Ruler, Protractor, tape measure and goniometer (angle-measurer).
4.5/5 on 148Apps
4/5 on AppStore from 409 reviews
Once calibrated it's accurate to 1% or less.
51 MB
Ruler, Protractor, tape measure and goniometer (angle-measurer).
4.5/5 on 148Apps
4/5 on AppStore from 409 reviews
Once calibrated it's accurate to 1% or less.
51 MB
You're welcome. I haven't tested it yet, hopefully it's as good as it says.
I tested with a manual ruler. Sometimes accurate, sometimes 2cm off.
2cm? That's a huge amount!
It just doesn't measure up. :P
The reviews on the app store don't look promising either
Honestly can't understand why this simple app is 51MB.
Does not come up as free for me ($2.49)
It may have expired. App shopper is still showing it's free. I don't have access to another iTunes account at the moment to check the App Store.
no longer free at au store, still free at us store (timezone difference) :)
Bugger missed it
Thanks sween :)