Celebrating the epic film trilogy, The Hobbit Trilogy Edition of Monopoly features locations from the story recounting the adventures of Bilbo, Gandalf, Thorin, and his Company of Dwarves, in their quest to reclaim their ancestral home of Erebor.
Cheapest on Ebay is $59.30 Shipped from UK
Also worth a mention:
Zelda Monopoly Collector's Edition - $47.47 + $9.95 Shipping
Courage, wisdom and power will be yours as you travel through time in this special Collector's Edition of The Legend of Zelda Monopoly. Players buy, sell and trade iconic locations throughout the land of Hyrule.
But cheapest on Ebay is $55.95 Posted but only 6 available.
Beat The Bomb offer flat-rate $9.95 shipping, so if ordering 2 or more sets it's cheaper to get from them rather than Ebay :)
Because real-estate was such an integral theme of the book.
Smells like cynical money-grabbing to me. Hasbro could be represented by Smaug.