This was posted 9 years 9 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt $69 - Target (PS4/XB1)


Latest Target catalogue confirms that the Witcher 3 will be $69 at launch for Xbox One and PS4. This is $10 cheaper than JB HIFI and don't get me started on the EB Price tag.

Don't forget that this game is set to launch on the 19'th and the Target code 15GAMETIME (Thanks to Trent86) for 15% off is valid till the 19'th as well. Would be great if Target has the game on their website by then. It seems that the code has been disabled for this purchase. still a great price however.

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Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • Excellent! Thanks Daztro

  • Target'll probably know OzBargain's onto them and not have TW3 online on the 19th. But let's hope they do, they threw up Kirby Wii U and Puzzles and Dragons Z when they came out and let the code work for them too.

    • they already did this for project cars.

  • Hopefully the 15% off code "15GAMETIME" will work too and combine with $20 off $100 spend AMEX offer (if registered)

  • thanks OP.

  • +3

    For those interested in the EB Games price: $109.95 for preorder:…

    • No suprises there :-P

    • EB Games is always like that but they do honor price matches from what i have personally experienced.

    • I just got my copy from EB Price matched to Target. They didn't even flinch when I asked and I was met with a "Sure thing". This was at EB Garden City.

    • +1

      The $109.95 is the rental price which is fully refunded when you return it within 7 days.

      At least that's the only explanation I can think of.

    • -5

      And how much did that PC cost that can put out PS4 level visuals?

      • 1.5x to 2x the cost of the ps4 :) i'd say … might run ok on most personal desktops and some lappy's i guess .. im assuming thats his point :) if you have both why would you pay 70 if you can pay 20 on pc :) .. personal preference but even as much as i'm a console person i got the $20 version on pc .. hehe

      • +3

        Realistically for the box only (assuming you already have a monitor, mouse and keyboard), probably about $900. Across the life of a console a PC probably works out cheaper because sales are so prevalent, and there's no PS+/XBL requirement for multiplayer, but obviously it depends on your buying habits. Plus, obviously, you also get a computer which does a whole bunch of other things.

        They can be more of a hassle though, sometimes it is nice to know that you can just whack the disc in and go.

        • +18

          "sometimes it is nice to know that you can just whack the disc in and go"


        • yup i agree… im an IT person and even i cbf (maybe more so cuz im in IT ..loll) looking up why the games crashing and what patch was released when.. :) still this time a brand new game at $50 difference i couldn't justify that difference … yes u are correct it'd be around $900 (which is what my box costs and runs the game same as ps4/xb1)

        • @scud70:
          probs even better than console graphics, but there is always a risk of bad ports and glitches etc.

        • +2

          @britta: Says someone who clearly doesn't have an XB1…..

          "Please wait whilst I download 20gb of updates, then you can play your silly game.."

        • @ryang:

          This is true but updated are not mandatory :-)

          Also (on PS4) once you have installed the game on first boot and have a PS+ sub your games update automatically

        • @britta: I haven't had a game yet that didn't require an update during install… O_o

        • -2

          "sometimes it is nice to know that you can just whack the disc in and go"


          And are you able to do that for the PS4? Because the last I saw, depending on date of acquiring the game and the game itself, there can be anything from 5 minutes to an hour of downloads, installs, and updates ABSOLUTELY 100% REQUIRED AND UNSKIPPABLE on console before you can even start the game up.

          Sincerely, a ripped off console gamer who went to PC.

    • +1

      He has a point though. Being a Steam trader, I have over 200 games on steam, none of which I have paid for. Still have hundreds of dollars of profit leftover which I could have never earned through console gaming.

      Indeed console gamers have their reasons; its all opinions and whether people care about the price differences or not.

      • What's a steam trader? Is this that trading card thing?

        • Its much bigger than mere cards, this isn't what i do but its an interesting insight into the amount of money involved with Steam trading.…

        • @prim3: interesting read. I had no idea steam had all these intricacies. I have an absolute shitload of steam games and I always seem to get trading card notifications (that I ignore). Should I be selling these and to who?

        • +1

          If you have a lot say around more than 100 you could sell them on the market and make a few dollars, trading "trading cards" with other players isn't worth the effort since i doubt you would make any substantial profit.

          It indeed is a very niche community, when people see our profiles they just assume we're spoilt gamers who buy whatever they fancy but it really is a complicated world, the opportunities are endless.

  • Thanks for the headsup! Cant wait for this one!!

  • +14

    Have to watch this very very funny: Clueless Gamer: Conan Reviews "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" - CONAN on TBS‏

    • +3

      Laugh so hard and cannot finish this video in the office…

    • +3

      Thanks! That video made my day! Probably Not Safe For Work.

    • +3

      in tears! … brilliant…

    • +1

      Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert!

    • +1

      "I've been in this situation before … This could take months!"

  • +1

    This is a Day one purchase.

