This was posted 9 years 6 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Motorola Moto 360 $199 (Leather) $238 (Metal) Delivered @ Mobileciti


Same deal as this but $10 & $11 cheaper, and easily the best prices in Australia. They're all 100% Australian stock with local warranty. Simply apply coupon TIGHT360 at checkout. Will be dispatched within 2 business days. You can also collect immediately from the Parramatta store if you wish. Have a great night :)

Motorola Moto 360 (Leather) Black $199
Motorola Moto 360 (Leather) Silver $199
Motorola Moto 360 (Metal) Black $238
Motorola Moto 360 (Metal) Silver $238

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closed Comments

  • wow these are getting cheap

    • +4

      New model is coming out soon that's why. I'm looking for a genuine steel band for mine but they are too expensive on Amazon :(

      • Any idea of when? I read something about the next major German event?

  • Missed out on the last deal by a few hours.. emailed MC to see if they could extend one sale to me. Was told no chance..

    I'll skip this 1st gen now that it's been leaked that there will still be a large version of the next model.. I'm a fan of the oversized watch

    • I would have thought the current size would be the larger model.

    • the current one is already super big, anything more is an overkill.

    • -1

      The newer model will probably get rid of the extra black bezel at the bottom of watch face.

  • That's one good looking watch.

  • Seems the battery life is pretty average. All of the reviews say you have to charge it nightly. Damn fine looking watch though!

    • +1

      See this re battery life.

      • Cheers for that, I've got an iPhone anyway, so doesn't matter :-( I thought it was iPhone compatible. Bummer, would have loved a nice looking watch like that.

    • +2

      I've have mine since it came out in the US, I have more than 60% battery after one day so mine's pretty good.

      • -2

        I've have mine since it came out in the US, I have more than 60% battery after one day so mine's pretty good.

        Is that with the tyre inflated or flat?

      • -5

        That's because you're charging on 240V now, whereas it was meant to be charged at 120V.

        • +1

          Unsure if serious…

    • +2

      Had mine for about a month. I've had mine on since 7am this morning (15 hours ago), and I currently have 57% battery remaining.

      A beautiful watch indeed.

      • Do you have tilt to wake on or off?
        Battery life on mine was ok before the 5.0 update. After the update it'd be flat by maybe 8pm. I have tilt to wake on - otherwise it becomes a hassle.

        The G Watch R has no problems, I'd usually be at around 40% before I go to bed.

        • +2

          I have tilt to wake on, and use that regularly throughout the day.

          I have ambient mode turned off. I also have things like Google Fit turned off as it's apparently a battery hog.

          I updated mine to the latest version (5.1?) on the day I got it, so I don't have much in the way of before/after comparison.

    • +1

      Yes, compared to my Gear 2, the battery life is a little underwhelming.

      I can get a full 24-36+ hours out of the Gear 2, but can get maybe 18 hours out of the Moto 360. I have tilt function, like I do with Gear 2. But had to turn off Ambient screen and Wifi.

      The tilt function isn't as responsive as the Gear 2, but I like the native usability of the pure Andriod system than Tizen OS.

    • I've had one for a while now… With the update to lollipop I fine have any battery issues. From taking it off the charger at 7am to pitting it back on the charger at 11pm, I normally have 15 odd percent left.

  • +2

    I don't recommend it. Used to get decent battery life but after the last couple of updates it's 10-11 hours max. Take it off at 7am dies before I get home at 6.

  • +1

    anyone experience the back side cracking? This is the only reason I haven't bought them yet.

    • I think the cracking back only happens when you use the wrong type of third-party strap on it.

      • I had the original band on, never changed it and it cracked on the back. Got sent a new one under warranty from Motorola.

        • mine's started to crack… same story

          is Motorola easy to deal with? otherwise I may just go back to JBHiFi

        • +2

          @Woodyg22: Yeh use chat to them and they will get you sorted. I've had my Nexus 6 and Moto 360 sent off for repairs no problems. JB will tell you to go through Motorola anyway.

        • @wogboy315: ah okay, cheers!
          Nexus 6 seems to be expanding at the back.. might be heading in the same direction! :/

        • +2

          @Woodyg22: They were good to me. I contacted them about my UK-purchased Nexus 6 whose back cover started peeling. After a few phone calls they replaced the back cover and battery for me for free. I was pleasantly surprised!

        • @eug: did you have to go without your phone for a while?

        • @Woodyg22: Yup, about a week. Fortunately I was using a different phone already at the time.

        • @eug: hmmmmm, will have to have a better look and see if it gets any worse. Got a dbrand skin on it so find it hard to tell!

    • +3

      Everyone has a crack in their backside…

  • wish i could connect this to my iphone :(

    • Jail break.

