This was posted 15 years 2 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

iiNet Updated ADSL2+ Broadband Plans


First one… and it won't be for everyone.
ii has (finally) updated its plans. For existing customers that have their phone bundled, there's an early Christmas (i've gone from 65GB to 120GB for the same price).

Summary between old and new:
Residential plans -
Business plans -

Upgrade for existing customers -

It must be said that there are plans out there with other providers that are more GB for your buck… but this is a decent increase in some of the existing plans.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I just can not justify iiNet's price. overpriced!

    • +8

      Will be the only company which cares about your privacy if they win the lawsuit against AFACT.

      • +1

        True, but they'll lose popular support if they keep running shell-game upgrade/downgrades like this.

  • +1

    HMmm…. generally better - except the offpeak times have been shortened from 2am-12pm to 2am-8am.

    • On the higher plans it's 1am-9am with 128k shaping.
      As i said… not for everyone :)

      • did they charge you an admin fee to "upgrade" to an equal value plan? There was a line like that - which made me refrain from changing plans.

    • +1

      Thats a huge decrease in off-peak times - from 10 hours per day to 6 hours (in the remotest possible hours).

      For me at least, they've taken away more with this plan change than they've given. Nasty.

  • Finally :)

    New off-peak times (2-8am) suck - but I now have more peak quota than the previous peak and off-peak combined.

  • +3

    Well that's just worthless……. -ve for me.
    I'm currently on a Home 5 voip 25-45gb plan. If i was to "UPGRADE" well downgrade …… i would pay the same but my allocated usage will become 25-30gb… what a rip to downgrade for the same price.

    Beware these increases are for their ADSL + Phone combos, not ADSL + Voip combos…. And they effectively gimp and downgrade (for the same price) the ADSL + Voip combos.

  • -2

    Works out well for me I needed more peak times quota in the afternoon. But must say the off peaks are a joke. 2am-8am. Plus I can't stand 64kbps shaping atm! should be at least 128kb.

    Side note: We would have gone with TPG but their exchange was full!

    Oh yeah iiNET counts uploads too, welcome to Australia.

    • They only count uploads on their naked plans. Home plans are still dowload counted only

      • Isn't that if you bundle your phone with them or something??

        • Yeah. Most ISPs do that. 29.95 a month for line rental

    • Allegedly, iiNet only count uploads for their Naked Plans. For the last 3 years I've not been measure for uploads.

  • +3

    Same here -ve from me

    TPG 60+60 Shaped 512k/512k off peak 2am-8am $49.95
    iiNet 60+60 Phone bundle Shaped 128k off peak 1am-9am $99.90
    iiNet 60+60 Unbundled Shaped 128k off peak 1am-9am $129.95

    TPG Naked + voip 40+40 Naked Shaped 128k/128k off peak 2.30am-8am $59.99
    TPG Naked 65+85 Naked Shaped 64k/64k off peak 3am-8am $79.99
    iiNet 60+60 Naked Shaped 64k/128k off peak 1am-9am $89.95 (uploads counted)

  • +1

    so they've shortened my off-peak time, lessened my off-peak quota and not added anything to my peak quota? TPG are upgrading their plans every 2nd week and iiNet do this? They're bloody lucky I care so much about quality service that I'd only ever switch to internode, come to think of it.. what are their plans like these days?

    • Internode has good deals, but is fantastic at customer service, not that you ever need them :)

      They have "easy broadband" adsl 1 or 2 depending on your area, its at least 1500kbs in all areas.
      $50 for 50 Gigabytes, includes uploads and downloads, no peak offpeak rubbish, and capped at 128kbs if you go over.
      Great usage meter aka "MUM" updated every hour in your system tray.

      I get capped every now and then and dont even notice until I fire up BT :)


  • Does this mean it's time to move off my 40/40 Heavy plan?

    • You don't have to… but i reckon there's probably enough in it to entice you away from your current plan.

  • +1

    quotas up is good but new off peak times are crappy - basically means I won't use the off peak quota at all. BIG Minus for me, time to switch companies

    • +1

      I don't have any problems with the off peak times. Most download programs come with a scheduler… takes care of all.

      • still less time to be downloading…

        • +3

          Doesnt matter, iinet's speeds always go fast so you'd be downloading in less time anyways. I was able to download 18gigs between my offpeak time of 12am - 8am.

  • Voting positive as my Naked plan went up 2+2 so happy about that.

