Had stacks of PMs requesting this phone, and this price is unbeatable. Handset is unlocked and 100% Australian stock with local 2 year manufacturer's warranty. Will be dispatched next business day. Can also be collected from the Parramatta store if you wish. Apply coupon EDGEARSE at checkout. Expires 11:59pm 13th Sept. Enjoy your weekend :)
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 64GB Black $858 Delivered @ Mobileciti

Last edited 11/09/2015 - 22:23 by 1 other user
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I would recommend Edge plus over the normal sized one. Though, the note 5 is better than both :P (I have used all three for at least a week)
What's advantages do you give the note 5 over the s6 edge plus besides the stylus? I'm looking to buy and the feedback would help. Thanks.
The only advantage would be the note 5 having a flat screen instead of the curved screen. The curved edge sometimes causes accidental clicks cause some part of your hand can be in contact with the screen when you are holding the phone (I'm sure this has been touched upon by many reviews), however its not really a big issue. I also don't see the point of spending an extra $100 for the curved screen(compared to the note 5), yes it does look extremely nice but the extra functions it provides are not worth the extra money.
The Note 5 is also slightly heavier than the Edge+, which feels better in hand.Pros:
Samsung S6E+: looks better
Note 5: note taking functionality, cheaper priceI would still recommend going to Samsung store and trying out the phones first
Wow edge as a spare phone?. You know how to live man. While I am happy with my main phone lg g3 which I got from gumtree for +$200. Good on you!
well, it's really up to how you spend your money, instead of spending into smoking and drinking like most people do, i would rather have nice tech products, also depends on how you balance your budget too.
Judgemental stereotyping
@Gimli: I can see how webtherapist can come across as judgemental saying that most people spend on smoking and drinking, but the truth of the matter is that most Australians do and it is an expensive habit once you start buying over a certain level..
That is not the truth it is a stereotype.
Most Australians do not smoke!
The rate is about 30%.
I don't have a statistic for drinking but I would confidently say that most do not drink excessively on a regular basis.
Having said that I do concede a significant minority smoke and drink excessively.
Only difference comes down to software features (which regular Edge will get), 4GB of RAM (not too noticeable, Samsung have massive RAM management problems anyway), and 7000 series aluminium alloy (The S6 Edge uses a very high end 6000 series anyway).
thanks for the opinions guys
Any chance on discussing another ARSENOTE? lol.
Sadly yup… was out that night and before i could get at it… it was sold out.
Still waiting for another bargain to come along. hahaany chance of some lower cost phones getting arsed?
I haven't seen the LG G3 on sale for a while. I suppose we will see another price drop in a couple of weeks with the nexus phones coming out.
Great price.
Any chance of an s6 plus deal? :)Gold colour too :)
Silver for me :)
A good smart watch deal would be great to go with all the new phones.
This one or a 64gb ip6+?
2 different phones, hard to compare between apples and oranges.
I know people who swear by apple and some who swears by android / samsung etc.Smart Phones have pretty much gotten to the pinnacle of features, hardware, speed.
There isn't much point comparing hardware as Android phones can easily beat Apple iPhones hands down.
Really comes back down to personal choice in which operating system.For me, I love android, I find Apple iOS to be too restrictive, its like wearing a straitjacket 24/7 while using it. lol.
I'm still using a s3 and a ip4s. The s3 is on its last legs. Laggy, random boots and the batts lasts about a day at most. I'm not sure if it's the os or the hardware on the s3 that's limiting or failing. The ip4s on the other hand is still going strong. Still response, batts lasts 2 or 3 days depending usage. ITunes is a con.
to note on the flipside though is that the hardware/software optimisation is on point with apple phones and you can expect buttery smooth usage most if not all the time. on the flipside it's common with droids to slow down after a few months and you need to do a wipe to get them back to that out of the box butteriness. i would say if you are not tech savvy or want something that just "works" all the time then apple is for you. if you absolutely need to tailor everything to yourself and have the time for that kind of thing then android it is. i own both but use an apple for everyday and tinker with the droid in my free time. you can't really go wrong with either. just depends on the type of user you are. :)
I'll counter that slightly.
If you LIKE to tweak or need complete control, Androis is a great option.
If you want most things easy, go Apple.However, here are some caveats.
ITunes is an abomination. To copy your music to your phone is convoluted and if iTunes doesn't like your music format (eg. FLAC), you'll have to use a 3rd party tool. If you use Android, directly cut and paste your music to a folder.
At one point, my iPhone stopped playing music and the sound from videos. I could hear the phone ring. It took me a month (or more) to diagnose it was an internal setting to do with a car cradle. If you powered off the cradle and then removed your phone, the audio stayed routed through the headphones. Apple suggested a wipe and restore. The wipe worked, the restore rebroke my phone.Now, if I had proper control of my device, neither of these issues would exist. The walled garden is often good (eg. For viruses, etc), but bad when you hit a problem. Granted, problems aren't that common on iPhone - but these examples are pet peeves.
