This was posted 9 years 4 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Unlimited Bandwidth VPN £4/Two Years (AU ~ $8.33) @


Hey OzBargain,

Let's get the nitty gritty out of the way nice and early: We don't support torrenting or p2p. It's just not possible at this price point, lawyers are expensive.

* 15 countries
* Each country has multiple servers (except Ireland, India, Russia, they'll all have multiple as of next week)
* Unlimited bandwidth
* Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS
* PPTP, L2TP and OpenVPN

So since our last offer, we've added a few new locations, and had a huge revamp of our support team (which I understand was quite frankly not good enough - this has now changed!). If you've had issues with support or the service in the past, I really do encourage you to give us a second shot (especially if you already have an active service!), just download the latest OpenVPN profiles from our downloads area, and I hope you'll see that this service has really changed for the better.

We have 15 countries available, with a bunch of servers in each country (including 7 Australia servers, and 3 New Zealand servers). You get unlimited bandwidth to use in all of our locations, and the speeds should be more than adequate for all of your streaming needs.

This offer is just £4/2 years for unlimited bandwidth!

If you're already on one of our unlimited bandwidth packages, then you're entitled to a lower cost upgrade, just open a ticket in our client area to get this sorted.

As usual, I'll be around to answer any questions you may have.

Just for double-clarification: No torrenting or p2p is supported on our network.


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closed Comments

  • Good for using USA Netflix?

    • +3

      Use Getflix for that.Way better

    • It is indeed :)

  • I'm interested in getting something that works for free to air streaming services like BBC England and The Daily Show in the USA. Please indicate if your will product provide this?

    • +3

      The service works for BBC iPlayer, and for many streaming services in the USA. Give it a shot, and if it doesn't work, open a ticket and we'll refund you :).

    • +1

      The British Brainwashing Corporation?

  • +1

    Is it £4/year or £4/2 years…ur title and body say different things

    • They do, good spot! It's £4/2 years :)

  • Hey Liam,

    What AS are your VPN IPs announced under in Australia and New Zealand?

    • Hey Trewq :)

      In Australia it's: AS9297, AS45177 and AS20473

      In New Zealand it's: AS45177

      IP's can be found at

      Let me know if I can help with anything else!

  • +3

    Liam's back!
    You've finally replied to all those complaints and processed all those cancellations?

    Look at his previous posts guys, so many complaints.

    You are not allowed to torrent with this VPN and it seems they drag their heels when it comes to refunds.

    Buy at your own risk.

    • I've specified twice in the original post that torrenting isn't supported, and all refunds have been processed.

      The support of the service has been a downside in the past, but everything is on track and shall continue to be that way. If you have an account, please do give the service a shot, as it's running incredibly smoothly and has been for quite some time now.

  • +3

    speed is not good as well.

    • +1

      Could you please open a ticket so that we can check that everything is running smooth on your account?

      Our speeds are very competitive in the VPN market, and we frequently outperform larger competitors.

      • +1

        I purchased the last deal and couldn't get it working on my PC.
        I sent you a PM which you replied but it still won't work and I've had no more coms from you.

  • +3

    VPN.SH 0.08Mb/s DL 0.14Mb/s UL

    Avoid like the plague.

    • +1

      That does seem very odd, and not usual at all. I can only assume that there is some networking issue between your ISP and our NL server. Do you see similar results in other servers? If you could open a ticket, that'd be helpful for us to diagnose this with you.

      You've paid for the service, and it's very rare for us to see performance as low as this, so we'd very much like to get things resolved for you.

  • I can't comment on this service as I've never tried it but I can vouch for an alternate VPN provider; - literally little to no speed reduction, outside of 5 eyes jurisdiction and desktop/mobile apps are easy to use. Yes it costs a lot more but if you really care about privacy you shouldn't cheap out on something like this. Government's mandatory data retention started today.

    They also allow p2p torrents if that's your thing.…

    • +3

      Trust the reviews here, its BADDDDD!!!!

      Liam deserves thess types of feedbacks, brought it upon himself when he decided to sell this sh!te and then provide no support.

      As others have said, buy at your own risk, but if things go wrong, open up as many tickets as you like, they won't be answered, I can tell you this from experience.

      AVOID this guys offers like the plague

  • Or pay something like $1 more and get one of the many VPNs with unlimited bandwidth who DO allow torrenting. I use PIA which costs me about $9AUD a month and they have servers in various countries including Australia.

    • +2

      umm, I think you might need a year 2 maths class refresher.
      £4/2 years = $8.35AUD/2 years = $0.35/month
      At your $9/month PIA will cost you $216/2 years.

      I think everyone here needs to calm down and realise how cheap this service is!
      I purchased during the £1/year deal and am extremely happy! I use the service mostly for "un-geo blocking" video content. I have mostly used the US servers and get a steady 10Mbps+ connection which is more than enough for streaming in HD.