  • It hasn't affected me too much - I will definitely switch companies if they start counting upload though!

  • +1

    iinet's service/connection is good but you do pay for it. after upgraded, their price still expensive compare with other competitors, i think they spend too much in advertising. Actually i quite like the new off-peak period, it is too shit and no way i will use internet during this period. So perfect to use scheduler to download/upload. If got shaped, it wouldn't affect me.

  • How can this plan even compare to TPG's 60 + 60. This is only half the TPG plan. Shaping for Home 1 - 4 is still 64kbps and TPG is 512kbps. I have been with IInet for 5 years but I think it is time to change provider. They are not able to compete anymore. True you get good service but how often do you call them? On the other hand, TPG is trying to buy another line to GUAM and maybe a precedence to unlimited broadband.

    • I think the idea is that you dont call them often because you dont need to. TPG from all accounts I've heard do not have the same Stability/Reliability/QUality of connection that iiNet or Internode do, a number of people i know on them have had outages caused by the ISP, and my pings are always better than theirs in game. It's getting harder and harder to defend iiNet with TPG's value for downloading though.

      • TPG has been pretty stable and reliable for me providing me with an overall quality service, so I don't know where you heard that. I suppose all providers have some gripes. Does iiNet offer a free static IP?

    • +3

      their 60+60 sounds good on paper..but my friends on TPG plans never finish their quota allowence..due to slow download speeds/network congestion… worst yet line constantly drops ..

      unless their line quality and reliability..i will stay with iiNet just a little bit longer

      • +1 from me.

        When I was initially deciding upon an ISP, the thing that turned me away from TPG was the reliability of the service and the quality of customer service. Whilst I don't have to call customer service (the only time I ever have was to verify that their network had blackouts) very often, I certainly would like that safety net should their be something that I can't fix. Additionally, I'd prefer not to have a line that doesn't drop in/out very often.

        I'm hoping that this has changed, and there are no issues anymore, because that will likely be the catalyst for many people moving to them (not just the download quota, TPG!)

        • +1

          Just to add a opinion from the other side i am extremely happy with TPG connection. I have been on Internode, iiNet, and Telstra before and my connection is just as stable and as fast as it was with them. I am on ADSL2+ and get a constant 1.8-1.9mb/s , I may be lucky but just letting others know not everyone has crap experiences with TPG.

          I do admit Internode and iiNet had better customer service then TOG does. But i rarely need to contact them to get anything sorted out, if there are any problems i can usually sort them out myself.

          • @rison: is that 1.8MB/S or 1.8mb/s? (ie do you live close to the exchange?)
            I think if you live close to the exchange then there are less issues.

            While considering changing isp last month I did read up opinions on whirlpool.. i was considering TPG with their new plans.. people seems to be generally happy on their forum…but there are also more problems of line service.. they live about 3Km+ away from the exchange..

          • @rison: Someone voted negative on my comment, must be iinet :-) …. I realised that it is not worthwhile to move to TPG as I don't download beyond 40GB. I know 2 people who are with TPG and none of them are complaining.

            FYI, I just move my plan to the new Quota with IINET and it was very quick although has some issues because the website was charging me to switch when I am on the same plan, I called IINET and got someone to answer in 1 minute. Service is great, I just don't like the plan they are offering.

      • for what its worth, our household managed to pull about 35gigs from TPG in the past 24 hours. It just depends where you live as to whether you have a decent speed or not.

  • Its a shame. IINET started out pretty good but from my understanding they are pretty far behind TPG in terms of pricing and download quota.

    I can't get adsl2+ anyways which is a big shame. Telstra wants me to pay $1000 for someone to come dig a trench so that they can lay their wire and another $400 for a new telephone connection

  • +1

    In iiNETS defence the FREEZONE isn't bad, just needs PSN and it will be great!

  • iinet support wins me over, plus their legal fighting.

    and this means I have some more downloading to do…

  • This is crap! -neg

    iiNet have said to their VoIP bundle users you SUCK now stuff off!

    I 'upgrade' from 10/25 to 8/8 and reduced download times. I guess they want people to got to alternate ISP's?!

    • As Hueydata said, you don't have to convert over - you can keep your existing plan indefinitely.

      • Well they've said they are working on removing legacy plans in the next 6 months or so. So I doubt it will be indefinitely. But who wants to stick on a static plan that within a short period of time [based on other ISP] will be severely outdated.

        Looks like forcing my hand to move to TPG or another more user viable ISP.

