Nab trade is offering free brokage on international stock trades. This is very cool stuff for all those novice investors out there. All you have to do is sign up to nab trade. Create an account and transfer money into the account to trade. They are also offering competitive FX trades aswell.
Every been interested in buying some of the big boys stockse.g: Facebook, apple, or exxon. Please seek independent financial advise.
As stated on the website
With nabtrade, access:
- One platform. One experience.
- More international research and insights.
- A competitive FX rate.
Free international brokerage applies to all executed international trades placed online between 5 August 2015 and 31 October 2015. International trades include buy or sell trades placed on the Hong Kong, German, UK and US exchanges. Each international trade will include a foreign exchange conversion spread of between 0.50% to 0.80% on the trade transaction value.
If i've already got some international shares, can I sign up and use this to sell my shares??
and if my shares are in USD, will be sale proceeds also be in USD? (i dont want to convert to AUD and get ripped on exchange)
oh answeR:
Each international trade will include a foreign exchange conversion spread of between 0.50% to 0.80% on the trade transaction value.