First one… and it won't be for everyone.
ii has (finally) updated its plans. For existing customers that have their phone bundled, there's an early Christmas (i've gone from 65GB to 120GB for the same price).
Summary between old and new:
Residential plans -
Business plans -
Upgrade for existing customers -
It must be said that there are plans out there with other providers that are more GB for your buck… but this is a decent increase in some of the existing plans.
Well I gain 25 Gig and lose 4 hours of off peak time. This is actually better for us for when I occasionally go over quota it is either a) on off peak time and it is therefore throttled in the mornings when my wife wants to use the internet or b) go over peak limit which has increased by a massive 20 gig!! So that wont be happening again. Only possible downside could be not having enough off peak hours in the day to get stuff I DL but that is pretty unlikely as most of it comes down very quickly and worse case towards the end of the month I can schedule stuff in peak times as well given it has triple in quota!
Havign said all that and being happy with it, I do agree somewhat that this is not really a bargin as such, just iiNet keeping up with the cheaper and larger DL limits of other ISPs.