Seriously I don't get the latest trend with this pulled beef, Just give me normal beef thank you. Pulled beef mixed with sauce, use much less meat for the same amount of space. WHy do people buy into this or are people too lazy to chew?
Pulled beef is a scam!

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In the packaged sandwiched meats at coles, they sell shaved ham, except instead of ham it's beef. Beef is generally dry, so they mix it with a sauce.
One lucky bull!
Haven't you heard of milking the bull?
Pulled beef is a term that means a cut of meat that is slow cooked to the point of being able to be pulled apart. This means several hours of normal cooking (stewing) or an hour of pressure cooking. It simply means a form of over-cooking.
When properly done at a restaurant, it's delish.
For fast food ventures, it's a clever practice to make the beef appear to have more volume. Stuff it with sauce and you won't know if the beef is well cooked or dry.
Any animal that gives its life for our food so we may live deserves respect. Only eating prime tender cuts wastes a tremendous amount of perfectly edible meat. If you're going to kill an animal for food, why not use all of it?
And mechanically recovered meat, where they effectively scour the carcass with a wire brush to get all the flecks of meat ended up with BSE in the UK.
I am a reasonably thoughtful meat eater, but there are good reasons to be choosey about the "meat products" we are fed if you are not buying full cuts of meat.That's a bit of a leap from delicious ways to cook brisket, chuck, or shoulder cuts - there's plenty to eat beyond the prime cuts.
Looking at your other comments, we agree.
Using all cuts or an animal is just smart, and what we are doing here at OzB already.
My only objection is when Jamie Oliver or similar chef cottons on to the flavourful cuts I had always been using (making them more costly).@mskeggs:
Yeah, I remember those little lamb cutlets being dirt cheap, so I grew up on them. Now I can't afford them, because apparently somebody decided they are trendy now.@SlickMick: likewise here. I have assumed, perhaps wrongly, that when the price of wool dropped so low it created such a mass execution of sheep (from those days when just about every paddock was teeming with sheep) the price of lamb dropped significantly. I remember the drought years of the past when whole sheep sold for $2 too. Then of course, after on fewer sheep were raised, caused the price of lamb to increase. We rarely buy cutlets now too; bbq lamb chops instead.
Didn't BSE get into the food chain by diseased animals being rendered/processed for feed back to healthy stock and because the incubation period was long nobody noticed until it was too late.
They said it was safe, that it (BSE) wouldn't cross the species barrier but since then we have early onset Creutzfeldt Yakob disease.
You seem to be under the impression that the process of getting a prime cut of meat involves:
- Kill animal.
- Remove the prime cuts.
- Throw everything else away.
I have no idea what green propaganda gave you that idea but it's completely wrong.
Not what I said, but if a butcher stops by they will advise the process they take to break down a carcass.
It includes directing items like cartilage, skins, bone, nerve matter etc to use streams that aren't ingesting in humans.
It is about segmenting the meat into value portions, so for a steer it will be eye fillet, scotch, rump, strip/sirloin, flank, skirt steaks, shin/osso bucco, cheeks, tongue and other offal like tripe, then various small off cuts that get dropped in the mincer.
A butcher is a trade trained specialist because getting maximum value out of a carcass is a job that requires dedication, talent and experience.
Throwing the slops and bones in the equivalent of a cement mixer with wire bristles and using the output as cow food was a betrayal of the heritage of that expert trade, and I have yet to meet a butcher who thinks mechanically recovered meat like a chicken nuggets are worth anything more than a shudder.Apology; negged in error.
Thank you for helping, but I cannot see how to retract the vote. Could you please list steps I would need to do so? I must take more care in future; trouble with using mobile phones in this website.
Nothing is wasted in the meat industry bro… what doesn't end up in your plate or cheapo Bunnings sausage ends up as dog food!
This. A butcher does a 4 year apprenticeship to be an expert at using every portion of a meat raised animal. Note there are some portions that aren't food.
That goes into soap, leather, Fire retardant, etc very little is wasted
I'm not saying it is, I'm saying pulled beef isn't a scam. Techniques to cook the tougher cuts are perfectly valid - it's not about being too lazy to chew.
I tremendously agree, and those techniques like slow cooking and smoking are exactly bargain cooking!
ok, next time I buy lamb from Coles, I'm going to ask for it's skin to make a rug and its head to hang on the wall, satisfied now?
family own beef farm you total right.
It's the cheapest cuts of beef too. But it is tasty. Pulled beef is way cheaper than a steak, it's horses for courses.
I'm pretty sure that's only at Aldi…
And Ikea
If pulled beef comes from horses where does lamb come from?
Someone call ACCC, FBI, NSA, RSPCA, PTO, WTF!
Yeah, this might be a testament to Australian's misunderstanding of the concept of a scam.