        • -1

          Rumbaar got a link to that info?

          Im on the "broadband2 Plus heavy" 40/40 plan. If they get me to move I'll move ISPs.

  • +1

    Hm.. Moving from a 20/30 plan with 2am - 12noon offpeak, to a 25/30 plan with 2am-8am offpeak.. Although I'd definitely appreciate it if they weren't modifying OP times, this is silly faux-upgrade to seem like they're doing something to compete with TPG's quotas. Will they lose me to TPG? No, probably not, but they surely have to lift their game to keep me from moving to another ISP.

  • Awesome!! I'm on the ( home 5 plan 25/45 )and i just went moved to the new ( home 5 plan 60/60 ) for FREEEEEEE!!!

    Works out good for me! 2am to 8am is bad but it still works out better overall.

    But i did have to call them and change it over! :) you can also do it with the toolbox log in as well but that wanted $19 bux i like the fact i can call and get through right away ever time.
    iinet is worth the money in that way!

  • The new off peak times suck and IInet is so overpriced now

  • finally! I went from 23/30 to 50/50GB! Very happy.

    The shorter offpeak doesn't really bother me - new peak is almost the same as my entire old quota
    and I have no problems using up the new quota given the 600-1000KB/s download speeds with iinet.
    (line sync's around 12000/1000)

    My friends with TPG get drop out every day,and combined with slow speeds and their short off peak hours means they hardly ever use up their off peak quota.

    My connection lasts weeks and I have only ever needed to called iinet support less than 5 times in the last 5 years…that's how good their network are..i guess you get what you pay for

    Now I'll stay with iiNet for a bit longer..64k shaping still sucks..browsing is just a pain…

  • +3

    I can honestly say I cannot fault iiNet. The service never drops out, support is good and pricing is decent when you consider the savings with naked dsl. I am yet to see an ISP match their naked deal with unlimited free local and national calls.

  • +2

    I use their naked as well. I am not sure why people keep comparing iiNet's pricing with TPG because they're so different.

    Sure, you get more quota with TPG for the same price but the service and connection you get from iiNet is miles ahead. I know some people have had luck with TPG but I am not one of them. I had bad drop out issues (first 3 months were fine) and speed issues. Trust me that I have done everything I could to fix that including insisting Telstra to come and have the cable outside checked. TPG did not for a second bother to resolve my issue, everytime I called I was pushed from one end to the other by their reps. I only got stupid vague answers everytime. And worst of all, because the reps are NOT locals, they hardly understood me and I've always had to repeat myself a few times before they get it.

    When I switched to iiNet, I had NO issues with drop out using the same equipment and anytime I've had a problem a local rep would return my call (they have a call back function). They'll always tell me what the exact problem was and not push me back and forth like TPG did.

    I guess you'd be fine with TPG if you're one of the lucky ones who happen to have no connection/drop out problems with them. As long as you don't have to deal with that and their horrible customer service then of course they offer a better deal. But if you're a gamer (my housemates are), need constant good speed then iiNet is miles ahead. So for all the crap I've had to go through with TPG, I feel that the price I pay for iiNet is justifiable.

  • I have VOIP bundled so I'm letting my existing plan "grandfather" so to speak. Congrats to those who have their phone bundled and are being "rewarded".

  • No one on this forum mentioned $19 UPGRADE FEE…and a huge reduction of the offpeak time is a big worry….

    Does any other ISP charge this upgrade fee?

  • Where is the bargain??
    I have a home 2 equivalent plan with another provider for $15 mth less than iiNet.

  • I think iinet should get their acts together.

    OFFPEAK 2am - 8am

    This is really a joke….

    If iinet wants to offer some values to their customer, they should remove these UNSATISFACTORY conditions and changes.

    Certainly NOT a bargain! because it's a trade by barter… Pay us $19 to upgrade, and then get LESS Sleep if you want to enjoy your $19.00

    Not a good deal!

  • -2


    TPG FTW.

    • +1

      I was with TPG before iinet, and honestly, I don't think their plans offer value for money when you take into account their support and billing practices. The endless hassles I had with getting multiple erroneous charges reversed… I left in disgust.

      Sure, they are great until something goes wrong with your bills or you want to disconnect - then the pain begins.

  • +1

    This is not a bargain.

    Poor peak and offpeak quotes
    Poor 64k shaping for most of their plans
    Naked plans are a waste of money and count uploads

    TPG might not be for people who don't know much about computers, but i'm sure people can find a better alternative then this.