      • No need for jailbreak.…

        Not perfect, but almost all notifications appear on watch. Seems to mess up Google Fit and does require frequent pairing but beggars can't be choosers.

        • +3

          That's probably the first time I've seen the word "beggar" in relation to an iPhone. :)

        • +1


          Beggared by the purchase of one..

  • +5

    curse you TA! you have planted desire in my heart!

    I dont know if i should get it or not

    • I still don't understand the point of a smart watch? My phone does everything better than a watch ever will.

      • +2

        Smart watches aren't for everyone. If you can't understand the convenience it provides, it's not for you. It doesn't mean it's useless to everybody though - different people use their tech in different ways.

        • Whats the point of it then? I'm interested in why people buy them because I am completely baffled.

        • +29

          @ShamelessBargains: I can't speak for others, but for me, when I'm working on something and have my hands dirty (kitchen, car, onsite) and my phone rings, I can glance at my watch to see if it's an urgent call, or something that can wait. If it's semi-urgent I can send a text reply via voice. I can also read and reply WhatsApp messages.

          If I'm walking around a busy area, I might not be able to hear my phone ring, but I can feel my watch vibrate.

          If I'm sitting on the sofa and the phone is on the dining table and a call or text comes in, I can glance at my wrist to see if it needs to be answered right away.

          If my phone is hiding somewhere, I can use the find-my-phone feature to make it ring.

          I enable the fingerprint lock on my phone. But I've set it so if my watch is within range, it'll stay unlocked. If I leave my phone behind somewhere or someone runs off with it, it automatically locks.

          I use the LookBehind app to view a live stream of the phone camera on my watch. I can then insert the phone into wall or ceiling cavities to see what's inside.

          When I'm out and about listening to music or a podcast, I can control the player from my watch.

          Dunno what others do with their watch.

          didn't neg you btw. :)

        • +1

          @eug: Thanks for your detailed response, that really clarified it for me. The security function is a great idea and I'm sure more functions will be added in the future! I still haven't seen many in the wild, know a few people who own Apple watches but that's about it. Will be cool when they come down further in price and have crazy long battery life :)

        • +1

          Longest battery life would be with the pebble watch range, which I was also keen on.

          I didnt neg you either :)

          Also TA got me.. i gots it

        • +2

          @Teal: yeah pebble seem to have battery down pact. Pretty cool designs too.

          I don't mind who negged me, they are entitled to their own opinion. I hope I have helped others through asking what are the uses of a smartwatch :)

        • @ShamelessBargains: Pebble does make some sacrifices to get that battery life. Meaning the screen.

        • @eug:
          All of these you can do with your phone and you need your phone within 10m for bt to work. It's only convenient a bit but have to charge it every day etc.
          I'm happy with my MiBand, charge once a month, never take it off other times. It vibrates for alarm and notifications. My phone can tell me what it is anyway. And I have a few decent watches which are nicer looking.
          Not for me but ….

        • +1


          All of these you can do with your phone

          I don't think you actually read the post.

          and you need your phone within 10m for bt to work

          The Moto 360 supports wifi. Your phone can be at home and you can be at work.

          It's only convenient a bit

          To you. But I'm not you.

          but have to charge it every day etc.

          Just like my phone!

          I'm happy with my MiBand
          It vibrates for alarm and notifications.

          What is the point? Your phone vibrates for alarms and notifications anyway, right?

        • @eug: I checked the OW LPG and this is their T&Cs… I was just wondering if they would beat the price with the oupon as cleared stated they wont?

          What items are excluded from the LPG?
          Non identical products and services (inclusive of non identical warranties)
          Package deals i.e. printer and computer bundles
          Cash back and coupon offers
          Customer special orders
          Contract Pricing
          Competitor clearance products

        • +1

          @lucas001: I think you hit the wrong reply button. It's probably this one that you're after. :)

        • @eug: Ops, my bad :( got it now.. search the product, put the coupon in and hope for the best haha :D

        • @eug:

          what app do you use to control the player from your watch?

        • +1

          @neonlight: Spotify and PocketCasts (and most others) have Android Wear support. When you play anything, the controls automatically appear on the watch.

        • @eug:

          Cool. Thanks for sharing. I recently got a moto 360 as well trying to figure out this fingerprint lock as well. Would dislock work the same?…

      • I wear a watxh, so why not a s,art one? Also receive discrete notifications when in meetings, etc. I can also receive calls via it when my phone is on charger and I'm elsewhere in the house. Step counter, and my other one has a camera for quick shots.

      • agreed… same way I can't justify having a tablet.. my phone and desktop does everything I need. :)

  • -1

    pricematch OW = $189.05 pick up :)

    • +1

      OW doesn't pricebeat coupon deals.

    • +2

      Yes, you can get OW discount. I got my Moto 360 from OW last time this deal came up.

