This was posted 9 years 9 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Mario Party 10 Wii U $49.30, Project Cars XB1 $63, COD AW $50.15 +More Games @Target

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Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    Plus Amex credit if you have one would make it lower than $40 each which is insanely cheap.

    • Thanks I've added that in :)

    • -2

      Huh? Why bring that up?

      AFAIK you can't sign up for that offer anymore. I tried getting an amex just to sign up for the target deal, but I can't. It's a direct issue amex, not bank issue amex that I got.

      • +2

        Maybe because people already have the offer waiting to be used? If you can't sign up anymore because the limit has been hit, then that's a different thing.

        • -2

          Yeah except that the post makes it appear that you can still get it. The post needs to be clear that you can't - you must have the offer already.

  • +1

    Really good price for Battlefield hardline COD AW Not so much.

    • +1

      seen a better price for AW?

  • Project Cars, yes please.

  • Thanks, I grabbed Majora's Mask.

  • I have all the Nintendo games I want, but nice deal and up voted accordingly

    • +1

      Agree. Good price for excellent, must-have first party Nintendo games.

  • Cheers OP :)

  • +1

    Target, where is the new Wii U Kirby game?! :)

    • Also Fire Emblem: Awakening. Was hoping to pick it up with Majora's Mask.

      • Target never sold Fire Emblem unfortunately.

    • +4

      It doesn't seem to show up when you search Kirby but it's here for $48, so it should go down to $40.80

      • +1

        Thank you thank you thank you!!! Thank you!

        • Am I doing something wrong, applying code but says it isn't valid.

        • @brendanAUS: Not working for me know as well

        • @Dany34: i paid for a copy click and collect just 5 minutes ago and it worked fine…

        • @Tal_Shiar: Maybe because I used the code previously?

        • @Dany34: try another e-mail dude…

        • @Tal_Shiar: Thanks, resolved it. Used the promo code a few weeks ago when they had a similar sale.

  • Thanks, grabbed Captain Toad

  • Doesn't work for bank issue AMEX?

  • +2

    wow, paid around 50 for Captain Toad a week ago don't regret. Great fun to play with my 6yo.

    • +1

      Paid about 60-70 for it on release as a present for my son. He loved it to bits and still plays it occasionally. At this price, it's a good bargain.

  • Captain Toad - Wii U
    Currently unavailable online

  • +1

    Captain Toad sold out :( too late - whilst in my basket, bugger

    • -2

      It's alright, at $40 it works out to about $10 per hour of gameplay which is still a bit pricey.

      • Maybe if you just want to get to the end of the level, but it will take much longer than that to get 100% on the game.

        1. Sell it on ebay when done playing for ~$50.
        2. Profit.
  • +3

    Why is Mario Kart 7 still so expensive? :(

    • All mario games are expensive. Try eBay or gumtree if you don't mind preowned

      • +1

        I've been keeping an eye on ebay they normally end up around $40

        So I just ordered it from Target

        Mario Kart 7 and Smash Brothers for $102 so $82 after AMEX cash back) delivered

        • Around $30 in WA but new worths it still at $40. Much like MK8 except for a downsize screen and graphic but plenty of fun.

    • I know, this is one I want, along with pikmin 3 and hyrule warriors on U.. Waiting for the right price! Target doesn't even stock those latter two :-(

    • +1

      Nintendo doesn't usually drop prices. They never do.

  • Seems the code doesn't work now?

    • +2

      I just tried and it still works, make sure your in CAPS, Or it might be a one use code :)

      • +1

        Ohhhh! You are right. I signed in with my wife's account and the code worked. It looks like it's an one-use code. Thank you. I bought the MH4.

  • It says wait 4 - 10 days for click and collect. Any one with experience clickin n' collectin know if it actually takes that long?

    • +1

      A friend of mine says it took him 3 days, although it might vary based on stock.

      • +1

        Did three orders between the 11th and 12th. I've collected all three, so for me it was a 3 day turn around.

    • +1

      Took me a few days last time because they had to transfer what I ordered from another store or warehouse.

