner.
          The Mark I is great, but the new Mark II blows the Mark I away.

    • and how much is that one?

  • I have this lens. And it is SHARP. Focus is lighting quick too.

    That said, it is heavy.

    Considering the state of the Aussie dollar, get it now before it really climbs back up lol

  • Amazing , I bought this lens when the e bay deal was capped at 300 . This is even better now with 4 % cash back . Best price in ages . This lens will pay itself off with a few sessions of photography if you are into some work .

    • Same, could've saved an extra $200 now that the TGG cap has increased from $300 to $500 with this sale. Nevermind, there's always a better deal just around the corner whenever you purchase tech.

  • I thought this was a travel mug at first.

  • I have the mkI of this lens - is it worth selling it to switch to this mk ii?

    • Are you having issues with the quality of your Mark I?
      I upgraded a few years ago when the dollar was strong (paid the same price as TGG now), and managed to sell my old Mark I for a good price. That said, I use my gear to make money, so it was a no brainer. If it's just as a hobby, then I'd say only you can justify to yourself if the $800-ish changeover is worth it.

  • -6

    Is that a fancy cup?

    • +2

      I guess not.

  • Edit: Not sold out, just no click and collect options in NSW, VIC, QLD. Few in WA. Can do delivery option from Melbourne but delivery between Oct 19 - Oct 23

    • Looks like no more option for delivery - pickup up only (Click and Collect).
      Bought mine yesterday which is being delivered from WA (i live in QLD)

  • Not Sold out as yet(6.40pm) :
    Purchased a min ago:
    Order Summary
    View and print your order details. You will receive an email confirmation shortly
    Estimated delivery between Monday, Oct. 19 and Friday, Oct. 23
    You saved AU $500.00 on this purchase

  • cool lens. i just bought my first dslr camera, a canon 100d with the 18-55mm lens

    • +2

      Enjoy! But if I were you, it's worth take a look at the 50mm 1.8 as well while its on sale. You won't regret a cent I guarantee it!

      • Yep, the standard Canon lens is not that great. I have a 70-300 MM lens which is fantastic but will look around for some more. What do you suggest (1200D)?

      • sorry if this sounds like a n00b question (which it is), but if the stock lens goes upto 55mm, why would i buy a 50mm prime lens?

        • +4

          watch this review. it'll explain all you need to know and more

          main reason being impressive BOKEHH

        • +2

          If you don't know why, you aren't ready for another lens. You should only 'upgrade' if you feel limited by your gear IMHO.

        • @ChronoTrigger: great video, thanks for posting

        • +1

          its the aperture that the lens is capable of. the standard kit lens 18-55mm is f3.5-5.6, at 55mm focal length it can only have max aperture of f5.6 while the prime 50mm has f1.8. The differences? insanely blur background and much more light coming in. You will appreciate more when the available light is limited.

  • Only 2 left

    as @ 9:03pm sydney time

  • Kamkam : you will not regret buying the 50 mm prime . That's all I can say . 😀

  • Sold out now!

  • +1

    @Kamkam: to answer your question, the picture quality you'll get from the 50mm prime is 1000x superior than what you'll ever get from the stock or kit lens. The optics (lens/glass) is what makes the difference.

  • cool thanks. i literally got it today, so ill play around with the stock lens for a while, and once i feel the need to upgrade, then ill look into another lens. for now however, i need to look into getting a miele\dyson vacuum!

  • Hard to justify the $$ over the Tamron, unless you need it for pro action shots.

    • +1

      I have both. If you're occasional user, stick with Tamron and save a grand. For a slight better IQ, build and weather shield, other people will pay a premium for that.

  • -1

    I wonder why Canon couldn't recreate these lenses out of high quality plastics, that would make it really really light. Must've been some technological hurdles or something at the time.

    • it's the glasses inside that heavy. More glasses = better IQ

      • Oh I know the glass is heavy, I was thinking of the non-glass parts.

        • Let's put it this way, the elements are heavy so they need good housing and component to support them. Those housing needs to be durable, non reactive, and strong enough to resist external pressure. So most likely they will be heavy.

          I am happy to see if they re-engineer new material for lighter body offering same image quality but I cannot imagine what price the lens will be come.

        • @icecream: Aye. I'm sure they would have done it if they could at the time. I guess their engineers found out that plastics just weren't up to the task.

        • No, absolutely, plastic is not up to the task.

          If I have to guess a material, very high grade carbon fiber may works. Again, price can be heart attacking for we oz-bargainers, ROFL.

  • +1

    Anyone seen TGG selling Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM ?

    What's the lowest price you have seen?


  • Wow thats cheap. I already have one though and I paid about #2400 2nd hand as back then the cheapest new price was around $2600-2700.

    Its my favourite lens and a keeper but as a few others have said it's big and heavy

    • it's small and light when you compare it to other 400mm lens :)

  • Has anyone here actually bought one and received it by delivery yet?
    I bought and paid for it 3 days ago and still haven't received a tracking number.

