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New TPG Mobile Plans 6GB $45 Unlimited Calls and Text


saw this in MX paper…runs off optus 3/4G I believe, thanks for looking

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closed Comments

  • +4

    For that price, don't bother with TPG. Shocking customer service and no physical store makes it a pain to do simple things.

    I'd even rate Vodafone over them.

    My experience only. YMMV.

    • +5

      You can never do anything at physical stores anyway…

      • +16

        This may just be one example, but…

        My dad lost his sim card a few years back, he was with vodafone at the time, popped into the store, the guy got him a new sim card with his number and normal plan within 5 minutes.

        I had my phone stolen and had to replace my sim card (with TPG) a year ago and had to pay $20 and wait 5-10 working days for it to arrive, with no option for express shipping.

        May not happen very often, but when shit hits the fan, dealing with TPG is a pain in the a$$.

        • This is why I fear for iiNet users

    • -2

      Make sure you read the fine print
      "Data usage includes combined upload & download data transfer."

      • +3

        I don't know of a mobile carrier that charges data differently.

      • +1

        They all do.

    • +1

      Yup Vodafone $42 with 8GB data for 1st 12 months beats everyone. Even coverage is better than optus in some areas.. Eg - Cherrybrook NSW Optus - Noservice : Vodafone - 4G

      • Or lebara at 29 if u don't need that much data

  • +3

    $85 for the first month as they charge $20 for SIM and $20 Mobile Prepayment Outside Included Value. Personally, still prefer Amaysim.

  • +9

    Good luck with them they will ask for a deposit and charge for the sim then charge you to port your number out if you leave then take forever to refund your deposit.

    • +1

      I didn't even tell them I was porting out, just got another company to yoink me number from under em and I didn't get charged.

    • What do you mean? It's not a deposit any more (haven't seen with these new plans, but for the old ones they changed it to a prepayment that meant they were allowed to keep it). They won't refund it even though when I signed the contract it was called a deposit. Had to threaten Telco Ombudsman before they even considered returning MY money.

      Never again TPG.

  • +1

    Their plans in place just before this one posted were terrible value…

  • +4

    I will stick to Voda…

    • +2

      Voda seems to be winning back their customers, good on them..

  • +1

    is that mean all tpg customer move to 4g now? mine still under $17/ month with 1g data and $550 credit

    • Me and a few others in my family are on that same plan and dont intend to move. 3G is fine for my use and I dont want to pay more than $18 for a 1GB plan. I dont think they're going to move anyone to 4G without making them pay an arm and a leg for it though.

      • it seems if your smartphone support 4G, your one will automatically move to 4G connection. I just tested my sim card to my smart phone that support 4G and I got speed 13 MBps, very good

  • +2

    The Vodafone $42 a month 8GB business plan is a better option IMO. All you need is an ABN which is quick and free to get.

    • Looks like its $45, thanks looks good.

    • Sounds appealing- Could you please elaborate ?

      • http://www.vodafone.com.au/business/plans/single?cid=cbu%3Ap…
        Month to Month
        8GB Total (Double data for at least the first 12 months)
        Unlimited local calls/sms
        Unlimited international SMS
        300 minutes of international calls
        30% off $60 plan = $42 a month (for the first 12 months)

        I ported from Telechoice to Vodafone a week ago and have been very impressed. Great speed and no drop outs (to be fair I spend 99% of my time within 40km of the Melbourne CBD)

    • All you need is an ABN which is quick and free to get.


    • -2

      Can you PM me on hot to Quick and Freely get an ABN?

      • Just search on google.

  • +4

    If you do not use the prepayment, it will be forfeited to us when you cancel the service.

    • According to whirlpool, plenty people get refund of $20+$11 for deposit and port-out fees, when porting out TPG, but only when you mentioned TIO.

  • +1

    TPG is now a pile of shit, I wouldn't go near

    • Seen their share price over the past 4 years? They are a very good company.

      If your referring to their mobile plans, yeah they suck but at least this deal represents some value

      • if you are one of their shareholders then yes they are good company, but for me as customer, no they are not.
        But because they have cheap internet price and im poor, i got no choice.

  • +2

    I'm currently with TPG but planning on leaving them soon. Thought these plans might have tempted me to stay but I don't think they do the job for me.

    I had a chuckle reading the excess data policy (not sure if normal for other providers)

    (charged per GB, rounded up to the nearest GB)

    • to be fair, vodafone also charges per GB.