    • I used click&collect twice. The fist time it took 3 business days coz Target shipped the Xenablade from Melbourne to Sydney target. The second time only took me 1 day which I believe they had it in stock.

    • +2

      Unfortunately it does. Rather than using your local stores stock, they actually ship the game to the store, and then you pick it up. Seems like they're kind of missing the point of click and collect.

  • -3

    Still expensive. Can't see any amazingly good prices.

    • +1

      I can't recall many of those games listed ever being cheaper….

  • Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire worth getting at that price?

    • Probably depends if you like pokemon or not ;) I don't think it's ever been cheaper so that's something, decent game too but it wouldn't be my favourite in the series.

    • pkmon games rarely drop in price like mario

    • if you want the game then probably yes, pretty much the same as the 2nd hand price.

    • Just been wondering as there has been no announcement of an upcoming game this year. I've wanted to try out ORAS for a while but don't know if it's a bit late given that a new game could be on the horizon.

  • "Hopefully they keep the code up :)"

    Code expires 19th May Trent86

    • When The Witcher 3 comes out… hmm…

  • +2

    $66 for Bloodborne! Gogogo!

    This is a damn curse!!

    • +2

      You plague ridden rat!

    • +2

      "This town's finished…"

    • +2

      Foul beast!

    • -5

      still too expensive >.< maybe around 30$ in 6 months :D

  • damn, paid $55 for monster hunter last week !

  • Ah crap, just got Project CARS yesterday at Big W for $78 :( Any chance Big W have a price guarantee so I can get my $15 back? :P

  • Bought MH4 from Target last night for $46. Reckon I should cancel and rebuy?

  • "Currently unavailable online" for Smash Brothers. Do Target usually get more stock online in before codes expire?

  • Aw man, I just bought 2 of these games a week ago. Any idea if I can go back to Target and get a price adjustment for the difference in price?

  • Waiting till June - Must play MH4 on big screen. (repeating mantra inside my head)

    • +1

      Big screen MH4? I thought it wasn't coming to WiiU.

      • +1

        It is. BELIEVE

        • I sure hope so. I thought you might be referring to monster hunter online entering the beta phase in june.

  • +1

    Just tried to use the code again and it is not working. Is it one off use? Or did they get rid of it?

    • It's a one use code I think, you need to make or use another account

      • Do you know how long the code lasts?

        • Think it ends 19th

        • @TRENT86: Yep, it's one use and ends on the 19th.

  • Damn literally just went to get my credit card and Project Cars was removed from my basket.

    No stock online :-(

    • +1

      Yeah only xb1 version left :(

  • Awesome! Got Project Cars for $62.90! Cheers bloke. Now I'm going to spend the $36.10 I saved on a slab so I can drink drive for hours! :)

  • With the AMEX cashback.
    Picked up XB1 Project Cars and Mortal Combat X for ~$55 each delivered.
    thx OP!

  • Thanks OP & durd0008. Picked up Kirby RP, good price for a new release!

  • The PC version of Project Cars on a high end graphics card is better than the PS4 version (which itself is better than the XO version)… I did notice seems to have project cars on sale with delivery working out to AU$48.98

  • Ah damn, looks like it's been Ozbargained :)

    • Yep… just when I was gonna jump on Kirby's price and ORAS.

      • Kirby is back up again but you better be quick

  • Grabbed Kirby. Cheers.

  • Project cars out of stock on ps4 :(

  • We missed out on captain toads but got Kirby instead! thanks!!

  • Thanks for this. Just ordered a click + collect copy of Kirby. Damned good price for a new title!

  • Bugger. Looks like Puzzle & Dragons has been OzBargained. Grabbed a copy of Kirby at least. Cheers OP!

  • Missed a copy of Monster Hunter =( Anyone managed to grab a couple or have one I could pick up in Melbourne/South East today?

  • +4

    I went into the Target Southland store and asked for the 15% discount on their $48 stock and got Captain Toad for $40.80.
    Just had to show them the thread and code, real nice about it.

  • Don't buy Battlefield Hardline, guys. It's a real boring time.

  • Thanks got ours!

  • Code has expired

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