This was posted 9 years 10 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

(Sydney) Network Video Stanmore Closing down Sale - Movies (New/Weekly), Series, Racks, Snacks


Just saw this on Reddit. Some people might like getting hard copies for like memorabilia on the cheap or probably just get some useful furniture. Though the weather in Sydney isn't all that good to go out in, if you're nearby you might want to check it out.

Hi all. As the title says: Network Video Stanmore is closing down and is selling all its stock. - Weeklys are $3 each, 10 for $25, 20 for $40. - New arrivals appeared to be about $5 each. - I think entire series were $5 and $3 if they only had one or two disks. They had tonnes of new and old series, some of which are still current (Sons of Anarchy) and old-but-good types (Buffy, Deep Space Nine, Battlestar Galactica…) - They are also selling some of their store-fitted DVD racks ($10), snacks (drinks, chocolates, popcorn, chips, lollies, ice creams, etc. - some out of date but who cares. I saw a Buffalo Bill for $1), and games for different consoles (I saw Super Mario 64 for $1).

Not sure why they are shutting down, and I'm not affiliated with them in any way, but figured I would help get the word out.

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closed Comments

  • +8

    It's pretty obvious why video stores are shutting down.

    • I love my local video rental shop - I wait a little after release then rent Blu-Rays for a week for $3. Disk's video and sound quality beats anything I could stream over my ADSL.
      Instead of sitting on my ass hitting remote control, I get up and walk to the store, so, also improves my health.
      Store also keeps locals employed and contributes to community prosperity - what goes around comes around.

  • +11

    I LOVE the streaming services we get these days. Personally, I use Presto and love it. So amazing and convenient.

    I do have to say though, I miss the shit out of video stores. Have some great memories. Riding bikes down as kids 25 years ago to read the gaming mags they had and drool at all the NES games. Browsing hundreds of titles for something that stood out. Being a teenager and looking for movies with the highest tits to screen time ratio. And when my now wife and I started dating, we would go there and grab a few movies to watch with some chocolate and popcorn for a night of entertainment. All from the same place over decades. It might be easier these days, but there is a certain charm missing that my kids will never understand, which is sad.

    • +5

      I have that same nostalgic feeling for old brick and mortar comic book shops. The comic book shop I went to as a kid had this great guy behind the counter, David. He would always recommend me the stuff he thought I'd like, and some which he thought would make me broaden my interests. There were times when I couldn't afford to buy anything, so he would offer to save them for me for when I could save up enough to buy them. It took months for me to save up enough, and though some of the prices of the books went up in that time, he still sold them to me the cover price. I miss the times my mates and I would hang out there and play MTG, drinking cheap coffee, discussing the new and old story arcs, etc. I remember being saddened by the shop closing down to make room for the expansion of Westfield Parramatta. The next closest comic book shop I knew of was too far for me to hang out in after school. It felt like a part of my childhood closed down with it

      • +3

        Whilst I appreciate the convenience of online shopping, I feel sad that future generations will never have this level of service from people passionate about what they sold.

        • +1

          i always thought it was the all in one shopping malls that killed off the majority of small business

        • @Settero: Corner and specialist stores,Main street shops,One stop malls and now online shopping/streaming all in the quest for convenience and profit.

  • Wow… Now to get myself a vcr and/or a dvd and/or blue ray player!

  • +2

    Internet killed the video stores.

    • And the printing industry
      And it's killing the travel consultant industry
      And more will be killed…

      But I couldn't go back to a time before the internet

  • Gone are the days of scratched DVDs that didn't work, ir V.H.S. Tapes that had been played so many times they were all distorted beyond what the 'tracking' function could fix

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