Also, I'm not aware of Android slowdowns (unless it's Samsung's software it puts over Android). It is a handbrake from day 1 - but it can be mostly disabled to uncripple a phone.
Completely agree regarding music and all other media for that matter, thanks for your input. Regarding the issue you had i think it's fair to say that it could have gone either way. Seems that in general iOS would likely have more centralised settings whereas androids generally have more "fine tune" in app settings which can be harder to get to.
Also OP resale is another thing to note as well. Generally speaking apple devices carry better resale value but are also harder to get at bargain prices.
Much like with laptops you pay more for less specs on Apple device and really pay for the operating system and brand. If you need Facetime or iMessage to talk with your friends get an iPhone. If you don't really care just get an Android phone, you can get the MIUI launcher which is sort of like the iOS homescreen if you don't like the android concept of separate app drawer and homescreen
The new samsung devices have issues because they have got touchwiz and are full of bloatware. Due to the way they've set it up this time, they've made it really hard for decent operating systems like cyanogenmod to run on the phone, so its highly likely there will be no working clean roms for some time of any of the decent android OS's on this phone.
I'd buy nexus 5 (2015 - coming out end of this month) or a moto x (whatever, one of the new ones) or even an LG G4 before I'd buy this - far cheaper phones with less features running plain android or being able to load cyanogen are probably going to run things a lot more smoothly than this because of the aforesaid reasons.
I'll probably get downvoted for this, but whatever, it's the truth.
You're getting a down vote from me, because it's not the "truth".
Samsung devices don't have "issues" and have never had issues, especially the latest iterations.
I think you're talking about lag and bloatware, but if you've used the s6, s6 edge etc., you'd know that there is no lagging. Also the CPU is the most powerful on any moving device at the moment.
For your info, I use a Nexus 5 (and a Galaxy Tab S, an old Samsung tablet), which is supposedly bloat free. This isn't correct either, as it comes with Google's bloat like Play books, Play games, News feed and what not. (If you want more bloat, there's always the Sonys…)
Also a descent OS depends on your perspective. Cyanogenmod is very basic, minimalist… And can feel bareboned. Samsung's TouchWiz has been toned down very much since the s3 days, and though it's not as minimal, is say that it's got the balance right between minimalism and good features.
By good features I mean features like Multi Window (screen split for two apps at the same time… That's right, the new feature in the new IPad Pro), Blocking Mode (an inbuilt blacklist), and Silent Mode (turns the device to silent at set times, e.g. when you're sleeping).
Just my opinion… But whatever, each to their own. I've never had any issues with Samsungs, and as a Nexus user, i think that claims like "Samsungs lag… cuz "TouchWiz" etc." doesn't apply, especially at this stage.
I actually have used an s6 quite a lot - not an edge.
I have seen quite a lot of stuttering with the s6 and just general lagginess when switching between applications and websites. The CPU being the most powerful, clearly is not entirely stopping all the bloat from having an issue.Also the Nexus comes with… android apps installed, on the android operating system, it isn't bloat, it isnt constantly running in the background like touchwiz crap is.
Cyanogen really isnt minamalist, it just lets you decide what you want on your phone and does the best job of removing all the silly little opening animations and graphics from lagging up your phone.
"Just my opinion… But whatever, each to their own. I've never had any issues with Samsungs, and as a Nexus user, i think that claims like "Samsungs lag… cuz "TouchWiz" etc." doesn't apply, especially at this stage." - You think claims like "samsungs lag because of additional software and crap loaded on top of the android operating system" is a lie? well good you for, but think about it hard, why would it possibly run faster than the straight version without all that additional crud loaded on top?
I don't believe you rifourvfourn.Nexus does come with… bloatware. Google's bloatware as mentioned. It IS bloatware, here are a few more examples: Google Play Services, Newsfeed. If you truly want a bloat free experience, you'd get… an ASOP version of Android, which is what I have on my Nexus.
Cyanogenmod IS minimalist; it doesn't come with Google's bloat, unlike like a Nexus. After installing Cyanogenmod, you can pick which Google apps you want - Is this not minimalist for you?
Based on what you're saying, I don't even think you know what you're saying. Have you even tried flashing a rom?
…and you don't need Cyanogenmod to remove 'all the silly little opening animations and graphics from lagging up your phone'. It's called the Developer Options, available on any Android phone, and disabling all animations :|
I've never said that Samsungs run 'faster' than others; you're hearing what you think you've heard. Think about that.
Also, you keep using 'TouchWiz' as if it's some background process; it's not. It's Samsung's launcher. Samsung's apps are another thing though…
Well, then we agree that the samsung operating system is slower because it's full of bloatware then?
Because it can't possibly be faster than cyanogen or android, because they are running pretty much the basic OS and all samsung are doing is running a lot of poorly made software/ui changes (that do not get fixed just by changing the "launcher") on top of it.The issue is, this time because it has a new Exynos, it's been a lot tougher to port the far better OS's over and hence get rid of the terrible samsung one. I have weird lag issues on the galaxy s6, it chugs through animations randomly and has even frozen 3 times. I had a nexus 4 with cyanogen which ran smoother and never froze.
