Trimat is a good brand of washing powder sold by Aldi. From memory in the Choice tests, it did very well in the cleaning results, up there with OMO and Biozet. If I can get a hold of a copy of the results I'll post.
Comes in Sensitive and normal - suitable for both Top and Front loader.
It goes on sale on the 20th June 2015. Works out to be $3 per kg.
Normally this is sold at Aldi in the smaller packets for $4/kg.
Not a huge bargain, but still better than nothing. It's also paying $3/kg for a soap that will actually clean, rather than getting Earth Choice or Spree or those other ones which when tested by Choice, barely do better than just washing in plain water.
interesting re earth choice?
although I have found earth choice for woolens to be good.