    It would be cheaper in the long run for you to pay someone to get your internet working with a cheaper company (assuming you ran into problems doing this in the past)

    TPG 60+60GB = $50 a month = 600 a year
    iinet 60+60GB = $130 a month = $1560 a year

    If you lived near, me I would take $400 to get your home working perfectly with TPG and then you can take a $560 profit :)

    • Comparing TPG with iinet is like comparing Garuda Airlines with Singapore Airlines - totally different market positions.

      • They both do the same thing, provide internet access.

        iinet does have better support, but its not worth the $80 extra a month to get an equivalent plan.

        People in this thread need to stop trying to justify why they are with iinet. There is little reason unless you don't have many ISP's available due to lack of exchange in your area.

        • +1

          people pay premium price for a reason, and you'll see that iinet is #2 on the whirlpool ISP list.

          Quality of service is a lot more important to a lot of people than just download quota.

        • +4

          SG airlines and Garuda - both do the same thing as well but one does it better than the other and that's his point. We have to compare apples to apples don't we?

          Not only better support (which I agree with someone above - how often would you call them anyway) but good consistent speed. Something TPG does not have. If you're a gamer, TPG is crap. If you're not (and don't need reliable speed) and you don't face any issues (thus not having to deal with their reps) then lucky you!

          Also, I think $80 difference might be a bit exaggerated. In my case, it's only $30 difference. I am in no way backing iiNet, I'm all for a better bargain. But from my own personal experience, the $30 extra I pay is very worth the service I am getting from them when compared to my experience with TPG.

          • @ohsnap: Gold.

          • @ohsnap: If you read below I mentioned that Internode is a better alternative then iinet. I'd like to hear what you have to say negatively about them?

            I'm a gamer with TPG and I get great pings. The only reason I would go elsewhere is if i wanted crazy low pings from being on an ISP gaming server while with the ISP.

            as below, iinet are trying to be like Telstra. They are in the position to offer more quota, they just want more money. iinet USED to be competitive and offer good plans.

            • +1

              @samfisher5986: I'm not sure why you're asking me (with a sour tone?) if I have anything negative to say about Internode. I don't because I have not have experience with them. The things I've said about TPG is what I've experienced first hand and that's what my comments are based on.

              As I said, lucky you if you've had good experience with TPG. Not everyone have, and those who don't are just merely explaining to you why we'd rather pay that little bit more and go with iiNet. This is not a competition you know. :)

              Also, you might be generalizing a little too much. I did my research thoroughly when I left TPG, and have considered Internode but found that they were generally more expensive. I've just had a look again - I'm using Naked DSL and for 20G less, I have to pay $50 more to go with Internode. So Internode does not offer me a better deal.

    • +2

      pretty misleading post…

      smarter people would choose
      iinet bundled 60+60 = $70/month, line rental $30

      • +1

        Regular line rental is $20.95 a month with Telstra, and soon to be $10 a month with TPG.

        Why pay $30?

        Maybe if you get some sort of good phone plan, but then there is VOIP and better phone deals around anyway.

        • +2

          point is you are not very well-informed and made an exaggerated and misleading post…

          you don't pay $130 a month for 60/60, when you can get line rental added for a total of $100…….

          and misleading again…

          you can't get $20.95 Home Budget line and adsl from another ISP with Telstra… some people have had luck getting around it…but some people have been caught as well… Telstra have rights to terminate your line at anytime.

          Telstra website:

          "HomeLine® Budget customers agree not to acquire services from other carriage service providers by dialing their access override code and must not acquire a broadband service from another service provider which is provided using line sharing technology."

          • -1

            @ash: Some people?

            Try EVERYONE has got homeline budget with ADSL2 with other companies and had no problems.

        • Do you mind to tell me the better phone deals around?

  • This is good Im going to finally switch from my 40/40 plan to a new 60/60 plan.
    Currently I'm paying (Including line rental and voip calls) ~$130-$135 a month.

    With this new plan I'll be paying $109 which includes VoIP calls.

    Bargain I say!

  • Which isp is comparable if you don't include TPG?

    Internode is more expensive isn't it.. so who else is there?

      • +1

        excetel only provide customer support via email and the charge $1.50 for every megabyte you use over your monthly quota. No shaping. Local support via 1300 (Voip) or (02) numbner.

