Cheap MELBOURNE to NEW YORK Return tickets? (1st week of August)

So far the cheapest return ticket i can find is $1400.

The airport in New York is not important, and neither is the travel time. I just need to be back 2nd week on the Monday.

Please suggest any good booking sites, and how soon should i book?



  • +1

    So far the cheapest return ticket i can find is $1400.

    That IS cheap…

    Can you provide more information…

    Are you a student or under 26? Do you want to leave New York on the 9th of August or be back in Melbourne on the 10th of August.
    What is your budget?

    I'd be booking in the next week.

    Check sites like <— student flights

    • I'm a student and I want to be back on Monday the 10th.

      My budget is really just the cheapest as possible. I'll have $1300 by next week, that's why I want to find a ticket that price so I won't have to wait another week and the prices might increase.

      The ticket i was referring to was from Student Universe. What do you think of that site?


      • I think that $1350-1400 is the cheapest you are going to find realistically.

        Student Universe appears to be a U.S. site… Careful the prices you view aren't in USD.

        Have you looked at accomodation for NYC yet?

        The cheapest I saw on student universe was ~$1360 AUD


        • AHHH Thankyou so much for recommending STA Travel.
          I found a flight that was $1373.92, and after searching online i also found a $50 promo code!!
          So all up the ticket is $1323.92AUD :D

          I'm going to be staying at the Manhattan Hostel, it's about $50AUD a night so it'll just be a roof over my head

        • @Ramona97: You're staying next to a subway which is good. Neighbourhood is on the kinda dodgy side though haha.

          I was just in NYC so I am happy to answer any questions you might have if you've never been. What I will say is that I recommend getting the New York Pass for attractions.

        • @knick007:

          Yeah i've never been. This will be my first time overseas, had to get a passport and everything, and i'll be going alone… so yeah thanks for scaring me even more :P

          I'm actually going to see the Daily Show before Jon Stewart's departure. I didn't really plan on seeing any NYC attractions (besides like checking out the museums etc.). What attractions did you see and which were/weren't worth it?

          A few other questions i have… (which i'll probably continue to post to this discussion)

          Where did you end up staying while in NYC?
          At what time's do you think it's not safe for me to leave my hostel?
          Do you think it'll be fine if i took the bus and subway from the station instead of a cab?
          How much extra cash should i take with me?

          Any other general advice about being a tourist in NYC will be greatly appreciated!

        • +2

          @Ramona97: I stayed in SoHo forget the name of the hotel but it was near the spring st metro station..

          At what time's do you think it's not safe for me to leave my hostel?

          Look don't worry to much about this. New York is pretty safe now days and it's gonna be light till late because you're going in summer. That said probably if it gets to past midnight and you aren't back at your hostel for whatever reason get a uber or a cab.

          I went with 2 other friends so we were in a group so it wasn't a big issue for me.

          Do you think it'll be fine if i took the bus and subway from the station instead of a cab?

          Do you mean from the airport? In which case yeah that should be fine.

          What attractions did you see and which were/weren't worth it?

          I went to all the museums, I went to the Top Of The Rock and the top of the Empire State Building. I also went to the Statue Of Liberty. All worth it.

          You should go to the new WTC that just opened.

          I didn't really plan on seeing any NYC attractions

          What were you planning on doing then?

          Other tips:
          - Get the 7 day unlimited subway pass($30)
          - sign up now for a Citibank plus account to avoid withdrawal charges.

          How much cash you will need depends on how much you eat and what things you want to see. Also if you want to go shopping etc…

        • +2


          Honestly you're going for such a short period I'd definitely pay a little more not to be stuck in transit and spend all your time in NYC tired and jetlagged. I can't see the STA flight you were looking at but student universe has one 1/8 - 8/8 for $1439 with 24/25 hour transit which I would definitely pay $100 extra for rather than spend an overnight in an airport.

          Where to stay? Lower Manhattan is where the main tourists sites are or personally I don't mind Brooklyn but in reality the subway is so good it's not a major worry. If you haven't booked the accommodation already there's a decent on B Hotel and Hostel looks well located and cheap. If you have your wits about you that hostel should really be fine any time but I'd still recommend to at least travel back with someone else from the hostel if you're going to be late. Remember the worst that will probably happen is you lose your phone and wallet so just make sure you're not carrying more than you care to lose and you have another way to get money out if it does.

          Cab from the airport do you mean? Really depends on time of day I've done it from Newark and JFK with no issues but it's obviously takes a lot longer, also depends where you're staying and which airport you're flying to. Read this to understand your options.

          As knick007 said you can open a Citibank account to save on withdrawal fees or Westpac will give you free withdrawals from Bank of America, or alternatively take the pre-paid travel card option.

          Sounds like your going to try and to it quite cheap so I'd say you should be looking at $40US minimum a day if your not planning to eat restaurants mostly or $80US if you want to eat out more often. This is on top of accommodation and just for food+transport and general little things you may need. If you're planning to buy things then add that on obviously.

          I would start thinking about what you want to see and try and find some bargains before you go eg. groupon etc.

          Maybe a Bus Tour on one of your first days there is a good way to see the place as it's unlikely you'll see as much taking the subway everywhere and the commentary is handy to get a "feel" of the place. Maybe your first day there when your a little jetlagged and not feeling like walking around much!

        • +1

          Thanks for backing me up @zappy_32: I completely agree with you about the flight. It isn't worth the $100 saving. OP You are going to one of the worlds best cities and you really will spend the first day adjusting to the time zone. You don't want to waste a day hanging around a airport… not worth it.

