If you missed out last time it is back on
Seagate 4TB Desktop USB 3 hard drive.
The drive can be removed from the case as well
See the previous deal
If you missed out last time it is back on
Seagate 4TB Desktop USB 3 hard drive.
The drive can be removed from the case as well
See the previous deal
Yeah thanks
The drive can be removed from the case as well
for cleaning ?
it is for ppl who have a bare hdd fetish
Not as cheap as the officeworks 5TB @ $149
I just looked and it is $285 !
Yeah much better …. but 2 months ago.
OMG how did I miss that deal?
you snooozed…
Yeah I loved that deal and thought the same thing.
Why'd you get neg'd? I bought two when this special was on at office works and they're great.
Who knows…
I bought it from officeworks as well..
It was much better deal.
This deal is $20 more expensive and you lose 1tb.
It shows that 5TB can get much cheaper, if they were willing to sell it for $149.
did u open it up?
What is the speed in the case + usb3 and directly connected to sata?
absolutely, the HDDs never even got powered up in their external cases so im not sure of their speed in the case but over a gigabit network i can get up to 70MB/s transfers which is pretty good…for a SMD disk.
At the end of the day, they're 5TB data storage disks that im hoping i wont have to change much which is why I dont really care that they are Shingled Magnetic Disks (SMD).
I didn't neg, but others have because referring to a bargain that no longer exists usually isn't helpful. Especially when you don't make it clear in the first place that it was a past deal.
I knew exactly which deal he was talking about but maybe better to provide the link as he did anyway. I am not sure why he got negged too.
Dammit just bought the 3TB on the weekend for $140 for my Xbox… oh well.
No click and collect available…
Shame, otherwise I would have bought one
+$9.95 delivery?
will wait for the officeworks deal again i think..
the Officeworks deal was a pricing error. OW kept to it for most people though. I was lucky to get 1 but should have bought more at the time.
Oh was it a pricing error? They never told me, I thought it was just a discounted price as they were able to get them in bulk or something. I ended up getting 3 of them but wished i had gotten more as they are very useful for extra backups.
Cheers! Ordered one :)
Funny how this gets to the front page but the deal that OP linked to didn't, even though it's the exact same deal.
Cheers though OP, I've been watching this for a while now, I'll probably pick it up if I can get C+C.
Think it may have been # of votes…. the previous deal may have sold out too quickly…
Yes, the previous deal sold out quickly.
Thanks OP. Got OW to price beat. Even cheaper!
I am pretty sure it has Samsung hard drive which is acquired by Seagate
One of my external (Samsung) disk died and cost me +$500 to recover the data. The technician suggested me to buy red or black HDD in the future to reduce the HDD related problems. It is easy to search red or black as free HDD but difficult to find original 2.5" portable HDD. Any suggestion?
red or black, in your own (separately bought) enclosure.
I think he meant SWEET30 as the promo code