[Price Error] Just Jeans $200 Gift Card for $33.90 Delivered

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Order a $200 gift card
In cart shows up as 29.95
Add postage

Then cross your fingers they honour it

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Just Jeans
Just Jeans


        • -2

          I'll be selling all 80 of mine for $199

        • +14

          I'll give you $190 if it comes, and you give me $190 if it doesn't. Interested ?

        • +6


          All 80 for $199? That's only $2.49 a piece. You're a very generous man.

        • -1

          The word play :-)

  • so did they honor it yet or nope?

  • +7

    9AM. The waiting game begins…

  • -1

    I doubt they'll honour it. If they're smart they'll offer a $50 gift card instead or a full refund.

  • +1

    9:52 a.m., no email received yet, probably internal discussion going on…

    • +4

      Early board meeting called..receivers appointed.

      • +7

        CEO's about to resign

        • +3

          get their $5,000,000 golden handshake…

    • Look at that increase in share price
      13.47 Price increase 0.06 (0.45%)

  • +4

    I wont buy $50 gift card for $33.90

  • -1

    Its back to normal now :(…

    • +3

      Call the bikies

      • Might be the only option I think :/

  • Wow, it may look good but seriously people its a waste of time as you already know this will be canceled, unless prove me wrong and you do get it, have fun with the enjoyment while it lasts.

  • Damn missed out

    • +3

      lol you were never going to get it anyway.

      • +2

        Miracles happen sometimes haha

  • Waiting to see what happens here…

  • +2

    just wondering what kinda psychology these people have…if you didnt buy it, why do you care? lol it is not going to return when they honoured. And if they did honoured it, you will be kicking yourself. People bought it that bet on price error, has nothing to lose. They know they have $34 spare and happy to take a gamble.

    • Exactly, I've got money spare just sitting in my bank so why not just go for it ;D

  • +1

    These are gift cards marked at like over 70% off? These things just do not happen, and never will. Maybe on other things, but gift cards? you can keep holding on to that dream, But in reality a business will not sacrifice a large amount of money just to pleasure a few people especially a bargain site.

  • WOOHOOOOO…Got the mail that my card is on its way. ….(WELL..It was before i woke up…Deep in my dreams

  • +17

    So I was one of the super unlucky ones. During the 'sale period' I added one to my cart, total came to $33.90. I paid via Paypal, it showed that as total, I approved and submitted.

    It lagged a bit then spat back a receipt of payment for $203.95!!

    Turns out it was processing my order JUST as they were amending their site and it bugged out.

    I called them this morning to cancel/get refund as I did not actually consent to that amount. They told me their systems are locked down at the moment. They can't do any cancellation / refunds as upper management have frozen everything until they have investigated the problem and decided on course of action.

    Apparently quite a few others got stung with the same glitch.

    Sooo chances are you won't get any feedback from them until late today/early tomorrow about what they will do about the giftcards.

  • Theyll probably just give us a 5% off one time use unique discount code as an apology.

    • Nah. It will be a typical 2.5% on full priced item

  • Send Bronwyn Bishop to sort it out! lol

    • +24

      Booking the helicopter for her now

      • +10

        I thought it was only poor people that don't use cars.

  • +7

    You know this is a perfect example of schrodinger's cat paradox

    • +1

      Except in this case, the dead cat is more likely.

    • Yes, if there was someone from Just Jeans inside the box killing the cat unbeknownst to us all.

      • +5

        I think the staff member who typed $29 will be the dead cat at Just Jeans head office.

  • +2

    Good luck to those that purchased.

    Didn't bother myself, will most likely get cancelled but still interested to see the final result.

  • Disappointment & Bummer in 3,2,1…..

  • +4

    Strange that they haven't cancelled orders by now.

    • +3

      Certainly taking their time about it.

