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TPG - 4G Mobile Plans Unlimited Calls & Text 1GB $30/Month, 2GB $35/Month


Hi everyone, not sure if this belong here but happy for it to be moved to forum if it's more appropriate.

Just got an e-mail from TPG about their new 4G Mobile Plans. It's a great alternative for those who wants unlimited calls & text but don't use more than 1-2 GB of internet. I believe they are on Optus network.

The new plans are:
$19.99/Month: $500 call value, 250MB data
$26.99/Month: $500 call value, 1GB data
$29.99/Month: Unlimited calls, 1GB data
$35/Month: Unlimited calls, 2GB data
$45/Month: Unlimited calls, 6GB data

Plans from Telechoice and Amaysim for comparison.

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closed Comments

  • +8

    At first glance it looks like Optus $30/m plan with unlimited calla and 1.5GB rollover data would better?

    • +1

      I was just about to mention exactly the same thing!

    • Agree so this is not a bargain.

    • +3

      Mucher better deal … and after TPG wanted to keep my $20 deposit as it is impossible to use it up - it's a hidden $20 sign up fee (see here: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2089312) I would avoid them. So no deal for me …

      • +1

        $20 SIM card fee, $20 non-refundable deposit, plus $11 TPG port-out fee, meaning effectively a $51 sign-up fee.

  • Looks like optus network

    • They could be using the 4g band they bought during the analog tv spectrum sale?
      Either way I'm not sure how big the market is for people who don't use much data AND want 4G speeds, you could burn through that allotment very quickly.

      • +1

        You can't just buy 4g band and start using it, you have to build or share towers which is a very long and expensive process.

        Also 4G on Optus without much data might not have that much point because its not that fast or responsive in many locations. However 4G on Telstra without that much data is great because anything you do is very quick, thats what you pay for if you get 4G.

  • Min charge for first month on the $45 plan is $85?? Why?

    • 1st month minimum charges on TPG no lock-in contract Mobile plans calculated as: $(Mobile monthly charge in first month) + $20 SIM charge + $20 Mobile Prepayment Outside Included Value.

  • $10 per extra 1GB (charged per GB, rounded up to the nearest GB)

    • +1

      Ver reasonable Imo. Much better than the scams of other telcos.

  • +1

    International calls are excluded :(

  • That $45 option looks the best by far. Hell, it's better than the Telstra corporate rate we get (no I can't tell you what that is).

    • you get what you pay for…

    • Well you missed out then if you aren't paying $44/month for up to a mixture of $400 calls/14GB data. :>

      • That's massive for a personal user. But we have all our data pooled across every service on the account so I have access to terabytes of mobile data if everyone else is not greedy.

        • Can't really complain about that, but I guess your monthly cost is substantial!

    • The $45 option was previously listed at https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/195000

  • Tpg plans all fully 4g now? I've been with them for a while on 3g plan, will I get 4g speeds if I use current sim on compatible phone?

    • +1

      no you need to upgrade to their new plan.. and cant going back

  • Live Connected - $650 calls/1.5Gb data/ Optus 4G - $29/mth.

    I've been on Live Connected for three years, they're OK but support is a bit thin and there's no one to call if you have an issue. Email only!! However, I've had very few issues .. :-) .. !!


    NB: I'm 'not connected' with Live Connected. Boom boom!!

  • $29.90 with Yatango for Unlimited voice & sms +1 gb Data

    • Why didnt you go for Optus?

      • I don't use an unlimited plan, as I don't need it… I opt for 1 gb of data for $11 and pay as you go for all others calls & sms. In addition to this, I can change my plan every months in " My account"

  • +3

    doesnt include MMS either

    • yes, TPG always like to include a hidden 'gothcha', on their current plans it's MMS

  • +1

    Still enjoying their old plan .. $18 pm (for broadband customer) $550 calls (no exclusions -international calls/sms/mms), 1GB data..3G..don't really need 4G

    • +1

      Even better when it was $15 for 550 + 2gb(?)

      • +1

        Yeah. But the max data I had was 1.5gig.may be 2gig was much earlier?

  • +1

    $29.90 with leebara unlimited calls and 4 GB data. Isint it better ?

    • +1

      only if u get reception as they use vodafone and hey its 3g only

  • +1

    I wish the basic plan offered more data. $19.99 with 500MB at least would win me over.

    • The price has increased over time. I used to be with the $9.99 250mb plan, later on they told me it had increased to $13 250mb plan.
      Looks like it's increased to $19.99 now!

