ACER Aspire ES1-411-C2TL 14" Notebook plus 20% coupon: $215.2 Plus $39 Acer Cash Back, $50 eBay Voucher.
Totals only $126.2> seems like a good deal.
Original Coupon Code Post
$50 eBay Voucher Post
$39 Acer Cash Back
ACER Aspire ES1-411-C2TL 14" Notebook plus 20% coupon: $215.2 Plus $39 Acer Cash Back, $50 eBay Voucher.
Totals only $126.2> seems like a good deal.
Original Coupon Code Post
$50 eBay Voucher Post
$39 Acer Cash Back
good news then
Plus 2% cashback ;)
Pretty damn good.
It's the Dual Core version of the one most of us paid $214 for (after cashbacks).
Quad core certainly is better but hard to pass up this new low price! Good find.
Do you has one?
I has one, and the MAJOR major bottleneck seems to be from the HDD, not the dual core processor.
The load on the processor is fine… But the HDD is always "thinking" and chirping away. The ram seems to be OK too. It's the HDD me thinks.
(Also comes with a boatload of acer crapware which takes forever to remove, thanks to the HDD.)
Me thinking that the performance will be greatly improved with an SDD.
I have 2, the Quad Core version though.
Yeah running HDD is rubbish, I found it unbearably horrible. Maybe if you've never experienced SSD performance it's okay but there is no going back to HDD once you've had SSD, and these on HDD are especially SLOW.
Your SSD suspicions are 100% correct!
+$75 for 8GB RAM (DDR3L 1.35v PC3-12800 1600MHz SoDIMM)
+$70 for 120GB SSD (Don't need highend as these laptops are SATA2 limited)
+$28 if you need 5Ghz AC WiFi (Intel 7260)
$271 without the WiFi upgrade. The above prices can be beat if your savvy.
Sell your HDD and 2GB RAM, ~$230 out of pocket. Food for thought.
Laptop runs Windows 8.1 /w Bing - this qualifies for Windows 10 Home free upgrade.
Remember, don't try a fresh install unless you have the Bing ISO (hint: MS don't host it and you can't use any of the normal versions they do host), otherwise you'll need to use Acer Recovery (using an external HDD/USB then install onto SSD, then uninstall bloat for a near-fresh finish)
Acer Recovery how-to videos here:…
Drivers here:…
So grab something like this and use the $50 eBay voucher?
Thanks in advance.
I have the same RAM in mine, works great :)
Also as I can no longer add to the above post, this is good software for those taking the clone route and need to uninstall all the ACER Bloat. Remember to keep Acer Recovery and don't run software in full automatic mode.
Is replacing the HDD straightforward? I tried replacing the drive in (IIRC) an Acer Aspire E5-571G but gave up, as on that model you have to take the top/keyboard off in order to access it and didn't want to potentially snap the thing. Most laptop drives I've replaced in the past could be accessed from underneath.
You'll be happy.
This laptop is the easiest I've ever opened in a long time.
17 screws and you're in. No fancy prying needed like some. No messing with keyboards. Just one thing to be careful of is the sound wire when you open it for the first time - open slowly and carefully disconnect it.
Replacing HDD, RAM and even WIFI is all super-easy, even for a first timer.
Another thing to be wary of is putting the case back on, slide it in slightly from the side first otherwise you can end up cracking it where the 3.5mm audio jack is (I did this on my first laptop, as did a few others. I learnt and did the 2nd one smoothly)
Not as easy as I'd like, but if there's no prying, I'm happy. Cheers!
Wish I saw this post earlier
Had some trouble with the headphone socket but its still working
Not sure about sound wire
Where abouts is/was it ?
plus 2% cashback from cashrewards
how to you this 2% cashback?
Visit eBay via Cashrewards website (you'll need to be signed up there first obviously)
The credit takes a few weeks to appear but over time it'll add up if you remember this practice every time.
I dunno why, but I just bought one. It is going to sit next to my netbooks for a long time.
makes that $199 netbook look expensive
Great deal but the dual core version of this will be pretty hopeless without upgrades,
i think thats a given, 4Gb + 120Gb ssd and a 5ghz wireless should be fine
500Gb external HDDs are like $50 so thats a saving right there (recycle the hdd with an ebay case)
Yeah, IMO even the quadcore version was extremely laggy with stock HDD. Installing SSD should be mandatory for anyone buying this laptop, even if it's a gift for your mother unless… no, no unless, PUT A SSD IN, PLEASE!
Night and day after SSD goes in.
Mine runs great with 8gb ram and the stock hdd
Each to their own, I heard some people are fine with the HDD. I found it too slow even after the memory upgrade. So much so I even upgraded the wife's who rarely uses hers. I must have less patience than most :)
HOWEVER: To be completely fair, I hadn't completed a fresh install at that stage. So 4/8GB RAM + HDD with fresh install might be okay.
@Click_It: Ahh maybe :P I havnt done a fresh install either (did remove most of the bloatware though), and runs well with 5+ tabs in chrome, unless i have like 5 youtube tabs going at once :P
That's fair enough. My only other computer is an i7 Desktop with oodles of RAM and highend SSD so my experience with any HDD is biased.
Do you think this one will be ok with dual core and the upgrades?
Honestly, even the quad core is a pretty big compromise. The SDD and RAM bring it up to "usable" even, zippy-ish for what it is but we are also looking at a fresh install. I wouldn't want any less. This is cheap as, no doubt, but it is so very underpowered.
Hmm.. Ok. Yea it is indeed very cheap. Trying to decide whether to get this and then upgrade or keep the quad core one and upgrade (still have it unopened so can refund).
