Seagate Archive ST8000AS0002 3.5" 8TB 128MB 5900RPM Hard Drive. Slightly cheaper than the Shopping Express Deal. Free post. 3 Years warranty.
Seagate 8TB Hard Drive $309 (Free Shipping) from PLE Computers

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Out of stock everywhere except Heatheron (VIC).
Wangara showing as 1 left but that's probably gone.More stock coming soon apparently.
This works out to 0.038 cents per GB, which is ridiculous though.
We received another delivery at Melbourne this afternoon.
More coming next week for both Melbourne and Perth.
Did you forget to convert dollars to cents?
$309 for 8000GB
309/8000 $ per GB
$0.038 per GB
Or 3.8 cents per GB
Please explain how this is FREE SHIPPING? As I can only see free pickup - otherwise postage for me (2450) is just under $20 per unit.
Significant difference, so please clarify.
It would be free shipping to Perth and Melbourne metro areas, our normal freight policy is free shipping over $200 to Perth and Melbourne Metro areas.
I'm happy to do some free shipping on that for everyone else though use the coupon code FREESHIPPINGTOO at the shopping cart page.
Very generous - thanks PLE.
I'm impressed with the service. Thanks PLE.
Same here. Been a while since I've placed an order with them, asked for a pricematch with another local retailer (for another product). Emailed back with "Sure we can", then a few minutes later created a sales order with the order number sent to my mobile and a PDF in my email inbox. Aaron S is a star. Very impressed.
Ah I apologise. PLE does Free Shipping to Perth and Melbourne metro for orders over $200. I will amend
Pros and Cons for use in an HP N54L Microserver serving Plex Media? Would this be suitable for active storage or only for offline archival?
Good article about the 8TB SMR drives, particularly pay attention to the "RAID Usage with SMR" section. I'm not sure if you've ever waited for a large RAID array to rebuild, but it's painful!! Times that by about 5 for these drives!
That's not to say they wouldn't work, just be aware of their limitations and decide if you are ok with those limitations.
Tempting to use this to backup my Microserver!
+1 for BACKUPs on SERVER
I want one to replace my microserver :)
I have 4 x 4tb Hitachi 7200rpm drives In my Microserver.
Would probably put this in my desktop to do weekly backups of photo and other media archives.
Ordered one - much thanks to the OP and also PLE for the very generous free shipping code for us non-Westsiders.
Great timing as I was just needing to consolidate my HDDs with 'linux distros' on them - which are spread over 3 1tb to 3tb drives. These are exactly what I need, which is a HDD that I can write things to and periodically access to read again or write more data too.
I've read a few reviews on them and if you're thinking about RAID or using as a normal HDD then they're NOT A GOOD CHOICE. But perfect for archiving files to.
Thanks again PLE….is a great buy.
Damn out of stock :(
are these drives fast enough to use on a dual tuner PVR?
That'd be a very bad use for them and you will have major issues.
Unlike other HDDs these are strictly meant for archiving and their performance and limitations will make improper use very apparent. There's a lot of threads around about them and folks that have bought assuming they could use like any old HDD quite often had major issues as they're very different tech.
Thanks Rep for the free shipping to Sydney and OP for posting this deal. Couldn't resist after procrastinated from the SE deal. Ordered 1.
Any specials going on gtx970s? Been checking ozbargain daily hoping to see a PLE rep post one :(
Unfortunately I am in WA haha
Thanks for the links
Doesn't look available? I would buy that, I'm in Melbourne too.
PLE cut it short for unknown reasons. It meant to expire on 31 May 2015. Well, wish PLE could reactivate this deal.
@Joe888: They probably did 2 units at a loss.. good on em tho.. just a shame that they're really out of the way for me otherwise i might visit them a lot more..
Good price btw.
out of stock
You can still backorder
Looks like I got in for a change, pick my too up on the way home. Dam impulse buy:(
Ordered one on back order, telephone inquiry good and are very helpful, order confirmation emailed, if only all stores where so organized.
Hmmm, going to back order one tonight. Looks like a good option to store all those TV and Movie files you accumulte over the years but never have time to rewatch.
Been procrastinating on this.. and now appear to have waited too long. These drives report back up to $359 per unit - FYI.
Doh ;)Ended up buying one at Shopping Express for $309 + 9.25 shipping. expires midnight tonight (25 May 2015) though.
Ok my 8tb HDD just arrived from PLE and I am sorry but in my 20yrs buying IT products from PC stores via mail/internet order I've NEVER seen a mechanical HDD sent packaged as poorly as this one!
It was only in a plain plastic satchel, 2-3 layers of bubble wrap and it's anti-static bag.
And for ANY mechanical HDD, let alone one thats retailing north of $300 thats completely unacceptable.