      • Sadly this is the way for the cheap plans. I was on LiveConnected (Optus network) for years paying $10.99 (500mins / 1.5GB), they reduce the data a few times before finally booting me.

        Since then I've been bouncing around in prepaid land on various cost plans, currently using Aldi's $20 plan (300mins / 750MB data). That said I'd like to return to a regular plan when the right one comes along.

  • +1

    Does tpg do family share? Looks like optus does…

    • +1

      what is that..they don't charge calling to any TPG number at least for my plan

  • +1

    I mean sharing the data between family members

    • +1

      Don't think so no.

    • +1

      well, it's unlimited calls [edit - on the $30 plan and up, otherwise free to TPG mobile & home phone only], so 'family sharing' is irrelevant for calls.
      They don't share data, which would actually be handy.

      As noted above, watch out for MMS charges $0.50 per MMS

  • -2

    International calls are included in the cap value I think.

  • +1

    Optus daily plus better deal, unlimited calls and texts 1gb data a day for $4 a day

    • +1

      $90 per month? OMG!

      • +1

        I use a gig a day on my phone, if any one can find a plan that gives me 30gb a month I'm all ears.

        • Due to the weekend provisioning, I get the fastest speeds off of voda. fairly routine 108-40 gb[$32 prepay]

        • Do you just stream a ton or tether?

        • @Mechz:
          Netflix, tether, UL to Google, yeah.

  • +2

    vaya $18 1.5gb and $650 calls.
    is the winner!?

    • +1

      I dont think vaya is 4G.

      • +3

        It is 4g, I'm using it currently

      • +4

        It is mate.. been so for 3 years now. Im on this.. beats this deal hands down.

        • the problem with vaya you cant change plan as you wish, you can only go down not up. and $11 everytime changing. plus not incl international for people who need.

        • Lots of complaints with Vaya's service though, particularly accounts & billing.

          I was with LiveConnected (owned by Vaya) and experienced a lot of pain, bogus charges which needed TIO intervention to correct on two occasions. But others I hear have had zero problems so luck of the draw I guess.

          Regardless, these current TPG plans don't look good enough.

    • +1

      Very good!

  • +2

    The worst company to deal with when it comes to joining/leaving and anything in between.

    • -2

      They've improved!@

  • +3

    The best value is with Vaya IMO … $18 for $650 call value , unlimited SMS and 1.5 GB of 4g data .. Been on it for 3 months and loving it

    Free sim delivery and first month free as well ..

    • +1

      Missed the post above , leaving he comment here about the free sim and first month

    • +1

      Wow that seems better than my TPG plan..does the call value ($650) include international calls as well ?

      • +2

        Found it myself..seems international calling is not included..My old TPG plan still wins :)

        What’s Excluded From Standard Credit?
        All international calls and SMS, calls and SMS made whilst Roaming
        overseas, third party premium services (usually starting with 19),
        Voicemail Call Return and directory assistance calls are charged
        directly on top of your plan. For full costs of these, pl

      • +1

        No. International calls cost is not covered by the plan.

    • +1

      Same, only had a couple minor issues along the way but all got sorted out pretty quickly. Also signed up family can got bonus free month for each sign up!

  • +2

    Poorest deals around. Doesn't deserve to be on ozbargain.
    No international calls/text compared to old plans, $20 sim cards, $20 non refundable deposits.
    For optus network: Optus Prepaid, Jeenee Mobile, Vaya, Yatango, Amaysim free/ half price starters are all better value. Pretty much every optus reseller is cheaper than TPG.

    • good call. I didn't realise Optus prepaid plans had become competitive, basically same as these plans but including MMS.
      I don't think 4G is a factor due to lack of Optus 4G coverage (ffs I struggle with Optus 3G coverage around Melb suburbs). [edit] looking at their coverage maps, they claim to have full 4G coverage of all the inner suburbs and more. I don't believe it

  • Tempting for the $45 plan, a bit better than my current Boost plan. But, TPG are TPG.

  • tpg are crap and you have to pay to port your number to another network.

    • +1

      Yeah forgot about that. They charge you like $11 to port your number to another company or disconnect the service. And they don't charge you from the $20 non refundable deposit. Charged directly from your credit/ debit card.

  • Lol, just moved from TPG to Optus, got all calls and txt, 1 gb. 30$ plan, half price for first month, 15$, and a TPG porting credit of 10$ for 12 months, 5$ - I think I also get a 10$ credit per month for having internet with them, lol they owe me

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