        • $1.50 per GIGAbyte (not megabyte)

          • @WaywardOne: still not good enough for some people, every month i have exceed more than 10gb+, thats mean cost me extra at least $15
            but for some people that never exceed their download allowance. thats should be okay

            make sure upload is not counting in your allowance. TPG don't.

    • Who else? A lot of them…

      Edit beaten!

    • +1

      iinet - 15GB peak + 25GB offpeak - $60 a month

      Better value plans
      Internode - 35GB - $60 a month - better as you aren't forced to use offpeak to get better value + HUGE benefits (check their site for details)
      Exetel - 60GB peak + 60GB offpeak - $50 a month
      Netspace - 20GB peak + 40GB offpeak - $60 a month
      iPrimus - 51GB peak 50 GB offpeak - $50 a month
      AAPT - 20GB peak - UNLIMITED offpeak - $50 a month.

      And then there is TPG, which you really should consider.

      And there is more use

      • Netspace I have been with.. service was bad.
        iPrimus and AAPT are not even in the same league.

        Exetel seem to have a number of probs.. altho a few (including a couple on ozbargain don't have any probs)..

        I'm with Internode at the moment - they have been the best of the lot. At the moment sticking with them.. be interested in some decent competition in the future.

      • Internode has "easy broadband" plan adsl 1 or 2 (2 if you are enabled) 50 bucks for 50 gig.
        Uploads are part of the deal though with this plan.

        It makes it a worthy competitor as this is well priced and they are nothing short of excellent to deal with.

      • +1

        Hopefully time will heal your iiNet wounds, you're obviously hurting pretty bad.

  • +3

    iinet get crappier every year. They are the new telstra

  • +1

    I did some research, given some of the plans (The bundles) have got huge upgrades now, I thought maybe I can get myself a better deal.

    I'm currently on the following:
    iiNet Internet Home 6 25g/45g - $70
    iiNet VOIP - $10 (if you take out voip, internet price goes up anyway)
    Telstra home line - $20
    Total $100

    I have 2 options

    1) Swap to Naked DSL
    Internet 50g/50g - $80
    BUT the uploads are counted, and given games like MW2 use me as a host alot (and i seed my ….linux ISO's 1:1 at least, so thats double the quota I'd need), thats not much good for me.

    2) Change my telstra phone to iinet
    Internet 50g/50g - $60
    iiNet home phone - $30
    iiNet VOIP - $10
    Total: $100 but lots more quota! AND seeing as I use skype for outgoing calls I can delete the $10 voip to make it $90 a month. And its all one one automatically deducted bill.

    SO there are bargains there to be had, you just have to look at the different plan configurations! I'm still not happy about my plan being shafted, but I think I'll try to swap my home phone to iiNet.

    • change ur voip with pennytel, cost u only $5 / month, but per call is cheaper than other competitor and this $5 is credit that u can use as well

  • +1

    I won't be changing to the new plans. 5gb extra peak on the plan im on for a cut down on offpeak times. yeah.. no thanks.

    Peaks time Quota amounts are ridiculous unless you spend a huge amount but they should have left the times alone. one step forward, two steps back. at least on the older plans the offpeak start was at 12am. The new times - 2am to 8am, I'm hardly up at 2am and if anything im up by 7am and STILL 64k shaping… yeah no good for me.

    They could have done better and was waiting to see what they would do here as I've been loyal to them for almost a decade. When I move next year, I'll be going to another provider.

    I doubt they will even have a christmas bonus on the 25th.

  • +1

    I think it's good. From 22gb/30gb to 50gb/50gb. I'm happy.

    • +1

      Yea I think it's good too.

      Going from 40/40 to 60/60 and paying $30 less!

  • Sorry if this is a dumb question but where on the website does it tell you that the "plans have been upgraded so here are your options…" or something similar? I can obviously see that the plans have been changed but for existing customers, did you get an email from iinet or something?

    • +3

      The emails will come out… soon.
      I managed to find this one on whirlpool. Since for some it contains a good deal, i decided to post it here.

      • +1

        Thanks. I'm gonna vote + as I get an extra 25gb. The reduction of off-peak time is disappointing but no biggie I hope. Looks like some customers get a better benefit than others. Voip/naked customers don't benefit as much as phone bundled customers like me.

        • +1

          Correct. Bundling with phone is more profitable for ii. Staff have eluded that this will also be reflected in the upcoming ADSL1 plan updates (due later this month).

  • For those on Broadband 1, the reps on Whirlpool said they would be updated soonish.

  • +1

    No bargain just an ISP sales pitch.

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