Bought a cheap SIM the other day and had the Woolies ladies tell me they no longer need to bother with ID verification or filling out forms.
But then I ring Vodafail to port my number and had a conversation with a reasonable sounding person who nonetheless refused to believe who I was because I wouldn't produce an SA Drivers Licence number. I've been a repeated customer of theirs for a while now but only for a few minutes before i port back to a Telstra service :p
I already had a Proof of Age card ID with them so I argued with the guy without getting too mad about it but there really seemed to be nothing he could do for me other than say go into a shop.
I have a multi-faceted disability with all the evidence required to substantiate it (long term documentation from multiple recognised sources), sometimes this is an impossible task for me.
Would you say this new policy, presumably part of new Australian gov surveillance laws, is discrimination on disability grounds?
Feel free to weigh in if you really think it isn't because I'm just trying to gauge what to do about it and perhaps I'm being unreasonable, I'll cop to that on occasion.
No.. you're being treated like anyone else would be..
If anything, having an exemption because of your disability would be discrimination!