    TGG have usually been extremely quick to ship so not sure if this is normal or not.

  • Though i select shipping option my order was allocated to a store.
    Store called me & ask whether i am ok for refund or else she need to backorder. Then i contacted online support & appetently their system screwdup b'se of this 20% deal. They had 12000+orders (not sure whether its true) , hence manualy generating the orders. So agreed to wait & she did a backorder. According to her even canon docent hace stocks(again not sure whether it true) ETA for canon is within 1st week of Nov. Then it might anothet few days for Del to TGG & then to us..
    Bit if frustration but saving of ~600k :)!

    • Mine was allocated to WA store (I'm here in QLD).

      I called them and they said they don't have any stock on the shelves, but weren't able to tell me if they reserved one for my eBay order.


      • How do you tell your order has been allocated to a store?
        I am from Victoria. I couldn't complete an order with "pick up from store", even it says there is 1 unit in Frankston store.
        I believe, stock level was screwed up.
        After all, I was able complete order with "shipping" only.
        Australian Retailers don't stock many of it, they back order it when customer ordered one.
        I am fine to wait on back orders within reasonable time frame & stock is completely brand new, e.g. newly ordered from Canon.

        • You get an email saying…
          The Good Guys Order xxxxxxx240 has been allocated to a store for processing
          Store: Joondalup WA.

          I assume it gets allocated to a store with stock available at the time (in my case WA).

          Did you actually place an order with "Shipping" only option?

          Has anyone here actually bought one of these lenses given the number of +ve votes? LOL

        • @mtaing:

          Yes, I ordered with shipping option. I started with "click & collect" since there were 2 stores have that "in-stock".
          But after I complete payment, it redirect me back to eBay cart. I choose to use shipping option, then paypal screen again.
          How long did you wait until that "store allocation" email turns up?
          You made me wonder if anyone got their order delivered.

        • As i heard, Frankston one is a display, which i refuce to accept..

        • @chutibuti: Er…. :S
          Would that be the reason why it won't let me pick up from Frankston store but to use shipping option?
          I wonder if people see demo as "brand new". I might say, if there is clear sign of use, I will request replacement, once parcel arrives.

        • @icecream:
          I received the "store allocation " email same day I ordered the lens.

          Mind you I did purchase the lens before this deal was posted and was one of first in the list you posted below to have purchased.

          If you haven't received the email yet maybe give them a call or check your spam/junk box.

        • @chutibuti:
          I rang WA store and they said they had 1 in stock which is the display model. The guy I spoke to said I will be getting a new one but can't give me anymore information about my order other than it is still processing or has been shipped already (without tracking number).

  • The 20% promo surely boosted the sale on this lens.
    This is the performance of TGG ebay store on this product.