Yeh I have to agree. Despite how sick of a bargain this is, you are still looking at a very low power celeron dual core which might perform okay now after upgrades but probably won't stand the test of time very well. I'm not confident that my quad core one will even last long before it starts to get laggy but as of now it is decently fast.
That's a tough one, ultimately comes down to personal decision based on your usage. I personally am happy with the pricetag on the quad core to not feel bad about missing this deal. I know synthetic benchmarks placed the quad core well ahead of the dual core, but the gap in real life usage is probably closer (comparing both fully upgraded that is).
Take my thoughts with a grain of sand though.
yeah if you do a few cpuboss compares you'll see that most of the core2duos from 5 YEARS AGO put the curbstomp on the N2840
i still think these sub $200 things would do well as disposable kids machines who will most likely sit on youtube and office stuff… after upgrades
mattoo, fancy bumping into you here (yet another Acer deal, lol!)
I share your concerns, the only further measure I can recommend is cloning a fresh (fresh-ish) install and be ready to recover that whenever slow downs are experienced.
Windows 10 is the big unknown next. I've never used any 10 betas so I don't know if it'll run better/worse.
After the hell we experienced (initially), I guess we both feel we need to do our bit to help the new comers :)
Windows 10 is faster than Windows 8
Windows 10 is absolutely fine on my test Lenovo T400 4Gb/120Gb ssd laptop from like 8 yrs ago but even that machine is faster than this Acer (LOL!)
I'd be looking to either Windows 10 with everything toned down or Mint Linux.
Thanks for that, good to know.
Off topic but… I wonder how Windows 10 would go on my aging Fit-PC2 (Z530 Atom, 1GB RAM, HDD), maybe acceptable if I installed an SSD in it. It's only a remote PC so I'm not too fussed.
It currently uses XP. There are no Win10 discussions on their forums about it, though most people stopped using this model years ago I guess :)
I've got two of the N2840's (Toshiba Chromebook 2 and HP Chromebook 11). I also have the Quad Core version of this Acer laptop (I purchased it when Click_It purchased it on the last deal).
If you have no intention of running windows, Linux runs perfectly fine on the N2840 with minimal lag, if any. There are plenty of linux distros out there and one can run certain windows programs.
If windows OS is a priority, then I'd probably agree and skip this processor for at least the Quad Core version. The Acer (mine is in stock configuration) is a bit sluggish and stutters on occasion. It's MUCH better after removing the bloatware and optimising Windows. With Linux on the Quad Core acer, It runs flawlessly - I'm running Lubuntu. I did have lagging with Ubuntu due to the Unity interface.
Keep in mind, like Click_It my main PC is a beast :P with oodles of RAM, a 1TB SSD and a powerful GFX. It's hard for me to go back to HDD performance after experiencing an SSD.
If budget was a concern - I'd forget the ram upgrade for now on this and just install an SSD. Remove the bloatware and most people will be very happy with this performance.
if only the quad core version was on ebay
just out of interest, how painful are acer on the cashback?
i will need to use registered post amirite?
I used registered-express, I had 2 in 1 envelope so I didn't want to take any risks. $6 for peace of mind in my case.
I didn't use registered post and I got confirmation the same week for both letters
Me too. They seemed fine.
I know, I broke the OzBargain mold with that move…
Just fill in form and mail with barcode. Takes a few months to receive.
just bought one. Thank you for sharing the deal.
you beat me mate, was registering my 2nd paypal account to get this.
Still 246 left, not to worry :) $50 is going toward 8GB ram for sure
The redemption code couldn't be used for your purchase. Please verify your code and try again.
I get "There is no balance left on this redemption code"
Code does not work anymore. It says that full amount has been used for this code.
At around $185 after the Acer cash back, it's still a decent price.
There is no balance left on this redemption code
at only 55 bought and 245 left? meh to this
Correct, but the Acer $39 cash back is valid until the end of July.
Unless my math is failing me: $269 - $35 (Acer, ~$4 post) - $50 (eBay) = $184
Code has expired, no point negging.
Bought 1.
Hopefully $50 voucher will come even after using voucher at checkout.
Any suggestions on SSD for this model on bargain price?
I heard these bay traiil can do 4k play back. Any experience?
That's so cheap, but I will probably hurl it into the wall while using it with my big PC.
Dual core makes me cringe.
better this one or JB deal with Quad Core ?
This is better price, the JB deal has better cpu performance. Balance the two on your budget and needs.
Any idea if this SSD will work with this laptop?…
Thank you.
Has anyone received their cashback yet?
Hi everyone (long time lurker on ozbargain, ended up buying this in on impulse via Good Guys eBay store with the 20% off electronics coupon after seeing several deals re this notebook and trying to decide if I really need one). Does anyone know if the $39 cashback will be eligible? T&C in their PDF state that it's not available in conjunction with other offers.. Hoping it will be, because otherwise I was too late on the bargain!
Did anyone receive 50$ Ebay voucher for buying Acer ES1-411-C2TL ( using CTWENTY code?
I took the plunge, still no Ebay voucher to be seen.
When contacted, Ebay confirmed as I received 53$ off via CTWENTY, this purchase is not eligible for a 50$ ebay voucher.
I also used 20% off code but I have already received my $50 voucher. It came via email and also appears under my profile now.
Did you buy this laptop or some other product?
Same laptop
I bought a Acer ES1 411 C2TL (dual core version) in a recent deal.
Fixed on 250GB EVO 850. For the RAM part, which one of the below will suit best?
Not much price diff though… Worried on compatibility… can someone please help?
I bought one from local Ebay seller for $71 and free shipping.
Amazon will cost you the same and it will cause you so much headache if it becomes faulty.
Go for local seller.
Tempted, but unsure whether the $50 voucher will be honoured with the coupon code :/
Looks like $50 voucher is honoured.