  • +4

    Some math
    - estimate 3000 cards bought at $200 each
    - estimate only 70% of cards will get used
    - estimate profit margin 100% (i.e. $100 set of jeans costs them $50).
    - estimate average person buys $250 worth of goods when they visit (a bit more than what the cards are worth)
    - assume the purchases aren't going to replace actual sales that would have occurred anyway
    - Income from cards = $30 x $3000 = $90,000
    - Income from additional $50 worth of sales per person = $50 x $3000 * 70% = $105,000
    - Total income = $205,000
    - Outgoings = $3000 x $250 x 70% (the ones used) x 50% (wholesale cost of goods) = $262,500

    With only $60k difference in income vs cost I'd say it'd be cheaper to honor them than to reverse the transactions, which will cost a lot in terms of customer service staff to handle the issue. Not to mention the goodwill that could be gained/lost with either decision. It's not clearcut to me that they will be reversed.

    • +2

      Hope so

      • +3

        So you spent over $2000? Would love if they do actually ship and you can't manage to offload them on eBay.

        • My calculations come in at $1,505.40

        • @aussie28:
          $33.90 x 23 = 779.70
          $33.90 x 27 = 915.30

          779.90 + 915.30 = $1695

          We're both wrong? Or am I being stupid.

        • +3

          @PainToad: $29.95x50 = $1,497.50 plus 2x delivery fee of $3.95 = $7.90

    • +1

      lol what?

      It will take a day to reverse the transactions.

      They're not a charity and will be like lets take a loss for goodwill.

    • pulling numbers out of your ass?

      • Yep, thats how estimation works :)

    • I forgot to add in the profit from using the gift cards, good point.

      I think the number is closer to 10,000 though.
      I placed two orders 1 hour apart and the difference is 3000 on my order no.
      I was no where near the first to purchase.

      $1.7m book loss of the cost of gift cards.
      I would say only 5% expire, may bump to 10% for partial use expire? The majority of purchasers bought them to use.
      then assume 100% markup, or they increases prices to 100% markup
      $0.765m loss
      add in 30% tax deduction for losses
      $0.5355m, half a mil after tax loss

      now the parent company had a profit after tax of $73m

      so 0.68% loss in profits.
      compared to 5% up from the previous year.
      a good chunk of their profits from a single blunder.

      I would say they probably won't consider that insignificant.

    • +22

      No genuine ozbargainer lets a gift card expire

    • This is not considering that this is Ozbargain users. Some change:
      90% will use their card. 8% will gift. 1% will try to sell. 1% might forget.
      80% will buy $199.99 worth of things.

  • +2

    It's approaching 4pm on Monday. If the cancellation is going to happen it'd have to be in the next hour. Those who paid for the 'next day delivery' are due to receive theirs tomorrow morning.

    I assume the cancellation email will go out just before close of business to reduce the immediate 'outrage' to deal with - but at this stage… not a whisper.

    Confusing really.

    • +6

      Maybe they've taken our money and ran.

      "That'll teach them professionals"

  • +5

    Just Jeans has gone into receivership and kept everyone's money

  • +14

    Bad news guys, I messaged them on Facebook and got this reply:

    Hi Anthony -
    Your gift card order, plus any delivery charges, will be refunded in full. We have taken immediate steps to commence the process of refunding your transaction with our payment provider. Our payment provider will process your refund on our behalf, as we do not hold customers' credit card details. Our payment provider will issue a refund instruction to your bank. Depending on your bank, the refund should be applied in approximately seven business days.
    We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience.
    Regards, Just Jeans
    Second message:
    Hi Anthony - during check-out, all gift card transactions, in all denominations from $20 - $200, were incorrectly processed at the check-out at $29.95 per gift card. This issue was caused by a system error which has now been rectified.

    I guess we are not getting the gift cards :(

    • +3


    • +2


    • +2

      Here's Just Jeans' reply if anyone's interested

      Message Screenshot

      • +2

        Nooooooooooo :(

    • -6

      why you message them?

      • +10

        Ummm, I think they were going to make the same decision anyway… so I may as well find out their decision earlier

    • +6


      • +8

        Lol I think the compensation you owe them for inconvenience far outweighs the compensation they owe you.