I have the Note 5. There are some issues. For example when unlocking the phone, sometimes it is unresponsive for 10-15 seconds. I'm talking completely frozen. Sometimes i open the S-View case and the little S-View area of the screen is the only part lit up, the rest is black. It's just stuck that way. Scrolling is also not smooth. Very stuttery. I have the Nexus 5 too and overall I'd say the Nexus 5 is much smoother, although the Note 5 is MUCH Faster. Love the note 5 though, destroys the Nexus 5 in every other area. THe camera is fantastic, screen is incredible, Spen is great etc.
Also Google's bloatware is different than Samsungs. Samsung have preinstalled bloat that I can't remove. At best I can disable. There's quite a lot of it. It also comes with Google's bloatware and I can't uninstall that either. On top of that it has the entire Microsoft android suite and you can't uninstall that! It really is in another league.
Is it possible to get a similar deal for the S6? The edge doesn't feel as good in the hand :\
deal on the Note 5 pls
any deals for s6 edge +?
Yes please give deal for s6 edge+
We need the ArseNote 5!
waiting for ARSE6S+
The warranty really helped. My sis was using her s4 and at the very last month of the 2 year period, she dropped it slightly, screen went dead no cracks. Took it to samsung service centre in city, they sent it to parramatta and fixed it in 1 day (including transit).
i'm an iphone user, but in terms of customer service, it would give it to samsung hands down. If something happen to my iphone, apple would eagerly offer to replace my new phone with one of their refurbished stocks.
We also bought the s4 at mobileciti. Shout out to mobileciti guys for selling genuine products at great prices.
So if I were to buy a ip6 from mobileciti and need to repair it. I could take it to Parra or the apple store in the cbd?
Thanksu can take them to both but Apple better as Mobi also have to bring it to Apple (why fix themselves when they can just send it to Apple)
Apple Robina sucked and customer services far gone the last two years, would deal with their Apple online support instead of wasting time on those new young and ignorant staff
I've had two S3s and an S5, buying another Samsung scares the bejezus out of me.
All my phones were completely un-personalised and without more than a couple of play store apps because each and every one of them lagged too much to be useable :( no galaxy voice help as it would miss half words. Samsung insisted phones were fine. Telstra insisted they were fine even tho it randomly froze and rebooted while the store guy was holding it.I love Samsung products always so nice to look at and so promising so I am a sucker, I'd love to trust in them and get a new one again but unfortunately I can't bring myself to do it.
iPhone on the other hand, I havnt had any trouble with my friends and missus phones. For me I'd rather a phone that does what it's suppose to rather than a phone that can't do half of what it promises. iPhone ftw. Just my opinion.
Custom ROMs ftw. Lagging will be gone.
Easy done?
Yeah. For Samsung phones is easy.
It really isnt easy on the s6/edge. They've changed the architecture and hence I'm not aware of any good mods that currently work with it.
You cant get cyanogen for the s5 however and i would highly recommend it.@RI4V4N:
Not sure about s6 as my comment was pertaining to slowness on s3 an s5 which are easy to mod.
does it void the warranty?
@ms: Actually, I've heard mixed results on this on XDA. Samsung MobileShop on Facebook (in Korea) did say that KNOX trigger would only be removing warranties on the mainboard as well. That said, it's better to assume that it will void warranty since as I said, people had a mixed result on it.
Custom roms are a good option if you've already bought a bogged down laggy phone. But I do agree with Torell. iPhones seem much more reliable, stable, smooth out of the box. I have the Note 5 with 4G of ram and though I love it to pieces it still lags and freezes on the daily. Scrolling is far from smooth. Mind boggling really. And this time, for once, I just dont wan't to mess around with roms. I dropped a thousand bucks it should run like a thousand bucks out of the box imo.
Weird. I'm using an Edge+ and it runs super smooth and fast..
Should have swapped the two coupon words around
$600 phone at best.
TA, i just bought a second hand for 600 bucks… :(
Any good deals for Iphone 6 plus
Just picked up this deal to replace my partner's lost phone. Awsome price and very responsive staff. Ordered online on Sat morning, picked up instore by noon. Normally can't process payment online (paypal) over the weekend, so given the option to pay instore and got refunded the paypal amount by 6pm. Can't complain. Keep it up guys!
Do samsung s6 series and plus series still have memory management issues?
As far as I've heard, sort of. Note as far as I've heard aspect, I've just been following it on a forum so it's not from my personal usage.
I've heard that RAM leakage issue has been remedied with 5.1.1. but what Samsung did with LMK (LowMemoryKiller) setting apparently kills anything when you run more than 6 things at once, causing refreshing issues (So I've heard with firmwares in Korea). I think that has been around for awhile since few of the fixes out there that requires rooting modifies the LMK settings.I personally think it's ridiculous as well.
this or Edge plus? for sure will get the 6S Plus but also nice to have a nice spare phone