    p+++a AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 21:56:50 AEDST
    1+++b AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 20:34:23 AEDST
    c+++e AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 19:18:07 AEDST
    g+++j AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 19:15:32 AEDST
    s+++b AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 18:42:13 AEDST
    s+++l AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 18:31:39 AEDST
    i+++a AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 16:38:06 AEDST
    i+++c AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 14:45:50 AEDST
    f+++e AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 14:36:04 AEDST
    o+++0 AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 14:35:45 AEDST
    c+++a AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 13:53:46 AEDST
    l+++n AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 13:44:18 AEDST
    o+++l AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 13:32:42 AEDST
    t+++g AU $2,588.00 1 15-Oct-15 11:48:39 AEDST
    .+++d AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 22:34:48 AEDST
    w+++4 AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 22:18:14 AEDST
    h+++3 AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 22:11:14 AEDST
    1+++r AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 22:11:09 AEDST
    7+++t AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 21:48:29 AEDST
    3+++1 AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 21:46:44 AEDST
    a+++_ AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 21:40:40 AEDST
    1+++o AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 21:39:09 AEDST
    h+++a AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 21:09:07 AEDST
    a+++t AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 21:07:22 AEDST
    t+++t AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 21:07:00 AEDST
    0+++2 AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 20:53:08 AEDST
    k+++e AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 20:38:17 AEDST
    6+++4 AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 20:16:12 AEDST
    d+++i AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 20:08:22 AEDST
    i+++z AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 19:36:28 AEDST
    n+++g AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 19:02:26 AEDST
    s+++i AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 18:43:59 AEDST
    r+++d AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 18:39:49 AEDST
    a+++k AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 16:44:48 AEDST
    z+++p AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 16:36:22 AEDST
    u+++t AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 16:33:36 AEDST
    b+++k AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 15:56:49 AEDST
    s+++2 AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 15:43:35 AEDST
    s+++h AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 15:41:52 AEDST
    m+++m AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 14:18:36 AEDST
    o+++i AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 13:14:29 AEDST
    x+++t AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 12:32:04 AEDST
    m+++a AU $2,588.00 1 14-Oct-15 08:58:20 AEDST
    l+++o AU $2,588.00 1 13-Oct-15 23:42:59 AEDST
    h+++n AU $2,588.00 1 13-Oct-15 20:01:20 AEDST
    c+++c AU $2,588.00 1 13-Oct-15 19:32:24 AEDST
    g+++g AU $2,588.00 1 13-Oct-15 17:33:49 AEDST
    o+++o AU $2,588.00 1 13-Oct-15 17:22:53 AEDST
    1+++e AU $2,588.00 1 13-Oct-15 16:08:51 AEDST
    u+++a AU $2,588.00 1 13-Oct-15 15:50:36 AEDST
    0+++_ AU $2,588.00 1 13-Oct-15 14:29:40 AEDST
    l+++u AU $2,588.00 1 13-Oct-15 14:17:37 AEDST
    i+++t AU $2,588.00 1 13-Oct-15 14:01:26 AEDST
    t+++r AU $2,699.00 1 13-Oct-15 12:33:21 AEDST
    e+++o AU $2,699.00 1 13-Oct-15 10:17:34 AEDST
    r+++c AU $2,599.00 1 29-Aug-15 22:52:59 AEST
    1+++9 AU $2,599.00 1 26-Aug-15 16:54:16 AEST
    e+++h AU $2,599.00 1 26-Aug-15 13:57:15 AEST
    m+++a AU $2,549.00 1 29-Jun-15 23:25:31 AEST
    5+++5 AU $2,549.00 1 29-Jun-15 21:24:56 AEST
    e+++n AU $2,549.00 1 29-Jun-15 21:00:37 AEST
    n+++_ AU $2,549.00 1 29-Jun-15 16:15:33 AEST
    t+++i AU $2,549.00 1 29-Jun-15 15:20:35 AEST
    u+++a AU $2,549.00 1 27-Jun-15 10:29:22 AEST
    3+++t AU $2,549.00 1 26-Jun-15 11:57:40 AEST
    .+++x AU $2,549.00 1 26-Jun-15 09:10:10 AEST

  • Did not get this lens as I'm in the Nikon camp, but I did went to get a couple of Lenspens to clean filters (FilterKlear). $8 is pretty clean.

    • Same here. I bought the Nikon 70-200 2.8 VRII second hand back in May for $1950. This price makes me jealous!

  • I received mine this morning. Ordered arvo 13/10.

    Just done a few test indoor shots handheld. I was blown away by its insane sharpness wide open. It's a REALLY heavy and bulky lens (coming from shooting with an 85L regularly), but I'm not complaining because of the excellent build and IQ.

    Hope you guys receive yours soon.

    • That's positive news. I'm really looking forward to using this lens. The reviews look remarkable.

      Did you receive a tracking number before it arrived? Which store processed your order?

      • I'd got an email on 14/10 that "your order has been shipped" with an ETA of today. No tracking provided.

        Campbelltown processed my order. I'm in VIC, though.

        Lens was well packed and brand new.

        • Thanks for the update.
          I received a sales receipt/docket saying:

        • Sounds like delivery isn't far off. Hopefully Monday!

          This was an excellent deal.

          I was soooo close to buying one (albeit grey stock) awhile back when our dollar was at parity from this deal:

          I didn't and regretted. This deal is just as good (actually better if you ask me) being Aussie stock with 2-yr warranty.

        • @yjm:
          Totally agree.

          I've bought from CP before and they undervalue your invoice (to avoid customs/duties) making warranty and insurance claims pretty much void.
          This is a fantastic deal. I've been watching this lens for 2 yrs and didn't buy from the last few 20% off TGG sales because I felt this lens was beyond my ability.

          I'm also looking at upgrading the body to a 6D from this deal:

          But don't want to risk being stung by customs/duties making the deal not so worth it.

        • @mtaing:

          Even I pass this deal 3yrs back:

  • Damn I received an invoice but didn't read it closely - apparently they don't deliver to parcel lockers and I had to advise them of a new address.

    According to the lady I spoke to, they are waiting on stock for 5 and have another 5 backordered. This is Maribyrnong VIC.

    • That's a shame.

      Did they advise you on whether yours was in stock or back order

  • Out of stocks @ Canon Australia ,not sure what will happen to back-orders..…

  • Called up my allocated store and they said I was first in line and they're waiting to hear back from Canon. They had another 5 on back order.

    Hopefully Canon is out of stock because they're allocating orders for Good Guys lol.

    • According to Canon , for the new stocks to arrive, it might take 3-4 weeks from today..

    • Similar here, I need to call them 3 times before they confirm my item is on back order.

      Finally the store called me this morning suggesting ETA is about 1 to 2 weeks and they will call me as soon as it arrives.

      The guy sounds like a good guy :)

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