It is not illegal for any Australian citizen reading this to download any work that is covered under copyright for non-commercical purposes. You are not a criminal if you do this: the only recourse open to rights holders is to sue you.
You might have the impression that it is illegal as most media uses phrases such as "illegal downloading" to refer to such activities and likewise so do your supposed representatives Canberra (much like they refer to "illegal boat people" despite the non-white boat people breaking no law at all).
Despite this and because of lobbying which is bluntly using money to buy off your gummints and remove your power over your own country the Au gov has decided to pass legislation that allows rights holders to have websites blocked.
The only reason the block occurs is because a large corporate entity has a problem with your behaviour. The behaviour they have a problem with is legal.…
Power essentially can be reduced to having options - that's all power really is. You have just had a significant amount of power removed as you can no longer exercise your LEGAL option of downloading your favouraite TV show.
How about you drop a line to your closest Labour or Liberal representative and ask them why the hell are they removing your power for no other reason than satisfying corporate lobbyists?
Downloading an episode of spongebob for the kids is illegal…but using the internet to brainwash future terrorists is fine.