Pulled beef would be a scam if it were either not pulled or not beef. It's a secondary cut that's overcooked and seasoned to make enjoyable (quite enjoyable).
Being Hyperbolic is as bad as being Hitler.
How do you define pulled beef to be overcooked?
I don't believe it is necessary to answer your question; the meaning was quite well delivered. But I digress, "overcooked" really refers to the "slow cooking" method used … which takes longer, to receive the desired result. Sure the beef could have been tossed on the bbq but it would result in a very tough portion indeed. Pulled beef makes the best use of a tough piece of beef; economical and liked by most.
@JediJan: If you mean slow cooked, say slow cooked. Overcooked means you cooked it too much relative to how long you should have cooked it for.
@Parentheses: Technically yes its "overcooked", with prime cuts we cook to rare, medium, well (55/60/65c), Which is acceptable for prime cuts as they start out tender. With secondary cuts you overcook them. At about 90c the connective tissue and collagen starts to break down. Which coats the strands of meat. Giving the impression its juicy, not so.
I would have either used the term slow-cooked or overcooked. Something can be both slow-cooked and overcooked, and something can be slow-cooked and done at just the right time and temperature.
e.g. Roast a lamb shoulder for 90 degrees for 2 days, that's both slow cooked and overcooked. Stick a lamb shoulder in sous vide for 2 days at 55C, and it's just slow cooked.
It's not just a scam it's a conspiracy!
or are people too lazy to chew?
Big Food is ladening our food with sugar to addict us, rot our teeth and make us obese. Pulled beef/pork is prolefeed for the great unwashed with advanced tooth decay.
In all seriousness, OP was hyperbolic but has a point; pulled beef/pork/lamb/chicken is an inferior product presently marketed as a superior product and seems to have become a fad.
So pulled beef or other meat refers to cooking it for a long time on low heat with your chosen marinade or rub, then fragmenting the resulting super tender meat with a fork or similar to end up with a shredded meat product.
It really is a legit carnivore treatment, the equivalent of a casserole or other slow cook meal we are more familiar with, but from the USA.
Certainly, my mate from the South in the US has strong opinions on gourmet standard slow-cooked pulled beef and pork.
I suppose the equivalent here is how lamb shanks used to be cheap and tasty slow cook casserole base, but now are expensive and gourmet (perhaps tasty, but I won't know at the prices today.)
I am skeptical of most of the sealed plastic shells of meat/ham etc. because, hey, buy real meat, but I don't think there is any reason to be upset about this particular variation if you will happily eat the ham/turkey/chicken etc.Just give me normal beef thank you
Here is a large serving of normal beef now why do you mind about what I'm eatin over hurr :|
What about beef burger patties? How much of those percentage wise are beef, and how much is filler?
Is that a scam too?
What about sausages? Chicken nuggets?
I'm not sure if the OP is a troll or not :S
I'm not sure if the OP is a troll or not :S
I've been wondering this for a while!
I think op is pulling his own meat
Could probably do with an extra shower..
Every time financialwar makes a new thread, it's like pulling back another layer of the onion. Apparently he only wears $2000 suits, thinks someone who earns $75k a year is a 'beggar,' but only showers twice a week and thinks pulled meat is a 'scam.'
As i said before I think op is pulling his own meat
it's like pulling back another layer of the onion.
Well it sure leaves most of us with tears in our eyes.
this is the same poster who gave us gems like "You shower once every how many days?" and "Why are there so many lame "bargains"
this scam is SPAM or is spam also a scam
I'm pink therefore I'm Spam
To err is human. To spam is divine.
The worse thing is, Domino's pizza used to use huge slices of pork on its pizzas, but now they used pulled (mashed) pork, so I stopped buying them.
ah so that's what they did. I think they did a similar thing with their chicken pizzas as well.
I made pulled pork sliders for dinner the other night. Slow cooked a piece of pork butt (aka: pork shoulder) with some garlic, Worcestershire sauce, apple juice, covered with a layer of brown sugar. 8 hours later, chucked it on a roll with some coleslaw. It was not a scam.
I do this regularly for the family as well as slow cooked beef and lamb. In fact we will be having lamb tonight. They all love it.
Sounds delicious I must try it sometime. How much of each ingredient do you use?
I went roughly by this recipe. I also used about 8 or 9 cloves of garlic. Cut small slits in the top of the raw meat, and pushed the cloves in. Just gives it a scrumptious garlicy tinge (which wasn't overpowering). You can of course skip the garlic if it's not your thing.
that's one tasty sounding scam right there!!!
We had Pizza night last weekend and the wife didn't know what pulled beef is so we ordered one just to try it out.
Wse both agreed that pulled beef is definitely better in quality. I can only assume that it takes more time to prepare and maybe cost a bit more to source.