      If you want a service for torrenting you should be looking at a seedbox, not a VPN. VPN is a layer of abstraction between you and the content, it's almost like hiding under a blanket while you steal cookies from the cookie jar. While a seedbox is like getting your friend to take the cookie for you and handing it to you in a dark hidden alley later on (SSH or SFTP between you and the seedbox directly). It is trivial for anyone who is willing to go after you for piracy to get your details from the VPN provider, but I hope you like your false sense of security.

      • Sorry my bad! I read it as £4/month on a 2 year subscription.

        Seedboxes are only good if you're using private torrents. Most wont allow public torrents. For most casual users finding a VPN that doesn't keep logs will be sufficient.

  • +1

    Disclaimer : I am not associated with this company in any way.

    Having said that, I can say that I have been a paying customer of VPN.SH for a few months now and am quite pleased with their service. I was charged twice for the service and raised a ticket with them. Admittedly their support team were a little sluggish initially, but I understand that at the prices he is charging it probably is not cost effective to have a support team.
    I did receive an email from Liam a few weeks later and he credited back the amount straightaway.

    I am not into torrenting. I just watch tv shows and music channels using vpn and this service suits me just fine.
    I know this service is not for everyone, but with the Data retention act coming into force from today there is no harm to have a cheap vpn service just in case.

    This guy deserves some credit. He has always been upfront with the positives and limitations of the service. So please put things into perspective before you post.


    • Thanks for the comment :). Apologies for the delay that you had with your refund, support responses are now much quicker, but I'm glad to hear that everything was sorted for you eventually.

      I try to be honest about the service that I run, and I won't hide away from issues that we've had in the past. Doing so only makes it harder to learn from mistakes and improve in the future. I'm confident that the doubters will see the light (if they give the service a second shot!) and see that the areas that needed work have been sorted, and that everything is on the right track.

      Thanks again for the comment, and be sure to open a ticket or drop me an email ([email protected]) if we can ever help with anything!

  • Not sure why so many negative comments but I am using their service and the speed is pretty decent.. It has improved a lot recently. So guys, give it a try before you neg the deal.

    • +1

      Thanks for the comment :). We're working hard to increase our reputation, as unfortunately there have been some issues in the past. Of course, the past can reflect what people think of the service, and it's going to take time for some people to trust us again. I'm a patient kind of guy, the service needs to prove itself over a prolonged period of time, but I have no concerns as it most certainly will :).

      Hope you can continue to enjoy the service!

  • +1

    facebook review is not very promising

  • i bought this service last time there was a deal and installed it on my laptop connected to our tv. streamed netflix from the US and our internet at home is usually a shite 1.5 - 2Meg connection and i didnt have any stuttering. go figure.

    • Glad to hear that the service has been working as expected for you :).

  • +1

    Good timing, couldn't find you guys in the Torrentfreak guide (perhaps for obvious reasons) would you be happy to answer their vpn Q&A?

    1. Do you keep ANY logs which would allow you to match an IP-address and a time stamp to a user of your service? If so, exactly what information do you hold and for how long?

    2. Under what jurisdiction(s) does your company operate?

    3. What tools are used to monitor and mitigate abuse of your service?

    4. Do you use any external email providers (e.g. Google Apps) or support tools ( e.g Live support, Zendesk) that hold information provided by users?

    5. In the event you receive a DMCA takedown notice or European equivalent, how are these handled?

    6. What steps are taken when a valid court order requires your company to identify an active user of your service? Has this ever happened?

    7. Does your company have a warrant canary or a similar solution to alert customers to gag orders?

    8. Is BitTorrent and other file-sharing traffic allowed on all servers? If not, why?

    9. Which payment systems do you use and how are these linked to individual user accounts?

    10. What is the most secure VPN connection and encryption algorithm you would recommend to your users? Do you provide tools such as “kill switches” if a connection drops and DNS leak protection?

    11. Do you use your own DNS servers? (if not, which servers do you use?)

    12. Do you have physical control over your VPN servers and network or are they outsourced and hosted by a third party (if so, which ones)? Where are your servers located?


    • -3

      why dont you take 5 seconds and read the first line of the product description before you try and waste OP's time?

      • Sorry for the confusion. I'm aware that they don't allow torrenting, most of those questions refer to the security of the vpn.

      • As you can see, #8 does regard torrents, but all the others are relevant to government and ISP snoops.

      • All relevant questions.

  • I found them hit and miss download speeds were not spectacular i opted out of renewing and went with PIA i had a few issues with their android app but cofigured openvpn instead and speeds are good so far nl server is a little conjested at times. andoid app is great but speed isa little lack luster also had a few issues with some us servers being banned by hulu. But its better than no vpn.

  • -1

    Does it let me torrent endlessly while staying anonymous? Don't want Turnball after me when downloading DVD RIPS off KickAss Torrents…

    • +1

      Did you even read the original post?

      • +2

        Now I have. Cheers big ears!

  • Ive been a paying customer of for a couple of years now, and no complaints here. Highly recommended if anyone is considering.

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