      • Ah, well if everyone else is doing it then that's fine. I guess it saves people from paying large excesses on their extra data usages!

        • +1

          Nah but there are heaps of others that aren't doing it per gb. Need to do research I guess. I wouldn't go with TPG for this price though, benefits don't outweigh all the cons for me.

        • Thanks!

          Furthering this, Optus reception is horrible in my home so does anyone have a suggestion on which telstra reseller to go for (inclusion of international calls would be nice)?

          I have been leaning towards Telechoice but unsure if there are others of better value.

        • @nuggy: All the big 3 are and it works out a lot cheaper than a lot of the previous per kb/mb rates. There are exceptions if you go just a smidge over of course, or some small players perhaps, but the devil is in the detail… a lot of the small players consume in per MB blocks whilst within your base entitlement rather than per KB, which can be even worse still. As always, read the fine print. :)

  • +1

    better not go TPG unless they are cheap, but their price is not cheap, and their customer service is very cheap. they will charge you connect and disconnect fee, and they charge you if you for voice mail. optus unlimited only $40 and you will get free phone, but only 500mb data.

  • +2

    Tpg are great until you need their customer service
    If your phone service is important to you (business, family etc…) stay away

    The plan is really not worth it considering small price difference with other telcos such as voda plan in the above comment

  • +3

    Was with TPG 2 years back , one of the worst customer service for mobile ever . Would not reccommend to anyone based on my experience

  • So question for the OZB comments section: are there any decent, cheap 4G providers you'd recommend for someone looking to move away from TPG? I'm on an old plan that recently got downgraded substantially (1.5GB data became 1GB and the price went up about 15% to boot) and so I'm looking for a change, especially if I'm going to jump on one of these cheap LG G3 deals :)

    Currently paying about $20 for a no frills by-the-month 1GB data and more call credit than I'll ever realistically use. I'm happy to pay at bit more (say $30) if it gets me access to 4G, and has about 1.5-2GB data. I don't really want to be locked into a contract, as I just buy a new phone outright every year or two. Based in Canberra for what it's worth - Telstra is good here, and I know Optus only recently added 4G here, not sure about vodafone.

    • +2

      Jenee if you don't want to go Vaya. The $25 a month plan seems to fit the bill and the whirlpool page on them seems to imply they have AWESOME customer service.
      Jenee uses the optus network as well, so same coverage as TPG (since they use Optus) but have 4G.

      Vaya has a massive history of crappy customer service stories, I'm with them at the moment, pretty happy since they switched to KB billing, only issue is their calls are always jammed up usually. I find a satisfactory response by messaging them on Facebook and giving them 3-4 business days to reply. A bit long, and perhaps a bit lenient some would say but I am paying $18/month for $500 credit, 1.5GB of kb billing 4G.

      Jenee is currently my plan B if **** hits the fan with Vaya.

      • Thanks mate this actually looks pretty good, only a few bucks more than I'm already paying! Plus free setup atm saving $20 :)

  • +1

    TPG use to be cheap.not so much anymore :(

  • -6

    Man you guys think tpg's customer service is bad, vaya's worse by 100%. Their system can't even tell if you called local or international and kept charging me every month when I have international calls barred on my phone. Ten you try to call up Indians every month to refund 50cents. Oh yea vaya charged me SIM card fees too.

    Was also with Telstra prepaid for 15months plus. Their service was good then went way downhill with their 30 days expiry in a 31 days month. Try to call them to get your credit back when you don't recharge early = draw blood from stone

    • +3

      Vaya is not a indian company so let's just keep India out of it

      • +1

        Or any race for that matter. This is a tech discussion not a racial or political one.

  • +3

    Better to with Vodafone $50 plan available for 30% off plus 5gb of data. Unlimited calls and texts.

    • +1

      Where to get this deal? Needs to apply with ABN too?

      • No ABN required

    • +1

      Managed to get the 30% off for 2 years but only 4GB of data.

      • +1

        How'd you manage that if you don't mind me asking ?

        • Sorry guys… For late reply. The offer is available online to existing Vodafone account holders. 5gb offer ends at the end of this month

      • If you are a existing customer just call and say you say plus 2 showing online

  • 4G - I could never get 4G when I was with TPG. Different phones, different locations and never did a phone connect to the 4G network.

    Ported to Spintel in Jan and 4G reliably connects.

    Best check whether TPG provides 4G connections as my experience is they don't.

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