  • Pro Tip: if you still have the Amex $20 off Target online deal buy two copies for about $97 delivered including the code Op mentioned . Sell one for $65 on gumtree. You will then be left about $30 out of pocket for your copy….youre welcome

    • -5

      Just get the superior PC version for $20 instead.

      • +2

        This post was clearly labelled xb1/ps4 - so you stopped by just to make a quip on how good pc is? On behalf of us all, thanks champ

  • Target is losing $8 a sale. Their supplier price.

    :EDIT: EX = excluding 10% GST.

    • Unless you're logged in as Target, I wouldn't trust that price..

      Plus you're forgetting to include incentives, claims, etc, that the purchasing department negotiate.

      TLDR: Target aren't losing money. Ever.

      • -1

        Unless you're logged in as Target

        Yeah, unless.

      • +1

        They're not losing money because they've done sales analysis of launch week purchasers of big video game products before and have calculated that average additional in store spend to be higher than the per unit loss on the video game. But loss leading is a well known strategy for big box/variety stores to allow them to offer lower prices than speciality stores.

        • Exactly. You don't look at buy price and just assume you're losing money…

    • +1

      This is not uncommon according to a BIG W buyer I spoke to. Game software are generally sold at a loss, especially big, AAA releases to entice potential buyers to come to store. The actual motive is obvious.

      • +3

        I love this line that gets handed out, when I did publisher sales EB loved to claim that they were losing money on new releases if sold under $79.

        All the big boys also used the line we're losing money and making it up by you coming in and buying other things with it.

        During my time working in this field you'd find with the big boys we'd even have a supply pricing agreement, meaning that we'd feed the little guys a much worse price and fix them at a higher sale price, if they went under it without our approval we'd penalize them.

        It's extremely unfair and horrendous and a lot of the small stores have to sell merch and comics to make ends meet as a new release AAA game would be sold to them at 35 a unit, they would be locked at selling it no lower than $80, and had to ask for approval for any deals dropping it from 89.95 before certain dates.

        Say for example big w and target wont be buying them per unit they will be buying them by crate which will workout to be around 18-20 a unit, they also get approval to be more liberal with their prices.

        Now to the layman your thinking this cant be right, then surely I can get the item for $5 more and they are being greedy, once you apply cost for marketing, cost of shipping, stocking, actually selling, marking down stock, lets factor in another $7 per unit. so new release AAA costing the big boys around the $30 mark on average, factor in copies damaged, stock broken etc add another $10.

        For the smaller retailers (not eb) your looking around 35 a unit to get, but you've got high rent to factor in, staff wages etc. so you probably boil it to around 50-55 a unit, sounds like a lot but when you only sell 20-30 copies on release day your still barely keeping your business going off a release and you also get suckered into buying other games that wont sell as per your agreement and you don't have what the big boys do.

        Sales incentives and loss coverage, notice how a big AAA game is coming out, review embargo gets put on it, big w is first out the gates at $69, target does it for $67. Your thinking damn those are very thin profit lines. The publisher knows the game is gonna stink sales wise as soon as reviews and word of mouth hits, so they will allow a special price for the specified retailer, call it an introductory price etc. still charges them same amount for it but offers them incentives on sales out of the gate which comes off their bill.

        EB has similar things going on but with prices adjusted they prey upon people who oh that game is out, or oh my kid wants this, ill go to eb and not shop around, not price match and purchase at their full inflated rate.

        You wouldnt think this happens but it happens heaps, mom and dad buy little timmy the game for full price none the wiser, then to add to it they've sold them extended warranty and got him to pre-order another game.

        Gotta love having free money sitting around you get interest on from all these pre-orders.

        Then theres the 2nd hand sales boosting them like nothing else.

        So all this stuff about selling at a loss? next time you hear it you know they are full of crap, and anyone who goes oh i've managed an EB i've seen how much we buy it for, oh I know buyers for coles/woolworths… theres a reason your not seeing what they are paying :)

        You think people would be buying pop vinyls at $16 a hit when they realize they are $3.30 inc gst per unit?

        • So all this stuff about selling at a loss? next time you hear it you know they are full of crap

          What's your source? Do you work at one of these suppliers? It's easy to write a long post that seems informed.

          pop vinyls are $3.30 inc gst per unit?

          You see, this is where you lost me. Maybe you did work at a supplier… a few years ago, but prices have raised since then. Cheapest one I can find through a variety of suppliers is $5.91ex and that's clearance stock.

          :EDIT: It seems your information is coming from your friends.

        • @Dagmar: yup :) well found, as i've said, used to work there always good to ask your mates what things are like in the pen, the basics still don't change much.

          Boil it all down simply, no matter how big your business is, it's never good to sell at a loss :)

          And 5.91ex? what deal have they gotten? pop culture were on 4.80 a unit when they scored the last supanova allowing them to be the cheapest there…

        • And 5.91ex? what deal have they gotten?