Now my opinion aside, the simple truth is that the standards set down by ALL HDD MAKERS for posting of HDDs when doing a warranty RMA are very clear and IF I'd sent a faulty HDD back to any of them via this packaging by their rules I could have my warranty claim cancelled! And thats the HDD makers standards, so surely the best guidelines of best practice.
Oh and did I mention that straight into my system and this HDD is immediately showing 5 SMART attributes as 'FAILING'.
This may have absolutely nothing to do with being sent so poorly packaged BUT it's irrefutable that the packaging standard I received from PLE is below industry standards.
Very disappointed as a few bits of hard cardboard and foam (which the IT parts sellers drown in daily!!!) would not have cost them anything extra to have used.
Damn. I get my drive this week. What do you recommend to use to check for errors when first installing a new drive?
IMHO any disk utility that read SMART data from the HDD e.g HD Tune, Crystal Disk Info etc - also prolly best to run a non-quick format and ensure that you do not delete the data from the source until you've used the new HDD for a few weeks. Hopefully yours is fine. :-)
Thanks. Sorry to hear your drive is DOA. I just hope that my shopping express order is packaged well.
Well mine is dead as a doornail. Multiple SMART reading failures in Linux - and won't appear in Win7 (causing the PC to lock up if inserted internally and not being seen as a HDD but a 'device' if in external dock).
Very annoyed and whilst it's incorrect to say the poor packaging caused the fault it definitely didn't help it. Adding weight to this is the drive emits a VERY weird noise when powering up 3-4 loud beepy/groans and then it spins down immediately - which in my very amateurish guess might have something to do with one or more platters being 'out of whack' and so not spinning - that might explain Linux only seeing a 4.1tb volume and the simpler Win7 not seeing as a HDD at all.
Seatools bootable did not register it as a HDD.
Will have to organise an RMA and I will not be contributing a cent on the return postage! Annoying given the good work the PLE rep did that it's undone by shoddy packaging (many HDDs will arrive and work 100% fine packaged like mine BUT it's clearly not up to the maker's standards and suffice to say there's a reason for that).
Well I believe in calling a spade a spade and I emailed all my concerns about both the sub-standard packaging of the HDD and that the HDD was DOA (failing SMART attributes) to PLE late last night.
When I checked my mail this morning there were replies from a Manager at PLE that:
- Acknowledged that this was NOT how they instruct staff to mail out HDDs
- Providing me with a return label for the faulty HDD
- Confirming that it was OK to have a new replacement HDD express posted out to me ASAP (I believe they might be currently out of stock)
So I find that an excellent response and service recovery to whats a small (but important mistake) by one of their junior staff. Those things happen, it's a PITA but whatchagunnadoaboutit.
THAT PLE handled it so quickly and so well has me very impressed as a lot of other stores would first deny, then make excuses and finally ONLY after they're faced with indisputable proof would they reluctantly agree to handle it.
So hopefully others HDDs are fine - if yours is mailed out in the same plastic satchel/bubblewrap do check it thoroughly before deciding it's safe - I'd also consider just letting PLE know that whilst yours is working fine you're not impressed they sent out in that manner, they're aware of it now BUT it can't hurt to reinforce the point by showing the scale of the mistake so it doesn't happen again.
But I'm impressed with their commitment to customer satisfaction, so I'd still very strongly endorse them as a supplier as thats a VERY hard thing to find in the IT parts retailer domain, particularly those stores that are also cost competitive.
PS. Just got another emailed from PLE - they apparently have video cameras above each dispatch area and they reviewed the footage and confirmed that the HDD was sent out NOT to their packaging specifications. They apologised and advised they will correct the staff member who did so to avoid it happening in the future. They also said that apparently only ~4 other HDDs that went out appear to have been packaged in that manner, so hopefully no other people have such issues.
VERY impressed by their professionalism!!! I've had dozens of RMA (returns) through retailers through the years and NO-ONE has handled as quickly and thoroughly as this, not even close.
Wow. Good to know and thanks for keeping the rest of us up to date.
Mine kept dropping offline during write activity, and now is dead too. Time for an RMA.
SeaTools was unable to test/fix though did recognise the drive.Mine was packed as you had reported.
I got mine from Shopping Express and it was packed in an A3 bubblewrap lined envelope, wrapped up and then put into a medium sized cardboard box. It doesn't sound very sturdy but because of the stiffness of the A3 envelope it managed to effectively protect the drive AFAIK.
So far there does not seem to be any issues with the drive. How do you guys know if there are any though? I just downloaded that Seagate Disk Check software and used that to create and format the 8tb (about 7.5 really) partition.
How have these drives performed now that everyone has theirs?
No issues with my one so far.
Just an FYI that this drive is now available for $287.20 delivered.
Price and store in title pls.