Pulled pork and beef are widely eaten in the Southern US and also some of our favourite foods. However, they taste much different there, properly smoked for hours in a smoker and topped with a little sauce and cole slaw. Probably because (as others mention), most people are fairly poor and cannot afford expensive cuts of meat, so we have adapted these cheaper cuts and turned them into something that is a part of our culture and we love it :)
I have yet to have anything here in Australia that really even comes close to tasting the same (or as yummy) but it's great that they are trying to make use of the cheaper cuts of meat.
Pulled pork is extremely popular in Hawaii. Every diner with a plate lunch offers it. It only differs from other pork products in the way it is cooked so I don't really understand the OP.
it also differs in the cut used. clearly you aren't getting pulled pork from all pork cuts. otherwise we'd have pulled bacon!
Sounds like Aussies trying to do bagels… which is really just donut shaped breads here…
When I served my Apprenticeship as a Chef, many moons ago. I was taught, that the way to make money, is to use the cheapest cuts of meat and make them look and taste nice.
as opposed to using expensive cuts and making them look poor?
That would be hipster cooking.
Lol this guy and his hilarious forum posts. He's the JV of the forums.
Haha! I didn't realise he was the "how often do you showeR" guy. He's definitely on the loopier end of OzB'ers ;)
Every time he posts something, it's pure gold.
I always waste a lot of money on overpriced drinks so that I could get laid. Wish there is a deal on drinks on Ozbargain, like the box of condom I bought
I shower every two days in summer and every three days in winter. Shower every day is just a waste of water and time, and it's not good for your skin.
So… I just threw up a little.
Surprised that OZbargainers actually would be willing to pay for media when you can get them for free on the internet… lol.
the wire isn't that good. Naruto is better.
Mate I know more about computers than your own family combined.
Ugly boots… can't wear them with my $2000 suits.
75k is an high earner? WTF. 75k is a begger.
I don't know if he's ill, or he's actually Kahn from King of the Hill.
What is JV? JV means joint venture, you know, something that only investment banker of a bulge bracket like me touches. You normal people wouldn't have a clue about it.
So what do you mean by JV?
Joint venture
You really not quite as good as jv despite your supposed experience in joint ventures
Have you guys tried pushed beef!
isn't that beef sausages?
its normal beef but pulled.
Q. What do you call a
cowbull having a wank in the paddock?A. Beef Stroganoff
What do you call a budgie that has been run over by a lawnmower?
Shredded Tweet.
Saying this is a scam is a bit over the top. As cost goes up, if the price stays the same manufacturers would need to find inovative ways to stay in business and this is one of them. Also when you buy anything nowadays the dollar per gram is already worked out for you making it very easy to compare if you are getting value for money. If you think it's over priced then don't buy it.
About 20 years ago, when our family ran a takeaway, father made some food that had either chicken or beef. My dad was supposed to dice meat, but he cooked, then pulled it instead before adding to the food. The customers including restaurants we delivered to did not like this at all as it looked like an awful concept!
Fast-forward to today, it's now considered gourmet and healthy, after high end restaurants started the trend. Funny how things work this way….
Pulled meat isn't generally considered healthy - it's usually cooked in a fair amount of sugar - having said that, it's delicious!
Here I am, on my day off, making slow cooked Coca-Cola pulled pork for dinner.
Sorry OP.
Nice, what's your recipe? This is one of my favourites
These are my go to:…
(I use coke instead of Dr pepper)
I also have a few bottles of sweet baby rays bbq sauce good to go as well.
Delicious! Speaking of Dr Pepper I really enjoy Dr Pepper Ribs - there's a hilarious guy on youtube who does a recipe on them. for the slow-cooking part you can substitute the Dr Pepper for Coke using only Dr Pepper for the sauce itself, takes the cost down quite a bit.
But I also love a smoked pork:
I have just started trying to smoke my own. Very fun way to eat meat.
More into pulling the pud, I reckon :-)
we make it ourselves. just use topside beef or pork shoulder, trim off fat and put it in pressure cooker for 1hr and the meat melt to pieces. add sauce.
love guzman y gomez's pulled beef burritos!
That sounds amazing… what sort of sauce do you use on yours?
In the 90's I had pulled beef in taco's made the Mexican way in North America. I watched as they used a fork to shred the beef. Never been able to reproduce it at home though. It was quite nice. Any links on how to do this?
I slow cook a beef roast in a slow cooker for 12-24 hours (depending on how much beef I use). Then it shreds easily with a fork.
I use this recipe…
Get Spam instead
agreed, taste terrible
Anything 'PULLED' beef, pork, lamb etc have been now tested in most fastfood chain. Guess the next one might be Subway pulled something shaw limited edition… which am not going to get
Why is this even a thread?
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What is pulled beef? I've never heard of it