After this post, i asked the rep who chimed in if he could do a deal for Xboners on ozbargain.
After a few PM's he responded by reducing the price on what stock they had available - props to ShaDDowShide.
Good enough price for me to buy - never bought from them before but have been on Ozbargain for a few months now, and they accept Paypal if you prefer.
FYI, the parent company is PB Tech , based in NZ and have been around for 20 years apparently.
This wheel and Forza 6 will give plenty of fun over the summer - second best price ive seen, right behind tomski182 who got his through a mate of a mate for $299 and a six pack!
check tomski182's review out on youtube -
PS4 G29 Wheel is also cheap @ $330.78 (credit ot coxjon)…
$330.78 for the G29 (PS4 and PC version)