        • -1

          Ok. for those neg Peeps out there, check the JJ Facebook. more emotion and frustrate expressive comments about this price error issue than the comments in Ozb forum

        • +2


          oh my god those pathetic whinging crybabies! i wanna comment on every single one of them but there's no point talking sense into them.

          lol @ all the threats too.. so sad

          but anyway you got neg'd (not by me) seemingly for wanting something extra for free when you were the one that chose to exploit the system knowing full well that it was highly likely a price error. they didn't cause you the inconvenience, you caused it on yourself.

          just because another retailer has given gift vouchers due to a price error before doesn't mean they are all obliged to.

        • @CVonV:Well. Did you bought one? Up to them leaving the frustration. Expect a refund anyway

        • +1


          yeah i bought 4 with a free tote, expecting it to be refunded and with no complimentary voucher either.

          although i don't have the refund email yet

        • +5


          Wow that's sad (Their Facebook page)… Unfortunately I think many commenters are members or lurkers from here.

          I don't think anyone here truly expected them to honour it, but everyone on there is threatening ACCC and trying to justify it with Consumer Law.

          Like seriously, you could tell it was a website glitch!

          Should we put it down to these kids not getting spanked when they were little? :P

        • +3


          Unfortunately I think many commenters are members or lurkers from here.

          I wouldn't be surprised.

          That Rhiannon Young lady telling everyone to contact The Checkout is just purely laughable. They're just wasting their time and energy. What exactly is the inconvenience anyway when the entire amount will be refunded? I just don't understand their mentality tbh.

  • How about the people who ordered clothes instead?

    • +2

      I just messaged them about it, but I doubt clothes orders would be treated differently.

      • I just got refunded for my clothes purchase :(

      • Yeah, mine got refunded too.

        Probably for the best. It was an impulse purchase and I don't really need any more clothes. I'm just looking at it as Just Jeans helping me stick to my budget

      • And they replied:

        HI Anthony - it may be best for you to give our service team a call so they can help sort out your order 1800 001 185. Many thanks

        Personally, I am happy with refund and wouldn't bother calling them - but that's the number if anyone's interested.

  • +2

    Sorry to hear the sad news about refunds but you have to be in it to win it.
    Keep trying ozbargainers one day it will be a happy day…..

  • i paid $44.90 for a $49 jacket and it was just refunded. not sure why, as they are clearly still making a profit. oh well, i'll take my money elsewhere.

    • -1

      Until their next sale right?

      • +1

        the next $29.99 sale? yup.

  • Looks like I'll be getting my cheap levis elsewhere.

    • -6

      Levi's suck

  • Will they contact us re: refund or do we need to individually request refund??
    Heard diddly squat so far

    • they'll do it automatically. you should have just got their piss-poor explanation email haha.

      • Literally received my email 1 minute after posting here :)

  • +2

    Just got the inevitable cancellation email for a gift card. Oh well, onto the next :)

  • Just got an email from JJ.

    Basically same as what tonyhsu said above.

    However they are having a flash sale starting tomorrow afternoon. Not sure if planned or just organised in response to the refunds.

    Afraid all your cheap Levi's are in another castle.

  • Got e-mail too. Refund on the way :(

  • +1

    Coming soon to an Inbox near you …..

    Dear Valued Customer …..

  • Charge back on paypal complete.

  • Got the apology email

  • I received my Gift Card today!

    • +5

      Pics or it didn't happen.

    • +3

      yes, the gift cancellation card. All others are getting theirs too.

  • Got their email after dinner.

  • Don't think anyone got theirs since I was one of the first few to order and still got the cancellation email.

  • Got the same cancellation email too….ah well, it was some fun on a cold Sunday afternoon.

  • Game overπŸ˜‘πŸ˜’πŸ˜πŸ‘Ž

  • Our predictions were indeed correct. I didn't want to go though all the hassle of getting refunded.

  • So what if you paid by PayPal instead of CC? The email only mentioned people who paid by credit card.

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