          Clearance stock on True Blood, mainly Bill & Sookiee. I'm more than willing to agree that $4.80 could of been the norm during that particular Supernova, prices fluctuate. And it's quite possible that Pop Culture could of skipped out on delivery costs if their supplier was close by the Supavova.

        • Gotta say I'm happy to have read your post, acex. I love those insights. Thanks for taking your time to do this.

  • +1

    Target always have incredible sales, but they never have anything in stock at my local store…even when I go in 9am, launch day.

    EDIT: This is Southland, Melbourne.

    • +1

      Agreed with Target Indooroopilly and Target Mt Ommany (Brisbane). Both stores I've checked recently have said come back in a day or so…pretty poor really when the catalog advertises the release date.

    • Agree. No targets near me (Marion SA and Castle Plaza SA) ever have any games. The staff always complain that they advertise these prices and only get 3-4 copies… it's great.

      Luckily for me, EB pricematched Target when it came to Bloodborne. Not sure they'll do it again though, they were quite hesitant.

      • That seems to be the plan from Target. They are more than likely taking a loss on these prices so are minimizing that by only having a few copies per store and hoping the catalogs generate enough foot traffic to create sales elsewhere.

        I also had a similar experience with Bloodborne. EB upstairs at Indooroopilly shopping centre would not price match because they knew Target didn't have stock on release day. (So I went to JB instead)

  • EB's always retail, and if the EB is located near a JB or the like they generally sell them for the same price, or even $1 less without matching.

    • I haven't found that to be the case, but all the EBs I've gone to are happy to price match. If you're paying full price at EB you're paying too much.

      I prefer price matching at EB though because they sell sealed games and the department stores don't seem to. I've had numerous times where bonus content had already been redeemed after a Target or Big W purchase so never again.

      • I know the main EB in Adelaide is located next to one, both underground together so they almost have to. Sometimes other stores (and online) flag them as manager specials.

        • +1

          Oh right, then yep I've definitely seen that at my local EB

  • is this being released for PC too?

    • +1
      • +3

        Joe Hockey will have none of this.

        You will be forced to pay $1.50 GST soon!

        • -3

          I'm waiting for them to introduce GST on pirated torrents.

    • -1

      It's a PC game with a console port.

    • Speaking of PC, the Steam price got ungouged just today. From it's so called "preorder discount" at $75 USD, it's now $60 USD (same price as the US).

  • -8

    Ouch! You poor console users have it pretty rough if $70 is considered a bargain price.

    • +1

      Stop trolling for a fanboy fight

      • +4


      • -6

        There's nothing to debate, argue or fight about though?

    • Most grown ups don't have time to fiddle around with office equipment for entertainment purposes squirt.

      • -8

        You squirt for entertainment?

    • nonsense

  • +3

    What's happened to the Dick Smith $59 preorders?

    • 49.99$ when they had 10$ off codes :(

    • +2

      Added to the exclusion list

    • My local DSE still does me all Xbox One games at $59 when I preorder. :)

    • I probably purchased 5 - 6 titles with the laydown 10 recieve 10 off offer. However they got lazier and lazier at the Tuggerah store. Often understaffed with too many customers. I ended up waiting 25 mintues at the counter as the store person assisted customers on her way to grab Bloodborne from the back of the store. Eventually she came back and told me it wasn't there and would order another in for pickup at a later date. I kindly declined and went to Target & have been ever since.

  • Great job, have been looking for this forever.

  • Now I just need to somehow get the money together, damn bills!

  • Looks like it's not available online.

    • They may put it up some time today but you are right. Its not available online and doesn't look promising for the moment. =/

  • Anyone played it yet? what are the impressions does it live to the hype?

  • so what's the verdict? buy in-store as unlikely it'll be up on the web?

  • Someone reply to my comment when it's on the website so I can buy it for $58.65 TIA!

    • or mine :)

    • +1
      • Thank you so much

        edit: shame the code has expired. Oh well, I will wait for this one to get a bit cheaper :)

        Target gets $0 from me as opposed to $58

  • Must wait to see if target update their website…

  • a reply to a post on the target facebook page says that they are working on getting the game up onto their online store later today.

    • where does it say that? all the posts I've seen just says they are releasing it for $69…

    • It's online
      XBOX ONE

  • 15GAMETIME code is not valid for this purchase

    • same here. Still good price

  • HALO MCC is only $37 - good value for the 4 games i reckon

  • It's online but not working with the '15GAMETIME' code. Ah well.

  • so just to confirm. Will EB Price match?

    • They did for me

      • cool did you just show them the website to laso?

        • I asked if they wanted me to show them the catalogue and they said "no need, I know its cheaper there". I would have shown them Lasoo if they had asked.

        • +1

          Cool thanks i got it..
          Was a bit awkward since they were shutting down but oh well :)

        • @letthiswork1: who cares you got the price match gj :)

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