      Mobileciti is an Australian company, remind them it is not the other Mobile City that sounds the same but in not AU.

      • Two OW stores said they would price beat when I walked in and asked them.
      • I walked in with the price on my tablet (make sure u put the coupon price in and show them the final price.
      • Not that it mattered for me, but try going into the store after 5:30pm if possible.

      So what do I think of the Moto 360?
      - I like it!
      - Great toy and fashion watch as I love the faces you can get for it.
      - The screen comes on when you want it to.
      - 5.1 update has dramatically improved the watch including its performance over the prev version.
      - Battery life for me in from 6:30am - 9:30. I have ambient mode on all the time and google fit.
      - Charges in an hour but I just charge over night.
      - Not worth more than $200 because of the battery life.
      - Responding to hangouts by speaking is the only way to go and it works for me.

      I also have the pebble steel and love the battery life.
      - It is a better watch and does notifications well.
      - Always on and has some really good faces.
      - Not a fashion accessory but a real watch in my book
      -Lets me know when to charge it a day before it goes flat
      -I can charge it without taking it off which is nice (not often necessary to charge it this way)

      "Time will tell" which watch I will finally leave on my wrist. :-)

      • +1

        Yes, you can get OW discount.

        You got lucky. Generally they look up the link/deal on their own computers. See dot point 3…

        • In the spirit of ozbarginers, I would suggest you take a risk and try doing it at the time I suggest and the way I suggest. You can be rewarded for your efforts.

  • Where is the black band/silver body??…
    That's the one I want!!

  • guys.. does anyone know where to get the huawei watch?

    • JB.

      • Not talking about the talkband.

        • It hasn't been released

        • @aldoduco:

          Dammit! Any idea when?

        • @CVonC:

          no idea, it suppose to be out by now.

        • @aldoduco:

          yeah i just read sep/oct release… i hope it's not priced like the LG Urbane, although it probably will be :/

  • Love the concept of a smart watch, but my current watch (5yrs) has many scratches, so I'm holding off.

  • Hmm, this or Fitbit Surge? Decisions, decisions…

  • I'd rather get this instead of the new aldi watch.

  • Thanks for the effort again TA.

    Does anyone know of a good comparison site that covers Samsung Live/gear 2/M360/Urban/LG G or R?

    • Does anyone know of a good comparison site that covers Samsung Live/gear 2/M360/Urban/LG G or R?

      Google. There are hundreds and hundreds of reviews of these products and some that are comparing them to a few others but aside from looking at reviews for each product and making your own comparison based on what is important to you I doubt you will find one that will help.

      Personally I think the LG Watch R is the best watch on the market at the moment.

  • need one of these with the pipboy theme.

  • Now we need a iwatch deal.

  • +2

    I have 2 of these now, one silver and one black. I was previously a bit of a hater when the whole watch idea was floated. I was worried about the size , battery life and all the other stuff everyone seems to be so worried about, but it turns out I really like everything about them. My friend has an apple watch but I think this looks cooler.
    Another great thing about it is that it's actually a watch. That tells the time. With hundreds of cool faces that you can download for free (including PIP Boy) or create/modify to your own spec. The 3rd party creation tool is excellent BTW
    All the watches are V1 so don't expect perfection, but for the price I think it's worth it.

    • I like the inductive charger option on this one, over my Gear 2, as I can use my phones inductive charger plate at work if I'm low on battery. In a pinch.

  • Im looking to purchase the Brown leather band, but only option i have stumbled across is amazon US for like $150 dollars :| any thoughts. options?

  • Thanks TA! I've been eyeing this for awhile - time to see what smart watches are all about!

    • Mine just got delivered :)

  • +1

    Would love to get one except I think for that price might as well get Citizen Eco-Drive, it will last much longer and no need for charging. I think it's not good enough yet wait for 2nd gen

  • Is be going with the smartwatch 3 which can be has at a similar price. Better battery. Ambient screen. GPS. More waterproof. In fact, I did!

    • how long the battery last when GPS is on?

      • Two days at least. There was occasional battery drain with 5.1.1 but that want isolated to the sw3. Haven't had it for a while now.

  • +1

    can you use these with an iphone?

  • If only the G Watch R is this price… :(

    TA set us up with a deal here please!!!!

    • What's the best deal for the GWR atm?

  • The case diameter is 46mm which is massive for a watch. I can't see a woman wearing this. Even for me it's too big. That was what stopped me from buying it a few days ago when ebay 15% off code was still active (it would have been slightly cheaper than this).

  • Nice watch and a great price but I am waiting for the LG Urbane W150's price to drop like the proverbial stone.

    • That bezel though.

      • I know but I just like it! Moto is pretty cool too and I'm close to ordering one.

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