          I'd recommend grabbing a U.S. SIM card. Google maps was excellent while I was there. Also if you sign up to uber it will be useful and cheap for getting back to your hotel late if necessary. After a long day walking around NYC you'll be pretty exhausted so if on the first day you are struggling to adjust it could really help.

          Definitely make sure you try the shake shack. There is quite reasonably priced food in New York. The $1 Pizza slices are a good quick and cheap lunch. Don't eat near Times Square as the prices are crazy. Go to China town one night.

          Most importantly have fun.

          As for accomodation if you haven't booked you might want to do a little more research.

          Ps if you haven't already make sure you do your esta visa soon!!

        • @knick007:

          Just wondering where I'd get a US SIM card from? And with the uber is the $25 first time ride still applicable in the US, and does it mean I get a free ride if it's under $25?

          I'll take the flight length under consideration - i may even try to go a few days earlier just to make the most of it.

          What's an esta visa?? Isn't having a passport enough?

          PS - i'm a vegan so i'm probably not going to get much out of what NYC offers food-wise. le cry :'(

        • @Ramona97:

          Just wondering where I'd get a US SIM card from?
          I got mine from here but there are often travel sim deals on OzBargain. If I see one I'll post it here.

          —- something like this deal (that has expired) —-

          And with the uber is the $25 first time ride still applicable in the US, and does it mean I get a free ride if it's under $25?

          Not actually sure about this. You might want to email Uber or ask them on Facebook…

          What's an esta visa?? Isn't having a passport enough?

          Alright you've never been overseas so I won't rant about this…

          A ESTA Visa is an electronic authorisation to enter the US for 90 days on a tourist visa.

          Assuming you have a Australian passport go to it only takes a few minutes to complete. It is US$16 and is valid for 4 years (I think). You can't get into the US without having done this. You will however need your flight number and hostel address

          PS - i'm a vegan so i'm probably not going to get much out of what NYC offers food-wise. le cry :'(

        • +1


          If you do get a US sim card you can signup for a US Uber account and get $30.

          Nice reminder about ESTA knick007, I forget that those who haven't travel wouldn't think of these things!

          I wouldn't leave it too much longer to buy tickets if I were you, they're likely to just keep going up from this point in time.

          Actually, NYC would be one of the best places to go when you're vegan. I'm vegetarian so always try and find some nice places where vegetarian food isn't just an afterthought and there are plenty in NYC.

 is my goto to find restaurants.

        • @zappy_32: yeah New York should be fine for vegan restaurants. OP You might want to find a blog or something or a forum somewhere where there is a defined list of decent places.

          I agree with not leaving the tickets any later than the end of this week. School holidays are coming up and it'll be more expensive

  • Hi OP

    Had a quick look on STA for you and there is a flight for $1368.52 with the promo code STUDENT.

    You depart on the 31st of July

    And leave New York on the 8th back at 7:25 am on the 10th

    How does that sound?

    But I'd book ASAP if necessary get someone you know with a credit card to book and you can pay them next week when (presumably) you get paid.

  • Hi again OP

    Are you still after flights ? May interest you :)


  • +1

    Some tips for NYC…
    If you are landing at JFK get the Airtrain from the terminal and connect to the Subway (at Jamaica station). Cabs to the city are quite cheap by Oz standards, but if you are traveling by yourself, the Subway is cheaper again.
    Get a 7-day MTA pass and use it a lot, on the Subway and buses.
    Forget any advice you might get about the dangers of using the Subway, or most of the problems about dodgy neighborhoods. So long as you use your common sense, you are probably safer in NYC than you are in most Australian cities.
    Beware of scams when you apply your ESTA, there are a few around.
    Vegan is fine in NYC. Vegan in Texas is an all other thing…
    Also, if you go shopping, remember that many retailers give special deals to foreign buys. F'rinstance, Macy's has a discount card that effectively refunds your State Taxes, make sure you take Aussie ID when you go shopping. Ask for the card when you go in the entry and they will direct you.
    You can find some cheap accommodation uptown in suburbs like Harlem. Great atmos and brilliant food, especially in the Cuban neighborhoods in the 140s.
    And don't order a 'white coffee'. I did once. Did not end well… It's 'coffee with cream'.

    • Some tips for NYC…

      All Excellent tips

      Vegan is fine in NYC. Vegan in Texas is an all other thing…


      And don't order a 'white coffee'. I did once. Did not end well… It's 'coffee with cream'.

      Yeah me too…
      I'm from Melbourne I know what coffee is and Americans just don't. They are learning though…

      Coffee with milk/creme to me isn't something I'm happy to pay $3 for. I asked one place in New York if they had a proper coffee machine and they looked at me like I was crazy…

      F'rinstance, Macy's has a discount card that effectively refunds your State Taxes, make sure you take Aussie ID when you go shopping.

      Yeah good point I was gonna mention this once the OP was 100% confirmed to go.
      Anyway if you go to the service dept in Macys and scan your passport you'll get a 10% off voucher. There are also other various deals they offer.

      Get a 7-day MTA pass and use it a lot, on the Subway and buses.

      Again good point one thing is that travel cards are not accepted by the subway machines so just use a regular bank card (debit card)

      Forget any advice you might get about the dangers of using the Subway, or most of the problems about dodgy neighborhoods. So long as you use your common sense, you are probably safer in NYC than you are in most Australian cities.

      Once again true but always good to be careful.

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