The lines for this are gonna be enlarged on Wednesday - not sure how hot this particular brand is but it will surely be a good conversation starter at dinner parties no?
Other brands at over $3.00:
Cock Brand Sriracha Chilli Sauce 440ml - $2.69 @ ALDI - Starts 29 July

Last edited 25/07/2015 - 12:29 by 1 other user
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Couldn't make this stuff up, could you. How many different levels of scrutiny must this have gone through and yet someone still managed to bring that brand name to market. I won't even bother with adding to the jokes. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
I think you're supposed to CATCH fish and shoot GAME .. :-) .. !!
Agree about the jokes. It's pretty much self saucing…
myth busters tried shooting fish in a barrel and it aint easy!
Use a bigger gun.
Or smaller barrel.
Or no water.
Yeah I guess it might seem pretty amazing if you're obsessed with slang words teh penus but it actually has at least 2 other meanings that are real words that I know about so i don't think it would've been that much of a stretch …
… not like they're calling it c**t sauce or something.
Take a firm grip and squeeze
Sounds more like choking the chicken.
Last time my girlfriend tried cock sauce she spat it out, she couldn't even swallow it!
Wow that was so subtle I almost didn't get it.
This sauce is a nice complement to your username!
That would be a burning experience!
Always loved a bit of cock chilli on my noodle
Brings new meaning to the ring of fire the next day!
Not really a bargain surely but cheers for the post ;)
wonder how this compares to the original sriracha (green top)
It's not as nice a bit sweet but still alright, i'd rather just buy the original though.
No mention of how Huy Fongs is the best tasting brand?
I'm surprised.
Thanks for the post OP I've been wanting to give this one a try since I saw it at WW.
If anyone wants to try the Sriracha that really pushed it into the spotlight look for this one Huy Fong Brand Sriracha . You'll most likely have to go to an Asian Grocers to find it as I don't think coles/WW/or IGA have ever carried it.AKA "Rooster Sauce". Hence this brand's knock-off name.
My woolies has it but it taste slightly different to the one I normally get. It's slightly more watered down.
Huy Fong green lid sauce available at:
Fresh Warehouse Direct
83 Hartnett Dr
Seaford VIC 3198.
I never heard of this sauce until 2 days ago and was told these guys are also cheap, but not aware of priceThat's the stuff I've been buying for years, and it is superb.
Well if you have to thats an option. Most asian grocers carry Huy fong's brand in medium and large.
Haven't seen anyone in Australia locally stock the Gallon or super mini bottle of theirs yet.
You should be able to find HF's around the 5-7 dollar range for the large bottle at local asian grocers though.
Rooster-brand Huy Fong sauce is the original and the best.…
So many imitators including this dodgy Aldi knock off.Cock Brand Sriracha - "So good it burns!"
Too cocky for me
surely this is a cock up?
I don't like the taste of cock in my mouth
Maybe you are inclined in a different way :p
Don't move to Sydney then…
your username would suggest otherwise! ;)
My username is tight yes, but definitely a one-way street.
But you love the way it feels in his…
Cock runs rings around the others. They just suck.
This may also interest you.
Sriracha The Movie has anyone seen the official tiny bottles of huy fong sriracha anywhere in Australia?
Enlarged Cock Brand? Yes, well……..engorge yourself.
I've heard from my wife that this is a bit salty….
Sorry Aldi but this is the only legit one:…
Unfortunately the real owner of the brand never copyrighted it. If you want the genuine, original Sriracha sauce you have to visit an Asian grocery and buy the USA made sauce.
I Only came here for comments!
Clean your mess up before you go. ;)
So did I…often get a laugh from ozbargain comments…sad but true.
@Adamp, sorry was supposed to +. Blame thick finger.
I will be asking the question 'whodidthat'?
Checkouts take long-enough at Aldi Warehouse, to save 30cents on knock-off sauce.
Shit thats great!!!!
Don't Dick Smith sell this too?
C'mon guys why the negs he was just being witty… In true jv style
Do not buy this fake version. The original is way better "Sriracha from USA" from asian stores. Not worth it.
This will go well on my cockmeat sandwich
Cock and chilli. What could go wrong?
This cock will make your eyes water and your throat burn……. Cock.
and loosen your bowel :)
Popular…Y'all must be cock starved.
Bollocks…oh sorry, wrong sauce.
Let's keep it clean or Neil will cock block you
Can you use this with coq au vin?
Loving the puns.
I did see a nice recipe for using a similar sauce recently with wings.
These guys claim to have some of the hottest chilli sauces in the USA. ie Puckerbutt Pepper company
They have an unofficial sauce for the popular IZombie TV series
Cock induced "ring of fire"
Quit dicking around OP, everyone knows Linghams Sriracha sauce is the best.
This comments section is bigger and longer than a bottle of Cock Brand Sriracha Chilli Sauce.
Wonder if they'll go into condoms next.
Instructions unclear. Put sauce on cock.
Why is this a bargain?
It's a cheap laugh, isn't it?
Woolies have this for about $2. Has nothing on the proper stuff.
I wont tell you what results I got….
You're in for a world of hurt. Be prepared for the barrage of pron spam.
Crap website, breaking links.
And search for cock sauce gives cocktail sauce results now.
And price has jumped to $3.88
I give the knives and the wok in the same sale a big thumbs up, in over 30 years of buying kitchen gear I have not found anything that gives the bang for buck that these do.
Have had the same wok for several years now and it gets used and abused 3 or 4 nights a week
The knives I have had for several months and they punch well above their weight as well.No one is going to remember this brand of sauce right guys :D
I hate it when I have to shake the bottle to get the sauce out.
You must be doing it wrong, have u try shaking it side-to-side then maybe up and down? the sauce should "come" right out lol
Cock has been a staple of my diet throughout my life…
Their frozen coconut juice is delicious (with young coconut pulp), as are their canned exotic fruits.
yes, love their canned fruits. Haven't eaten their canned rambutans and lychees for years. Think I will go out and find some Cock tonight.
Jackfruit is another nice one :D Can't go wrong with a bit of Cock.
Can't go wrong with a bit of Cock.
Speak for yourself - when you can :p
I always think of it as standing for Bangkok. Like BKK = code for Bangkok Airport. There's also a BKK shopping centre (also known as Freedom Plaza) in Cabramatta NSW which I associate with awesome Thai food since there's a great, cheap little takeaway joint there… but that's just my brain associating BKK with the Thai food.. I'm not exactly sure what or where BKK means/comes from in terms of the actual shopping centre there :S
Cock Brand is Thai. Can't see anything on their site explaining what BKK means but could also be a reference to Bangkok.
Or, ya know, it could be bukake, but that would be Japanese lol.
Mmm, bukkake udon noodles! A bit messy, but so good. I always need to wipe my whole face afterwards.
How is this a deal? Most Asian shops sells these imitators around the same price.
…think it was more of a joke post. Without a rooster logo beside the word Cock it can have a different meaning…
La coq de sportif?
At first glance I honestly thought it said "cock band". I was like :0
Lots of comments using fowl language ;)
I got 5, I love cock sauce especially all over my chops.
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Aye, nothin' like a bit of cock sauce to spice things up a bit.