This was posted 9 years 6 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Royal Bananas Mix 5 kg $13.5 Delivered to ACT NSW QLD VIC @FarmHouseDirect


That is $2.7/kg delivered to your door. Not 100% sure what they mean by Royal Bananas Mix, maybe a mix of Little Royals, Queen’s Delight and King’s Feast. I'll have to try to find out how much different these bananas are.

This producer sells banana chew and banana flour as well.

I bought from FHD several times before, not this specific producer though, was happy with the products and service.

From their website:

Whether you are an elite athlete, have a restricted diet, digestive ailments or children with insatiable appetites we have bananas for you!

Our fruit is better tasting not only because of our growing practices, but also because it arrives at your door FRESH - within 48 hrs of harvest.

Free shipping ends tonight.

Related Stores

Farmhouse Direct
Farmhouse Direct

closed Comments

  • +2

    Ordered. thanks for posting

    2.70kg is a brilliant price and a great opportunity to try different varieties.

  • +4…

    The names seem to be relative to size :)

    • And shape as well. That confuses me a little as I tend to think different types of banana have different shape :)

    • +1

      Product description:
      - Royal Bananas Mix (50/50 split)

      Delivery and Order Info:
      -General Order considerations: At checkout please write us a note advising which 2 royal sizes (of the 3 sizes available?) you would like.

      Either way, it's probably best not to leave a note and let the producer pack based on availability. Just something I thought I'd point out.

      • Thanks 5reeloader. I actually didn't see that note. Must be a bit too excited about getting 5kg of bananas :-)

        Let the producer surprise me then :-)

  • Got bananas at Aldi for 95c per Kilo earlier the week, while Coles had them for $3… Not sure how they come up with prices!

    • +4

      Speaking about prices, at Woolies it could be $1.90/kg at one week then $3.90/kg in the following week.

      I like this deal mainly because it comes to my door within 48 hrs of harvest :). I love the fresh citrus that I got from a FHD producer few weeks ago. They are the best I've ever tasted.

        • The product description suggests that we don't have to wait for a week but I'll see how it goes :-)
          It seems to me that the bananas supplied to the supermarkets are picked when they are still very green and hard (…, read the section about bananas), hence the taste that some people mention in this thread.

      • Same here, the citrus is top notch. Going to give these nana's a whirl. Real food = good feelings:)

  • Bought some to try with the good feedbacks here.

  • +1

    Yes… Now I would be eating like royals;)

  • +1

    Cheers OP. This deal is bananas.

  • Bought some, keen to try…yes Aldi has them at 99c but I've found their bananas to taste fairly bland and be almost over ripe…

  • cheers OP

  • Smoothie time!

  • +2

    careful when you open the box. the frog will jump out. (see second pic) hehe…

  • thanks for sharing. purchase +1

  • +1


    Queen Size & King Size at the same price till midnight.

  • +1

    Would have to be better than the cheap crap they sell in supermarkets at the moment. They've been frozen or something.

    • Bananas are transported in refrigerated trucks after being kept in ripening rooms

  • There's just something about 5kg of bananas, delivered, that I can't say no to.

  • How many Bananas can you buy for $5

  • Ordered a mix of little royals and queens delight. I can't wait to taste the different flavours.

  • +1

    Oredered and based on my last experience with oranges i would highly recommend this.
    1. We are supporting the farmer direct
    2. We get really fresh fruit that taste great

    Thanks OP

    • That's exactly my thoughts. Cheers :-)

  • +1

    Ordered. Cheap as for 5kgs of bananas and supporting the farmer directly instead the big two. Win-Win. Thanks for the post :)

  • can you pay using paypal?

    • +1

      Yes you can

  • I've bought these before and they were yummy. Didn't all ripen simultaneously either. Ordered another 10kg. Can always freeze some if nec.

  • "Whether you are an elite athlete…" you understand me!!!

    It's a shame it's out of stock. Would love to try some different varieties :P

  • I ordered on the 2nd, and still not received…anyone know how long it takes? Has anyone else received theirs?

    • Nothing for me, in Melbourne here.

    • I got mine today (Canberra). Aus Post sent a notification about 30 mins before delivery.

      The bananas should have been posted yesterday according to the website. Hope you'll get yours tomorrow.

    • Check your Order status.
      Mine originally had "Your product will be shipped from our Producer very soon"
      Now it has "Shipped: 08 Sep 2015" and also includes a Tracking number.

      • Oh yes, check and it was also shipped on 8th Sept.

      • Received my order this morning.

        • Still not yet, however I'm in Melbourne, so maybe one more day :) How are the bananas?

        • +1


          They're still green. As per the leaflet, they need 3-5 days to turn yellow (in cooler weather).

  • Received mine Tuesday 08/09.

  • Got mine this morning :)

  • +1

    Recieved mine today, but abit underwhelmed, thought it would be a few varieties since it was a mix, but it was all one type of banana.

  • Sooo it turns out 5kg is a lot of bananas. I have no idea how to use all of them

    • Peel then freeze….can use frozen bananas in smoothies, cakes or eat frozen just like an icecream (I coat some with melted chocolate before freezing to make delicious 'healthy' icecreams).

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