Does The Good Guys Still Offer The Pay Cash Pay Less?

i will be buying a new fridge this thursday night if i get paid early enough or friday and i was wondering if i could get a better price by paying cash or not?

or would it be possible to simply ask for a better price?…

That is the fridge.

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys


  • Hehe $1049 for us in Perth

    Same price at HN, so while they won't do less for cash, they should discount.

    • Shame they have no stores in Sydney at that price.

      • There's 2x $1000 HN Gift Cards showing on Gumtree

        Could buy those, use them online, and use your welcome $25 discount code to bring the price down.

        Or just try to buy it for $1000. Say you like even numbers lol if it's an easy sale for them they will hopefully be flexible.

        • wow can't believe i forgot about eh HN $25 code. Thanks

  • +3

    They offered me a $1 discount the only time I ever tried to take up their offer.

    • My mother is a very painful woman and she would go in and ask them to beat it because she was going to pay cash, then when she got to the teller she would pay by debit card… because she claimed that it was the same thing.. because it wasnt a credit card or cheque etc…

      • Your mother is correct.

        Back in the day when they provided a ~2% discount for cash compared to credit card, debit/EFTPOS was the same price as cash.

        They probably prefer debit/EFTPOS to cash- less work and security risk.

      • My mother is also a pitbull. She once went with me to a Good Guys to buy a fridge: haggled with them for half hour, down to a 'final price' > said that I could pick it up and install myself, so shaved off another $99 (their price for the labour) > 'changed her mind' and got them to throw in the delivery and installation for free, anyway. Poor sales rep.

  • +2

    I recently bought a Dyson vacuum cleaner from them. Prices were the same everywhere on staticice around $325 but I just lied and said the guy at HN gave me a verbal quote for $299 and Good Guys matched it.

  • +1

    Bought a small TV a year ago. It was about the same price as discounted one from HN. Asked for the cash quote and the guy took off $50, so it's worth a shot.

  • +1

    i got them to match a washing machine from Stan Cash even though it wasnt in stock at Stancash.

    this is similar, they should be able to match. only difference is its white not steel…

  • I made this comment in a thread about haggling in JB Hi-Fi, a few months back.

    Reference to 'The Good Guys' in the last few paragraphs.

    No purchases, from them, instore, recently. Last purchase was a sight-unseen (screen unseen?) TV during one of the recent-ish eBay promotions. That sale (and delivery process) was fine.

    Have the 9/12/18 month-out-of-date price tickets that used to populate many shelves and items in the actual stores been replaced with prices that more accurately reflect current list?

    Regardless, if you can't negotiate at least 10% off for cash (relative to list) on just about any item electrical/electronic, you really aren't trying, or your powers of persuasion are pretty bloody ordinary.

    Is it more difficult than it used to be, in some places? Sure. Still worth the challenge? Yes.

    You do need to be prepared to walk if you encounter a proper, humourless, clueless, salesman woman twerp, but give it a go. Play to your strengths. Be nice, but be firm.

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